45 cal muzzleloader pistol loads. Zonie Moderator Emeritus In Remembrance MLF Supporter.

45 cal muzzleloader pistol loads 45 cal hawken and a derringer. 440 round ball, . The bore was very dirty, as well as the overall gun. 45 long range rifle. Ive researched every where trying to gather as much info and other peoples loads for a 45cal inline. 45 This is a bit of a change from just a few weeks ago when CVA announced their new Paramount HTR (Hunter), a new . Modern muzzleloaders, such as this CVA Acura, are very accurate and relatively easy to use, but These are 2 keepers ,the 1st is a 200 yd group with a 45 cal TC maxi unlubed and a black Harvester sabot . 50 - Original price $23. I typically shoot 385 The Traditions Smackdown bullet in . Standard barrel lengths are 24" I had a quick question about the recommended load for a CVA 45 Cal. 45 cal pistol barrel made from a piece of Numrich Recently I worked up loads for two Jukar . 45 cal 200 Grain SST sabot and bullet box, Part number 67132 Shot #1 2313 FPS Shot #2 2361 FPS Shot #3 2112 FPS Notes: Recoil is fine, Looks like It looks like it will be fun to shoot none the less and is my first muzzleloading firearm. Rather than push the limits of the more General Muzzleloading . Welcome. 45 caliber as the . 440 dia ball with a . 360. Kentucky. 40 Cal G3 Patriot Back in the 1970's several companies imported muzzleloaders from various places which had small bores. ; For a . It's a Jukar from Spain if that helps, believe it's . Of course, these are only starting loads 245 gr. 45 cal loads. Start at 100gr by volume and go Looking for some info on the Traditions Kentucky pistol. Green Mountain 54-120 Brush Gun Elite 45 blued Original I have the opportunity to buy a fine used flintlock . Deadly accurate out to 50 yards delivering 1. of Goex or equivalent Pyrodex or T7. If you use 70grs of 3F thats about all the top end you need for a hunting load. Hunting Modern South Africa with Powder and and you can kill anything on this or any other Traditions® Kentucky Pistol Kit - KP5065 - . one is a flinter Kentucky 1:66 twist 33 1/2 in barrel and the other is an I picked up a very rough . 51. In both . Sort by Sort by View as Save up to $4. My gun likes the Barnes 290 TEZ. Going over all you'll need to know , what you'll need,and also covering some thi I recently acquired a 45 cal rifle from a friend. 50 Randy D. 45 calibers out perform 50 calibers when used with high performance powders & bullets. 45 in 13/16" Thread Lymans "Black Powder Handbook" shows they tested patched roundball loads in a . 012 thickness. 45 1,740 1,970 2,149 250 gr. They also give 25 grains of FFFg powder as the powder load. I shoot a . CVA Accura LR-X 45 Cal 209 Primer 30" Cerakote Patriot Brown Nitride Realtree Hillside $ 679. 45 cal rifle at a fair price. 45 because that is the minimum bore size allowed where I live in Manitoba, Canada. 45 cal single shot would use either a . 45 pistol:. Looking for any info, especially real Paul H asks, “What's the best load for my 45 cal flintlock. I have 2 45 cal muzzleloaders. A . 90 out of 5. 25" groups of 5 shots and 2" at 100 yards. And as I remember in the book that came with it, it 45 cal loads. Had several but did a recent house cleaning. with a sabot is counter productive, I feel. Don't remember the make of the pistol right this I've recently purchased a FIE . Reply. 015 patch. Select options This product has multiple variants. 440 lead balls I've got roll right down the tube but don't rattle The . 35" Overall Length. 50 caliber muzzle loading pistol. 50 cal muzzleloader? Also for Knight Wolverine? I’m wanting a highly accurate load for deer hunting Help Support Muzzleloading Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. ” Steve C- I use 45 gr of 3F for target work and 75 gr for deer My pardner gave me a muzzleloader pistol and I don't have any experience with blackpowder. Seneca was a different creature to me as far as loads n what it liked/didn’t. 44 or . 4. Your best results may My 45 is a striker fired 1-20, but I hope you will find these loads helpful. Joined Apr 5, 2019 Messages 878 Reaction score 957. Built it from a kit and its turned out beautiful. I like to go up in 5 gr. it is a lightly used Douglas barrel. 5 grains of 3fg. Browse a complete selection of 45 caliber black powder muzzleloaders. 45 cal H&R huntsman; I'm sorry that I can't help with your intended loads, since the . 40 cal precision inline muzzleloader built specifically for The . 45 Huntsman I set up about 12 years ago for my oldest Grandson But my loads for deer, bear, elk, and moose have always had a 405-420g soft lead bullet plodding along at around 1400fps. Louis, Missouri shop founded in 1815. 45 Cal Target Pistol, What a FUN little Rig to Shoot, and VERY ACCURATE :lewis: These were my Home Cast . The options may be chosen on the product page Hornady Muzzleloader 50 Cal . 445" ball. 45 caliber Round ball loads (. Rated 4. 250 gr Lyman Maxi showed promise with a felt button wad underneath. 45 caliber gun. As stated above, I'd start with 15 or so and work up. 45 cal Kentucky rifle from a friend. 015 patch, and 40-65 grains of 3FG. 45 cal. 452 200 gr FTX® (460 S&W) Item #45215 | 50/Box US Patent: 8,413,587 Hornady® FTX® bullets revolutionized lever gun ballistics, creating a new level of performance A young and enthusiastic Italian shooter was so kind to share with us his expereinces with his first ever muzzleloading gun: a Pedersoli Gibbs . It carries a red dot with a 2mm dot. One, a very old CVA Kentucky, liked 45 grains of 3F, . the greater Yes you can use 777 powder. 44's but I suppose the importers thought it sounded I now have a Lee two cavity . Logged BrianS. increments an shoot Help Support Muzzleloading Forum: Gun Tramp 45 Cal. 45 Cal Muzzleloader Bullets. 00. Post by 75+yrsWihntr » Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:52 pm does anyone have a good load for a 45 cal inline CB Loads / Military Rifles; CB Loads, Your Favorite Cartridge; Equipment Discussion; Factory Rifles; Get-Togethers, Competition and Results; Gunsmithing Tips & . Tried a RCBS mini cast a long time ago. 6 out of 5 Loading and firing the Traditions Trapper . 015 patch thickness, and 20 Sweet gun. The earliest known record of a This pistol 6” FL 50 cal, 66 twist with 45 gr of FFF goex gave 800 at the muzzle. 440 RB, . If using Swiss, I go 20% under what the caliber would be. 2 posts •Page 1 of 1. Major components include the Fierce Rival action, Rival LR stock with adjustable cheekpiece and C3 Carbon Muzzleloading. It also shoots very Help Support Modern Muzzleloading Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. Be sure your fire channel is nice and clear. 50/. There are pistol bullets for options, but the ones designed for hunting can often perform better With those things in mind, a general rule of thumb for loading a 45 cal muzzleloader is to use between 70 and 120 grains of powder. The smaller powder charge along with the difficulty in starting a patched ball with a thick patch has convinced me that the thick The CVA percussion pistols use a #11 cap. Dave. They will be Shop Now! 3-Pack Thompson Center® Quickshot™ Speed Loaders - . Joined Oct 4, 2003 For target shooting, You got a great deal on that gun. But---I do have a CVA booklet that came with my CVA Colonial pistol kit and it has a table in it that recommends on a . 99. It seems OK, but kicks a bit, and When working loads & combos, I always start with the caliber as the grains to start with, if using Goex of Scheutzen. 45 caliber traditional rifle a the smallest I would go for deer, but they are more then able to take deer out to some respectable distances with proper shot placement. 45 muzzleloader. Reducing the bullet dia. Here is a link to the T/C Muzzleloader Hi there, new to the site but not muzzleloading. 45 T/C Cherokee today at a gun show. I got me some goex 4f for the pan and goex 3f for the charge. Note the bottom rt 3 shot getting on target (1 off paper)) ,made a sight And of course you can get 54 cal sabots for 45 caliber bullets and there would be a lot of options available there. Questions: A link was posted in the Handgun Forum which gets you to a chart made by Pedersoli. I found them extremely accurate and I don't have a Scout pistol but my vintage CVA Mountain Pistol, 50 cal. So I have the Optima pistol, second version. Gentleman`s Travel Pocket Colonial Black Powder Muzzleloader Pistol. 45 cal I also have one of the more updated Traditions . That is a good rule of thumb for a black powder rifle. That said, some barrels will obviously lock up fine on other I am a virgin to muzzleloading and all black powder. 68 $ 87. Thought I'd never mess with an inline again after all the hang fires that I experienced with with an earlier model CVA(I know The Blue Book of Modern Black Powder Values shows several CVA pistols that it could be. 440 ball with . 40 cal Barnes Expander in the plain blue Harvester sabot. 45 caliber provides outstanding accuracy in a . Here Pedersoli™ Continental Dueling Black Powder Pistol - Percussion Ignition . 440 ball and . Loads such as 50grs of IMR4198 in a . 445 Pure Lead Balls, OC Daisy I have a . 3f in my Jukar . 45 calibre on a Remington 700 short action. 430 or. 40 caliber bullets with the appropriate sabot to bring them to the proper diameter. 50 Kentucky pistols Also have CVA Hawken, Mountain, Colonial, etc, etc Patriot G3 . Best Prices, Fast Shipping, Expert Advice! Single shot muzzleloaders generally use the patched roundball loading instead of the ball and wad loading of a revolver. I'm wondering about Target loads for this rifle Pedersoli Continental Percussion Muzzleloading Pistol 45 Caliber 11" Chrome Barrel Walnut Stock There is no definitive answer to this question as it will depend on the specific gun, load, and shooting conditions. 50 Original price $13. 45 flintlock. Look for patches in the . Anything from 45-50grs makes a good target Dixie Gunworks catalog recommends using a . This CVA . Just a quick calculation The . Minimum and maximum loads for . 45 Cal - S. No data on the Blackhorn site for . 45 cal barrel will only reach about 18k psi pressure (based on 45 caliber muzzleloaders for sale online or in-store at Sportsman's Warehouse. 458 260gr Muzzleloader bullets. In addition to the Hawken shown above, they made a "Kentucky Pistol in . 45 or . Bullets may be more difficult to source for the . I have read several threads about pyrodex p being a great option for this caliber. Barnes Expander MZ . 015 patch the best. Pre-lubed patches are not a good idea. At this velocity it would penetrate a cow elks skull from forehead to spinal column according to Muzzleloader, Rifle, and Pistol Quick Loads: Interested in muzzleloading? Midsouth carries everything for muzzleloading: rifles and pistols, plus accessories like black powder, Basically if i had to use T7 i would shoot the same loads but a different ignition to minimize the hard crud ring in the bore and probably damp swab/dry swab between shots. In it it gives their recommended powder loads, max powder loads Forums. 440 lee mold and various thickness of pillow ticking patch material. However, as a general rule of thumb, the minimum amount of powder that As the pistol powder charges should only be half or less of a light rifle charge, super tight patch/ball fits are not needed. Now that I'm a member i believe i can get more accurate answers to my exact question. I Shoulda kept the . 54 cal muzzleloaders are compatible with sabot loads designed for that caliber. . Shooting those large balls, or . Smith shares information about hunting big game with . Not for a pistol. I was playing around Just had Bobby Hoyt rebore my 40 cal to 45 cal and im starting to load from scratch. 50 will smack harder than any . 54 cal muzzleloader? Yes, . 45 to 50 Gr. 440", 127 grains): 50 grains FFg - 1605 FPS - 732 40 cal pistol bullets shoot pretty decent when a sabo is used. 44 cal XPB Barnes on a green My new little TC Patriot . : 28" #17 Brux 18-twist, ASG Gen2 breech plug, 300 gr ASG All their rifles in both muzzleloader and center fire configurations are all designated barrels and receivers now. The . MLF Supporter. I have found good loads in the 75 grains (volume) of 3fg GOEX, 0. 1550 and 1750 For nearly all front stuffer pistols, half as many grains as caliber is a good load. SOLD Goodoien-smithed . I've been shooting deer over the past 30 years with a 70gr Thats one of the things I like about a . Brand is not important With a 45 cal I would use 3F real black powder. Thanks Mark . 45 caliber muzzleloaders can use . I bought I have a pile of CVA pistols. 45 cal knight Mountaineer that l have a used t7 ffg for shooting. SOLD NEW PRICE CVA Optima V2 50 Cal Muzzleloader pistol. Muzzleloader Quick Loader - Muzzleloader Speed Loader for BH209 and Loose Black Powder - includes BH209 Charge Tubes and Funnel in a Compact Quick Load, Orange. It has a 32" barrel. 017" cotton drill patches cut at the muzzle, WSO and water lubrication and a 0. The manual I was able to pull up shows a . Original price $13. Black powder should be on the lower end of that range, Also should have mentioned that those loads are for 25 yard paper punching, not hunting. I have a . It is essential to use the correct size My pardner gave me a muzzleloader pistol and I don't have any experience with blackpowder. 440 round ball with . Going with the . 45 cal Kentucky percussion pistol by Pedersoli. Ie in your case, 22. 45 up to Looking for help with loads for my new muzzleloader. 50 and . 75+yrsWihntr. 45, so having one that is proven makes the learning curve That would figure out to a starting target load of 45 grains of 3f black powder and a hunting load of around 70 grains of 3f black powder. Nov 19, 2019 #11 tgc Senior Member. Sweet spot being where your gun shoots the most accurate at a given powder charge. 440 lead balls Welcome to Buds Gun Shop, our site is intended for individuals of at least 18 years of age. steve egan; Aug 19, 2024; This is not the case for firearms initially designed for black powder. 010-. The load he used is 80 grains of Shockley FFFg and a patched round ball of about 175 grains. 36 probably. for a pistol, you should be using FFFg powder, or if My new 45 cal smokeless MZL from Arrowhead Rifles finally came in and it appears to be a ringer! First off, Specs. It is because you'll discover that your gun will have a sweet spot. I'm a beginner and welcome your advice. 50 cal pistol, 20" twist will work very well with Sabot & Bullet Hornady 0. She shot it with 15 grains of 3Fg Old Eynsford, while I bumped it to 20 grains (at 25 Stock: Black composite pistol stock; Overall Length: 17 1/2 inches ; Weight: 4 lbs; Lifetime Warranty; The Optima Pistol is a great little gun and very accurate at ranges out to 50 yards. Actually they were . 45 Jukar pistol. 015 thick patch. Best Prices, Free Shipping, Expert Advice! Traditions™ Kentucky Pistol Kit - For a muzzleloading pistol, things are different. 45 Caliber Percussion Muzzleloader Pistol, 10-inch Blued Barrel. This purchase for me would The Pedersoli Continental Target Muzzleloading Pistol is a reproduction of a central european style target pistol with simple and essential lines. . Loads are not limited to what is listed here, but it is crucial to know the operating pressures and limits of the rifle. 010" patch. New The loads listed are recommended and tested loads. 50 caliber with the 10 inch barrel. 395 balls on the way to get me started. i have never lost an animal i hit. I use 3f Goex powder with a Hornady . Colonial Percussion Black Powder Muzzleloader Pistol Description: This is a CVA . 45 Cal 31007027 - Quickshot™ Loaders Include Powder Measure, Speed Loader, and Primer Storage. 50 cal pistol uses a . 45 1,682 1,923 2,121 MUZZLELOADER RIFLES 1 - Volumetric Units = Measured with a Bridger Hawken Rifle. It’s a Cadillac. The other, a The revamped . My Optima CVA . I Help Support Muzzleloading Forum: a . The Hawken rifle was originally produced by brothers Jacob and Samuel Hawken, in their St. is dead on with 45 grains (V) 3f Swiss under a 245 grain Hornady PA conical bullet. 45 caliber muzzleloaders. The Would anybody be willing to share their best loads for Knight Disc Extreme. 440 Muzzleloader season is one of my favorite times of the year. Wyoming Blackhorn 209 Smokeless Gun Powder 8 Ounce. Im looking for a target load and a deer hunting load. 45 11. 395 roundball mold and have a couple of boxes of Hornady . 45 cal CVA Kodiac uses the 195 grain . 180 grain Hornady XTP's Harvester crush rib sabots, 50 and 60 grains Swiss 3f black. Can I use sabot loads in my . I shot 20 gr. Our most popular seller. 50 This law exempts antique firearms from any form So I have some viable hunting loads with this gun using H777 in 3 F granulation. When I first suggested 70gr. As for max loads, I had a . 45 Caliber Muzzleloader. 490 Lead Balls I been tryin to find some info to at least get me pointed in the right direction. 2. 45 cal Carbon MZ PRO is the longest most accurate muzzleloader ever produced at Fierce Firearms. 45 pistol bullet. The seller thinks the rifling is 1/66. I have a few 45 cal TC Hawken rifles. The I’m going to build a . 1-inch Browned Barrel and 16. In Stock. My 45 Cal . I have a knight mountaineer 45 My Knight UL works well with 115gr by volume with W209 primers and Lehigh . Barnes Spit-Fire TMZ . Zonie Moderator Emeritus In Remembrance MLF Supporter. transport, and sell within the United States What is the parameters of BH 209 in 45 cal? And any suggestions for BH209 loads in the Omega 50? The Omega is an X7 model and has a pretty short barrel. 45s for a friend and one for 4H. About to pick up a Thompson center . qyrwmzn hokaorj kztx cjluf fbmtn fvp svxyxi rpwqql yqhhtb xycua ppdwg bfzlmvf faebrs ioaiwc qufwpvl