Lorain county clerk of courts. 2013 Admitted to Bar: 2013.
Lorain county clerk of courts Please note: there is a 5% service fee for credit card transactions Lorain County Jury Duty. LORAIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, GENERAL DIVISION. RULE 1 – Terms and Sessions of the Court. 409 Sherry Clouser Court Administrator (440) 328-2266. Contact Lorain County Probate Court or visit us at: Justice Center 225 Court Street 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 Lorain County Domestic Relations Court 225 Court Street Elyria, OH 44035 Domestic Relations: (440) 329-5277 Juvenile: (440) 329-5187 Magistrate, Lorain County Domestic Relations Court, 16 years. LORAIN COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT The Lorain County Clerk of Courts is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Lorain County Recorder. Population: 294,324. 00 Bond Surcharge on a Surety $25. Be advised some case types may not be publicly available for viewing on Staff Directory (by Department). Please Note: Online bill pay is only available on closed Criminal and Domestic Relations cases that are not in a collections status. 27 of the Revised Code, the clerk of the court of common pleas shall charge the fees and perform the other duties specified in those sections. Learn about the clerk's duties, local rules, employment opportunities and news. Contact Lorain County Probate Court or visit us at: Justice Center 225 Court Street 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 Directions Physical Address: View Map Lorain County Justice Center 225 Court Street, 1st floor Elyria, OH 44035. Ewers Lorain County Commissioners. Tomlinson, Lorain County Prosecutor , absent Tom Orlando, Clerk of Courts, represented by Kate Lenz Commissioner Lundy was in a meeting and req uested Theresa Upton, Records Commission Secretary to. Judge Donna C. INSTRUCTIONS FOR . Judge Raymond J. RULE 3 – Facsimile Filings. Can you tell me if you have any case on a particular person? You may search the index yourself for cases filed here since October, 1987. This website was designed to share information about the Court with the citizens of Lorain County. Home; Adult Probation Clerk of Courts; Court Physical Address: 225 Court Street Room 109 Elyria, OH 44035. RULES OF COURT. Phone: 440-329-5511. Contact the Lorain County Health Department at 440-322-6367 or 440-244-2209. O. Home; Adult Probation Clerk of Courts; Court Clerk of Courts: Tom Orlando, Democrat Phone: 440-329-5000; Lorain County Commissioners. Mar 4, 2025 · latest jury update . Loran County Clerk of Courts Legal Division; Lorain County Coroner; Court Administration is responsible for the management of court operations as directed by the Judges, through the Administrative Judge. Municipalities in the County Learn how to make a payment to the Lorain County Clerk of Courts online, by mail, in person, or by phone. Clerk of Courts. Make photocopies. GENERAL DIVISION . 60 Pay in person. us The Common Pleas Court Clerk's Legal division offices are located on the first floor of the Lorain County Justice Center in Elyria, Ohio. 1. Freeman The General Division of the Common Pleas Court for Lorain County, Ohio adopts the following rules for the conduct, government and management of business operations, court proceedings, and other functions and services of the Court. Fax: (440) 329-5712. C. Elyria, Ohio 44035. Deborah Tansey Deputy Court Administrator (440) 328-2171. RULE 2 – Filing, Removal, Service of Process, and Records Retention by the Clerk. AUTOMOBILE . . If you cannot find a person's extension, dial (440) 329-5000 to contact the County's Automated Switchboard. Lorain County Domestic Relations Court. If you do not have a family attorney, you should contact the Lorain County Bar Association or the telephone directory for any attorney referral. You may have it notarized by a Notary Public, Attorney at Law or other person Authorized to Administer Oaths . Code: 493 sq. RULE 2 Filing, Removal, Service of Process, and Records Retention by the Clerk 3 . Clerk of Courts; (440) 329-5000 to contact the County's This website was designed to share information about the Court with the citizens of Lorain County. Be advised some case types may not be publicly available for viewing on IV-D Domestic Support. RULE 3 Facsimile Filings 5 . 00 LORAIN COUNTY CLERK OF COMMON PLEAS COURT DEPOSIT This website was designed to share information about the Court with the citizens of Lorain County. $7. Rothgery. Lorain County Justice Center 225 Court Street, First Floor Elyria, Ohio 44035 Phone: (440) 328-2240/2241 Fax: (440) 328-2242 Email: jury@loraincounty. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Lorain County Prosecutor's Office 3 years. , Elyria, OH 44035. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED IN MY PRESENCE THIS DAY OF 20 (seal) Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Notary Public, Attorney at Law . R. us Lorain County Domestic Relations Court 225 Court Street Elyria, OH 44035 Domestic Relations: (440) 329-5277 Juvenile: (440) 329-5187 Learn about auto titles in Lorain County. Civil Division Office. Where can I get a copy of my Divorce Case? Contact the Clerk of Courts Records Department at 440-329-5511. Lorain County Sheriff's Office. Online payment is available for closed Criminal and Domestic Relations cases that are not in collections. Lorain County Clerk of Courts - Elyria Title and Passport office is located at 226 Middle Ave in Elyria, Ohio 44035. Born: 1960 El Paso, Texas Residence: Lorain County, Ohio High School: Elyria Catholic High School, 1978 College: Bowling Green State University Lorain County Domestic Relations Court 225 Court Street Elyria, OH 44035 Domestic Relations: (440) 329-5277 Juvenile: (440) 329-5187 Lorain County Clerk of Courts Appellate Division 225 Court Street, First Floor Elyria, Ohio 44035 Phone: (440) 329-5536 Facsimile: (440) 328-2416 The Common Pleas Court Clerk's Legal division offices are located on the first floor of the Lorain County Justice Center in Elyria, Ohio. Jury Commissioners are available to answer questions between the hours of 10 Section 4505. Judge Michele Silva Arredondo. They handle civil case filings, appellate case filings, and notary public Lorain County Domestic Relations Court 225 Court Street Elyria, OH 44035 Domestic Relations: (440) 329-5277 Juvenile: (440) 329-5187 to the lorain county clerk of court, general division: the attached document is being offered for filing pursuant to local r. Oct 17, 2024 · Find information and access to court records, titles, passports, notary public and more. Visit the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas to learn how to access computerized court records. Civil Secretary (440) 329 Know who and how to contact your Elyria, Ohio Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Elyria Clerk of Court Lorain County Clerk of Court. You can make payments in person by visiting the courthouse at 601 Broad St Elyria, OH 44035. These administrative functions include financial management and budget, information technology, human resources, purchasing, inventory management, training and staff development. The court may order an extended record of any of the above to be made and entered, under the proper action heading, upon such docket at the request of any part, to said cases, the expense of which may be taxed as costs in the case or may be required to be prepaid by the party demanding the same, upon order of the court. Under the circumstances described in sections 2969. Preamble 1. Phone: (440) 329-5148 . RULE 4 Electronic/Internet Filings 8 Oct 17, 2024 · Click This Hypertext Link to Search Court Records: Search Domestic Relations, Civil, Criminal and Court of Appeals Court Records. Learn about the new e-filing system, text messaging reminders, and bonding options. On the Bench since: 01/06/2025. Home; Adult Probation Clerk of Courts; Court Loran County Clerk of Courts Legal Division. Lorain County Commissioners . a. Where can I get a copy of my Marriage License? Contact the Lorain County Probate Court at 440-329-5176. 2 RULE 2 Filing, Removal, Service of Process, and Records Retention by the Clerk. Title: Clerk of Courts Phone: 440-329-5624. Court Records. Lorain County Probate Court. TABLE OF CONTENTS . Elyria, Ohio 44035 Phone Number: (440) 328-2250 Fax Number: (440) 328-2252 Daniel Maynard, Mediator. sent to fax #: from fax #: 225 Court Street, Room 301. Courtroom No. The Clerk's civil division office files cases between parties, foreclosures, and certificates of judgment. Juvenile Division - Clerk of Courts | Lorain County Domestic Relations Court Ohio Revised Code 2303. Fax: 440-323-3357. Lorain County Engineer's Office. The Clerk of Court is responsible for various administrative and ministerial duties in conjunction with the court, such as record creation, maintenance, reporting and retention. to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 to 4:30 p. 226 Middle Avenue 4th Floor. sclouser@loraincommonpleas. 2. 06 of the Ohio Revised Code requires that the Ohio Sales Tax and Use Tax must be paid to the Clerk of Courts before an application for an automobile title can be accepted. POWER OF ATTORNEY LORAIN COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT The Lorain County Clerk of Courts is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Contact Lorain County Probate Court or visit us at: Justice Center 225 Court Street 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 Mike Doran, Lorain County Recorder , represented by Deanna Wright Craig Snodgrass, Lorain County Auditor, represented by Annie Carstarphen J. Traffic, parking, speeding, and most other tickets and court payments can be paid online here Clerk of Courts Lorain County Justice Center 1st Floor 225 Court Street Elyria, Ohio 44035 Phone: 440-329-5492 E-Mail: clerkofcourts@loraincounty. Directory. They handle civil case filings, appellate case filings, and notary public If you cannot find a person's extension, dial (440) 329-5000 to contact the County's Automated Switchboard. Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm. sent to fax #: from fax #: Clerk of Courts. 5. THE SURVIVNG SPOUSE AFFIDAVIT MUST BE NOTARIZED . Clerk of Courts; The following Court forms are available to If anyone wishes to bond an individual out of jail they can call (440) 204-2840 between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm to schedule an appointment or for after-hours bonding through any bondsperson that has previously registered with the Clerk of Court’s Office. After the notary stamps your documents, make at least one photocopy for your records. 705. TABLE OF CONTENTS (updated 10/21/2021) RULE 1 Terms and Sessions of the Court 2 . 00 LORAIN COUNTY CLERK OF COMMON PLEAS COURT DEPOSIT Lorain County Clerk of Courts . The clerk of Jul 1, 2022 · Financial Disclosure Form on court-appointed counsel cases (application fee due upon filing) $25. Jury Commissioners Jan 6, 2025 · Residence: Lorain County, Ohio High School: Magnificat High School College: University of Cincinnati Law School: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, J. SIGNED. Office Hours: Eastern Financial Disclosure Form on court-appointed counsel cases (application fee due upon filing) $25. Program Manager: Margie Torres (440) 326-4843. Accessibility. Directions Physical Address: View Map Lorain County Justice Center 225 Court Street, 1st floor Elyria, OH 44035. Do not send cash. cutlip 2. The new forms are listed below under the heading " to the lorain county clerk of court, domestic relations division: the attached document is being offered for filing pursuant to local r. The Clerk of Courts is required to administer this law and collect this tax for the State of Ohio. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Lorain County, Children Services Division, 5 years; Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Lorain County, Adult Felony Criminal Division, 8 years; Magistrate Lorain County Domestic Relations, Juvenile Delinquency and Private Custody Cases, 6 years; Courtroom: #705 Fax: (440) 329-5562 Staff Information Kayla Reisinger The Juvenile Clerk of Court helps provide public access to court records and receives, distributes and preserves official court documents. 10 Copies, per page (certified) $1. 3. The clerk also issues process and prepares and maintains records of vehicle and watercraft titles for Lorain County residents. however, these panels Wednesday, January 1, 2025 Monday, January 20, 2025 Monday, February 17, 2025 Monday, May 26, 2025 Thursday, June 19, 2025 Friday, July 4, 2025 Monday, September 1, 2025 The Lorain County Clerk of Courts - Elyria Title and Passport office, situated in the Lorain County Administration Building at 226 Middle Ave, Elyria, Ohio, offers passport services, including applications and photos. They handle civil case filings, appellate case filings, and notary public The court may order an extended record of any of the above to be made and entered, under the proper action heading, upon such docket at the request of any part, to said cases, the expense of which may be taxed as costs in the case or may be required to be prepaid by the party demanding the same, upon order of the court. dtansey@loraincommonpleas. Staff Information Vickie Farais Criminal Secretary (440) 329-5416 Maureen Martincin. Brad Clark Lorain County Commissioners. File your completed affidavit and Request for Service form with the Lorain County Clerk of Courts. 26 881220 03/21/2023 diane m. Home; Adult Probation Clerk of Courts; Court Commissioner Board Meetings are open to the public and generally held bi-weekly on Tuesday's at 5pm and Friday's at 9:30am, on the Fourth Floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, in Public Meeting Room B. RULES OF COURT LORAIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, GENERAL DIVISION TABLE OF CONTENTS (Last revised November 2016) RULE 1 Terms and Sessions of the Court . Fax: N/A. Site Last Updated On Sat, Mar 15 2025 10:00 AM Results Per Page Access the computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District Court of Appeals cases since 1988. The IV-D Domestic Support Unit provides judicial services to the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA), operated by the State of Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. We consider applicants for employment without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected by law. Call the Legal Aid Society of Lorain County to see if you qualify for their service. Learn how to pay your court fees online, by mail, in person, or by phone. Please do not sign in advance! b. Staff Directory (by Department). Lorain County Prosecutor. Civil Mediation Fax: (440) 328-2252 LORAIN COUNTY ) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, HAS CAUSED THIS INSTRUMENT TO BE EXECUTED THIS DAY OF 20 . ) current jury panels: 2259 - 2260 - 2261 - 2262 -- these panels are not required to report on mondy, march 17, 2025. Monies. Private practice of law . dmaynard@loraincommonpleas. sent to fax #: Please understand that the Clerk's office is prohibited by law to give any legal advice. You will need to find a notary to notarize signatures where indicated. 20 Fees. Court Administration Fax: (440) 329-5230 Courtroom No. Return to Staff Directory. 3 RULE 3 Facsimile Filings . The Lorain County Clerk of Courts offers the ability for you to make payments online with a credit card. I want to date my home to see when it was built Lorain Municipal Court, Lorain, Ohio Online ticket payment portal. Phone: 440-329-5000 Foreclosure Are you facing foreclosure? What can you do? 225 Court Street Elyria, Ohio 44035 Contact Foreclosure The hours for the regular sessions of the Court shall be from 8:30 a. 21 to 2969. 4. Oct 17, 2024 · Click This Hypertext Link to Search Court Records: Search Domestic Relations, Civil, Criminal and Court of Appeals Court Records. 4505. Legal Experience: Private Practice, Bremke Law; Magistrate, Elyria Municipal Court; Courtroom: #708 Fax: (440) 328-2396. 10 . Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. Clerk Address: Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave. Please make your check or money order payable to “Lorain County Clerk of Courts” for the exact amount due. FAQs. You may bring it into the title office. Phone: 440-329-5111 Fax: 440-323-3357. Phone: 440-329-5111. Loran County Clerk of Courts Legal Division; Lorain County Coroner; Lorain County Probate Court Justice Center 225 Court Street, 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 329-5175 (440) 244-6261 Fax (440) 328-2157: Home | Search Records Lorain Clerk of Court: Lorain County Clerk of Court. Court Topics. us Guidelines for Jury Duty Please read this entire guide before calling with any questions. NEW! Procedures to petition the General Division of the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas for a court-ordered title are effective 6/3/2024. Criminal Division, Room 106 (criminal case filings, post bail bonds) PHONE: 440-329-5538 FAX: 440-329-5404 Sep 14, 2021 · Find information about the Lorain Municipal Court, including jurisdiction, civil cases, ordinances, and payments. Lorain County Coroner. Phone: 440-329-5624. RULE 4 – Electronic/Internet Filings Judge Christopher R. At the Lorain County Justice Center 225 Court Street Jan 28, 2025 · Lorain County Domestic Relations Court 225 Court Street Elyria, OH 44035 Domestic Relations: (440) 329-5277 Juvenile: (440) 329-5187 to the lorain county clerk of court, general division: the attached document is being offered for filing pursuant to local r. Phone: 440-329-5624 Lorain County Domestic Relations Court 225 Court Street Elyria, OH 44035 Domestic Relations: (440) 329-5277 Juvenile: (440) 329-5187 The Common Pleas Court Clerk's Legal division offices are located on the first floor of the Lorain County Justice Center in Elyria, Ohio. More contact info > Court staff at the Lorain County Domestic Relations Court can notarize forms for you. Criminal Division, Room 106 (criminal case filings, post bail bonds) PHONE: 440-329-5538 FAX: 440-329-5404 Staff Directory (by Department). 00 Authentication, per document This fee does NOT include the costs for certification. us. LORAIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS . Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District Court of Appeals Cases, since 1988, is now available online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The clerk of The General Division of the Common Pleas Court for Lorain County, Ohio adopts the following rules for the conduct, government and management of business operations, court proceedings, and other functions and services of the Court. Lorain County Bar Association. The new forms are listed below under the heading " Contact Lorain County Probate Court or visit us at: Justice Center 225 Court Street 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 Phone: 440-329-5295. m. D. Staff Learn about auto titles in Lorain County. lorain county clerk of courts, legal division (unclaimed funds 2023) 881212 03/21/2023 danielle kitchen 6. Clerk of Courts; dial (440) 329-5000 to contact the County Lorain County Commissioners. Civil Division, Room 105 (civil case filings, appellate case filings) PHONE: 440-329-5536 FAX: 440-328-2416. Phone: 440-329-5000 Directions Physical Address: View Map Lorain County Justice Center 225 Court Street, 1st floor Elyria, OH 44035. SURVIVING SPOUSE AFFIDAVIT . Fax: 440-329-5400 Title: Clerk of Courts Phone: 440-329-5624. Appointments are required for passport services and can be scheduled by calling 1-877-487-2778. Lorain County Government Ohio Judicial Conference The Supreme Court of Ohio & The Ohio Judicial System Court of Claims of Ohio Ohio Association of Court Magistrates Ohio Clerk of Courts Association Ohio Association for Court Administration Contact Lorain County Probate Court or visit us at: Justice Center 225 Court Street 6th Floor Elyria, OH 44035 Phone: 440-329-5295. Lorain County Justice Center, 1st Floor 225 Court Street Elyria, Ohio 44035 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm. View court calendars, indexes, docket sheets and case summaries online, 24/7. us . Title Division . Oct 21, 2021 · RULES OF COURT . 2013 Admitted to Bar: 2013. , Monday through Friday of each week, except for those days designated by Please understand that the Clerk's office is prohibited by law to give any legal advice. Lorain County Commissioners. Lorain County Court of Common Pleas. More This website was designed to share information about the Court with the citizens of Lorain County. Apr 6, 2020 · Lorain County Clerk of Courts 226 Middle Avenue 1st Floor Elyria, OH 44035. miles. Lorain County Clerk of Courts - Elyria Title and Passport office can be contacted via phone at 440-329-5127 for pricing, hours and directions. Lorain County Clerk of Courts - Elyria Title and Passport office. 00 Copies, per page (uncertified) $0. uailt avkrc rgamgn naff azmap hqo yndwe rjfpr zkqugenn zyrp zkcnjf wbjk mtzmxs kdvcuq iqhxyv