Harry potter and the possessive husband fanfiction. "Remus, we're partners and that's final.

Harry potter and the possessive husband fanfiction Possessive. Lucius is only-"Trying to be a thorn in my life! Why don't you find someone else to bother?" Sirius huffed. This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. A. "I might have been wrong too—" Harry admitted, having already spent many a long hour defending Severus against multiple thick-headed comers but having taken some time to personally accept Feb 15, 2020 · He grabbed Harry by his bicep, making him abruptly stop Purring and heaved his shocked form on his right shoulder. That being said, James is quite proud of Sirius for being able to keep his overprotective urges down when it comes to Remus. It was a Ravenclaw seventh year who asked him out. It was a miracle that they hadn't been disqualified for cheating. Bill Weasley/Harry Potter – Bill will see Harry as an equal in intelligence and power. "That's wonderful, Harry. All rights to Harry and any other recognizable characters remain with JK Rowling. Not only was he dealing with an exceptionally moody husband he was also dealing with two troublesome sons. Jul 6, 2017 · Harry nodded "If you're sure, but I'm not sure if I can tell you about it" "If you want, I can perform Legilimency on you, that is entering your mind and going through your memories" Tonks suggested. " Hermione felt a lump in her throat. You're one of my best friends. The Marauders discover something during their time at school, it let them see the life of the unborn Harry Potter, the most powerful wizard of all time. This is my very first fic, Harry will have a possessive boyfriend, a veela, and he will be the submissive one. Ron seemed to be muttering about something in the corner and by the looks of it she could tell that he was in a foul mood and decided to avoid him just like Ginny and Harry. Last time had been when he was around eight and swore he would marry his nanny because she was really nice and took care of him. Two "EATING!" Harry interrupted quickly, almost desperately. Follow/Fav Possessive. Hermione's entire face turned red. As he reaches a conclusion to his thoughts, he makes a vow that will change the entire world as they know it as truths buried are uncovered while a revolution looming over the horizon is born. The wizarding world has fallen under Voldemort’s tyrannical rule, and Harry, forced to ally with his former enemy to protect his friends, faces a dark and conflicted Harry approaches Hermione with a serious message: “Someone is chasing me down through time, and we need to catch them before they change the past and the future. It's a canonical tag. - Harry/Multi - WARNING:MATURE THEMES "Nargles are persistent creatures, Lord Wrackspurt," Luna responded gravelly, "They're also very possessive of the things they steal. Harry had saved Dobby several years earlier when he was being abused by his former master, the Malfoys. Harry just plainly did not want this mans hand ever going into his pants (rather nappy) ever again! "Mr. Chapter One: Stillness Dismantled Harry Potter's name on a deed to a house would be a giveaway as to where they were. Harry was practically beside himself. It was on this particular morning that Harry Potter and his friends sat at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast. Draco had never seen Harry look so happy. house, neglected andor sibling supposed savior, Severitus, independent, aliases, vamp, veela, elf, wolf, some xovers, and much more but you get the gist. Minerva was acting more possessive than usual, which she knew had a lot to do with Narcissa being rather clingy of her. Hermione decides to make Draco Jealous by flirting with Blaise Zambini in from of him. Hermione had barricaded herself in her bedroom and would not come out. . The next chapter will be better. " What? thought Harry. Post MPREG. " "And I you. ” Voldemort's single-minded obsession with killing Harry Potter grinds to a halt when he discovers what Harry is. "I love you Severus Snape. Harry Riddle- Love is a different time by SquibNation10. Mr and Mrs Dursley of Number 4, Privet Drive were perfectly ordinary people. Harry just agreed with him while wondering what he could do help cheer his husband up. "Remus, we're partners and that's final. It means a lot to me. They waited in the kitchen, each with a wand in one hand and a broom in the other. ” I've been going through the possessive behavior tag on AO3, and I can't seem to find any stories where Harry is just super protective/possessive of Draco. Notes: 0. Would love some recommendations! Sep 12, 2013 · Harry blushed scarlet with his body's instant reaction to the other's possessive gaze. He had even made Andromeda the secret-keeper. Your husband's gay. Story is major OT and no amount of flaming can correct that. His hips were thrusting according to the speed he set. "Go ahead" However, that didn't stop our young hero Harry Potter-Black's name being called as Hogwarts champion. He knew that Potter knew about the horcruxes; this had surprised Draco. "As long as we're making metaphors, you're the jealous wife then? Get over it. Harry called to the parlour room when he heard the Floo activate. That, and surprisingly active… in more ways then one. This subreddit is dedicated to artwork, fanfiction, memes and discussions involving the romantic pairing of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. In the weeks up to the final battle Draco had made a friendship with Hermione, but it was not to be with her friends Weasley and Potter they still did not trust him. " Ginny and Harry seemed to be staring off into each other's eyes, once again. The thought of his naked virgin husband was enough to send him over the edge. Tom is seven years old and seven months when Harry suddenly appears- as if by magic into his room in Wool's Orphanage, and subsequently in his life. Miko - Special Edition Chapter. " Harry tugged Severus closer and just held him for a few moments, until he pulled back and let Severus place the band on his finger. How long have you been up, sweetheart?' One would believe Harry hates how possessive Tom was over him, but Harry glows in the attention. It's why I've never had the thought of getting my things back," she leaned in closer and whispered in a conspiring tone, "I think it's because Nargles are cold-blooded. Apparently Bertram and Leander hadn't heeded their dad's warning and pulled quite the April Fools prank. "I'll grab your dress, Mione. Harry x Ginny. Scanning the sky, she awaited the signs, tensing as she ran over the trip in her mind, noting the possible complications. It wasn't every day that Blaise got a crush on someone. " Remus looked concerned. She missed the Draco Malfoy who smelled of peppermint and cologne; not the one who reeked of firewhiskey and haunted her dreams and memories. Harry saw Snape glare at his Slytherin golden boy for a slight moment before using his wand to re-leash Hermione back to her bed. I'm so happy for both of you. He goes back to the past with his godson Teddy, in an alternative universe, adopts Tom Riddle, and raises the boy to follow the right path. Hermione rolled her eyes and went back to her food. Hermione hadn't said much since she had returned and Jane was worried. " Harry reached out and took her hand. Just as he finally managed to pull Hermione away from her friends and back towards the castle, Ginny spoke. No, when his name was called, heir Potter-Black refused to Harry chuckled at the girls and laid his head back and relaxed until he heard a pop. The arm flew straight in the air, fingers tense and upright, "Minister Shacklebolt, a question. All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. So, Andromeda was used. " Draco Malfoy saw his beloved from many paper and parchment on his desk. It didn't hurt that Draco had asked his godfather to lay off his attacks on the poor boy. "Hi, love. Members Online Any recs for a NON-toxic, possessive, protective, jealous Draco in denial? Dramione ONE-SHOT. "Hey, babe. But after every argument they had over his jealousy and possessiveness the sex was explosive. The second incident was private. By: AuroraEsme. Members Online Dramione where H initially likes or is dating Ron, then gets with Draco? I've been going through the possessive behavior tag on AO3, and I can't seem to find any stories where Harry is just super protective/possessive of Draco. She always is. Hermione Granger, the war hero, the brains and the bookworm of the golden trio, graduated Hogwarts on time with her two best friends Ron Weasely and Harry Potter. But sparing him reveals a weakness Voldemort never knew he had. Thirty years after the final battle, Harry Potter lives a life marked by irony and pain. Severus had begrudgingly agreed, especially after the secretive events of the past summer. N Yes, a marriage law fic :P I'M SORRY! But I read a couple and I liked the idea so I really wanted to try one out. It lasted only a moment, and then Harry heard the crunching of leaves as someone moved closer to Hermione. Jan 24, 2022 · This subreddit is dedicated to artwork, fanfiction, memes and discussions involving the romantic pairing of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. After Ron leaves Harry alone in the Hospital Wing with a petrified Hermione, Harry begins to muse upon his female friend. It might appear as though he was looking at the gardens bathed in moonlight, but he was replaying the events of the night. Paved With the Best Intentions by Ailora. Sep 10, 2023 · Six months ago, when a recently married Harry Potter jokingly acted as if he was extremely vulnerable to suggestion while under the influence of Fleur Delacour's most powerful allure, he thought she'd merely laugh at his antics. Harry had confidence in dealing with the subject now. As did Harry's. Harry trusted her. He also wanted to go for Potter, but unfortunately Draco had already made a promise to someone else about Potter's fate. Guess he forgot that their relationship was still a secret. There’s a baby in Gawain Robards’ arms. "Harry, just keep following Tonks, whatever you do. We can do anything in life as long as we have each other. " "Yes, of course. Pairings: VOTE – Bill Weasley/Harry Potter, Remus Lupin/Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Harry Potter or Charlie Weasley/Harry Potter. "Sirius, don't be mean. Nov 7, 2010 · Marked not only by the bruising teeth marks but his seed that was spilt in a place he later learned no one had ever done. He was about to walk over and investigate when he heard the cracking sound that signalled apparition. " Harry leaned over and kissed the top of her head before he turned back to gaze at the train. The class gasped in unison. Possessive Voldemort (Harry Potter) Angst; I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping; Summary. With Pettigrew's unknowing help, I switched the babies. Harry Potter had escaped his grip too many times and Draco knew that this battle was going to end it all. " There was a heavy, intense pause. His mother now free of the clutches of her husband gave Draco free reign on what he wanted to do in life. Despite Sirius's inability to feel real love sometimes, James knows that his soul-brother really does love Remus. His little lioness cursed the Weasel to kingdom come. "Master Harry, the mail has arrived and there are several items that are for you. "Of course, Harry. [c/w for battle scenes, both real and implied violence, graphic injuries, and serious danger] Marcus Flint is a possessive man by nature so when he sees his girlfriend in the arms of another man he doesn't hesitate to say something or throw a few punches. She's a bit possessive you know. But unfortunately tonight wasn't a night for games … Feb 21, 2021 · I’m looking for a harmony fic with a possessive Harry, or one where there’s enemies to lovers. I wrote this book almost 7 years ago and I am finally going to finish it. Her husband, David had also tried to get Hermione to talk but with no success. Harry Potter and the Possessive Husband by Tory Amane reviews. Narcissa was having trouble sleeping and a couple times a week would ask Hermione to sit with her until she fell asleep, which once Gabrielle caught wind of that couldn't help glaring at Hermione any time she saw her. Don't own HARRY POTTER. A few days after the fall of the Dark Lord, the entire Wizarding World was surprised with the news about the Potter heir and the Prince-Snape heir being married for 2 years and already parents of a cute three month old baby named Harry Severun Potter-Snape at the young age of 20. Not wanting to, but knowing that he had to, Harry poked Cedric awake. He smiled a little. Harry Potter and the Sacred Stone. Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Jun 7, 2012 · "Um guys, Ginny won't be happy if you fight", said Harry weakly. He reached his husband place. " Harry turned to see one of his house elves named Dobby. Saturday 11am. Somehow it was like Draco's confusion was totally overlooked. "Harry! Sweetie!" a familiar voice interrupted them and it took all Hermione's jaw muscles to keep her mouth closed as Pansy lowered herself into Harry's lap and kissed him in Welcome to The Mark of His. They had broken almost every rule in the book in order to win. April-Month Three. Really short chapter, but I just need to get the introduction and the next few will be longer. It was smart, really. " "Don't be daft. " Without another word, Harry boarded the Hogwarts' Express. Cedric's eyes fluttered open and he gazed around blearily for a few moments, looking, in Harry's opinion, totally adorable. "You see, James and Lily Potter had given birth to a still-born baby two days after my son was born. Slytherin were ruthless this year. He had already gotten changed earlier and felt on edge about this man doing it again. Somewhere inside the over possessive man that had been here for the past few months, was the Draco she knew and loved. " "It isn't! It isn't me!" There was a thin line between being protective and being possessive, but, Lucius reasoned as he gently tugged a blushing Harry away from another flirting shopkeeper and Apparating them home, no one would know if he kept his young lover in a room under lock and key, safe from prying eyes and those with decidedly perverse thoughts. Not that Harry was a virgin, because he wasn't, but to be fucked without protection wasn't a spur of the moment decision. "Marry me, Harry Potter, and make me incandescently happy. I do not own Harry Potter. Then Harry got an idea. Harry approaches Hermione with a serious message: “Someone is chasing me down through time, and we need to catch them before they change the past and the future. Read and Review, please x. Jan 12, 2010 · "Hermione Granger," Scabior read, "the Mudblood who is known to be travelling with Harry Potter. Was this his wife speaking? She hated violence! Mar 15, 2018 · No one could deny what was in front of them. He was jealous and possessive; and in the right amount; that was attractive, but sometimes he just drove her crazy. Feb 21, 2025 · Dark Harry Potter; Possessive Voldemort (Harry Potter) Harry Potter is a Horcrux; Other Additional Tags to Be Added; Summary. "Would you prefer Mrs Potter?" Carrow asked. They had spent most of their school years searching for hocruxes. A tight lipped frown formed on her face almost immediately, knowing that there were very few that And in this case, Harry should feel slighted for what you did. Not at all. Hermione was still in her bed; she rolled over and bumped into a solid wall of Draco Malfoy. A possessive hand slapped lightly on his behind made him purr suggestively, completely submitting to the Prime Alpha's whims. His Omega Pussy became damp with slick; it was just under his testicles, between them and his puckered hole. SSJP. Seven years and counting as lovers and yet he still couldn't control his initial response. " Snorts and chuckles arose within the amply sized room where all people had gathered upon invitation; the Ministry had lured everyone in, under the pretence of an urgent matter concerning the majority of the Wizardry population. You've always been there for me. You get to see a lot of jealous, possessive and angry Draco. Harry tried to sit up but Cedric's arm tightened around him when he moved and he found himself pinned, quite comfortably, to the ground. At a party, it seems like Lily gets a little too possessive of James. I decided that they were the perfect couple. Thanks! "You see, James and Lily Potter had given birth to a still-born baby two days after my son was born. Potter, you will find that privacy has now become a thing of the past. Things were going to change soon, and Draco could not wait. Its jealousy Disclaimer: I wanted to own Harry Potter, but J. "It's the end of a chapter, but the start of a new one. May 31, 2019 · *Warnings*: Romance, Unhealthy Relationships, Obsession, Possessive Tom Riddle, Master of Death Harry Potter, Time Travel, Tom Riddle was Raised by Harry Potter, Manipulative Tom Riddle, Emotional Manipulation, Dubious Consent, Angst. FanFiction | unleash Books Harry Potter. An adorable baby, at that: bright-eyed, pink-cheeked, and currently drooling on expensive Auror robes. They were only a year apart in age and dated during their Hogwarts years. "'Mi's right. Lord Voldemort won. He loves how Tom is protective of him, so protective that he would kill for him, but Harry doesn't know that. The best Harry centered HP fics pairings vary, most are het or gen but a few slash that include: AU, time!dimension travel, powerful, betrayed, dark!light!gray, azkaban, diff. 'Having fun, love?' Hermione heard her husband drawl. -----Chapter 1 Those words just cut through the tense air around Harry like a knife. Sorry to say, its too far gone. The Ministry had fallen. Harry shrugged, at that point, he didn't really care anymore, he was too relieved to have someone listening to him for a change. But one anti-social, possessive, and obsessed with him ward wasn't what he expected to deal with. AN: Harry potter is not mine. "Not fair," Ginny muttered, "I do!" Everyone ignored her. Dec 13, 2015 · SnarryDrarry is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. " Then Susan looped her hand around Harry's and walked away with her fellow Hufflepuff muttering his thanks to her. In which Hermione is Minister for Magic, Harry is Head Auror, and nothing goes according to plan. He knew that the wedding was getting closer and closer, and with the passing of each day and the nearing of the 'Big Day' Bill came to visit him more and more… "You see, James and Lily Potter had given birth to a still-born baby two days after my son was born. Hermione had not realised that ever since the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry had been in contact with her frequently, to check on his godson, Teddy Lupin. Arthur looked furious. Disclaimer: Me no own Harry Potter. May 30, 2022 · Tags: Manipulation, Dubious Consent, Master of Death Harry Potter, Horcrux Influence, Sane Tom Riddle, Possessive Tom Riddle, Change of Identity, Scar Horcrux, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Dimension Travel, Body Modification, Male Pregnancy, Minor and Major Character Death. Sirius's lack of love and affection as a child can also make him incredibly jealous and possessive. Types of Relationships: 1. Potter swore loudly and started cursing at his best mate. Lucius Malfoy has always been in love with Severus Snape. Harry caressed his husband shoulder which covered in white shirt. Said redhead made her way to her husband with her hands planted on her hips. Nov 24, 2013 · The odds seemed to be against the latter team. You can use it to filter works and to filter bookmarks. Dumbledore/Weasley(cept ginny, twins, bill, Charlie and Arthur)/Hermione bashing. She rushed into her weary husband's embrace as his arms wrapped around her with a possessive, all-encompassing welcome to his witch's loving attention. Would love some recommendations! Chapter One. Harry Potter who has been a Malfoy has a little secret which he hiding it from his husband. ————————————————————— One year passed. Just out of Hogwarts, she already had a job at the ministry working as the assistant director of Muggle Relations. Very much so full of mature content. At dinner, Lavender begged for details—did you Jul 20, 2004 · All of Harry's friends and Draco's relatives (that weren't Death Eaters) where there. Ginevra and her brothers joined in cursing their moronic brother to the pits of hell. Here is the next chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it. "Potter is, after all, a noble house—perhaps Madam Potter would be best?" His jagged smirk cut across the room. Luna came out of the bathroom to find her husband of 7 years standing stiffly at the large windows in their bedroom, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl marring his handsome features. Harry and Draco had already got each other presents, though of course they didn't know about them. The stillness of the house seemed to shudder, as she slowly turned her head toward the direction of the intrusion. Harry looks from Robards, to Kingsley Shacklebolt and Professor McGonagall, and finally, to the portrait of Albus Dumbledore, temporarily presiding from the office of the Minister for Magic. As Tom broke her with his sharp kisses and greedy touch, Harriet delighted in his possessive love. "Harry…Harry…" Gasps and groans filled the gloomy study. Silence initially greeted him, the lack of reply making him wonder if it was one of their children getting up to no good again. And as Draco held Harry close, Harry cried tears of happiness, and danced the night away, midnight approached quickly. 'Mmmh yes. K Rowling wouldn't let me. Harry had become surprisingly good at Potions since their Fifth Year started. Her husband was the head of the household, the protector, the provider, and more, though Harriet realized she ultimately held the power in their relationship. "You know what girl? This picture looks a hell of a lot like you. But Lucius was a Malfoy and when he graduated he had to get married, but he couldn't marry a Half-blood like Severus. This book is based in a Harry Potter world where Voldemort died when Harry was a baby and there are no death eaters. Honored Bruce kept a possessive hold over his lover, fiancé, and then husband. " I want the whole fucking world to know that I'm yours, that I'm Lady Primrose Malfoy, devoted wife to Lord Draconius Malfoy, the most wonderful and possessive husband in the world and the most talented and pleasurable lover I could have ever hoped for. Heir Potter-Black, as many of us know, is only 14, yet somehow his name was selected by the cup. Potter always seemed to get by on pure luck and assistance from his friends, mostly Hermione's brains, but destroying horcruxes took real expertise and strength. Harry knew the teen; they had even talked once before. They watch as he grows, falls in love and becomes the most feared man in the world. She was far too busy demanding he take off his pants. The next day would be Valentine's Day. " Harry gave his husband a warm smiley smile. "I won't be happy", she said. Always. "Thank you, Hermione. It was quite sweet if she did say so herself. His mother went silent and cried into her husband's shirt. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Now before any of you get upset, thinking the young man cheated, rest assured he didn't. Sirius even pulled a neat trick, returning from the dead, but as he explained, he wasn't really dead. Well, she didn't. Draco is more than capable of dealing with him. Draco was sick all day and blamed Harry whenever he got the chance. He is aware of students disappearing but he doesn't question it, believing ignorance is a bliss. She forced herself to smile. Like reptiles. This is an anti-Ron book and a possessive, dark Draco storyline. Nov 22, 2024 · Harry Potter's own perspective on his first year at Hogwarts has been documented quite prominently and can be read up on in any well-stocked bookshop. It will begin with sexual tension on part of Bill and when he finally acts on it. Under the table, hidden from view, Severus hand was moving at a fast pace. After James Potter was arrested by Death Eaters, and the Order’s ploy to destroy Voldemort failed, Lily was desperate to protect her daughter’s life. It took two class periods before the entire school knew. " Harry fell back onto the bed and opened his arms and legs, "Come on, lover. We'll work something out. "But I'd love to see Mc Man-Whore get what he deserves. Killing him isn’t an option. Thanks! Sirius rolled his eyes. His mother was usually too busy finding a new victim… husband, to mind too much about Blaise. Hermione and Viktor had been together since Hermione was 18. This story will be slash, and will start with Harry's point of view of how his life is now; he will have flashbacks, of how the Potters treated him. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Four years after the war, Harry decides that everyone needs a second chance. Tonks stood in the open back door, Harry directly behind her and the others arrayed past him. " Harry's expression grew more serious. This is my First slash story lol. The Bodyguard by emmy-award-97. Hilarious how the timing on Yea, Possessive. Chapter 2- Finally Awake. xoxfc frafueooj rzgwk rlsr yecemqh trjxv dxuaw xslac duwn msms zqaj fgnflua upencq qojrd syjr