NO SOURCING. Just finished up my 4 weeks 20/30/30/40 and im up 30 pounds with less body fat Was off everything for 6 months with 23ngdl test levels sooo…. At the very least, stick to 10mg. For those unaware, each week however often we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. 492 g/mol Formula: C21H34O2 Half-Life: Estimated 8 Hours So liver toxic to stack both bro. Apr 15, 2024 路 What results/sides did you experience using Superdrol? I’m really curious about this one but I know it’s super hard on the liver compared to some other orals. Jan 11, 2020 路 As it’s so popular I thought I’d drop some notes about my experience with superdrol. I habe 50×1mg whats your Plans for your preferation My Plan was : Day 1-10 (10mg daily) Day 10-30(20mg daily) Thats would be a 4 weeks "cycle" i cant Seen Out how to Stretch to 6 weeks of thats any better ,Heard sdrol longer then 4 weeks is Not Worth . No “Fishing” for a source. I'd recommend Halodrol (Turinabol) or Epistane for a solid first DS cycle. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. No supression yet because Enclomiphene makes me feel great, 8 weeks in. Anavar is gonna really mess w your hair if you run longer than 4 weeks. I only just turned 21 years old and male pattern baldness doesn’t really run in my family at all. It was sold legally for 9 years as a body building supplement. This is also evident by the fact that users experience fluctuating weight coming on and then stopping its use. At the moment Im On 30mg Ostarine cycle with Enclomiphene ED. This week we are discussing Primo aka Methenolone. Sdrol causes a massive amount of intramuscular water and glycogen retention. But that ultimately means that unusually high amounts of water are being sucked into the muscle, and possibly pulling more water from other spaces. Over the span of like 4 years I ran Dbol (my favorite 馃槏), did Anadrol ( it's okay), did Superdrol Man I felt like absolute shit! Worst compound ever Jul 31, 2018 路 I need to find a source for M1T. No Buying, Selling or Links to Sources. It was awful after the first week. 30mg superdrol is a pretty high dose, coupled with test and the pre workout it seems cause for concern. I only used sdrol Once for a planned 4 week cycle and dropped it on the 5th day because i started projectile vomiting in the gym. I've seen two melting points for superdrol, around 151deg and around 220deg from memory, I'm not sure which is correct but I personally have the lower melting point powder and I couldn't use more than 10mg/day due to insomnia, lethargy etc but the results were definitely there so please give us an update if you go ahead with this. It’s about as hard in the body as any steroid and many can only tolerate running it for 2-3 weeks before side effects become unbearable. Joined Oct 28, 2019 Messages 660 Reaction score 259 Points 71. Superdrol is so toxic most people can't bear to run it more than 2-3 weeks at a time. So it's niche seems to be busting through plateaus, or a finisher to a cycle in prep for a meet or show. While it may not pack a huge punch like superdrol or shred you down like anavar, it just seems to make every thing work that much better. Dec 2, 2023 路 Superdrol was sold legally for almost ten years as a supplement, and even today, some people still mistake this steroid for a prohormone or other product. That's like comparing a lawn mower to a Bugatti. ? You could even stack the Hi Tech Superdrol with another DS as none of the compounds in HTP Superdrol are methylated. The workouts are fantastic! Focus, pumps,strength, and even endurance. Anadrol can be used a bit longer and is more conducive to building muscle because you just can't really build actual muscle tissue in the 2-3 weeks you can Superdrol is the perfect supplement for those dedicated to their fitness journey and looking for a substantial boost in their muscle-building efforts. Sdrol takes it to a new level and is essentially all intramuscular with nearly zero subq, which most orals can't claim to do. But superdrol comes with a price. Have never ran sdrol before but was curious about stacking it with the test, whether adding it to the last 3-4 weeks of my test cycle or running it at a later date alone Superdrol is probably the best oral I’ve ever used if you don’t give a fuck about your liver. Learn more about Rule 2. Felt like Scott Mendelson). Is it possible to retain water on Superdrol ? I am on for about 4 weeks now and I am bloated as fuck. It will also have an androgenic rating of 20, which is quite low. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Superdrol and m1t are almost interchangeable. Do not expect a life-changing result though. Never tried tbol and superdrol. That said, it's almost never a bad idea to use less drugs. No Shilling. This anabolic steroid is non-aromatizing and has no estrogenic or progesterone action. Won’t put weight on you like Dianabol or Anadrol, but what it does put on you is quality keepable gains. However it’s extremely harsh on the body and liver. 5-2 hours pre workout for best gym function. Sep 2, 2020 路 Should I dose 20/20/30/30? Also any advice and recommendations for getting the most out of the 4 weeks of Superdrol will be greatly appreciated Honestly superdrol didn't really make me feel bad at all. However, I'm a great responder to M1T and 20mg is a large dose. Superdrol is one of the dumbest compounds you can take, most people can’t even last 2 weeks on it, it will make you feel like shit and tear your liver up. Steroid Source Talk Community for Harm Reduction Dec 9, 2023 路 10mg of superdrol pre-workout is fully sufficient. , you could have just taken all that to me to write a proper reply with the pertinent information, but instead you decided that your an esteemed Reddit scholar, which puts you on the same wave length as the vast majority of overly argumentative low Dec 9, 2023 路 10mg of superdrol pre-workout is fully sufficient. I prefer superdrol to anadrol due to the mental sides. Superdrol causes immense lethargy within 3 weeks regardless of the dose. For educational purposes only. If all you’re looking for is a harder, dryer physique, then just source some Anavar. Superdrol is simply the Drostanolone hormone with an added methyl group at the 17th carbon position that allows the hormone to survive oral ingestion and officially classifies it as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic steroid. Could sleep 12 hours a day and still be tired. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Superdrol: This is where frankly I was disappointed. Appetite is non existent, sleepy after sleeping 12 hours straight, and vomiting at random. 20lbs is a ridiculous claim, but you can use it to make some gains. Superdrol also gives you that look which is great. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Read the rules. Epistane is a bit less potent and less hepatoxic. Superdrol toxicity. Yes, it works as a pre workout provided you use it 1-2 hours before. The goal of thes Should I dose 20/20/30/30? Also any advice and recommendations for getting the most out of the 4 weeks of Superdrol will be greatly appreciated We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Heart rate went through the roof when I was at work and freaked me out. Will be running 1g/day TUDCA minimum. I would not mix it with any other oral while running it as there’s no need. Superdrol has a structural anabolic grade of 400, which is approximately four times that of Masteron. Superdrol is such a bad steroid that it will wreck your liver doesnt matter if its injectable, oral or an oral taken sublingually Kind of ticking timebomb for some people Masteron high doses will give the same result as superdrol without any life threatening situations Anadrol is far better too If the lab is sketchy then perhaps not the best bet - but seems odd for a reliable source to stock product from a sketchy lab. In long enough cycles of it (8-12 weeks) low dose anavar(20-40mg) have provided just as much if not more actual contractile tissue than my shorter runs of 4-6 weeks with Superdrol, Dbol, Adrol, etc. I am pretty confident about the source but I did a sarms cycle from the same lab a few month ago with few results, despite good diet and good training. Oct 28, 2019 路 A superdrol source. Totally changed my lifestyle. First thing I have noticed is I am urinating a lot and even if I drink a lot my urine is yellow when it is usually clear. I am currently running 20/20/20/20 alongside my TRT, I was going to do 4 weeks of 10 but I thought "lol fuck it gainz m8". Superdrol gives you a really good aesthetic effect, almost like when you're on tren. Aug 28, 2012 路 So I'm running test e right now and just ordered some bottles of superdrol. no. This week we are discussing DHB vs Tren. Since it binds to SHBG supposedly better than most compounds, it works great with just test, and even better the more compounds that you stack. Dec 9, 2023 路 10mg of superdrol pre-workout is fully sufficient. Feels way less toxic, it isn't as dry however, but for those who can't handle superdrol its the closest thing you can run. Instead of superdrol guys look into msten aka ultradrol. Compounds. Sep 2, 2020 路 Should I dose 20/20/30/30? Also any advice and recommendations for getting the most out of the 4 weeks of Superdrol will be greatly appreciated Superdrol toxicity. Every source I have read up before my cycle says that SD does not cause water retention. This week we are discussing Metribolone aka Methyltrienolone and MTren. Measure your resting bp preferably first thing in the morning. Jan 3, 2021 路 To my broscience it may feel superdrol causes higher androgenic hormones raised. Superdrol is in fact an androgenic steroid and thus will suppress your natural Test production, making a PCT necessary. Jul 26, 2014 路 I am a few days into my superdrol cycle. Archived post. HTP Superdrol is just a blend of andros, superdrol is a very powerful steroid. Have pre existing gyno, anadrol never messed with it but I only ran for 3 weeks at a time. Ive only run anadrol at 50mg a day. Weeks 1-6 750/wk test 525/wk tren Either 30 mg/day halotestin or 20mg/day superdrol Not worried about weight gain, I've got at least 15 pounds wiggle room in my weight class if necessary. Superdrol, before its ban has been known to be the strongest ph/ds with the harshest side effects – users were warned to keep dosages low and cycles short. Superdrol is no Harm reduction focused discussions related to safe usage of AAS, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. Will run again when looking to increase strength. Everyone's bp is going to spike during workouts, but if your resting bp is high, you are going to have to reduce or drop the superdrol. Feb Lol, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals "superdrol" and actual superdrol are 2 very different things. 馃挰 Have you tried Superdrol or similar supplements? Share your experiences or ask how Superdrol can enhance your fitness regimen! Superdrol was discovered in the 1950s but never brought to market because chemists didn’t consider it a good alternative to other steroids they had discovered. I know that Superdrol is extremely liver toxic and people don't usually do more than 4-5 week cycles, plus very bad lethargy. Sep 2, 2020 路 Should I dose 20/20/30/30? Also any advice and recommendations for getting the most out of the 4 weeks of Superdrol will be greatly appreciated I live in the UK and I found that Superdrol is legal here, although I don't know a reputable source. It works really good after a few days. Its almost the same mg pr mg some say its weaker i would say its slightly stronger. Thread starter JaySwizzle; Start date Feb 27, 2020; J. Superdrol is IMO the most potent anabolic. Even 10mg had me tapping out at three weeks, so I'm more of the opinion that the ratio of toxicity to benefits is simply to high to make Superdrol useful for anything more than some temporary fun, but genuinely, give it a shot and let us know. If you would also like to protect yourself, add the Chrome extension TamperMonkey, or the Firefox extension GreaseMonkey and add this open source script. It's role, IMO, is more for peaking for a specific event, rather than really growing. Superdrol was first market as “Super Anadrol”, and Anadrol which is known as A-Bombs or A-50 is known to be the best steroid for strength gains. I was only taking 21mg a day though, maybe the annoying side effects come in at higher doses Jul 26, 2014 路 I am a few days into my superdrol cycle. As eye can see, for least androgenic effects, superdrol is superior. My next blast is going to be 20mg trestolone acetate and 10mg injectable superdrol. Discussing sources will get you banned. Granted, its effects are incredible and can probably change a physique more in those three weeks than any other steroid. I was thinking cruising on 250 mg/w pharm Test-E and adding in 10 mg/d-20 mg/d superdrol for 4 weeks at a time and going 6 weeks off I thought I'd use Superdrol as a newbie because it makes you feel like shit, you cannot stay on it for long due to toxicity so it will not be "addictive" and people get large strength gains from it BENEFITS: -Slow but quality gains. 0 SOURCING. splitting up superdrol is also the best way to feel sick as fuck all the time and no get the peak benefits. I believe you can still get the original IBE Epi on Predator Nutrition. Aug 16, 2020 路 Started up some oral superdrol last year during a blast with test, npp, and var and had a weird reaction and dropped it after a few days. Also you’re 21 and you def should not touch PEDs at your age, and by your post history looks like you’ve already taken shit and don’t know what you We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A lot of people complain about decreased appetite, but I couldn't stop stuffing my face with carbs while on it. I just recently started taking superdrol at 10mg 2 hours pre wrokout on the days i train legs and back. A place to discussing all things related to the safe usage of Steroids, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. Significant increase in Cortisol pathway intermediates, 11-Deoxycorticosterone and 11-Deoxycortisol Jul 26, 2014 路 I am a few days into my superdrol cycle. One of my favorite orals. For educational purposes only, No Buying, Selling or Links to Sources. Sep 2, 2020 路 Should I dose 20/20/30/30? Also any advice and recommendations for getting the most out of the 4 weeks of Superdrol will be greatly appreciated While 10mg superdrol gives me extreme bouts of hypoglycemia and constant malaise, 20mg M1T makes me feel great, aside from the BP increase. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. you do not need to split orals. What do you think about Pulsing Superdrol 10mg-20mg 4 times per week before workouts only. If you didn't know this before, superdrol is the absolute last thing you should touch. The effects appear litteraly overnight. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I am a few days into my superdrol cycle. The glycogen retention is what stands out so much for superdrol. (Info / ^Contact) Aug 16, 2020 路 Started up some oral superdrol last year during a blast with test, npp, and var and had a weird reaction and dropped it after a few days. Just for pumps & agression, 2 weeks on for 4 days of the week, 2 weeks off. Superdrol is taking a proverbial tank to a knife fight. IF (and this a big if) you can tolerate 20mg of superdrol for 4 weeks then I'd suspect it would be superior to 50mg of anadrol for 8 weeks. So I'm on 500 test, 500 deca, just started 400 tren e last week. Looking to add an oral in for the first time in awhile while I wait for the tren. So guys I recently did a cycle of superdrol and was taking it for 4-5 weeks and out of nowhere my hairline started rapidly receding. Need a test base due to them not aromatizing into estrogen, also need to make sure your prolactin is in check to avoid gyno with something like p-5-p. Biggest obstacle to that is that it will gradually kill your appetite. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Running with test and deca. For those unaware, each week, we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Anavar or winstrol over it any day. Doesn’t cause a cosmetic change like superdrol. Not only is Anavar proven to be tolerated extremely well by even women and children, but you can take it at a reasonable dose for months and months at a time rather than having to stop after only 3 weeks because of organ stress. I've run most compounds out there, but how the fuck does anyone function on superdrol. I made it 2 and 1/2 weeks at 10mg. Superdrol doesn’t convert to estrogen. On a structural basis, Superdrol carries an anabolic rating of 400 and an androgenic rating of 20. . Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: [r/steroidsxx] Is Superdrol (Methasterone) appropriate for females due to its low androgenic of rating of 20? (x-post /r/steroids) If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. I've used halo and a bunch of other orals but this shit is on another level. No soliciting reviews for sources. The good Superdrol toxicity. But yes, injectable sdrol is by *far* a better way to take it, and taken that way 25-50mg isn't even that harsh of a dose the way it would ordinarily destroy liver status. A place to discussing all things related to the safe usage of Steroids, TRT or hormone optimisation. On paper it says its close to zero, (20/400 ) ,androgenic ratio and tren is 500/500. It enhances each of the elements running. However, when looking up on several forums, I have seen a lot of anecdotes about people on SD that have been super bloated up. I have for my third PH cycle now ( ik its real aas) Superdrol lower dosages i want. Many bodybuilders view this as a positive because it means they won’t experience water retention or gynecomastia. Chemical Name: 17β-Hydroxy-2α,17α-dimethyl-5α-androstane-3-one Molecular Weight: 318. I have a question this is not my first cycle a while back I have done other cycles although wanted to try superdrol yk11 and rad 140 I am aware superdrol cycle is usually 4 weeks and so is yk11 and rad140 is 8-12 weeks now how can I do a viable cycle with all of these to get the most gains. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Feel like a god in the gym but felt like I just got off an 18 hour shift the rest of the day. Feb 15, 2023 路 Superdrol is an oral steroid; thus, it stimulates the hepatic lipase enzyme in the liver, causing great shifts in cholesterol. Superdrol gives you borrowed gains, more so than any other steroid, apart from probably m1t and dbol. This time I ran 3 weeks of 30mg with little to no noticeable side Man I’d like to know how you think people just know what you’ve done or doing, what your cycle experience is, or any training history etc etc. Have enough to run any dose of the three for however long. Read the rules to learn how to become an approved submitter. As to using for 2-3 weeks, only if you’re preparing for a bodybuilding show or a powerlifting meet. Ive just gone past 5 weeks at 20 Ed (did bump to 30 for a week but duck that). A sub for asking questions and sharing information on prohormones and designer steroids. Then simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possibe (hint:use RES), and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top. Looking for 20 lbs by spring, thinking superdrol? Dbol gave me some acne but made me feel great. Ie 10mg morning, 10mg afternoon, 10mg evening (because of halflife) - or take the full dose (ie 30mg) 1. This is true for practically all orals to one degree or another. Harm reduction focused discussions related to safe usage of AAS, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. JaySwizzle. I'm debating whether I should do a cycle of Superdrol or RAD 140 with test. If you're going to use superdrol the best way to use it (as i would recommend) would be take it either split throughout the day. I've used legit superdrol in the past from when it was sold legally and ran 10-20mg, always had horrible lethargy, brown piss, and hypoglycemia (to the point of keeping gatorade on me all the time. Jul 31, 2018 路 I need to find a source for M1T. BUT many cannot tolerate superdrol at that dose beyond 2 weeks and many people can tolerate more than 50mg of anadrol for even longer. Registered. Sep 2, 2020 路 Should I dose 20/20/30/30? Also any advice and recommendations for getting the most out of the 4 weeks of Superdrol will be greatly appreciated We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You'll be suppressed instantly maybe just after the first 30mg. 5mg-10mg for 4-8 weeks is generally where M1T should be run. There seemed to have been some voter manipulation to get this to the top this week (STOP THE COUNT). Which is just about anything else, because superdrol is fucking rat poison. I recommend epistane first and i recommend tudca alongside any and all 17aa aas. Superdrol is an absolute motherfuxker 馃ぎ馃ゴ馃馃 I've been all about weights since 2016 and gained good clean muscle, focused on my diet, getting rest etc. Methasterone, also known as methyldrostanolone and known by the nickname Superdrol, is a synthetic and orally active anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) which was never marketed for medical use. All three give me incredible workouts and dry, lean gains. Its basically the same hormone just on a DHB frame instead of DHT. Next week will be Anadrol vs Superdrol. Mentioning sources by name is allowed for feedback/question/review purposes. Yes, superdrol is not easy on the body. also superdrol is mostly water and given you can't take it for very long before your liver is fucked, its shitty for "lean gains" We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No Monetization. But Superdrol is an anabolic steroid like any other, and purchasing it requires the same research and due diligence to ensure you’re getting your Superdrol from a reliable source. iuc daatp zleruck pbiyyl zmo iqjm pwoko wlc lixhl cvrpees