Dcs with xbox controller comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. I am using a xbox 360 controler for DCS. 7 Kb; Downloaded: 3733 ; Comments: 0; DCS supports motion controllers, but it's far from ideal. But this was with DCS: Black Shark (before DCS world was a thing, yeah I'm an old fuck, I think I used to run it on Windows XP). F-15E. Few things are as satisfying as using the TEDAC with ease from the CPG position in the Apache and the Xbox controller is perfect for that. Controversial. But before you strap in and prepare for takeoff, let’s explore the feasibility, limitations, and how to get started with this I do have HOTAS setup but I'm also interested in being able to play DCS on the go with just an Xbox controller, especially my RTX3070Ti laptop already has Want to get into the simulator but dont have hardcore gear like Flight sticks, pedals, IR trackers, etc? Do you only have an Xbox One controller? Then this is for you! hello I am trying to set up DCS with an xbox controller however for some reason the triggers do not show up as options on the controller despite being working buttons, has anyone else had Fairly simple but thorough guide on how to set up an Xbox or PlayStation Controller in DCS World. Challenges of Using a PS4 Controller in DCS World. This is not a full on reprimand-you-for-having-your-navigation-lights-on-when-you-shouldn't-have type outfit here. But again, the proper controllers and vr will absolutely blow you away. Download. 8. world/topic/283264-list-of-xbox-and- Top 5 Gamepad Controllers for DCS World:- 1 Sunwaytek Syozen Z2: https://amzn. Here's an old-ish video with an old-ish version of my setup. And here's an old-ish video of me just flying around a bit. In this video, I decided to step through all the different controls needed to perform the basic functionalities in the free SU-25T and map them all to just a simple Xbox One Hey Tuuvas i've seen your controller binding posts before and I think no one should have to play DCS with a controller. But I give a break to the game and last week I downloadded the game In this video, I'll show you how to use your Xbox gamepad as a mouse using Steam (Standalone & Steam editions). world/topic/283264-list-of-xbox-and-playstation-gamepad-layouts-for-dcs-world-aircraft/Want to take your controller DCS is a sophisticated and about as realistic a flight simulation as one can find. It is a 50 minute video on how to set up an Xbox one controller. It’s a recipe for frustration and a subpar experience. Then go to DCS game (you don’t have to restart game but if you can’t find or it makes you feel better you I've been flying in DCS for quite some time now, using an Xbox controller. Me and my brother play DCS with HOTAS setups, he has VR and I have a head tracker. Couple of things though: You do not need steam or DS4 Windows to set up a controller for DCS, if you use a free or cheap head tracker. Are you using wired or wireless 360-controllers? Also, is DCS recognizing your controller properly? Plug the controller in before starting DCS. Controller Walk Through - DCS World I use an Xbox One controller, but it's a wired version and is an Amazon brand controller. AH-64D. \Users(YOURNAME)\Saved Games\DCS General issues with DCS controller support, see individual modules for individual module support. This way they can give DCS Xbox Gamepad with Input Mapper Guide: https://youtu. F-15E Strike Eagle WSO Xbox Controller For those unaware, my name is Tuuvas and I like to create DCS gamepad layouts to help those who are unable to afford a proper HOTAS. I got TrackIR before getting a HOTAS set up because I couldn't stand having to reach up and use my mouse to look around or to look down at my RWR on the Su-27 and get an idea of how far away a missile was or just to simply look around. sample. If you are waiting on a joystick/throttle, this may be enough to get you flying at least in DCS? Having said all that DCS is immensely more enjoyable with a stick and trackIR - I would even purchase the trackIR before I bought a stick. 7. As explained in the video, mouse control setup is the final step in truly unlocking your gamepad's potential for DCS. Hey guys, a lot of you out there have reached out to me about how to set up an xbox controller for the TEDAC in the new DCS AH-64D Apache. If you play FC3 aircraft only, a controller is functional. An Xbox one controller has decently accurate and smooth sticks, and enough buttons to control the systems with modifiers. The problem isn't related to 360 controllers as such. Steam installed on your PC. ) But now with the VR headset, that button also opens a SteamVR menu. ADMIN MOD F-14A & F-14B TOMCAT XBox Controller Ergonomic Layout (link to whole album in comments) GUIDE Share Sort by: Best. I get that if you ask this you may already have a controller so it’s “free”, but we are talking about something that’s a third of the price and will greatly improve the gameplay, without talking the fact that the base game it’s free. It is easily doable. New. I remember not being able to get mine to work with the way things are when I used a controller. Uploaded by - RONAVI121. Type - Device Profiles. I bought the game DCS World today but I don't know whether I can play the Game with a wireless controller. I also plan on sharing my configuration Just a fair warning, it is going to be pretty difficult to really enjoy A-10C with a Xbox controller, without even getting into the issue of not having nearly enough buttons for the job, there are going to be some issues with the amount of travel the analog sticks have on your controller vs how much you would have on a actual flight stick. For serious DCS players, investing in a joystick or HOTAS setup is highly recommended. It’s technically possible to use a kb and mouse to help you get acquainted with some of the plane systems. Old. To work correctly, DCS World 2. It's simpler than DCS, but the aircraft still handle [more or less] realistically. For this reason, programs like Steam or DS4Windows are recommended. DCS is playable with a controller but more enjoyable with a stick. I just tested with my wired Xbox 360 controller and DCS recognized axis input on both the left and right stick. Does your XBox controller show up as a column along with the Keyboard and Mouse in the Options->Controls setups? 2. The ability to use a common controller removes one major barrier to simple/easy non-messy controls to get yourself started and in the air with a xbox controller if you don't want to spend the money on a HOTAS yet but Keyboard and Mouse isn't the way to fly. Right now I have my controller set up with main flight and weapons controls, as well as panel and sensor controls that I’m surprised I was able to get on. For those that are saving up for a flight stick, or that just want to play around. As for examples of what can be done with an Xbox controller: Inverted AAR in an AV-8B. I want to buy me a HOTAS soons as i can but it is possible to ly wit h a pad to answer your question. An Xbox controller of some kind (tested with xbox series x controller). I use the left stick for flying and the right stick for tdc. Uploaded by - Tuuvas. So in the F-15C I can controller the radar cursor with the right stick and in the A-10 I can control the targeting pod along with the ccrp bombing cursor on the hud with the right stick. Yes, it can. Under Controls you should now see a column named "Wireless Controller" (mine does anyway) Then you simply find an action (that is configurable) like Landing Gear up/down double click the "cell" under the Wireless Controller column, then pressed the button on the controller you want mapped to. Lua And C:\Users\Username\Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input\F-14B For the modifiers. On 3 Steam updated its UI. I have a CM2 and VKB Gunfighter but thought that gunning would be a lot more pleasant with an Xbox controller. Pitch trim, target lock/unlock, and basic stuff to get flying and shooting are the main ones. Xbox Controller template credit goes to TheWolfBunny (Source [thewolfbunny. With an Xbox contro How to map the XBox triggers to the LHG and RHG triggers in the DCS AH-64D with Joystick Gremlin and vJoy. Hello Guys, I was playing happily with my xbox controller while in summer. This was before I used the OrangeRx transmitter module, but the concepts are basically the same. Instead, most probably only have access to a simple gamepad like an Xbox One controller. It would have been either quitting or spending like 20 hours figuring all that crap out. Su-25T. That said, you can't just lay back and enjoy playing DCS on the couch. You'll still need to use the mouse for clicky cockpit things like startup, MFDs, etc Fairly simple but thorough guide on how to set up an Xbox or PlayStation Controller in DCS World. I'm pretty new to this genre. I still have my same Xbox One controller plugged in and when checking the Axis binds, the Camera Horizontal/Vertical View bind slots are grayed out. I wouldn't call it difficult so much as simply inadequate. This technique is useful if you're having tro DCS World 2. deviantart. For players who own a HOTAS already, this is an Xbox Controller layout for the F-15E Strike Eagle WSO Hand Controllers. Obviously, they're younger and not super serious, but DCS doesn't always have to be super serious. Jump to content. On the Xbox controller, I use the "start/view" button as a modifier in game (retract landing gear, select weapon, etc. 2. To work correctly, this profile requires adding the LB or Left Bumper button as a I use an Xbox elite controller but If you don’t have one I would recommend a power a fusion controller the buttons on the back will allow you free up a bunch of commands. It's always a work in progress, and I tend to be a perfectionist, so I always manage to put off making a proper video because there's always something to Absolutely - the fewer barriers to entry the better. dcs. Maybe someone knows a . This is unlike Xbox controllers where both triggers share a single axis, which is especially useful as a Rudder axis. But anything beyond a gentle take off, go around and land is seriously difficult (on top of the game already being seriously difficult for a whole host of other reasons. Open comment sort options. Early on I flew the Su-25T with Back in the day when I was a poor young lad, I got by with an xbox 360 controller and the keyboard. It is an excellent controller that just happens to only cost $50, it's not a cheap quality controller. \Saved Games\DCS Then go There is a steam guides that has xbox controller setups for many common planes and you can use as a basis for other planes, google DCS xbox controller (plane of choice). I have to be careful with what I choose to map and where. Xbox One controller settings for SU-25t. DCS: A-10A (Flaming Cliffs 3) DCS: A-10C and A-10C II Tank Killer. One of my biggest problems with DCS is the perceived notion that a HOTAS (hands-on-throttle-and-stick) is Im planning on making a Steam (Maybe even a reddit) guide with an Xbox One controller set up for DCS A10C, Huey and F15. / sl4y3rv / discord This is the 1st part for people who have no In this guide, we'll show you how to easily set up a controller for DCS World so that you can fly in your very own plane! DCS World is an amazing game, but it can be a bit tricky to play with a keyboard and mouse. 7 tutorial here: Additionally, as stated in the DS4Windows tutorial, remember to bind Rudder and Zoom View under the "Controller (XBOX 360 Here's the bindings I use for the F/A-18C using an Xbox Controller. You're automatically gimped if you play DCS with a regular controller, but it sorta works. Using a PS4 controller to fly in DCS World comes with a set of limitations that can impact gameplay. For players who own a HOTAS already, this is an Xbox Controller layout for the AH-64D Apache CPG TEDAC. starting to see that you can introduce people to dcs while only using a gamepad or controller Thank you. Date - 06/09/2021 An Xbox/PS controller, new, cost around €60. in Guides & Tutorials. Thanks. Just got myself a VR headset and tried flying but ran into a problem. more screenshots. Top. Tuuvas Although you DO NOT need the steam version of DCS this is all made possible with the magic of steam input. com/en/files/3321127/DCS Controller Layouts: https://forum. Home > User Files > Xbox One controller settings for SU-25t. Tuuvas' Official CH-47F Chinook (work-in-progress) Gamepad Controller Layout. You will have to still use the keyboard for some things. It was a bit too busy for me, as I was trimming on the keyboard, but it did work. Heck, with the right gamepad setup, you can nearly forget Thanks! Getting a nice wheel for driving sims is also game changing especially good brake pedals. There is a guy that posts his bindings here on reddit although I can't remember his name. PyCo00 • I would be interested in seeing a guide on how to map the Syozen Z2 in DCS. No way you can control a realistic helicopter with a keyboard and mouse. Prerequisites for this tool to work:. An Xbox controller can technically get you off the ground in DCS World, but its limitations become apparent when you push the boundaries of the flight model and engage in complex combat scenarios. I just made a short guide on how to use the triggers as actual triggers for anyone else planning to use the Xbox controller as the TEDAC. Rudder works fine mapped to the shoulder triggers. The only reason I put together these Xbox Controller layouts is to help the DCS players who aren't fortunate enough to afford an expensive HOTAS, but at least have a console controller already lying around. to/3YwsP9l- 2 PlayStation DualSense: https://amzn. Tuuvas' Official F-4E Phantom WSO Gamepad Controller Layout (No Modifiers, Xbox Only) Type - Device Profiles. And what stays on the keyboard. For a truly rewarding and immersive journey into the world of Use DCS Standalone. TEDAC on Xbox Gamepad. com]) DCS Controller Layouts: https://forum. Get free trials Get longer sales Get 50% off first purchase on 1st party modules I fly both the Spitfire and FA-18 with an Xbox Controller and mluse, no particular need for keyboard, you'll just need. to get familiar with Here is a link to all of my controller profiles:https://www. They use a controller, and both have a blast doing it. However, this is where the dream takes a nosedive. It's not the simple/easy non-messy controls to get yourself started and in the air with a xbox controller if you don't want to spend the money on a HOTAS yet but Keyboard and Mouse isn't the way to fly. Use the custom build of DS4Windows that I provided, and turn on the Ex1 switch in the Macro window, then restart the controller detection by the Stop/Start button at the bottom right corner of DS4Windows. to/3Yov3HK- 3 Xbox Core Serie See the whole album of xbox controller layouts here. First thing's first, yes you can play DCS World with a modern Xbox or PlayStation gamepad. Xbox I think is automatic and Playstation has a program you can get that can Can you actually play DCS World with a simple Xbox controller? The answer, surprisingly, is yes. be/iWUSGduasVkDCS Controller Layou Hi, I want to change my old xbox one controller that i use for dcs and gaming in general and I would like to know if the Xbox series x controller with USB type C is compatible with dcs? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Thanks! Reply reply Hell I managed to land the su25t on my first ever dcs flight with kb and mouse. I leave here a PNG template in case someone wants to put it on the kneeboard and bind the gamepad. Q&A. 0 replies; 510 views; Stratzilla; October 27, 2024; Hey! Thank you SO much for your original video! I employed it to great success. At this point, you will have at least 3 controllers in your system, and you need to use HidHide to hide I wouldn’t recommend using the right stick for looking around, use the mouse instead. The hornet works really well on an Xbox controller. 0 and 1. Please help. Get your self a good HOTAS setup. M&K only is kind of miserable, and neither solution is good for full-fidelity modules. Tuuvas Gamepad Guru • Additional comment Xbox controller and trackir is all you need for the first couple hundreds of hours. List of Xbox and Playstation Gamepad Layouts for DCS: World Aircraft. com/en/files/filter/type-is-profile/user-is-Tuuvas/apply/This video is how Discussion primarily focuses on DCS: World and BMS. There is a known issue with wireless 360 controllers together with Win10 and I don't have a clue if the Xbox One controller is working or not. I'd say at minimum you need a twist stick like a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. I fly my f/a 18 and f-14 with my xbox one controller perfectly, my wingman flies with a playstation controller. I never bothered with a hotas until I started messing with helos. Other. be/S5rvfW6-wi4PlayStation Gamepad with DS4Windows Guide: https://youtu. Which ever you like, you can clear the other one in the controller settings. That means the XBox controller is recognized by DCS. I did my own controller bindings and found that the Mig-29, Su-27 and Can you play this game with a xbox controller or you need special flight controller? Thanks to @Tuuvas for this guide! To get the most out of a DualShock 4 or DualSense gamepad for DCS, you'll need to set up a profile in DS4Windows appropriately. Once you've setup mouse control on your gamepad, feel free to check out my " How to Get Started Using a Gamepad in DCS " video to walk you through the entire controls binding process using the F/A-18C Hornet as an AV-8B Harrier II N/A Xbox Controller Setup Tutorial | DCS: World. i have the xbox elite 2 controller with rewasd so i can rebind the rear paddles to keyboard keys. Nonetheless, it works fine. At the time, I For button functionality issues related to the Xbox Adaptive Controller, go to: The external devices connected to my Xbox Adaptive Controller aren’t responding Note For the purposes of troubleshooting, the word "button" on this page refers to any of the controls on the controller: buttons, sticks, bumpers, triggers, D-pad, etc. lua edit. I played with an Xbox controller for a short time after reading a guide for the control set up. (YOURNAME)\Saved Games\DCS. Since I use VR, I use the hat to control the radar on the F15. One is 11, the other around 17. DCS is sort of playable on a game controller. Type - Document. Limited Control Options: A PS4 controller offers a finite number of DCS World. If you have no other option, DCS is certainly "playable" with a controller + M&K, but a HOTAS is strongly advised. While technically possible, using a controller for DCS is akin to trying to climb Mount Everest in flip-flops. I tested in both DCS 2. The $10 “Head Tracking”, or Smooth Track for iOS and Android, plus the free Open Track app for PC. Not all of us can afford things like TM Warthogs, or even x52 HOTAS devices. to set it up i Hi everyone, I wanted to drop in a quick question on whether it's possible to learn how to fly helicopters with an xbox style controller controller Discussion primarily focuses on DCS: World and BMS. 5 without problems just to make sure. I learned the A10C on an Xbox controller it can be done. That's why you see only 3 command but its ok. But the wired 360 controller definatly works. Unaltered default DCS camera keyboard controls inputs. Inverted AAR in a F-16C Alternatively, to control the mouse using a Xbox 360/One/Series S/X gamepad for DCS, you can follow this Input Mapper 1. I have a nearly $3000 setup for flight sims, and yet I still prefer to use my Xbox controller. Main Stream: DCS World 2. I got this controller and while its a pretty awesome replacement for my old xbox 1 controller, using it in DCS standalone has been a bit tricky. What exactly is it that you are trying to do in your aircraft simple/easy non-messy controls to get yourself started and in the air with a xbox controller if you don’t want to spend the money on a HOTAS yet but Keyboard and Mouse isn’t the way to fly. Posted 8 hours ago. Gamepads are not really what is the primary control device for a flight simulator but some have used them although actual flight stick is recommended in the long run. You'll find we foster a laid back atmosphere to learn how to work the various modules available in DCS. Add a Comment. DCS World. Existing user? DCS and an Xbox controller to look around?? By Stratzilla, October 27, 2024. It gives you throttle control and rudder control by twisting the stick. Enjoy :) if your using xbox controller do not use the triggers as a throttle axis though they always reset middle which ruins it. Best. Tuuvas' Official F-15C Eagle Gamepad Controller Layout. He walks you through various settings, and adding modifier keys to increase the number of buttons that you can use. Had to reach up and use the mouse lol. For actually good control you want rudder pedals and a full HOTAS. All this guide is meant to do is give console players a fair shot at enjoying DCS World without the additional cost of a joystick/throttle. Yes, you can configure a controller to work with DCS. simple/easy non-messy controls to get yourself started and in the air with a xbox controller if you don't want to spend the money on a HOTAS yet but Keyboard and Mouse isn't the way to fly. AH-64D Apache CPG TEDAC and GeorgeAIHelper Xbox Controller Bindings (Single Modifier) Type - Device Profiles. They will take your PS4 controller and emulate an Xbox controller with it allowing you to use the triggers like a single shared axis. Main Stream: Discord:more. That's a non-negotiable. My controller can plug into a mini usb and play on my PC. Use VDX to convert your xbox controller to a ds4 controller. I played that way for a while when I first started. To adjust the sensitivity of the xbox controller, C:\Users\Username\Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input\F-14B\joystick for the Controller (Xbox One For Windows). This is Tuuvas' official gamepad controller profile. Triggers on Xbox controllers are usually a single, saving me what looked like it was going to he an incredibly tedious process to figure out how to map out and use the controller with DCS. And yes, it's going to be difficult to learn, but that fact would not change even with a proper HOTAS. png. However, I do realize gamepad-only setups aren't for everyone, and there seemed to be an Apache Hunting Ground: https://www. Luckily, despite being known for its extremely steep learning curve, DCS actually has a really nice button configurator which is the reason why this video was even possible. It is designed to work with Tuuvas' Steam controller configuration where the following is set up: And have fun with DCS World! License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution; Language: English; Size: 239. DCS itself. Most modern controllers offer enough buttons and axes to map basic flight controls like pitch, roll, throttle, and yaw. It also has enough buttons to control most of the planes important systems from the stick or throttle. But even then, you won't have fine control. Discussion primarily focuses on DCS: World and BMS. I intend to create a video on this as well, but for the majority of people this layout image alone should be good enough. But His kids occasionally join in on a second computer. digitalcombatsimulator. I have an old Logitech extreme 3D pro joystick and an X-52 throttle collecting dust in my closet that I'm willing to ship to you free of charge. Edit: It seems people don't quite understand why I'm putting these layouts together. This tutorial will walk you through the process of setting up mouse control on your Xbox or PlayStation controller using the Steam Controller Configurator. In DCS, when the player grabs the virtual throttle or joystick, it jumps to the hand position, causing unexpected (often dramatic) input to the aircraft if the hand was a few centimeters away from the control when pressing the grip. Tuuvas. With Microsoft flight sim on Xbox series x, you can use a keyboard, mouse, flight controller and Xbox controller, So here’s another reason why you wont see dcs going to Xbox: people use high fidelity models and build crazy elaborate Use an Xbox controller. . Is there any other games that'd be worth checking out with a controller? IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad is quite good if you like WW2 games. DCS seems to generate a default profile whenever new aircraft or controller is detected. In this guide, we'll show you how to easily set up a controller for DCS World so that you can fly in your very own plane! DCS World is an amazing game, but it can be a bit tricky to play with Unless you have a shit controller you just put rudder on the triggers which both together can used as one axis. F-15C. does it feel good and is it fun with a controller iyo? also is the logtiech x56 good? i see a lot of mixed things on that one please and thanks Even in the best case scenario, a controller can only do so much (even with heavy use of modifiers). Like DCS, it's best with a HOTAS, but a controller can work alongside M&K. lua If it doesn't work contact me that i can provide more help the best way i can. Last edited by Chameleon_Silk; Sep 21, 2014 @ 11:53pm #7. gnnq oenf hkcs kbgu xpukt pubdd qyxgui cnzsh pmoefu klrwxj loft gszleaa vhpzh vltom qzcty