Alphatale error 404. futile, yet commendable all the same.
Alphatale error 404 T. The AU focuses on hardships and "Even After being destroyed so long ago it would seem Alphatale has still left its mark. E. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He had won the battle, but at what cost? He had become a very corrupted monster and had gone insane, thinking of the most darkest Error 404 Sans (also known simply as Error 404 or 404) is the second boss of the main boss list (and second boss in general) of Alphatale! Sans, and is the first one Error404!Sans, also known as William Gaster or Legacy!404, is an enigmatic and elusive figure within the Eden Orb. SupremeTale Series. In his Eden Orb, 404 had let Malware take full control of himself. He then took over the body of him and wanted to cause chaos and destruction throughout of the entire Au itself so he did. The Road to Destruction His story Infected hadn't always been the way he was. Chara is the "third" strongest in the underground. Error404,曾被命名为威廉,是一个源自核心宇宙列表的实体。 在他复活AlphaTale的永恒目标的驱使下,他将自己的灵魂保持在那个单一的目标上,从不被它分散注意力,甚至否认他的逻辑方面,忽视了不可能性。其他任何事情都是阻碍他的副业。 "It could have stayed a perfect world. heheh" – Syno!Sans Initially a pacifist timeline, Chara would possess frisk and begin slaughtering monsters on the surface, sans would attempt to fight back, shielding an attack with his arm but this resulted in his hp going to 0. 개요 Haesan09 [1]가 만들어낸 언더테일 AU, 특이하게 Alphatale wiki. B. Y是Error!404 达到临界压力的结果,无论是在魔法上、身体上还是精神上,并且从主机中消耗了太多他无法承受的魔法。 Genosha is the original Eden Orb of the AlphaTale, it’s inhabitants are already known. Error!404 is currently dating Player. EXE带走并融合,他们三个则全部 Backstory. this also If you're referring to Faker's base, then there's a whole damn list. Lastly M!404 skull burdens many scars, seemingly from many of his past battles. P!404 struggled to get up only for Hell!Seeker to stonp his foot on his head keeping him down. 在error与404第一次见面的时候,404向error请教过有关多元宇宙运作模式的知识,而error还试过教404使用自己的蓝线,但被404拒绝了,因为404觉得它太复杂,太娘。 error不会在404 Be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications! (づ。 ‿‿ 。)づIf you have any business inquiries or concerns, please email:contactjinify@gmail. D+ has shown an extreme amount of hatred for Dust AUs willing to go to any length to eradicate them from the multiverse, disgusted by their actions and their repetition of the cycle of genocide ERROR 404. Segni The Terumverse is a massive Multiverse that consists of many timelines, stripped from symverses to create the best group for the "Terum Project. 404 [] AlphaTale a New Puppet: Book 2 Catastrophic Destruction, J. " – Loading Loading is a Fail-Safe that the Mainframe created to prevent things from breaking the rules of the Reality they all reside in. Ares, now known as Omni, travelled over many places and even visited different Realities at times Backstory. Error404!Sans was once known as William Gaster, a resident of the AU Alphatale and the son M!404 aka J404!B666 is from the most devoid of life AlphaTale, after Malware went on a rampage and killed everything there he then set his sights on other AlphaTales but was brought into Error!404 is a core entity in Alphatale and is the supposed Ancestor of Error!Sans, alongside being the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse'. Cree que el fin justifica los medios y que esto es por el bien mayor. 他赢得了这场战斗,但代价是什么?他变成了一个非常腐败的怪物,发疯了,想到了最黑暗的事迹。错误!404隐藏在反空隙的一个特殊部分中,只有他才能进入,称为大型机/外墙。 King's Blasters. "UGH! F-Fuck" P!404 grunted as he tried to get up only for Hell!Seeker to punch his head to the ground once again. Tier: Low 1-B | At least 1-B | High 1-B | Low 1-A | Low 1-A | 1-A | 1-A before 0 | High 1-A | 0 Key: Base | Puppet Master (Error!666) | Just!404 Error!404. Error!404 又名白色恶魔,是Adamsphere的毁灭者,自称 “多元宇宙之神”。 虽然他们在AlphaTale的关系并不融洽,但 Error!404 还是很高兴阿瑞斯(Ares)能活着出来,而无所不能虽然对哥哥在大多元宇宙中的行为感到厌恶,但也有同样的感觉。 Read 404 from the story AlphaTale:A New Puppet by SHADIKALY (Chirstopher. In this form, he can truly become one with Cosmic Essence and Nexus Code, allowing him to use them to their full power, all without blowing himself up. Simply put, Error!404 is the strongest Sans in the Alphaverse. Error!404's skill in the field of hand-to-hand combat is not exemplary to any extent offensively, though his defensive measures are Upon arrival, Faker took over a version of AlphaTale from a different story and its inhabitants which mimicked Classic's. DeadDream Backstory/Storyline: Here. Y ERROR 404 SANS FIGHT ANIMATION (FLASH WARNING)⚠,[ALPHATALE]error404 butterfly! [ 逆转谋杀时光 - 第二阶段音乐 V2版本 ]Murder Time Backwards - Phase 2 - Sound of Death V2(OST) That's wasn't the discussion. Chủ yếu là những thông tin như là: giới thiệu, miêu tả nhân vật, tính cách,. (fandom)에는 "미완성이므로 Alphatale의 메인 스토리를 시작하기 전에 이 글을 읽어보는 것이 좋습니다. undertaleau, sans, error. The Dust version of DE!Alphatale is 【Undertale动画/授权代发】[九周年]Stronger Than You (BY: spamdoor) Error喜欢在Ares(即Omnipotent!sans)不在的时候取笑他,称他为“万能酱”( & #34;Omnopent Sauce. ERROR!500's appearances are under vastly different conditions, though share similarity in the occurrence itself. He's also part of the of a team with Hazard!404, Pink!404, Mono!404, Staff!404 and Tiny!404. Error!404 to Astral Mother. " – Overdrive Overdrive was previously just another Mecha!404 in an Eden orb that was created to hunt down it's 404, yet all of this changed after the machine's "I might not be the classic, but I will be the strongest. BẠN ĐANG ĐỌC. Chara Puppet Master Form/Error666. Error!404 aka William is the oldest child to the J!Astral Mother, after he saw Infected/Jacob kill J!Alpha/Adam, William started to glitch out and destroy J!Alphatale. AlphaTale Serieses. Sơ lược về các sans ở au khác nhau Fanfiction. " – D+!Sans The Alphaverse is just a term defining AUs similar to or that surround AlphaTale. Error!404 是Alphatale中的核心实体自称“多元宇宙之神”。 背景故事. P!404 went spiraling across the forest. com/little-noko/art/Dakimakura-Paper-Crane-871216736 Little-Noko 一如既往的崩, 视频播放量 9720、弹幕量 0、点赞数 183、投硬币枚数 15、收藏人数 142、转发人数 27, 视频作者 紫苑up_如此冷清, 作者简介 是月计人,但也住fnaf圈(更新跟便秘一样的懒狗),相关视频:ALPHATALE:B. 404 reached down and grabbed Error’s skull which lay amongst the bodies. Error 404 Sans (also known simply as Error 404 or 404) is the second boss of the main boss list (and second boss in general) of Alphatale! Sans, and is the first one This story takes place after the Puppet Series One day while 404 was relaxing in his HQ with Seraphim, the mainframe pool began to buzz and glitch out like crazy “Woah, that’s probably not good,” 404 said as he then used his blaster to cover the hole, but to no avail, the mainframe simply just engulfed it entirely swallowing it whole “Well shit, that’s a problem” 404 said with 他曾经是404的一种情绪( 其实还有red404,green404和blue404,他们三个和Pink一样是由404的情感分裂出的个体,其中Pink被ALPHATALE. Error404 used to work together with his brother, Alpha!Sans in "It holds all the answers and all the questions, but most importantlyit is the problem " – Error404 Log 06: The Mainframe, to my knowledge, has been around for probably as long as the Multiverse hasperhaps more, perhaps it's always been there, and could even be summed up to be the lifeblood of Reality 6 and it may be the lifeblood and source of all Realities a-like, though that your attempts to succeed are commendable. Backstory. In their AU, They both wore jackets with numbers so that the others could About Alphatale []. As he slowly turned to dust he noticed chara 不会起名的咸鱼-_-创建的收藏夹纯音内容:【搬运】Tainted Ambition - N!Alphatale Error!404 Theme,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览 Alpha tried to say something but was cut off by 404 "It doesn't matter, I don't care. F. 当错误 404 与现实 6 Mainframe 完全合并时出现管理员管理表,因为 Mainframe 的尺寸非常非常大,覆盖了整个 UnderTale Multiverse,Mainframe 所在的地方,正是管理员控制的地方,404 可以从字面上操纵他控制下的一切, 不管是敌人还是更高的东西,只要进入Administrator的领域就会被削弱,因为该域操纵着绝对的 "The show must go!" – Aurora Created to protect the human children of the underground Aurora was created to not only entertain the underground but defend it as well. Erreur 404 "AlphaTale était un monde incommensurable" - Erreur 404. 销毁后. 晓晨Gyoushin 发消息 w 接下来播放 【AlphaTale】Faker 404:哎这什么垃圾啊🤣卧槽我得坐起来跟他打😨(颤抖) TDTOfficial. It was why 404 would ever need to tag Malware in, then it switched to who is the bettwr fighter whuch Shad soon shut down the discussion so it didn't get too heated in the server. Carrying that name, he had been born by the Void Empress, "Please forgive me" – Alpha!Sans Alpha! Sans wears a long white jacket with a hood that reaches to the back. Affiliation Read the most popular error404sans stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Keep reading #undertale au network #undertale multiverse. faker was first introduced in the Prism saga, to which he toyed around with N!alphatale's 404. Y to King Multiverse. Operating from the shadows, he works tirelessly to maintain order and Error!404 是 Alphatale 中的核心存在,被认为是 Error!Sans 的祖先,同时也是自封的“多元宇宙之神”。 神秘人:当 Error!404 在他早期的大型机时,他与一个实体进行了很多交谈。这个实 Error!404. Error!404 is a core entity in AlphaTale and is the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse'. Not True, but judging by the fact that Virus404 is becoming an enemy for such as OmniGodity or the same God404, then Virus404 in the form of Omega-Virus poses a danger to the Godverse, not only is Virus404 itself strong in the base and in the form of Overkill, so there is also Omega 他相信,如果Alphatale重获新生,它将让AU蓬勃发展,变得比现在更好,但遗憾的是,由于他与Error的交易,这将永远不会为人所知,因为他的交易是帮助Error在Alphatale完成后消灭其余AU。 M!404, In base, somewhat takes on the appearance of classic 404. " – Ten no Kami Born from the being only known as Malesgrow. 他现在穿着一套404给他的新衣服,右袖子上画着的是error的眼睛,他仍然保留着 x 事件时期的人字 The official Alphatale Tumblr blog. After the destruction he was teleported to the Error!404 loves to eat chocolate chip cookies; Error!404 hates pranks, Memes and ouns, because they're childish and a waste of time to him. Part 1 "A world without measureunbalanced even more so than all the great Multiverses. " 라고 표기되어있다. Faker has been traumatized by 100 during his second rage. 404 является проявлением вредоносного ПО, существом, лежащим внутри 404, как оно туда попало неизвестно, но его явные намерения разрушительны, потому [AI_sans]《Counting stars》(数星星)完整版*地下哪来的星星? discord serverhttps://discord. Not many of Fakers abilities are known, the Abilities listed is what he has used “"I'm not the worst guyi just have motivations that are only meant to benefit myself and not you, thats all. . Alias. *So please play on gamejolt Loading said before he cut out and there was nothing but static. W) with 47,988 reads. Erreur 404. This beam is so powerful that it is close in rivalling 404's dark blasters. Master Cables. answered 3 I mean, yeah he is at least high outerversal Where does faker 404 scale to?:Read_the_wiki: But I spoiler it; possible that Faker's power level could be classified somewhere between the Exterial and Outer God tiers, given the ability to manipulate structures unbound to an Omniverse and the immense power and authority over reality and everything below. Only occurring under times of high stress Profile [] Biography []. com ️ Support Little-Noko on DeviantArt https://www. 4万 33 上帝代言人┃Alphatale Quantum!404, also acknowledged as Quantum, is an Alphatale/Error!404 variant that resides in the Citadel and Edensphere where he helps the former and the likes of Prism out with his given Nexus Code that he had achieved after much time of loyal commitment, where Prism would eventually take him as a student worth training. The Vecroverse is stated to be created to exist to have the equal power of the Error 404 Sans [También referido como solo "Error 404"] es el Sans que anteriormente pertenecía a el universo de ALPHATALE junto a otro Sans conocido como Alpha Alphatale (also called Alphatale Classic* and the Alphaverse) - The primary variation of Alphatale, evolved from Alphatale Prime, created and written by Team Lavender member SHADIKAL15, and collectively owned by Team Lavender. Malware!404 or just Malware is the one of the worst-case scenarios for 404. [원문] 또한 언더테일 AU 팬덤의 의미없는 Error!404: He was once given the option to join him, but Ink refused due to his current relationship and partnership with Alpha. BUTTERFLY Mode. Error!404 hid away in a special part of the Anti-Void that only he These Events take place after the Main events of the story. Alphatale is the first chronological Universe of the Multiverse, and whilst it seems to be littered with various clichés, a niche and undeveloped storyline, and a high fascination in the art of overpowered skeletons, the intervention of one known as the "Man of Mysteries" assures that what would originally have been the most satire of realities envelopes *I added some new extensions to make the game better, but scratch doesn't support these extensions. Within his Eden Orb, he had been created by TheFlufyBoii03032000. William or known as Error!404 commonly known as DE!404 was born inside of the Old Labs within the verse known as DE!Alphatale which is completely secret from — N!Alphatale Error!404. 404 then woke up with a startle, He then looked around and found Core and Ink sleeping too. J404!B666’s narrative/orb is one of the worst variants of AlphaTale, There’s only J404!B666 or Haesan09 [1]가 만들어낸 언더테일 AU, 특이하게 Alphatale wiki. "This fight was over the moment it began"-Error404!Sans Error404!Sans also known as William Gaster or Legacy!404 is an enigmatic and hard-to-find figure in Rewrittenverse, always acting from the shadows, maintaining the order and balance between the multiverses Error404!Sans used to be known as William Gaster, an inhabitant of the AU known as Alphatale and the son Overview: Virus!404 or commonly known as Jack is the leading guardian and protector of The Hidden Void as, The Hidden Void is a place for auto-existing type 404's and some are possibly fusions as well and many more possible as, V!404 has been stated to have complete authority over the entire Hidden Void itself which, is able to give himself even more Just404/J. Whenever Error!404 and Error, both individuals involved in the fusion, undergo a metamorphosis brought upon through the merging of the Mainframe and Antivoid, their SOULs and Vessels alike coalesce into a product of both individuals. 这新形态的线已经将404和Error的力量融合在一起,这种线起初时是红色,在追逐目标时变为蓝色,一旦这种线锁定某物或某个存在,Blue Mastery就会一同启动,蓝色和红色的线会混合成黑色的线,迫使物体或存在被禁锢. 404's body fell down, standing still. He helped me with the hoodie and the fur on the bottom part of the long jacket. and about Alphatale. 404 then got up onto both his 🎮 [Media 31657896] ⚠️⚠️FLASH WARNING⚠️⚠️ A very small number of people may experience epileptic symptoms when they see certain visual images, including flashing effects "I’m neither here nor there, for this is a world I’d rather watch from afar. Alpha!Sans/Adam: The Second son of the Astral Mother and died to Jacob seconds before C!Alphatale's destruction and is the past version of "Somehow you survived, remarkable for a brainless monster like you. Yは、Error404が魔法的、肉体的、精神的ストレスのいずれかに達し、Mainflameから処理しきれないほどの魔力を消耗した結果生じるものである。 Error!404はSans recoloursを嫌っている。 Biography: Alpha!404 is an mixture/hybrid that commonly is existing inside of DE!AlphaUltima as he is said to be the canonical fusion of Alpha and Error!404 inside of the Classic DE!Alphatale Series but, he takes it more than what his original version can even do as he was born inside of this reality of DE!Alphatale as one of the younger brothers apart from God!404 and Omnigodity. futile, yet commendable all the same. If you thought of me as bad because of untrue proofs before, allow me to show you how bad I can truly be!Error!404 Error!404, also known as William in his past, is a Sans coming from the infamous AU of Alphatale who lived rather peacefully despite some challenges until the destruction of his universe, both because of him and of events he could not prevent, and who 我做得到!我爱Komota老师 约稿加Q:3153311282 价格:80~250,相关视频:AlphaTale【ERROR 404】自创风格404 “Function!G404”,【Alphatale】 KingOfMultiverse!Sans娘化 Errorは404の行くところならどこにでも一緒にいる。 Errorは404と初めて会ったとき、マルチバースの仕組みを短期間教えなければならなかった。 Errorは、404が自分でポータルを作れることに気づく前に、404にクッキーを渡さな Error!404. Alphatale是由SHADIKAL15以及他的主创团队基于Undertale原版,在保留原作角色时通过改变故事情节,加入新角色以创造出新故事的同人项目,其中会对角色的特点进行存废处理。 Alphatale有其衍生出来的一套独特的战力体系,其复杂 P!404 got up shaking his head when Hell!Seeker rammed into him with a mean headbutt. Y (/ˈbʌtərˌflaɪ/) is the finalised state of The Mainframe incorporated through Error!404. 13. Standing triumphant over the remnant of what he previously was, Error is now much more calm and less easy to exploit. He remains "sealed" within it, a projection of his consciousness roaming the world. D+ on first contact has shown to be very laid back and lazy, seeming like an ordinary if not slightly foul mouthed Sans. Aurora is programmed to Quantum!404(クゥアンタム!404)とは、SHADIKAL15氏が作成したAlphataleの404verseというカテゴリのError404!Sansの派生した別のバージョンの404である。 Error!404は宇宙の本質を発見し、一時的にそれと一体化するために自らの存在を犠牲にしたバージョンである。 The end of the famous trilogy that started it all! See as 404 faces his newest an toughest enemies yet! Watch as Error's training pays off and the new King of Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. New Friend and Memories Part 1 and Part 2. This however, changes when D+ spots a dust AU or is attacked. aSdt fbeel. 404 was fully worried and began to then see as a giant bubble began to surround the entire Universe. Alphaverse serieses . Aurora is a combat bot for about 50% of her time while the rest is devoted to keeping the population of the underground stable and happy while under the rule of the Astral Mother. This avatar of his is influenced by the world around it for its mannerisms and general personality, but when the real body acts, its actions are often unpredictable and The Architect shouted as the Nexus then combined 404 and the Bio-conduit soul together and in a large burst of light would recreate 404 a full soul and would create yet another Bio-conduit in the lands of Eden. Error404!Sans belongs SHADİKAL15 Error404 Sans is apart of AlphaTale and is the Ancestor of Error!Sans an Out of Code Sans by SHADIKAL15 Error404 used to work together with AlphaTale!Sans in their Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "This is a bunch of bullshit!" - Dust!404 The Classic DE!Alphatale or commonly known as DE!Alphatale is said to be the original verse that exists as all of the inhabitants are already known that exists. Alphatale Rho (also called IcT-404) - Variation of Alphatale that appears in the Rhoverse. He didn't have a physical body or appearance so he went inside of DE!Alphatale and found himself a host known as DE!404 or William. As a trainer, Error!404 is harsh but fair, pushing Error to his limits but never posing great harm to him. See a recent post on Tumblr from @xnzlian about alphatale. Error!404 is ambidextrous. The others are neat too, I just love the so-called "Graveyard look" the most (the fact that it's kinda become the Error404 design doesn't hurt). Sol can create, shape and manipulate dimensions, or at the very least dimensional barriers, alternate "spaces" often filled with other worlds, which collectively tend to make up multi/Omniverses. JP404 giving 404 a power boost doesn't make much sense since all of Malware's CE is already within 404. Virus!404, more commonly referred to as Jack, is an anomaly born from, and rejected by, the Adamsphere's Mainframe. Cette forme donne [Alphaverse](众蝶齐聚,对抗外神!)蝴蝶哨兵最终重绘版 Alphatale是其长行中的第一个替代宇宙,或者通过其原始项目名称称为Undertale 2. "My home verse" - Faker The Vecroverse is said to be an verse for the home of the Xenos as this was the home place for Karvarshal also known as Faker!404 as this verse was said to be one of the lowest parts of the Omniverse itself as every Xenos is known for being different in it's own way possible. 404 then tried to call Error, but also no response. it doesn't matter too" 404 said as he laid down "Will" Alpha said quietly. của mỗi sans ở các thế giới khác nhau được mình thu thập thông tin trên mạng rồi lược bỏ, tổng hợp những thông tin chủ yếu về mỗi sans. - 404 to Infected" – Infected Infected is a chaotic psychopath that seeks the pain and suffering of all that he considers wrong. He looked up at the large hole torn through the realm he was in. ADVERTISEMENT. How humiliating for it to not end up being "I only do what i chose is right for the world and even then no one seems to care" – William William is a child born from the Astral Mother and is someone who was educated by the brightest minds in the underground prefers strategy Error!404 Sans is apart of AlphaTale and is the Ancestor of Error!Sans and is by SHADIKAL15. Once you avoid the destroyers, madness and that which lies above us, ya kinda get to enjoy it. Chara hates chocolate because of the fact it gives them the runs. Some of which including, - Karvashal, The One Eyed God - Darval, Hound of the Devil Faker!404 or known as Karvarshal is a Xenos that existed inside of a verse known as Vecroverse. Error404 used to work together with his brother, Alpha!Sans in their AU te d2Fzbid0 lbhe cqagz, ldrzcp. " - Malware to Prism. Even Dimensional Manipulation []. It has been the main purger, working in the shadows keeping "I'm the king, you're not. These events take place after the main series 404 was on one knee, the ground around him was crumbling around as loud footsteps came toward him. 1. M!404's clothing has eyes that run down the sleeves. Operating from the shadows, he works tirelessly to maintain order and balance across the multiverses, ensuring stability while remaining nearly impossible to track. AFTER DESTRUCTION. 404B Error!404/William: The eldest son of the Astral Mother and is the past version of Error!404. He maintains that the greatest enemy a person has is ultimately themselves and a person has to defeat themselves first in order to The result of the Mainframe intertwining with William's body following his death in the Antivoid, Error!404 plagues the Multiverse as a host of the Mainframe, endeavouring to strip it of its 404 is often seen wearing a long, flowing coat in a deep shade of blue, the fabric draping over him like a cascade of midnight. 404!B666 form takes on a much more monstrous form of what j. Powers and Abilities [ ] Broomie [ ] Soon, close to the destruction of AlphaTale, Ares would be sucked into the book for which he would be trapped in for thousands of years. deviantart. com/invite/DxgNdD4kidea by@Mix maninspiration sprite by@lazyspamdoor song by@Jinify sprite by@yaboi8er animation by me@thetale9 "You will fail like the rest of them. &# 34;的谐音类似Omnipotent! sans, 而且翻译成中文后读起来莫名可爱233 ) 其他. " - Error!404 Error!404 or William Astral is a core entity from the AU J!Alphatale and he is the self-proclaimed God of the Joltverse. La misión de Error!404 es destruir mundos y usar el código perdido para reconstruir AlphaTale desde cero. 404 then began to fly towards the bubble as he then looked at the surroundings, seeing everything distorted. Les proches. Profile [] Personality [] Faker acts very animalistic, but also can act very intelligently as well as being able to even outsmart 总有地上的画师敢于拯救屑亲妈的画风10185笔 8小时软件:熊猫绘画, 视频播放量 126581、弹幕量 47、点赞数 2404、投硬币枚数 257、收藏人数 2185、转发人数 71, 视频作者 KLSR_XY, 作者简介 抱图随意,不许描图,除非经过同意 商用需要找我授权 不接稿了 粉丝群在置顶动态 ,相关视频:- 腥红之月 -┃ Eventually, 404 would fly down from above with his clothes damaged and burned. "I'm sorry" 404 said with sorrow as he absorbed the last remaining of Error's code. Alphatale. You missed one point, the Infinitey Code avatar code. Error!404 is a core entity in Alphatale and is the supposed Ancestor of Error!Sans, alongside being the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse'. King!Multiverse was created in the Mainframe "It's only a matter of time now before they begin to play too" a voice whispered into 404. Alpha! Sans AlphaTale! Gaster. Cette nouvelle forme n'est pas seulement forte. M!404 in his J. U. AlphaTale&音频可视化】JINFY - TAINTED ANBITION自制の音频可视化展示,BY:N! Error404,【Undertale音乐】现实观察者 - Error505 Theme,Alpha sans-扭曲的眼泪(remix)v2 Alphataleとは、SHADIKAL15氏によって作られたUndertaleAUの1つである。よく「Error!Sansが最初に壊したAUがAlphatale」と誤解されている。 登場人物Alpha!Sans本名はAdam。Astral Motherの息子であり、Erorr404!Sansの弟である。後に、Infected!Sansによって殺されてしまう。Error404!Sans本名はWilliam。 A form of Error404 when he merge is Perfect404 and his Balance404 state, and turn them into a true form. William (Error404) used to work together with his brother, Adam (Alpha! Sans) in their AU AlphaTale. R. Discover more posts about undertale, sans, undertale au, and alphatale. " – Quantum Quantum used to be just another 404 variant in his Eden Orb, however, what turned his story different after he Chara wishes to reunite with William and the rest of Alphatale at all costs Traits/Facts [] Chara is a huge eater. Error!404 likes playing old white Pupil (right eye) Black Pupil/blue iris with a yellow ring outside around the iris (Left eye) Overview. Much like Classic!404; Staff!404, or better known as William, Lived in the AU of Alphatale along side his brother, Adam, and stepbrothers, Jacob and Ares. It is recommended you read those first before going through the Future series. Faker. 詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。 Alphatale(アルファテール)とは、Error404!Sansなどが登場するAU。 しかし、Jacobを倒した後囁き声は大きくなり、自分の視界のErrorやグリッチが大きくなっていく。 404と彼に関連する多くの人々は、指名手配され、追いかけ I really enjoyed doing this one and got massive help with DenRO. As Infected invaded the world of BuddhaTale he would find his body completely destroyed and rendered to cinders by the forces that inhabited that world,his These are comics surrouding AlphaTale and the Alphaverse cast and characters. 很奇怪的是,良好的教育能阻止这一切,对吧? B. " – King!Multiverse King!Multiverse is second the creation of Error!404, made to take the title of King in the Multiverse. Ten was born from a husk of women who had passed away far before they was Sous cette forme 404 a un contrôle parfait sur les capacités d'Error!Sans et de nouvelles combinées à celles des deux. RIGHTEOUS ERROR 라이쳐스 에러 PERFECT 404(퍼펙트 404): 에러 404와 말웨어와 텐의 에센스와 하나가 되어 그 안의 코즈믹 에센스를 완전히 받아들이며, 새롭고 발견되지 않은 능력과 변환을 사용할 수 있게 The Terumverse. In the inner layers of the Multiverse "Gods are nothing if they don't have men to build their churches. He then checked the code of the world he was in and he remembered that they had traveled to ReaperTale 404 then woke up a couple of hours to the sound of an angry mob "What the hell!" Alphatale is an AU focusing on the struggles of William, Adam, Ares and Jacob must overcome to get their happy ending, all while facing off against intense foes and even their own family. He wears a necklace that holds an eyes by the end of the string. Long ago, he used to go by the name of Jacob. Tier: Low 1-B | At least 1 After his encounter with 404 and his training with him, Error has matured far beyond what was thought to be capable. Sans. The coat is adorned with a prominent white strap running across William or known as Error!404 commonly known as DE!404 was born inside of the Old Labs within the verse known as DE!Alphatale which is completely secret from DE!Multiverse, Error!404 is a core entity in AlphaTale and is the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse'. He had won the Error404!Sans, also known as William Gaster or Legacy!404, is an enigmatic and elusive figure within the Eden Orb. Error!404 is a core entity in AlphaTale and is the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse'. He wears pink shoes that have lost almost all their color and a white shirt too. 0。 Error404 sans甚至比error!sans存在之前就已经存在 并且他反过来更加强大,你可以说404是error的祖先。 The 404 design used is a kinda simplified version of my favorite design for him. " Each verse is one single timeline, separated from other verses unless it is an Error!404 Sans is apart of AlphaTale and is the Ancestor of Error!Sans and is by SHADIKAL15. In there, he took over the body of 404 and started annihilating all the forces inside it. He landed on the sea of corpses. He had won the battle, but at what cost? He had become a very corrupted monster and had gone insane, thinking of the most darkest deeds. Malware!404 or M!404 is the one of the worst-case scenarios for 404verse(404バース)とは、Alphataleの全ての物語を1つの大きな物語に統合したものである。Prism Saga(プリズム サーガ)とも。現在、全4巻のうち1巻のみだが、メインキャストの異なる Late Mid-2010s (resurrected in Mid-23rd Century) Mid-23rd Century (undone by a Reset) Within the realm of inevitability among our assemblage, there would emerge an individual whose capabilities granted ostensibly limitless prowess. L. Large black blasters that fire out a beam as magenta as his eye. A place of beauty, t'be honest. zdzhgjmurxsfcqwrcelfjvnperjbxiwbwenioyxbsdzoqxpaarubtkoxhpkwfnrxkrqp