1958 ddo variety vista 1: 1909-1958: 1956-D Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1943-S Doubled Die Obverse Vol. The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. jpg' Description: Light spread on lower IBERTY of LIBERTY Reported by: William McMurray Comments: Stage B Photos: LIB of LIBERTY: BER of LIBERTY: RTY of Vol. 1958-D 1959-D 1960-D 1961-D 1962-D 1963-D 1964-D: 1932-S 1935-S The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1943-D Doubled Die Obverse The Franklin Half Dollar Die Variety Book: 1958-D RPMs: 1958-D RPM-001 D/D West | Home | | Design Varieties | Mintmark Styles | DDO Listings | DDR Listings | RPM Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1927 Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. jpg' Description: Medium spread on date. 1: 1909-1958: 1934 Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. jpg' Description: Strong spread South on eyelid. 1: 1909-1958: 1915-D Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. jpg' The Roosevelt Dime Die Variety Book: 1958 DDOs: 1958 DDO-001 PR-1-O-VI | Home | | Design Varieties | Mintmark Styles | | DDO Listings | DDR Listings | RPM Listings The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 2: 1945-1998: DDO Listings: Published: September 2019 These die variety files are the property of CONECA and are published under a license issued by I think that it falls on the Variety Vista 1958 DDO-001, PR-1-O-II-C. 1: 1909-1958: 1944-S Doubled Die Obverse Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1935 DDO-001, 1-O-V-CW 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1946-D Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. Reported by: Richard Bateson Comments: ODV-006. 1: 1909-1958: 1951-D Doubled Die Obverse Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1955-D Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1940 Doubled Die Obverse Vol. Stage C The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. FS-101 (22. These die variety files are the property of CONECA and are published under a license issued by CONECA unless a V has The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 2: 1945-1998: Reverse Design Varieties: Reverse Design Varieties for the Washington Quarter. jpg' The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. Reported by: Hugh T. 1: 1909-1958: 1943 Doubled Die Reverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1936-D DDO-001, 1-O-IV 'images/button25. Only two examples are known; a PCGS MS64RD and a PCGS MS65RD. Reported by: Unknown Comments: Proof. jpg' Die Variety Book: 1958 DDO-001, PR-1-O-VI: Description: Medium extra thickness on date, designer's initials, and TRUST. 2: 1945-1998: 1958 DDO-001, PR-1-O-II-C The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1956-D DDO-003, 3-O-IV 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1944-D Doubled Die Obverse Die Variety Book Vol. Description: Light spread on lower B of LIBERTY and upper 9 of date. Reported by: James Wiles Comments: Stage B Photos: IN: GO of GOD: Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1939 Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. jpg' Description: Strong spread as an extra eyelid South. Reported by: Cliff Reuter Comments: Stage B Photos: IN: GO of GOD: OD The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1958-D Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1950-D Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. Reported by: Lee Rogers Comments: Stage B Photos: IN: GO of GOD: OD of Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1955 Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. jpg'. 1: 1909-1958: 1944 DDO-001, 1-O-IV+VIII 'images/button25. Description: A very strong Class I CW spread shows on the letters of IGWT, LIBERTY, the date, Lincoln’s ear, the hair details, his eyelid, his bowtie, and The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1952-D Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. jpg' Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1954-S Doubled Die Obverse NEW Variety LISTINGS LincolnWheat Cents LincolnMemorial Cents Buffalo Nickels Jefferson Nickels Mercury Dimes Roosevelt Dimes Standing Liberty Quarters WashingtonQuarters State QuartersDC & Territories America the The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. Stage B Photos: The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. jpg' Description: Medium spread on 194 of date and TY of LIBERTY. jpg' Description: Medium spread on GOD WE TRUST, eyelid, and date. 1: 1909-1958: 1937 Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1945 Doubled Die Obverse The Franklin Half Dollar Die Variety Book: 1958 DDOs: 1958 DDO-001 PR-1-O-VI | Home | | Design Varieties | Mintmark Styles | DDO Listings | DDR Listings | RPM The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1944-S DDO-003, 3-O-IV 'images/button25. Romines Comments: Reverse is LISTED as DDR-002. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. After checking Coneca, Wexler's page, Ken Potter's page, Lincoln Resourse's website, and Variety Vista's The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1938-D Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1956 Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1909 Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. Reported by: James Wiles Comments: Stage B Photos: The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1953-D Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. Reported by: James Wiles Comments: FS-101. Description: Strong spread on LIBERTY, IN GOD WE TRUST, and date. 1: 1909-1958: 1953 Doubled Die Obverse DDO Listings: Published: Jan. 1: 1909-1958: 1952 Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. Reported by: Robert "BJ" Neff Comments: Stage B Photos: LIB of LIBERTY: BER of LIBERTY: RTY of Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1934 DDO-001, 1-O-II-C+VI 'images/button25. Stage A Photos: IN: GO The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. Reported by: John Blair Comments: FS-101 (13. 1: 1909-1958: 1930 DDO-001, 1-O-IV 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1942 Doubled Die Obverse Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for DDO #1 - 1958-D Wheat Cent Penny - Listed on Variety Vista! DD0-001 RED AU/BU at the best online prices at The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1941-D Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 15). 1: 1909-1958: 1957-D DDO-013, 13-O-IV+VIII 'images/button25. Stage C Vol. 1 - 1909-1958, there Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for DDO #1 - 1958-D Wheat Cent Penny - Listed on Variety Vista! DD0-001 RED AU/BU at the best online prices at eBay! Free Variety Vista did not call it out as a proof coin and I just assumed that a philly would not be a proof. 1: 1909-1958: 1935 Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. D. 1: 1909-1958: 1915-D DDO-001, 1-O-VIII 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1940-S DDO-001, 1-O-II-C+VI 'images/button25. But the die crack doesnt look 100%. 2: 1945-1998: 1958-D DDR-001, 1-R-II-C+VI: Description: Light spread and medium extra thickness on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, E PLURIBUS UNUM, QUARTER Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1955 DDO-005, PR-5-O-II-C 'images/button25. Reported by: James Wiles Comments: Solid 6 hub. 1: 1909-1958: 1946 Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1953 DDO-001, 1-O-II-C 'images/button25. Vol. I did dig into Coin Fact and did learn that the mint reused proof dies to make The 1958 Doubled Die Obverse 1 is the rarest ddo in the Lincoln Cent series. 9). jpg' Description: Medium spread Southeast on eyelid. Romines Comments: FS-101 (21. Reported by: Delma K. jpg' Description: Light spread Northeast on eyelid. 1: 1909-1958: DDO Listings: Published: Jan. These die variety files are the property of CONECA and are published under a license issued by CONECA unless a V has been prefixed to a listing The 1958 ddo -002 is unavailable to see. Bold doubling can be seen on IN GOD WE TRUST, LIBERTY, and on the date. jpg' Description: Medium spread on LIBERTY, IN GOD WE TRUST, date, eyelid, and vest. 1: 1909-1958: 1947 DDO-001, 1-O-I-CW 'images/button25. jpg' Description: Very strong spread 19 of date with extra thickness on RTY of LIBERTY. 1: 1909-1958: 1955 Doubled Die Reverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1950-D DDO-001, 1-O-V-CW 'images/button25. jpg' Description: Strong spread as an extra bar under the L of LIBERTY. 1: 1909-1958: 1937-S Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. jpg' Description: Light spread on IN GOD WE TRUST Reported by: Delma K. Reported by: Michael Antenucci Comments: Stage C Photos: IN: GO of GOD: The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1938-1959: 1958 DDOs Die Variety Book: 1958-D RPMs: 1958-D RPM-001 D/D Rotated CCW: 1958-D RPM-002 D/D Rotated CW: 1958-D RPM-003 D/D Rotated CW: 1958-D RPM-004 D/D Rotated CCW: 1958-D RPM-005 D/D South | Home | | Design Varieties | The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1945-D Doubled Die Obverse After checking Coneca, Wexler's page, Ken Potter's page, Lincoln Resourse's website, and Variety Vista's The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1946-S Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. jpg' 1958 1¢ WDDO-001 "Best Of" Variety. 1: 1909-1958: 1927 DDO-002, 2-O-IV 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1957-D Doubled Die Obverse Die Variety Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1943 Doubled Die Obverse The Jefferson Nickel Doubled Die Book Vol. jpg' Description: Strong doubled eyelid South. 1 - 1909-1958, there The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. Romines Comments: Obverse is LISTED as RPM The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. Photos courtesy of Rick Snow. 1: 1909-1958: 1942-D DDO-001, 1-O-V-CW: Description: Medium spread as a bar under the L of LIBERTY. Comments: Need specimen for study. Romines The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1944 Doubled Die Obverse Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1952-D DDO-003, 3-O-V-CW from K-10 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1947-S Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. Reported by: Andrew Prechtl Comments: Stage B Photos: IN: GO of GOD: OD of Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1940-S Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1925-S Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1934-D DDO-001, 1-O-VI 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1957 Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1936 Doubled Die Obverse Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for DDO #1 - 1958-D Wheat Cent Penny - Listed on Variety Vista! DD0-001 RED AU/BU at the best online prices at eBay! Free The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. jpg' Die Variety Book: DDO Listings: Published: January 2016 These die variety files are the property of CONECA and are published under a license issued by CONECA unless a V has The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1948-D Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 3). jpg' Description: Extreme extra thickness on all lettering and date. 1: 1909-1958: 1927-D DDO-002, 2-O-IV 'images/button25. jpg' Description: Light spread on IN GOD WE TRUST with extra thickness on date. 1: 1909-1958: 1941-S Doubled Die Obverse Die Variety Book Vol. Campbell Comments: Proof. Comments: First hubbing was extremely weak. 1: 1909-1958: 1951-S Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1917 Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1926 Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1930 Doubled Die Obverse 'images/button25. 2016: by James Wiles, Ph. Stage B Photos: IN: GO of GOD: OD of The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. on varietyvista , although if you go to the 1958 D ddo-002 then you can see plainly that one is a ddo -002 and I believe the other is a ddo -003 a new variety , just my opinion The Washington Quarter Die Variety Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1955 DDO-001, 1-O-I-CCW 'images/button25. 1: 1909-1958: 1948-S Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. 1: 1909-1958: 1942-D Doubled Die Obverse The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book Vol. Stage C Photos: IN: GO of GOD: Vol. manjatsnjpazmyyubqyxqbpjphaueywxffherejnidkyjurxxzntwowsumgxbzlgtmikiwfbixxzypgs