
East lothian council recycling. The recruitment process for a new East .

East lothian council recycling If you need assistance to apply for or renew a Blue Badge please telephone 01620 827827 ( ask for North Berwick Library) to make an appointment with one of our staff. Report a full or overflowing communal bin. Kinwegar Tip is owned and operated by East Lothian Council, Kinwegar Recycling Centre allows you to dispose of the following items here The new recycling system features six waste containers, including the weighted bag for recycling plastics, cans and cartons. Please enter your full postcode, including the space. "The remaining three recycling sites available at Kinwegar, North Berwick and Dunbar are open seven days a week to receive a wide selection of materials. Find out more about garden waste: Brown bin - monthly garden waste collections | Waste and recycling services for households | East Lothian Council Further updates and reminders will be issued. The council also continues to operate recycling sites at North Berwick and Dunbar. Many of the changes have been introduced in direct response Household waste and recycling services. Navigate to council services by A-Z Close A to Z navigation EAST Lothian residents are being reminded that there will be no waste or recycling collections on New Year’s Day or January 2. Information and guidance on East Lothian Council office closures - Christmas 2024/New Year 2025 Local area offices All local area offices will close at 4pm on Tuesday 24 December (payments desks will close at 12 noon) and reopen on Friday 3 January. Contact us; A-Z of services; Accessibility; Accessibility statement; Jobs and vacancies About Recycling First. If you are unhappy with the way we dealt with your complaint, contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. East Lothian Council provides a weekly household recycling collection service for a wide range of materials including glass, plastics, paper, cardboard and food waste and we became signatories to the Scottish Government’s Household Waste Charter in December 2016. The Recycling Centres are open 7 days a week: 8:30 to 17:00. 545 million. Last admission is 11:45am to give you time to unload before the access window closes. VAT is however still applicable on charges at our disposal operations such as our Recycling Centres and Transfer Station. On reviewing operational requirements and associated costs for the site at Macmerry, officers are recommending its permanent closure and that it is declared surplus to requirements. Contact us; A-Z of services; Accessibility; Accessibility statement; Jobs and vacancies telephone: call East Lothian Council on 01620 827827 and ask for North Berwick Library; Use the Click and Collect service. However, analysis from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) of the provisional 2025-26 local government finance settlement shows that East Lothian receives the third-lowest funding settlement in Scotland per head of population at 81. We are grateful to residents for their patience and understanding and are doing our best to process your order as quickly as possible. All three sites are open seven days a week to receive a wide selection of materials. East Lothian has four Recycling Centres. Recycling First was established by ELVON which was the local council for voluntary service. The material from the recycling collections is taken to East Lothian Council's Waste Transfer Station, at Kinwegar, near Wallyford where it is bulked up before it is sent to Hamilton Waste and Recycling in Carberry to be sorted and graded before going to paper mills to be reprocessed. The Recycling Centres are closed 25th and 26th December and 1st and 2nd January, and will close at the earlier time of 2pm on For more information on how to prepare your waste/recycling for collection, please click the links below. Online booking for vans and trailers at recycling centres - An online booking system is being introduced for vans and vehicles towing trailers to access East Lothian Council recycling centres. What happens to my recycling? The material from the recycling collections is taken to East Lothian Council's Waste Transfer Station, at Kinwegar, near Wallyford where it is bulked before it is taken to be treated in Edinburgh. East Lothian recycling rates 6th highest in Scotland. Download East Lothian litter initiative pack. Kinwegar Tip is owned and operated by East Lothian Council, Kinwegar Recycling Centre allows you to dispose of the following items here: green garden waste; textiles and shoes; florescent tubes and energy saving light bulbs; cardboard; vegetable oil; “Please remember, we will only collect material presented in the recycling and waste containers provided by East Lothian Council. Medicine waste is costing the NHS Lothian millions of pounds each year. Green and brown bins can be ordered by phone or email. The recruitment process for a new East East Lothian Council A-Z of directory entries. uk Cabinet spokesperson for Environment, Cllr Norman Hampshire, said: “Although we know that some local residents have experienced inconvenience during these temporary closures, government guidance was clear that a journey to household waste recycling centre was not considered essential travel, so East Lothian Council prioritised maintaining essential kerbside From 15 November 2021 recyclable material will be collected from households on a weekly basis with all materials collected on the same day. East Lothian Council's latest news directory. Vans and vehicles with trailers must prebook and are accepted 10:00am to 11:45am only. 4 per cent of the What happens to my recycling? The material from the recycling collections is taken to East Lothian Council's Waste Transfer Station, at Kinwegar, near Wallyford where it is bulked up and then sent to be sorted and graded before going to paper mills to be reprocessed. How do I recycle household batteries? collect your batteries; use an empty food caddy liner to contain them; tie the liner securely; place the bagged batteries on top of your covered glass box at the kerbside for 7:00am Garden waste collected in East Lothian is composted by Forth Resource Management. Skip to content; Skip to main navigation; Menu. ” East Lothian Council directories. If you have some household waste that you need to get rid of and it can’t be put in your wheelie bin, either take it to one of the many recycling centres around the county or you can phone to arrange a bulk waste collection. Welfare rights; Countryside and wildlife; East Lothian Works; School session dates for 2024/2025. East Lothian Council is one of Scotland’s fastest growing council areas in Scotland. Wallyford. Around £6. Follow the link below. Waste Services. Each household in East Lothian however will be entitled to one free uplift each calendar year. Please note there is a limit of one green bin and one brown bin per property. The council does not receive any income from garden waste we pay to compost the material we collect. Complaints performance a copy of the child’s birth certificate (this is not required if the child already attends an East Lothian Council nursery or a funded provider/childminder that is in partnership with the council) the child’s Roman Catholic baptism certificate (for RC school P1 applications, if Unison has confirmed that its members working in East Lothian Council’s waste and street cleansing teams plan to strike from Wednesday (August 14) to August 21 as part of a national dispute over pay. Get help to bring out your rubbish and recycling bins. The Recycling Centres are closed 25th and 26th December and 1st and 2nd January, and will close at the earlier time of 2pm on Christmas Eve and Hogmanay. Macmerry Recycling Centre closed permanently from Thursday, 5 October in accordance with current council recruitment freeze and a need for financial savings. you can put used poop scoop bags in our liter bins - so you don't have to find a dedicated dog bin to properly dispose of your pet's poop Recycling collections update Unfortunately recycling will not be collected on Friday, 31 December from some parts of Musselburgh, Inveresk, Wallyford and the rural area surrounding Humbie. Contact us; A-Z of services; Accessibility; Accessibility statement; Jobs and vacancies Myeastlothian is an online customer portal for local council services which uses your mygovscot myaccount. myeastlothian / myaccount information and help Recycling material can be sold on by the council for processing, whereas the process of sending waste that is not recycled is costly. Contact us; A-Z of services; Accessibility; Accessibility statement; Jobs and vacancies East Lothian Voluntary Organisations Network (ELVON) Recycling First Project may be able to assist you with recycled furniture, for which you only pay £10 for delivery. residents must book online through myeastlothian - find out more about myeastlothian and register online; slots can be booked in advance - bookings can be made on the same day you intend to visit if What happens to my recycling? The material from the recycling collections is taken to East Lothian Council's Waste Transfer Station, at Kinwegar, near Wallyford where it is bulked up before it is taken to be separated into different material streams. Telephone: 01875 824314 An online booking system will be introduced by East Lothian Council on May 29. A recycling permit will allow you to take those materials to one of our four recycling centres. Find out how to use your recycling boxes, bins and bags · Request an assisted bin collection. East Lothian Council covers one of Scotland’s fastest growing areas and continues to face significant challenges as a result of population growth and demographic change. How do I use my food waste collection service? line your kitchen caddy with one of the plastic liners provided - only use the liners provided by East Lothian Council place any cooked or uncooked food waste into the lined caddy East Lothian Council download - Permanent closure of the Macmerry Recycling Centre and disposal of the site (IIA) | Your community. Kinwegar Transfer Station. Materials collected fall into 6 categories: Plastics, metals and cartons ; Glass bottles and jars Report a full or overflowing communal bin. You can then look to arrange a collection with one of these organisations. Affected areas will receive their collection on Monday, 3 January. The Recycling Centre is open seven days a week 8:30am to 5:00pm. East Lothian Council Leader, . Bulky Waste. 3% but East Lothian achieved a recycling rate of 53. Materials collected fall into 6 categories: Plastics, metals and cartons ; Glass bottles and jars East Lothian Council's Files and documents available for download within the following categories, Bins and recycling What happens to my recycling? The material from the recycling collections is taken to East Lothian Council's Waste Transfer Station, at Kinwegar, near Wallyford where it is bulked before it is taken to be treated in Edinburgh. Other recycling sites are available at Kinwegar (Wallyford), North Berwick and Dunbar . Navigate to council services Bins and recycling; Birth, marriage and death; Business. Dunbar Tip is owned and operated by East Lothian Council, Dunbar Recycling Centre allows you to dispose of the following items here Home; All listings; Submit Site; Recycling Blog; About Us; Contact Us; Spott Road Industrial The material from the recycling collections is taken to East Lothian Council's Waste Transfer Station, at Kinwegar, near Wallyford where it is bulked up before it is sent to Hamilton Waste and Recycling in Carberry to be sorted and graded before going to paper mills to be reprocessed. Data Controller: East Lothian Council. Please make sure you present your recycling box with a cover tied to the box, especially during wet or windy weather. She has also served as the council’s Monitoring Officer and been the Returning Officer for elections in East Lothian. What You can also take your recycling to any of the East Lothian recycling centres at Dunbar, Kinwegar (near Strawberry Corner), and North Berwick (please note that the Macmerry recycling centre is currently closed). co. Items that can be recycled like cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, tubs and trays, tins and cans, glass bottles and jars, garden waste and food waste, should be recycled in your boxes and bags, brown bin and silver caddies. How are the materials used? The clear glass once washed and crushed is used to create new glass bottles and jars. Litter and dog waste bins. If you have large items at home that you no longer need and are still in good condition, they could be recycled/reused through Recycle for Scotland. This refreshed recycling service is designed to help us all recycle more than ever before. At a full meeting of East Lothian Council this week, councillors took the decision to approve a 6. All services will run as normal. From 1 July 2024 the garden waste collection will be fortnightly but will require a pre-paid permit of £35 in order for the bin to be collected. The industrial action means fly-tipping collections, bulky uplift collections and trade waste collections will not take place. Remember, you can request additional recycling boxes and covers by calling 01875 824 305 or by collecting at your local Recycling Centre. we will only collect material presented in the recycling and waste containers provided by East Lothian Council. A fourth recycling centre, at Macmerry, was “temporarily” closed last October, with no indication as to when it could reopen. Please present your bins kerbside in line with your usual schedule. Household waste and recycling services. In 2023/24, £463,000 of income was received from recycled material whereas the cost of disposing waste was £3. The new bag will join the normal green household waste bin, brown garden waste bin, a blue box for paper and card, green or black box for glass bottles and jars, and a food waste caddy. 7 million is available to cover some of the increasing cost of council services. Download term dates 2024/2025 calendar to print (PDF) Import term dates 2024/2025 to a compatible device (iCal) For 2022, across Scotland the average household waste recycling rate was 43. The new timetable for bus services supported by East Lothian Council will begin operating on Sunday, 6 April following a tender process and extensive public consultation. Uncertainties. In 2012, she became Depute Chief Executive (Partnerships and Community Services). What should I put in my green bin? The green bin is for waste that cannot be recycled in your other containers. Assisted collections Household waste and recycling services. As well as accessing one of East Lothian’s three operational recycling centres, residents can also contact the council to arrange a bulky waste uplift. A statement released by East Lothian Council reads: "All waste collection services have been suspended on Friday due to the red weather alert and East Lothian Council’s recycling centres will be closed for the day. For more information visit their website frmrecycling. We provide all our trade waste customers with a fortnightly collection for glass, metal, plastic, paper, and card (including cardboard) so you can present your recycling separately from your non recyclable waste. Navigate to council services by A-Z Close A to Z navigation menu. uk. East Lothian Council directories. 5% rent increase for council tenants. Currently, the council has three open recycling centres – in Dunbar, North Berwick and Kinwegar, Wallyford. READ MORE: Storm Éowyn: School closures announced in East Lothian. CCTV and body worn cameras are in use at Recycling Centres used by members of the public for the purposes of public safety, detection of From Thursday 6 June all vans and vehicles towing trailers will need to pre-book space to attend one of our recycling centres. Search this site. An online booking system is being introduced for vans and vehicles towing trailers to East Lothian Council is introducing the new system as it moves its recycling and food waste collections to weekly instead of fortnightly. Blue badges. Find out how to register, delivery times, and bin repairs. A199 Haddington Road. Figures released by SEPA have shown that East Lothian’s recycling rates are the sixth highest in Scotland. Find out how to use your recycling boxes, bins and bags · Request an assisted bin collection. Published: Thursday, 6th June 2024 Recycling boxes, covers, bags, caddies and liners are available free of charge and can be ordered by phone, email or online through myeastlothian. Contact us; A-Z of services; Accessibility; Accessibility statement; Jobs and vacancies East Lothian Council Recycling centres directory. All the items collected on the bulky waste collection service can also be taken to your local Recycling Centre. “There will be no garden waste collections between December 23 and January 5 inclusive. When it comes to prescriptions, please only order what you need. Trade waste collections - page 1; You are here: Charges and payments Household waste and recycling services. 1%, which was the highest of the four Lothian councils and in the top 10 of all Scottish local authorities. Apply or renew online at Gov. Report communal food, packaging, paper, glass and general waste bins that have not been collected · What goes in each bin. How the system works. Weekly kerbside recycling and food waste collections. We are currently dealing with a backlog of orders for delivery to homes across East Lothian. Search. Fly tipping of household and business waste is also a growing problem in East Lothian and we deal with over 400 reported incidents a year. 75 spaces are available seven days per week between 10am to midday. Procurement; Council Tax and benefits. For help and information about registering, resetting passwords etc. If you are unhappy with the way we have dealt with your landlord complaint, contact the Scottish Housing Regulator. John Muir Why we need your personal information. EH21 8JU. Referrals for the project come from a variety of agencies, East Lothian Council Homeless Team, Health Visitors, Social Workers, Citizens Advice Bureaux, Hospitals and Women’s Aid. This service is for household items only, and therefore cannot be used by a business, or for items such as commercial fridges or freezers. Myeastlothian is an online customer portal for local council services which uses your mygovscot myaccount details so you can: automatically fill in forms with your details track the progress of your requests On arriving at East Lothian Council, she took up the role of Executive Director for Community Services. East Lothian Council A-Z of directory entries. Contact us; A-Z of services; Accessibility; Accessibility statement; Jobs and vacancies Household waste and recycling services. Close. Reduce waste, reduce costs, save £millions. Over the years we have received funding from various sources and for the past several years East Lothian Council has been and continues to be our main funder, An East Lothian Council spokesperson said: “The council took the decision to temporarily close the Macmerry recycling site due to current financial considerations and staffing shortages. Materials collected fall into 6 categories: Plastics, metals and cartons ; Glass bottles and jars Council Tax team East Lothian Council, PO Box 13251, Haddington, EH41 3HA. Council approves 6. residents must book online through myeastlothian - find out more about myeastlothian and register online; slots can be booked in advance - bookings can be made on the same day you intend to visit if The Recycling Centre is open seven days a week 8:30am to 5:00pm. Speak / Translate: listen to this website Opening times. How are the materials used? The paper and card are made into new paper products. Check the opening ho To find out which days your bins and boxes are emptied, please enter your postcode below and click search. Your recycling and food waste is collected using specially designed vehicles that have separate compartments to allow for the collection of the six different material categories in a single pass. Telephone: 01620 827216 Send Email to environment@eastlothian. East Lothian Council files and documents available for download. Wheeled Bins (Litres) East Lothian Council; Previous page Trade waste collections; In this section. For more information on litter you can read the East Lothian Litter Initiative (ELLI) pack including the volunteers code of practice. Waste Collection and Disposal Charges 2024/25. While we aim to deliver in 10 working days, it may take longer to fulfil orders at present. Planned waste services and street cleansing strike action 14-21 August has been suspended in East Lothian after Unison agreed to ballot its members on a revised national pay offer. Remember, you can request additional recycling boxes and covers by calling 01875 824 Order new or additional containers for recycling, food waste, green and brown bins online through myeastlothian. East Lothian Council. gov. East Lothian Council Complaints Handling Procedure If you are still not satisfied. The online booking system goes live on 29 May and applies to van or trailer visits from 3 June. Focus using keys A-Z on your keyboard. Council Leader, Norman Hampshire, said: “The introduction of this charge was agreed at the Budget meeting by full council and will help cover some of the costs incurred for appropriate disposal of the items. 5 per cent rent increase for council tenants for 2025/26, to maintain services and increase our modernisation programmes as well as continuing to deliver new build council Planning John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 3HA. Find out where, when and how to recycle your household waste at one of the three recycling centres in Dunbar, Kinwegar and North Berwick. A spokeswoman for East Lothian Council Visit Recycle for Scotland Re-use Line to find details of re-use organisations that can collect from your area. nrhsxk dzzdaa kxjm tbfpy gykf zfam nabgd seibd gdxod sgid rzrwep netc sns hag sjxrfzqf