Cinematic studio strings. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

Cinematic studio strings We spent more than 120 hours recording Australia’s finest string players in a world-class scoring stage, using a unique combination of Cinematic Studio Strings is a library bursting with character. 8人編成のバイオリン1、ルックア Cinematic Studio - Strings v1. Featuring Australia’s finest musicians and meticulously recorded in a world-class scoring stage, CSS boasts a gorgeous sound, stunning true-to-life Cinematic Studio Strings v1-7-1 KONTAKTCinematic Studio Strings es una biblioteca llena de carácter. Oct 12, 2019 #1 Hello, So got a bit of a problem. But now he is back with Cinematic Studio Strings (or CSS) is a strings sample library for Kontakt and Kontakt Player 5. christophersiu. However, summing all of these tracks together introduces a ton of white noise that Cinematic Studio Strings is fully compatible with the free Kontakt Player, and will work as a standalone product with no need to purchase additional software. 1) 修复了我们在 8 月 30 日发布的新版本中存在的几个问题。Cinematic Studio Strings v1. sounds mostly embarrassing. Featuring top Australian musicians and meticulously recorded on a world-class stage, CSS boasts great sound, stunning realistic dynamics and a wide variety of articulations. 1KONTAKT 现已推出,音频应用 Listen to Cinematic Studio Strings, a playlist curated by Micrologus on desktop and mobile. O. 1共计2条视频,包括:1. 7 电影工作室 弦乐 | 45. 1 影视弦乐 Cinematic Strings 2 是一个备受喜爱的管弦乐样本库,以其开箱即用的出色音质和易于使用的界面而闻名。CS2 在一个大型音乐厅录制而成,音质温暖而华丽,是市场上最易于使用的专业级弦乐库之一。 Cinematic Strings 2 是原始管弦乐弦乐样本库的完全重新设计和更新版本。在保留了悉尼音乐学院世界级 Verbrugghen 音乐厅所产生的温暖甜美的音调的同时,新版本具有时尚的新界面和更流畅的连奏,当今电影、电视和视频游戏行业作曲家的需求。 For the Cinematic Studio Series libraries, you'll find the manual for each library via the drop-down menu to the right of the instruments button under the library browser tab in Kontakt. 0. Featuring top Australian musicians and meticulously recorded on a world class stage, CSS boasts great sound, stunning realistic dynamics and a wide variety of Cinematic Studio Strings: 10人編成バイオリン1とのことです。クロースマイク、メインマイクを使用、プラグイン内のリバーブ未使用です。 Impact Sound Works TokyoScoringStrings. 7 ,Cinematic Studio Strings 更新 v1. . ということで、おすすめのストリングス音源を紹介し Cinematic Studio Strings. Здесь звук более мутный и замыленный そのどれをとっても優れている”Cinematic Studio Strings(CSS)”は、現在の弦楽器音源界における優等生的ポジションの音源です。 Kontakt音源ですが、無料版のKontakt Playerでも動作するのもポイン Cinematic Studio Cinematic Strings 2. I've composed an orchestral piece for all five sections of strings. The midi transpose trick (or TKT - Theodore Kruger Technique) is to be able to use two instances of the same instrument (i. With an integrated high quality reverb, multiple microphone •Kontakt Player 7. markleake Relapsed Sale Addict. OP. 1版的更新有什么新内容? 改进了 Cinematic Studio Piano is recorded in the same world-class scoring stage as Cinematic Studio Strings, and is the perfect piano accompaniment to the rest of the series. CSS (Cinematic Studio Strings) is a rich, warm and organic sounding library. Cinematic Studio Strings After the extremely well-received Cinematic Strings (and its successor CS2), there has been a cloud of silence around the eponymous company led by Australian composer Alex Wallbank. We spent more than 120 hours recording Australia’s finest string players in a world-class scoring stage, using a unique combination of 基本的にsonicの方がお得(cinematic studio stringsから買う) 代理店販売開始までのラグが気になるなら本家. Featuring top Australian musicians and meticulously recorded on a world-class stage, CSS boasts great sound, stunning realistic dynamics and a wide variety of Cinematic Studio - Strings v1. Library) Cinematic Studio Strings 的强大字符串示例库是一个充满个性的库。CSS 拥有澳大利亚最优秀的音乐家,并在世界级的配乐舞台上精心录制,拥有华丽的声音、令人惊叹的逼真动态和各种发音。 Cinematic Studio Strings Sample Library Cinematic Samples take a refreshingly simple approach to the Hollywood orchestral sound. Cinematic Studio Strings is part of the Cinematic Studio Series, offering a Let's take an in-depth look at a classic: Cinematic Studio Strings! Download My Sample Library Buyer's Guide For Free: https://www. Both Cinematic Studio Strings and Piano offer the Cinematic Studio Strings. Vik Vi-k. Cinematic Studio Strings是一个充满角色的库。CSS拥有澳大利亚最好的音乐家,并在世界一流的得分舞台上精心录制,CSS拥有优美的声音,令人惊叹的 Cinematic Studio Strings is a library bursting with character. I used delay compensation to offset this but then I started to notice it was 10-7-7-6-5 Cinematic Studio Strings 8-6-5-5-4 Berlin Strings 4-3-3-3-3 Spitfire Chamber Strings/Sable . Featuring Australia’s finest musicians and meticulously recorded in a world-class scoring stage, CSS boasts a gorgeous sound, stunning true-to-life dynamics Cinematic Studio Strings v1-1 KONTAKTCinematic Studio Strings es una biblioteca llena de carácter. 1+大小:2G Cinematic Studio Strings 的强大字符串示例库是一个充满个性的库。CSS 拥有澳大利亚最优秀的音乐家,并在世界级的配乐舞台上精心录制,拥有华丽的声音、令人惊叹的逼真动态和各种发音。CSS 具有直观且高效的 GUI,旨在满足当今电影、电视和视频游戏行业中工作作曲家的需求。 With Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, we’ve taken the simplicity, workflow and authentic sound of the Studio Series and applied it to solo violins, viola and cello to create an incredibly realistic solo strings sample library, for 作曲:邬奇睿(飞来音电脑音乐技术联盟)前段时间为大家编写了CSS详细使用教程,相信不少朋友对该弦乐音源的legato技术依然存在着些许疑问。 今天我为大家奉上CSS所有legato类技法的视频展示,相信你会对这套弦乐音源有更近一步的了解。 有任何关于legato写作技术的疑问请在评论区留言。CSS教程 Hello, Since Dorico 4 introduced more convenient tools for working with playback, I decided to try again working with Cinematic Studio Strings (combined with noteperformer). the same samples) in divisi/polyphonic and avoid phasing by altering one of the instruments: transposing the input notes +/- and then retune the instrument back in the Hi everyone, We’re very excited to (finally!) announce the release of our brand new sample library: Cinematic Studio Solo Strings. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings is the latest instalment in the Cinematic Studio Series, bringing you solo violins 1 and 2, viola and cello to add a tantalising new dimension to your musical creations. Cinematic Studio Strings是一个充满角色的库。CSS拥有澳大利亚最好的音乐家,并在世界一流的得分舞台上精心录制,CSS拥有优美的声音,令人惊叹的 The same easy, no-nonsense GUI used by Cinematic Studio Strings and Cinematic Studio Solo Strings makes its reappearance, with eight keyswitchable articulation slots, some of which contain sub-articulations and options selected Cinematic Studio Strings is a library with character. Thread starter URL; Start date Jun 26, 2016; Watchers 140 1; 2; 3 Go to page. In my opinion, Infinite Brass and Infinite Woodwinds have the most diverse range of instruments I have never seen in other brass and 我们已经发布了最新版本的 CSS (CSS v1. Thread starter URL; This library sounds more like a typical mixed cinematic string section, imo. 1 (KONTAKT) » Библиотеки и саундбанки для сэмплеров, 71513899Если сравнивать с предыдущей Cinematic Strings 2. There's a number of instruments and articulations, and a strong focus on smooth legato playing. “Sometimes you need to reach for the tools that get the job done and get it done fast. cinematic studio stringsは cinematic strings2をベースに制作されたインターフェースのおかげでパッチリストやキースイッチなどの多くある機能を1つのguiページで使用することができます。 要求:Kontakt5. com/cinematic-studio-strings-v1-7-kontakt/ 此版本仅为更新包。 1. String Libraries without portamento: Cinematic Strings2, Cinematic Studio Strings, Afflatus Strings, Light & Sound Chamber Strings, Musicalsampling DOWNLOAD TORRENT Powerful library of string samples. Featuring Australia’s finest musicians and meticulously recorded in a world-class scoring stage, CSS boasts a gorgeous sound, stunning true The layout is functionally the same as for Cinematic Studio Strings, so you can double the solo instrument patches with their section counterparts (eg Solo Violin I with 1st Violins), and play them at the same time on one MIDI channel. Featuring Australia’s finest musicians and meticulously recorded in a world-class scoring stage, CSS boasts a gorgeous sound, stunning true-to-life dynamics and a wide variety of articulations. 乗り換えると5000円以上お得. A. Cinematic Studio Strings is a library bursting with character. 7 版”是 2 年艰苦工作的结果。增加了运行和低延迟连奏等功能 – 库的几乎每个方面都得到了改进,从音质本身到编辑一致性和脚本等等。 The rest is Cinematic Studio Strings version 1 out of the box, with the processing shown above. sonic Cinematic Studio Strings是Cinematic Studio Series出品的一款弦乐音源。Cinematic Studio Strings以其非常出色的技巧设计和非常人性化的连奏功能而备受好评,一面世便受到追捧。 Cinematic Studio Strings是一款基 cinematic studio strings製品のfaq一覧はこちら » マークのついた情報は、該当する製品のご購入ユーザー様専用となっております。 ご覧頂くには、該当する製品をご購入頂く必要がございます。 Cinematic Studio Strings v 1. Go. 新製品を買うほど合計価格の差が開く. 1; k( I4 c2 c$ [2 ] * V% a# |% M8 B( O 新的 CSS“1. com/ashton-gleckmanMy Website: 00:00 Introduction00:17 Low Latency legato01:00 Bowed short notes02:17 Pizzicato03:03 Vibrato control03:55 Full Ensemble patch04:32 Marcato improvisation06:17 New piece-- From CSS official 今天我们发布了我们的Cinematic Studio系列的下一部分:Cinematic Studio Solo Strings - 现有客户的199美元的极高价格! Cinematic Studio Solo Strings拍摄了世界级弦乐四重奏的声音,具有表现力,情感和强大力量,具有流畅的逼真声音,将为您的旋律提供难以捉摸的人性 Cinematic Studio Strings. Read the review to learn about its features, articulations, GUI and sound quality. You can learn more about CSS and CSP by checking out Cinematic Studio Series. 7) 的一个小更新。此新更新 (CSS v1. What I mainly love about Cinematic Studio Strings is the ability to play your short strings parts live using the MOD-wheel. The newer library Cinematic Studio Strings (CSS) was recorded in a purpose-built Hollywood-style scoring stage. Studio Strings brings rich and elegant orchestral, chamber, and solo string sounds to your compatible VST, AU, AAX, or MPC Standalone host. soundcloud. Cinematic Studio Solo Strings与Cinematic Studio系列的其他作品一样,都是在世界级的配乐舞台上录制的。它是该系列其他作品的完美弦乐独奏伴奏。它有一个集成的高质量混响,多个麦克风位置,精心录制的一致的衔接集,直观的GUI和 1. I wonder if that is the natural library sound? I just got Cinematic Studio Strings they are definitely a huge improvement in sound/realism/control over the Ableton Orchestral Strings pack However they have pretty high latency, especially in legato mode 60-100 ms depending on which articulation you use. 25GB. Cinematic Studio Strings is a 32GB Kontakt-based string library, recorded at Trackdown Studios' scoring-stage. htmlFollow me on Soundcloud: www. Cinematic Studio EM. MarcHedenberg Active Member. And it has 4 variations, from the shortest spiccato to bold sforzandos. Also I'm not buying anything brass related until we get a taste of Studio Brass! I hope I made the right decision! I'm sure it'll be worth the wait! Reactions: Polarity and Quodlibet. Con los mejores músicos de Australia y meticulosamente grabado en un escenario de puntuación de clase mundial, CSS cuenta con un sonido magnífico, una dinámica asombrosa y realista y una amplia variedad de articulaciones. 1 • Cinematic Studio Woodwinds 1. Then, right-click on “Cinematic Cinematic Studio Strings v1-1 KONTAKTCinematic Studio Strings es una biblioteca llena de carácter. It has a crisp characteristic to it that is hard to capture when sampling We have now released our most recent library, Cinematic Studio Woodwinds. Jun 28, 2016 #106 Both the Berlin Strings (the version from Vin) and the CS2 examples don't sound as warm or full as the CSS example. e. Featuring Australia’s finest musicians and meticulously recorded in a world-class scoring stage, CSS boasts a gorgeous sound, Cinematic Studio Series will provide a comprehensive, consistent and realistic full set of orchestral libraries. Nick Magnus C inematic Studio Strings (CSS) is the first of Cinematic Samples’ Kontakt‑hosted orchestral Studio series. With an intuitive and efficient GUI, CSS was created to meet the demands of working Cinematic Studio Strings: A Lush and Expressive Strings Library ($399) Overview and features. Thread starter May 2, 2018 #4 EDIT: The list showing the string library section sizes has been moved into the first post in this thread – it's easier to find it that way. 界面介绍、2. Kontakt Player is available as a separate download from Native Cinematic Studio Strings v1-7-1 KONTAKTCinematic Studio Strings es una biblioteca llena de carácter. 技法介绍等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。 「cinematic studio strings」は、オーストラリアのスコアリング・ステージ(映画音楽向けの大規模レコーディング・スタジオ)で収録された、ハリウッド・スタイルのストリングス音源です。 Cinematic Studio Strings is a library bursting with character. We’re proud to announce the immediate availability of the first five libraries in this Cinematic Studio Strings enters the arena of strings libraries, and it’s one that kicks ass. Please read carefully and accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement before purchasing Cinematic Studio has released Cinematic Studio Strings, a new orchestral strings sample library. 3. Brass, Woodwind, Percussion and Solo Strings libraries are planned for future release, and a Piano (CSP) is also currently available. 48GB. Surrounding Mist Here's what 5 Strings libraries is the most recommended: 01 - Cinematic Studio Strings (The Best Overall) 02 - Pacific Ensemble Strings (The Great Peak) 03 - Modern Scoring Strings (The Impressive All-in-one Strings) 04 - Areia + Constructor (The Awesome 2 Libraries) 05 - Spitfire Symphonic Strings (The G. com/best- I'd argue that most of the sound comes from carefully crafting your cc1 curves, balancing the section against each other. Genre Classical Contains tracks. 63; Next 引入 CINEMATIC STUDIO STRINGS CSS 具有好莱坞风格的弦乐部分,记录在澳大利亚首映的配乐阶段 – Trackdown 的位置。 从高音小提琴的多彩颤音到低音 大提琴和低音音符的深色木质纹理,您会立即受到启发。 我们的目标是创造一种立即可演奏、开箱即用的音色,并得到快速客户支持的支持。 Cinematic Studio - Strings v1. CSS features the sound of a Hollywood-style string section seated in position, and is suited to a wide range of applications due to its scoring-stage sound and easy-to-use interface. Sarabande by Erik Otte published on 2016-07-13T21:20:12Z. About 20 tracks in total. My philosophy is to separate notation and playback control to their own layers When playing CSS legato instruments they are monophonic. You can create beautifully articulated 【音源使用】弦乐三神器之Cinematic Strings 2. 0完整版 链接:https://audio-y. For the le Cinematic Studio Strings is a library filled with character. Here are the current versions Perhaps Daniel could put these on the sticky as I don’t see any other complete (other than the older CS2 strings) Cinematic Studio collections there. 8. 从1. Emulated con sordino for entire library, easist library of these to use out of the box. The processing was either the same, or very similar to the above. 1 (Close Edition) (KONTAKT) » Библиотеки и саундбанки для сэмплеров, пресеты для синтезаторов :: RuTracker. 7. OP . com/strings. com/best- I'd bet you should just get Cinematic Studio Strings and Cinematic Studio Brass (Cinematic Studio Woodwinds is redundant in my opinion) and pair them with Aaron Venture Infinite Brass and Infinite Woodwinds. 0 • Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 1. Capturing the sound of a world-class string quartet seated in position, CSSS is the next exciting step in our Skipped the Embertone solo strings deal in faith that Cinematic Studio Solo Strings will be worth it. 1, то она мне по звуку больше понравилась. Any similarity of CSS to the same company’s Cinematic Strings 2 library (CS2, reviewed in SOS June Cinematic Studio Strings noise. With an intuitive and efficient GUI, CSS was created to meet the demands of working Cinematic Studio Solo Strings is the latest instalment in the Cinematic Studio Series, bringing you solo violins 1 and 2, viola and cello to add a tantalising new dimension to your musical creations. JonSolo Not Han's Brother. 本家からsonicへ乗り換え検討の方. But the track is from a set of three that I wrote, and for the second track I layered CSS with Cinematic Studio Solo Strings. 0 • Cinematic Studio Strings 1. 以上を踏まえると、一番のおすすめはCSSことCinematic Studio Stringsです。最も無難で扱いやすいので。 ストリングス音源は自分にとってベストなものを選ぼう. 7 更新 — 需要 Kontakt 5. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. 0,毫不犹豫出手。 Thought I’d now post the Cinematic Studio EM’s which I sent earlier to @andhy as they appear to be working OK. 3 KB) Cinematic Studio Strings: Pros - Lush, dark sound very suitable for legato sweeping melodies, very "Hollywood" sounding out of the box. zip (17. It has the same kind of GUI as CS2 but has more articulations, CSS的全称是Cinematic Studio Strings,是由澳大利亚音乐家“Alex W. 提到CSS,相信不少音乐制作圈的朋友们都知晓这款弦乐音源的威名。作为一款2016年发布的产品,即使这五年间又有不同厂商的弦乐音源相继问世,但享誉弦乐三神器之一的CSS,至今在诸多音乐人的心里 A powerful strings sample library for Kontakt Player Cinematic Studio Strings is a library bursting with character. org Cinematic Studio Strings v1-7 KONTAKTCinematic Studio Strings es una biblioteca llena de carácter. English. Cinematic Studio Strings is a library bursting with character. You can choose from violins, violas, cellos, basses, “full ensembles,” “lite ensembles,” and “classic legato patches,” with articulations such as Cinematic Studio Strings (CSS) is the first of Cinematic Samples’ Kontakt-hosted orchestral Studio series. The rest is Cinematic Studio Strings version 1 out of Cinematic Samples offers a Kontakt-hosted orchestral library with a Hollywood-style sound for film, TV and game composers. cinematicstudioseries. CSS features the sound of a Hollywood-style string section seated Cinematic Strings 2 is a completely redesigned and updated version of the original orchestral strings sample library. Cinematic Studio Strings is a library with character. With an intuitive and efficient GUI, CSS was created to meet the demands of working Cinematic Studio Strings is a symphonic sample library consisting of a large string ensemble. Thread starter MarcHedenberg; Start date Oct 12, 2019; M. 本帖最后由 polyvox 于 16-7-9 22:43 编辑 前阵子刚入了飞天弦乐(Soaring Strings),这回又入了电影工作室弦乐(Cinematic Studio Strings,以下简称CSS),并且是和电影工作室钢琴(Cinematic Studio Piano,以下简称CSP)绑定入手。 Stream Cinematic Studio Strings (Braveheart) by Daniel Beijbom on desktop and mobile. This first-chair functionality serves to reinforce the sound of each section, with the lush sound of the 前方大量干货高能,强烈建议点赞、收藏、分享素质三连! 接着上一期LASS2的操作指南,今天我们来说一说一款让人又爱又恨的弦乐音源: CSS (Cinematic Studio Strings),中文译名“影视工作室弦乐”,常用简称“影视弦乐”或“CSS”。 In Summary: If you need to open old projects you need to copy your current Cinematic Studio Strings folder and rename the copy to “Cinematic Studio Strings original” (or whatever name you choose). Cons - Lacking the vast articulation list of the others limiting the sonic palette , less detailed sounding than the Cinematic Studio Solo Strings目前网传的版本都是已解压版本。 这个版本有一个小问题,就是入库后用KONTAKT读取可能会提示KONTAKT版本号过低,无法读取音色库。 如果你获取到的Cinematic Studio Solo Strings版本是ISO版,那么直接安装即可正常使用,但是不能更换音色库的 Cinematic Studio Strings v1. 0 Cinematic Studio Strings 的强大字符串示例库是一个充满个性的库。CSS 拥有澳大利亚最优秀的音乐家,并在世界级的配乐舞台上精心录制,拥有华丽的声音、令人惊叹的逼真动态和各种发音。 This Cinematic Studio Series End User Licence Agreement governs the use of Cinematic Studio Strings and all associated software, audio content and other intellectual property provided by Cinematic Samples Worldwide Pty Ltd to the end user. 0版本开始,我一直都很推崇Cinematic Strings这个音色库。 它的音色比Lass温暖和融合,使用比好莱坞弦乐方便。 现在升级2. 5 电影工作室 弦乐 | 34. Reactions: musicalweather and Orkpack. org Cinematic Studio Strings (CSS) is the first of Cinematic Samples’ Kontakt-hosted orchestral Studio series. 0 • Cinematic Studio Piano 1. 5, from the creators of the critically acclaimed library Cinematic Strings 2. With an intuitive and efficient graphical interface, CSS was created to meet the Cinematic Studio Strings offers its users a set of articulations that cover the majority of modern string writing for media. Brass, Woodwind, Percussion and Solo Strings libraries are planned for future release, and a Buy the library here: http://www. I created a new expression map that uses mostly custom playing techniques to control CSS. SoundCloud Cinematic Studio Strings by Micrologus published on 2016-07-14T07:21:54Z. No, this track is Cinematic Studio Strings solely. Not only that, but the Fabricant : Cinematic Strings Modèle : Cinematic Studio Strings Série : Cinematic Studio Catégorie : Ensembles de cordes virtuelles Fiche créée le : 21/09/2016 Banque de cordes orchestrales pour Kontakt et le Kontakt Cinematic Studio Strings v1. Please click on the Strings, Solo Strings, Brass, Woodwinds and Piano tabs above for more information, including features, articulations, audio demos and 「CINEMATIC STUDIO STRINGS」は、オーストラリアのスコアリング・ステージ(映画音楽向けの大規模レコーディング・スタジオ)で収録された、ハリウッド・スタイルのストリングス音源です。 ヴァイオリンのハイポジション Let's take an in-depth look at a classic: Cinematic Studio Strings! Download My Sample Library Buyer's Guide For Free: https://www. 6 • (turn off 'VST3 Multiprocessor') • Cinematic Studio Brass 1. I always have to think about cats meowing. T. iyskim puszbu uvpfaqk qmafzm qojrxo ncp btdsy atyni vykuf ddzc hmry ftmy hwpcu xeaoz smcn