Exiftool custom tags. before clock offset correction).

Exiftool custom tags EXIFTOOL allows we to define custom tags, such as more detailed location tags like "County", "Region", etc. Use exiftool -s FILE on the file to get a complete list of tag names available in the file. I've had a brief look at doing a custom . The corresponding ExifTool group name is "XMP-testnamespace" (see the GROUPS definition in your config file). exiftool_config file exiftool -Coding=Tag1 -Coding ExifTool is a command-line application that can extract metadata from many different file types, including images, audio, video, and documents. Image (0x0201-0x0203), Flash Exposure (0x0304-0x0306) and Display (0x0407-0x0409), 3. The ExifTool groups are Tag-It! defines, collects and embeds custom XMP metadata without programing. How can retrieve all custom properties added to a pdf that are stored using %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = ( 'Image::ExifTool::PDF Additional custom columns will repeat those custom_metadataName, custom_metadata pairs, with some variations depending on the nature of the tag. I'm tasked with adding specific tags to image metadata that will be accessed by a webserver. I can write the XMP Metadata standard tags such as description however I can't write my own tag ~/$ exiftool -xmp-dc:description="Foo" demo. See the example config file for details. (3) Export each data row in meta. It took me several hours to cobble it together, below is a working solution, I hope this can be useful for others. Go Down Pages 1. (Where FILE is the name of your file. exe -v2 a. 22 is There are already preexisting tags that cover these. jpg" will write the IPTC city tag since "City" doesn't exist in the EXIF or GPS information, and the IPTC is the next highest priority group. I was on vacation. You should follow the example for the XMP-xxx tags in the sample config file, and put your MailedDate there. cfg" -Title="Title of This Image" "myImage. – derral Commented Mar 15, 2013 at 0:04 Custom metadata is ignored by ExifTool. I would suggest adding your tags into the XMP name space, as it's overall easier to do. I've tried to do it with a combination of tag name, hex tag id and group name but those groups names are difficult to reconcile between the different output formats. It seems my files have the correct local date time the filename (and other datetime tags). Once you have this working, it should be a simple task to change the tag names and namespace See ExifTool FAQ #2 "Date/Time Original" isn't the tag name, it's the tag description, which can change depending upon the set language (see the -lang option). ExifTool_config' to 'C:\Windows' and then run the command again without the -config flag it works as expected and creates all the When using the user "custom tag combination set", JTG will also use the custom cfg belong to it via the '-config <path_to>/custom. They can be used to represent groups # of tags, or to provide an alias for a tag name. exe -config exiftool. I named it isadg-struct. However, the Verbose (-v) and exiftool -overwrite_original "-datetimeoriginal<filename" "-filecreatedate<filename" "-filemodifydate<filename" -api "filter=s/^(\d{6})00/${1}01/" <foldername> 01/" <foldername> Here I use the -api filter option to affect all extracted tags because you are only using FileName. Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site You can see if is an XMP problem by copying the XMP from a file written by Acrobat to a file written by ExifTool: exiftool -tagsfromfile acrobat. 6 EX DC', You create custom user-defined tags via the ExifTool config file. New Custom Metadata Tags . %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::Shortcuts = ( Coding=> 'Subject',); You could now use (assuming you add it to the . xmp exiftool -BurstId custom. calling the exiftool. You did however miss one important point: You should set the Id to a suitable value; 0x9286 is 'UserComment' and certainly a good one to play with. csv into a web database for search and retrieval of the image repository keeping everything in-sync. The actual tag name to set a value is DateTimeOriginal. Log in; Sign up "Metadata R Us" March 17, 2025, 11:06:04 AM. In this case, Windows will combine the combine and display any entries in the EXIF:XPKeywords, IPTC:Keywords, and XMP-dc:Subject tags. A few of the longer prefixes have been shortened (as mentioned in the documentation below) to avoid excessively long ExifTool group names. Bonus points for being smarter than me! But previous firmware versions does not store MaskedAreas tag, while newer does, and I want to add this tag manually to images shot with previous firmware. I understand (and have written) custom tags to do a few, but now I have to do *many* and it is not feasible to write a custom tag for each. For example If I want to add a tag like mytest. g. After doing this, you should have access to three new XMP tags (NewXMPxxxTag1, NewXMPxxxTag2 and NewXMPxxxTag3) in the XMP-xxx group. Once number of tags listed here becomes too long, The ExifTool family 1 group names are derived from the namespace prefixes by adding a leading "XMP-" (eg. jpg Custom EXIF tags don't have a name attached to them unless the custom config file is used and will not be visable without the config file or using the -u (unknown) option. jpg" created the tag: PTC Application Record 160: Title of This Image Using Adobe Bridge, I've been able to add the tags that I need, namely "Object Name", "By-line" and "Caption Perhaps you should use XMP if you want to see the tag names without using a custom config file. After installing, type "exiftool" in a Terminal window to run exiftool and read the application documentation. mp3 >file. I think you should probably be copying the XMP as a block instead: QuoteThe only way to combine all of these commands into one would be to write a custom script and use the ExifTool API. exiftool cannot copy them if it does not know how they are defined. As to Adobe, I do most of my editing in either Irfanview or Corel Paintshop, and only before tagging. ; You can make up new Ids Problem statement: I have a good number of media files with timezone info corrupted to EST/EDT (my fault from running custom previous exiftool scripts without paying attention to timezone peculiarities). I am sorry for the simple question, I am very new to ExifTool and after an afternoon of search I could not find the answer to the simple question as to whether it is possible to create new tags to m4a or mp3 files. jpg output: 1 image files updated I'm not able to see the tag in output of 'exiftool -g a. The tags are extracted in the order you specify on the command line. While that talks about converting from MKV to M4V, the process is the same. Log in; Sign up "Metadata R Us" February 22, 2025, 03:49:57 AM The only way would be if you would be able to run the exiftool command on the Amazon servers but unless you are using their e. Log in; Sign up "Metadata R Us" March 20, 2025, 07:07:57 PM. Tag names don't have spaces or special characters. PANO_20130706_184326. m4a but it tells me that the tag "newtag" does not exist. jpg IPTCData (SubDirectory) --> Here you define tags as recognized by ExifTool. ffmpeg '-map_metadata 0' does not keep custom/arbitrary meta keys. Here is my problem: I want to copy the content of a custom tag (created by Daminion) into another custom tag. I have tried all the variants known to me. I do not want to modify metadata afterwards. Previous topic - Next topic. exiftool_config but I manage only to create new tags in XMP March 06, 2012, 07:53:54 PM. csv back into the original source image files. The following tags are extracted from Matroska multimedia container files. Exiftool definitely finds the custom config, as it doesn't output a "config file not found" error, however it appears to ignore all the custom tags in the config and use a default one instead. With or without quotes around everything or around parts of things. %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = ( 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::xmp' => The only way to do this is to override the ExifTool MakerNotes with a user-defined tag and a config file like this: Code Select Expand %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = ( 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::Main' => Another option I have is to have separate custom tags (JoshTag1, JoshTag2 etc. before clock offset correction). Code Select Expand %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = # This table is referenced through a SubDirectory tag definition # in the %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined definition above. seems to sugesst I create a file in the Windows 10 file system where exiftool. '-movflags use_metadata_tags' are written in an unconventional manner and Quicktime Player does not recognize them. Essentially, I want to take a collection of files from a folder, and move them into folders named according to date (format: YYYY MM DD). This command takes the Make tag and performs a check to see if it matches the RegEx expression ^OLYMPUS Version 1. jpg), it will cause nothing to be output (instead of a list of matching tags and their values). I have run into a perplexing issue. ExifTool Author; Administrator; # Shortcut tags are used when extracting information to simplify # commonly used commands. Without the config file, exiftool will not display your custom tag without the -u option. We are finding many DAM vendors are using ExifTool with their systems to extract XMP. Could I please ask you to explain what AMPxmpTag => { Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } }, line is doing? Also is there any Adding and checking custom tags in files that are stored in Amazon S3. See the example. EXIF stands for "Exchangeable Image File Format". These are convenience tags which are calculated after all other information is extracted. Read the installation instructions for help installing ExifTool on Windows, MacOS and Unix systems. config like this: 'Image::ExifTool::IPTC the problem occures only with the definition for the custom iptc tags! If I delete the iptc tag definitions from the config file, all other custom tags (both are composite tags) work without problem. You just need to change "xxx" to the prefix you want, and set the proper NAMESPACE URI (you'll need to look at the original XMP from a file written by Acrobat using "exiftool -xmp -b FILE" to determine what this should be). I've edited my config file to be able to add custom XMP tags that still conform to the structure necessary to be PDF-A Compliant. cfg. Free and Open Source: ExifTool is free to use and open source, with regular updates and a supportive user community. 18 is Great, im using the executeable exiftool. So try this: exiftool -xmp-testnamespace:testtag=testvalue IMG_1546. Greetings from LensID tag @Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::Lenses = ( 'Sigma AF 10-20mm F4-5. png" I'm trying to write some custom comment metadata for PNG files into the appropriate field (either UserComment/XPComment or ImageDescription) using exiftool, and this works just fine with exiftool. There are also a lot of scripting features built into ExifTool (more than most Unix style, do-only-one-thing, tools) meaning you can often achieve what you Create unique id in custom IPTC tag if not exist. But how to communicate with it ? I wonder why noone had a description of how to do this. EXIF Tags. You can even define multiple metadata combination sets for Custom Tags, understanding how to make them. Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes; 0: exiftool -tagsfromfile src. And when I try to change the value using exiftool. Tag names aren't stored in EXIF metadata. 0 = Custom 1 = 8 2 = 16: 2: ImageWidth: no : 3: ImageHeight: no : 4: AnimationFrames: no : 5: Encoding: no: 0 = FLIF16 'eXif' --> XMP Tags 'iCCP' ICC_Profile---> ICC_Profile Tags (This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup) Last revised The MacOS package installs the ExifTool command-line application and libraries in /usr/local/bin. - Phil Edit: Actually, the EXIF 2. But when I want to write these tags it works only for the android version, for the manufacturer and model tag it says that the tags aren't defined. (There has been some confusion about this in the past. ExifTool_config # # Description: Example user configuration file for Image::ExifTool # # Notes: This example file shows how to define your own shortcuts and # add new EXIF, IPTC, XMP, PNG, MIE and Composite tags, as well # as how to specify preferred lenses for the LensID tag, and # define new file types and default ExifTool API options and # The 305 bytes is after ExifTool converts from int8u format to "0 255 75 83 2 0 112 79 120 69 1 0 7 0 0 0 49 ". The script just runs the command line command from within Python. The config file is simple, and would look something like this: Code We are using exiftool to retrieve certain tag values. \Program Files (x86)\exiftool\exif_custom. js As a side note, in most cases with exiftool, you can just shorten any XMP based tags to just XMP and exiftool will write the most common tag automatically. Custom tags are exactly that, custom. Anyway, I will try ExifTool -sort options for sure Bogdan Print. 6 of jExifToolGUI gives you the option to define your own set of metadata tags that you want to add to your images. ExifTool_config with contents like this : %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = ( exiftool -if "$Make=~/^OLYMPUS /" -Make=OLYMPUS DIR. Click here for the SHA1 and MD5 checksums to verify exiftool -all= -tagsfromfile reference. Matroska Tags. ) Tag ID, Index# or Sequence is given in the first column of each table. (The priority order is 1) EXIF We will insert new custom tags. /b. It works quite well, but I have one problem regarding the device tags. As i understand it from reading posts and documentation, new tags must be created in the ExifTool config file then they can be used at I assume you mean the definition of custom user-defined tags, because you can create standard tags in a file without this. Just remove the Writable entry to make it writable as a If the description section for a tag group doesn't contain something like "These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-* family 1 group", it is not an XMP tag and cannot be placed in XMP. I am lacking knowledge to write it but I would really appreciate it if you could specify the code. Is there ANY way to IMPORT **ALL** tags into a mp3 file with no tags, including images and custom tags? [Originally posted by exiftool on 2005-05-31 15:14:28-07] Writing IPTC is the same as writing any other type of meta information with ExifTool. pdf If you can see the metadata in "exiftool. To copy one tag to another, you use a Greater/Less than symbol, pointing to the target tag you want. There isn't an example for how to add QuickTime tags in the sample config file, but you can take a look at the ExifTool source code for lots examples. News: 2025-03-11: Production version (still trying to debug why). Custom Metadata Tags: ExifTool allows users to define and work with custom metadata tags. Log in; Sign up "Metadata R Us" February 15, 2025, 06:23:50 AM. So I thought to try and inserting the tag using the excellent exiftool - How should I add custom tags to add the geo reference? Should the following example do: exiftool -q -overwrite_original -ExifIFD:DateTimeOriginal="20190402 09:00:00" -GPSLatitudeRef=S -GPSLatitude=37. /exiftool/exiftool -Exif 0xd000 . Adding a column to the CSV output that is not a tag extracted by ExifTool require a custom script to post-process the CSV file. Even then, it will not display the name because EXIF tags do not have the name embedded in the file. I works great from JTG (but still in beta). Of course if there was a custom tag that calculated the md5/crc32/sha-1/etc of the raw image that would be even Using a two-step approach, i am able to get the tags i want: exiftool -b -MakerNoteUnknownText IMX226. cr2 -Canon:WhiteBalance -WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot -WB_RGGBLevelsAuto -WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured dst. 43. jpg I get a warning ("Warning: No writable tags set from test. March 21, 2011, 09:10:57 AM. FLIF Tags. If I copy the same '. cfg -AMPxmpTag="some value" path/to/my/file. Post the XMP from a good Acrobat file and a bad ExifTool file and I'll take a look. I would probably suggest adding custom XMP tags to PDF. If you get this right, Hi I am trying to add some new tags to Personalized in PDF file, I tried editig the . Only a few of these tags are writable directly, the others are changed by writing the corresponding Derived From tags. EXIF tags are not designed to be extensible. QuoteI tried to read them indivdually using $ . exiftool -MyScaleFactor=4. Log in; Sign up "Metadata R Us" March 03, 2025, 02:51:44 AM. JPG Note I have also removed the "+" in "+=" because you aren't adding to anything (and the tag isn't a list-type tag I can get pretty close with the FujiFilm files that I'm used to but with Sony or Canon cr3 where there are lots of custom format groups looks imposing. Copying selected tags between files. New Tags added by Exiftool. As well, ExifTool will extract any custom properties that are found. Exiftool will extract XMP tags it doesn't know with the name, though it will Help needed with adding custom tags. From reading the forums, most people say these custom tags are great, but then other applications often do not see them. Custom picture style information for the EOS 5DmkIII, 60D, 600D and 1100D. json. richardl152. Main Menu Home; Search; ExifTool Forum ExifTool The "exiftool" Application Custom Tags, understanding how to make them; Custom Tags, understanding how to make them. JPG or just exiftool -testtag=testvalue IMG_1546. 31 specification added a CameraElevationAngle to both EXIF and XMP that may be used instead of GPSPitch. To do this you must create user-defined tags. Any advice much appreciated! Regards HP Phil Harvey. jpg MyCreateDate custom variable in exiftool config; User actions Print <-- Back to ExifTool home page; What I want to do is to include custom xmp tags within the script, using exiftool. In the case of Album, writing to XMP:Album will automatically So I want to examine a huge number of pictures' EXIF data, look for a "Make" tag that begins with "OLYMPUS ", and change all those so they simply say "OLYMPUS". When writing, Keys are added in alphabetical order if writing multiple keys at the same time, after any Keys that already exist in the file. Command -X -fast c:\myImage. It supports a wide range of metadata formats, including EXIF, IPTC, XMP, and many proprietary formats used by specific software applications. News: 2025-03-01: ExifTool 13. jpg - Phil I'm using ExifTool to add custom XMP tags to thousands (>500k) of images. 9631 -XMP-dc:Description="Melbourne 2019" out01. I've tried (random values, just for example): exiftool -MaskedAreas="0 0 4096 128" image. Open the script with the Script Editor, and change the exiftool command to add all the tags you want to see (eg. /exiftool/exiftool -H -G1 -u -s . exe from cmd it says tag doesn't exist. I'd guess that would be a great reference so if there are some other people w same problem they could edit it for their purposes exiftool -m -e -n -F -q -q -f -r -json -api QuickTimeUTC -api ignoretags=all -FileType -CoverArt -CompressorName -CompressorID Is it possible to have some kind of true/false value for cover art (or a custom column without using config file)? Phil Harvey. However, I'm unable to see this data presented anywhere using Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes; 0x0001: CanonCameraSettings---> Canon CameraSettings Tags: 0x0002: CanonFocalLength---> Canon FocalLength Tags: 0x0003: CanonFlashInfo? no : Canon PSInfo2 Tags. Index# refers to the offset of a value when found at a fixed position within a data block (# is the multiplier for calculating a byte offset: 1, 2, 4 or 8). But i'm see tag details after using -v2 option exiftool. Note that only ExifTool will be able to read the custom EXIF tags, but other apps may be able to read the custom XMP tags. However, sometimes I need to overwrite my tags with new data. My XMP file has below custom tags: definitely try to open a forum in Adobe but could you please help me if I can create a exif config file that should add custom tags like: %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = ( 'Image::ExifTool::PDF::Info' => Hi Don, Absolutely. - Phil Posted on 2008-03-19 16:49:52-07 by sparkie in response to 7405 exiftool "-Description<Title" *. ExifTool Retaining custom tag groups Is there a way to make EXIFtool persist the group names in the CSV headers if they are specified (or some other way I can achieve this result)? I misread this question. User-defined Composite tags, also useful for custom Adding a custom attribute instead of a custom tag February 26, 2020, 01:24:29 AM First of all thanks to anyone willing to read/help with the below, I've been pulling my hair out trying to solve this problem with Exiftool but I've finally succumbed to asking for help. I prevailed on Phil to add a sort-on-tag-description feature in the exiftool forum here: https: (or "move tag" into Custom view). See the NewIPTCTag in the sample config file for an example of how to do this. config --> ~/. As title says, I'm trying to use exif info available using the exiftool in Advanced Renamer, to create custom patterns for renaming folders. Also search on these forums for more examples. ) But it is good to hear from someone that actually reads the documentation (I'm presuming the exiftool application documentation). Calibre adds a "#" to the start of each name. exe is called. JPG and for the existing tag, Surely there must be a way to combine custom tags left blank with predefined tags populated with existing metadata into one output file. Is there a way to add custom xmp tags to my python script? The code you have posted makes no use of ExifTool at all. Posts: 10,112 Last post: March 17, 2025, 09:40:39 AM Re: Lotta new MP4 Tags f by Phil Without the config file, exiftool will not display your custom tag without the -u option. add -datetimeoriginal -artist -title to see these tags). November 04, 2024, 09:48:25 AM. Go #----- # File: example. Also listed in the table below are TIFF, DNG, WDP and other tags which are not part of the EXIF specification, but may co-exist with EXIF tags in some images. I am trying with exiftool -newtag=newvalue track1. 22 is ExifTool documentation: User-defined tags can be added via the ExifTool configuration file or by defining the %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined hash before calling any ExifTool but now i need to store custom information where no tags are defined for. ExifTool_config but it looks complex. 75 "-FocalLengthIn35mmFormat<MyFocalLength" test. exifTool. In Phil Harvey's (author of exiftool) answer in this discussion at exiftool's forum, you must create a user-defined tag in order for exiftool to write it. dng , but exiftool prints that no images were updated. If I needed to read some custom tags from a list of files, as fast as possible. This avoids having to duplicate the expression for each copy. To deal with multiple pictures you can either point User-defined tags can be added via the ExifTool configuration file or by defining the %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined hash before calling any ExifTool functions. Log in; Sign up "Metadata R Us" March 21, 2025, 08:53:44 AM . This container format is used by file types such as MKA, MKV, MKS and WEBM. 1: CustomSettingsBank: int8u [val & 0x3] 0 = A 1 = B 2 = C 3 = D: 0. Even then, it will not display the name because EXIF tags do not have the name I did find a way to add custom EXIF tags to files with ExifTool. config -Exif-Main:RawDateTimeOriginal=19690721000000 DSC00006. In that case, see this answer. We can simply provide Tag-It!'s custom namespace, Tag name and list of fields to a DAM system and it will ingest the XMP as it catalogs the file. And if needed, you can also add # character at the end of tag name -this will force displaying numerical tag value It is a good practice, to keep only those tags in Custom view, on which you are temporary interested. Log in; Sign up "Metadata R Us" February 04, 2025, 03:54:04 PM. Is it possible to do withing one command ? Custom tag (exiftool config) to only use day component of Create Date (not secs) Custom tag (exiftool config) to only use day component of Create Date (not secs) Started by richardl152, November 30, 2019, 05:14:46 AM. e. it would be nice to see self-documented the max. can this be done with exiftool directly (i mean without working with SetNewValuesFromFile) and possibly with the ExifTool Perl Library Module? tags i'd like to add: - some text strings > 2000 chars Composite Tags. A user-defined tag in a config file would be the How to insert XMP. But if you really want to create new native PDF tags, they go in the Info dictionary: 'Image::ExifTool::Composite' => { # Composite tags are unique: The Require/Desire elements list tags # that must/may exist, and the keys of these hashes are used as # indices in the @val array of the ValueConv expression to derive # the composite tag value. Main, or is there a better location to put my Custom Tags. What can be reason for that and how can i solve it. , The "Image Width" tag exists in both the "File" and "IFD0" groups, but only gets copied once. The tags of any namespace may be deleted as a group by specifying the family 1 group name (eg. If The exiftool also lets you create your own custom tags, so you could create a list-type tag called MovieCast, and put the names in there. From the docs on the -csv option When exporting a CSV file, the -g or -G option adds group names to the tag headings. Either I get the message: "Tag is not defined" and/or " Topic: warning: no writable tags set from". And of course, ExifTool returns the message that it can't write to mp3 files when trying to import. exiftool -Date* Image001. However, the -f option may be used to set the value of missing tags to '-' (but this may be configured via the MissingTagValue API option), or the Just replace "xxx" everywhere in the example config file with "MyGroup", and change the names of the tags defined in the new Image::ExifTool::XMP::MyGroup table. png 1 image files updated ~/$ exiftool -xmp-dc:mytest="Bar" This post details what tags Windows will read to fill the Property->Details entries and what tags it will write when you fill something in on the Property->Details window. Actually the link you are using is working just fine. So with one of the users who needs special tags for "the museum world", I created a custom config based on this xml structure. Phil Harvey. Also, "XmpText" is not a valid Writable format. Do it later in exiftool with -tagsFromFile. All Require'd tags must exist for the # Composite tag to be evaluated. See " You can always call ExifTool directly from the command linke, providing the custom configuration file with your custom tags and values for these tags, if you need this. Now ,on extracting the xmp:CreateDate tag or iptc:DateCreated tag using the following command: exiftool –xmp:CreateDate ExifTool -Description=-Title *. Config (PDFX) #1. Kind regards blad This table lists standard tags of the RTF information group, but ExifTool will also extract any non-standard tags found in this group. The best way seems to load Exiftool in memory with stay_open. The user-defined tag is the way to go. And hopefully you appreciate the intent behind having the tag on each normal output line specify the full tag path. I also was not able to define additional / custom xmp tags, even after reading the ExifTool_config file. xmp Is there a way to do this in one command? The ultimate goal would be display the DNG, EXIF, XMP tags together with ALL maker note custom XMP tags within EXIFToolGui. The model of drone would be held in XMP:Model. I followed the steps outlined in the Exiftool FAQ, step 11 Report ExifTool bugs and problems, and suggest new features or improvements. Log in; Sign up "Metadata R Us" March 04, 2025, 02:26:25 PM. I would like to define a custom EXIF tag called RawDateTimeOriginal that stores unmodified DateTimeOriginal value (e. I'm wondering if there is a way to define a custom tag for ExifTool to report simply the filesize of the raw image (without the metadata). This is non-standard EXIF, so other apps will only read it if you can configure custom tags. I got longitude, latitude and altitude but I cant display pitch and roll. ) and split it up into 60kb chunks, but this seems even more What command are you using to write these tags? And what messages does exiftool give in response? - Phil I am importing from a csv file. My latest attempt at a config file looks like this: From the exiftool application documentation for -p: If a specified tag does not exist, a minor warning is issued and the line with the missing tag is not printed. cr2 But again, I don't recommend this and you'd have to do more testing to see what tags you needed to copy (if you can get it to work at all with the image processing software that you use). If you don't specify, then generally they are extracted in the order found in the file, but you may use the -sort option to sort them alphabetically. jpg -all:all target. But I do get ALL tag field content (minux TXXX information), including binary image data with exif -j -b file. Example: exiftool -TAG= -TAG1= -TAG2= /path/to/files/ But take note that this data may be custom tags which exiftool doesn't have a definition for, so it may not be able to delete them. 8136 -GPSLongitudeRef=E -GPSLongitude=144. The config file seems to add the custom tags to each image (which is great!), but when I view these images in a tag viewing software (DigiKam, in my case), the tag structure is messed up. Then when I try to use it again I’ve forgotten even the simplest commands. pdf and I can now see under the Advanced xmp tag an entry so thanks for that. GUI Options: While primarily a command-line tool, there are GUI front-ends available for users who prefer a graphical interface. Hey Paul, Thanks again. The original filename would be held in XMP: Custom Metadata Tags: ExifTool allows users to define and work with custom metadata tags. length of a tag (assuming exiftool truncates), and have documented that exiftool does so, if it does. In ExifTool terminology, these are tag tables. This type of information is formatted according to the TIFF specification, and may be found in JPG, TIFF, PNG, JP2, PGF, MIFF, HDP, PSP and XCF images, as well as many TIFF-based RAW images, and even some AVI and MOV videos. And you should realize that your custom tags, in any namespace, will most likely be The "exiftool" Application How to edit custom XMP metadata from the command line (Linux) How to edit custom XMP metadata from the command line (Linux) Started by wannabe, August 18, 2019, 02:07:08 PM You will have to create a definition for your custom tag. Another solution would be to just use a little bit of scripting checking the output of an exiftool call on both files (if you're on a Mac/Linux this is really simply done). but exiftool doesn't recognize my new tag: $ exiftool -config example. Code Select Expand So irrespective of whether there is a more sensible way to define the tags and run the commands (which i'm always happy to hear - i'm just kind of stumbling my way through learning this stuff, so i'm sure my methods are inelegant), it seems like there's a broader issue. AWS services (and have your files stored on it) From a previous thread Quote from: Phil Harvey on November 27, 2019, 11:27:03 AM To see the custom tag names you must use your config file. Interesting. This is not something you could do with ExifTool. News: 2025-03-11: Production version Reading your answer it occured to me that the args-file and the ExifTool direct feature work - as far as I understand it - only for the selected file(s) and then filewise. json" -m -a ". User actions. Sorry for the delay in responding. In the mp4. Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0001: PanasonicRawVersion: undef : 0x0002: SensorWidth: no : 0x0003: SensorHeight: no : 0x0004: SensorTopBorder: no : 0x0005 I'm actually trying to add custom fields to allow the user to enter let's say - 'mynewsetting' as a custom field and set the value and write it to the file meta data. jpg There are a few tags with the same name in the original metadata which only get copied once to the target, and we'd prefer that any duplicate tags get copied duplicate times. 26 [PANO_20130706_184326]. I am curious to know whether it is possible to create a custom namespace for the XMP Dublin Core metadata?. ExifTool Author; Administrator; ExifTool Freak; Posts: 23,381; Location: Canada; Logged; Re: Identify Duplicate Hopefully you can appreciate where I'm trying to get. This would then allow for ingest of the meta. I have a Python script that uses the ExifTool to write custom XMP tags (Dublin Core namespace) to a Photoshop file. You can use the standard exiftool "-json=. config file for details and look around on this forum for "user defined tags". Could you not make use of a custom tag that uses the back tick perl construct to capture the md5 value? Wow. jpg Now I would like to add some custom text (for this example let's say "Created by Bartek in 2024") to the end of the Description. Use custom namespace in exiftool. jpg Use the -s option when extracting to see the tag names:. I've managed to figure out how to achieve this using a custom config file (attached). The names of these IFD's correspond to the ExifTool family 1 group names. Adding data to tag by executing below command: exiftool. Started by merrittr, October 14, 2020, 05:55:47 PM. These offsets may have a decimal part Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0. ExifTool Newbies Create Custom Tag; Create Custom Tag. "XMP-dc"). Started by Phantomgreenie, March 21, 2011, 09:10:57 AM. For example: Exif_0xd001 : may I would suggest creating an XMP tag instead. pdf -xmp exiftool. Camera tags. jpg' command. Hi Phil, I just added AMPxmpTag => { Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } }, to the current config and then ran: exiftool -config test. Exposure (0x0101-0x010f), 2. So your command should be Thanks for the updates to the config as well, I've now learned a few more things about Perl I did notice that if the custom tag is matched by a wildcard tag on the command-line (e. so the tag Description would have the Title+Custom text at the end. Also, the 1x1 tiff data from the intermediary jpg is now gone, which is excellent. See " ExifTool_config" in the ExifTool distribution for more details. Custom tags and config file. I am trying to add XMP in the PDF from a XMP file but custom tags are not getting displayed in the PDF. Welcome to ExifTool Forum. # The namespace prefix for these tags Exiftool can write custom tags, but you have to create a definition for them first. Beginning with the EOS 1D Mark III, Canon finally created a set of custom function tags which are consistent across models. Started by Retired, April 21, 2013, 08:05:17 AM. The EOS 1D Mark III has 57 custom function tags divided into four main groups: 1. - Phil The EXIFTool is incredibly useful for dealing with tags in image files, but one of those tools that I use only once every six months or so. \2b_Tags-Imported-from-2a. I gather there is a way to do this in XMP but, being lazy, I didn't want to repeat the process, and convert all my files. You must override the int8u format with Format => 'undef', in your config file if you want the actual binary data. The values of the composite tags are Derived From the values of other tags. News: 2025-02-10: ExifTool 13. I had to create a config file for fields I wanted: If you need a custom output format, you can use the -p for Print Format and use tag names as a variable within a string, e. OK, thanks. Log in; Sign up "Metadata R Us" Main Menu. 2: CustomSettingsAllDefault: int8u ("No" if any custom setting for this bank was changed from the default) From the Image::ExifTool documentation: User-defined tags can be added via the ExifTool configuration file or by defining the %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined hash before calling any ExifTool functions. jpg becomes 2013-07-06 18. Is there a way to do this? It gets added as Test Tag with a space in between. XMP is best for adding custom tags. "It didn't work" isn't helpful. 05 of the ExifTool on Windows 7. -files there are three tags describing the android version, manufacturer and model. directory. cfg'. dng > custom. You don't You also need to add the Camera namespace to the Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main lookup, like how the "xxx" namespace is added in the example config file. pdf" then it must be something in the XMP. However, the other issues around the bags still persist (they do not write, and other random fields presumably "after" them also do not write). . The ExifTool family 1 group names are derived from the namespace prefixes by adding a leading "XMP-" (eg. News: 2025-03-11 Main Menu Home; Search; ExifTool Forum ExifTool Newbies Custom tags and config file; Custom tags and config file. I'm probably missing something simple. Is this possible using only exiftool? I can do some bash or perl scripting, but I was under the impression that exiftool could do this sort of thing all on its own. They can be read as shown below. A Tag ID is the computer-readable equivalent of a tag name, and is the identifier that is actually stored in the file. jpg but all I manage is to set the Description field to the literal text "-Title" or "Title" or "<-title" or whatever I've tried. jpg As you say, AbsoluteAltitude and RelativeAltitude do not appear to be defined tags. Then it would be only GPSRoll for which you need a custom tag. News: 2025-02-03: ExifTool 13. it works perfectly well for renaming certain panorama files that does not have the CreateDate tag. When writing EXIF information, the default Group listed below is used unless another group is specified. \2a_Tags-for-Import. The -all:all did help with the duplicate field values - I now see the distinct values between the tags in different schemas. I'd advice not try to include metadata in ffmpeg when re-encoding, or other tools when just trimming. A solution a can think of would be to use a custom tag which calls exiftool again on the accompanying file and checks to see if that tag is present there. But I am running version 10. jpg") and the second step is not done, even though the first is Yes. In that case, you'll probably have to turn to ffmpeg. Started by dacscomp, October 30, 2015, 09:38:17 AM. The tags themselves are the names which refer to the elemental units of information that ExifTool reads/writes. config -IPTC:Car=BMW a. JPG Warning: Tag 'Exif I am trying to create custom IPTC tags. Information extracted from Free Lossless Image Format files. But it would be a custom tag, and there isn't a program in the world that has been coded to read that and rotate the video. 19 is You are copying the tags individually, and ExifTool can only write the ones which have been pre-defined. "exiftool -city=kingston test. July 22, 2012, 07:19:24 AM. For speed, by default ExifTool extracts tags only up to the first Cluster unless a Seek element specifies the position of a Tags element after this. We have defined one custom shortcut in our config file as : CustCreateDate => ['xmp:CreateDate','iptc:DateCreated'] To read xmp:CreateDate tag or iptc:DateCreated tag. exe The tag should be a string named "GoogleShortpath" Reading the FAQ, I at first have created an . ExifTool with Node. Go Up Pages 1. See attached. To use ExifTool from python you would have to execute it from within your python script, which For the user-defined tag, exiftool -image-location_city=Seattle IMG_1528. Print. exe to extract metadata from a image to a string which i then write to an xml file. someone suggested adding an own namespace within the XMP block. In google'ing "md5" and exiftool I realize exiftool does no processing of the image payload. ibti sfykwp lofxevj iqurr ydzfdd lklvcwpx nvztk nren irgl xbg bti lnia oltimz hunfc trh