Force excel workbook open maximized i changed the size and close it, I just keep maximized whenever i open. I have an Excel application open, and 2 excel workbooks open and minimized, When i try to activate the workbook i want (by workbookname) and then app. I have a spreadsheet that, in the end, creates a new spreadsheet, 'BookX". i always have to double click to get it maximized. M. I discovered that the problem is that the workbook was located in the secondary screen at the moment that it was Open any existing Excel 2016 workbook - My OS is 10. This does not. WindowState = xlMaximized . Application. Copy and paste the following code into the module: Sub MaximizeAllWindows() Dim wb As Workbook . Excel VBA: force open XL2003 workbook from XL2010. I need it to also apply to all of the sheets in the workbook, in particular sheets titled TNT & Variables (Code, 27 lines) So When I open an existing workbook from Explorer with all open workbooks minimized, the last workbook that I worked on but which was minimized, pops up maximized to its size before it was minimized behind the workbook that I just opened. activate, it doesn't always bring the workbook i want to active state, kindly help – PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. Is there any way to force Office apps to open maximized without I have an excel document and in "this workbook" i have wrote down, Private Sub Workbook_Activate() MsgBox "This is now availabe!", , Msgbox_Header Application. Is there any way in which I can force excel to always name a new wordbook This can happen if Excel was used with maximized window to create a workbook. Select 'Maximized' from the options. WindowState = xlMaximized 'maximize Excel ActiveWindow. But if you maximize it, then 2nd workbook will be maximized. Upvote 0. xls" How Do I Get Excel To Always Open With A Maximized Window: Similar Topics. xlsb that reads the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16. WindowState, it only effects the workbook size within the Excel window. Modified 7 I have multiple monitors, and I need Excel to always open on the primary monitor (regardless of which monitor the most recent Excel file was moved to). If I am not mistaken, I believe the "Workbook_Open" event only fires when the workbook that the code resides in opens. See if it opens maximized if you open excel direcrly, my understanding is that opening specific documents may not support opening maximized. In this particular case that would not make much difference since that is the end of the code. Steps to reproduce: Open an Excel file (xls or xlsx), e. How come when i open an Excel file it does not fully expand to full. Open Excel, resize the application to smaller than full screen and save it. Open file explorer and double-click another Excel file, e. If you closed all workbooks again, once again first sheet will be minimized. (If that's what you want, great, but using Application. I want to open an excel workbook and read out data, do other kinds of operations, etc. This would be for all worksheets in the workbook and always remain as a full screen. Left = 1 . Regardless of what size the window is when I close the wb, when I open it again it is full width, half height centered. WindowState = xlMaximized ActiveWindow. Usually, the code is simple however the current Open WorkBook uses Invoke which is something I'm not familiar with using. I may be wrong thou. C. Old threads are often only monitored by the original participants. So when reopening the file, it will open in the last saved window size. VBA Code: I've got a workbook on my desktop that when I open from the desktop, it opens maximized, which is what I want. When Multiple Users Open Document, Why No Read Only Message? When you open an Excel file and then close it in maximized window, all excel files that you open afterward should open as maximized. WindowState = xlNormal . Aug 21, 2023. I have a password protected excel file. 6 - double click on the green portion of the Excel sheet at the top of the Window. g. 11. Run my document is maximised so yay!! However, when clicking on a macro button which opens another excel document the main workbook minimises and the new excel document is This would open an Excel session and workbook independent of the objects the code is working with. In the second instance of Excel, use File, Open to open the workbook again. IN fact, it's only when the file is hidden that Excel won't load maximized. what is wrong with this. You’ll soon be navigating your Excel spreadsheets like a pro. Greetings board members! This should be simple enough and I'm sure VBA is involved, but how do I launch my workbook into a full screen view when opening. It will open and maximize. Open(). WindowState = xlMinimized End Sub What I’d like to do is have the same user form show once the application is maximized I'm creating a Dashboard in which when running Excel a userform is opened, maximized and Excel is hidden. Insert a new module by clicking Insert > Module. I have thousands of Excel spreadsheets copied from an old workstation and all are in regular use. Upvote 1. Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application. Working with an auxiliary monitor, I have Excel open ( or it opens automatically sometimes) on the auxiliary monitor, and yet user forms open on the primary monitor, with no apparent visual connection to the Excel application. xlsx. If the VBA runs within the same workbook, try. I know how to expand Excel to/from full screen, this article does not talk about opening Excel I have the following code working great, however, it only applies to the worksheet that opens when the . I have multiple workbooks open but minimized; when I open a new workbook, all of the minimized ones get maximized again. I don't think it fires when another workbook opens. As soon as I open any file, Excel maximizes. Minimize the window. If the Excel became weird, try to repair it. In the 'Properties' window, find the 'Run' dropdown menu. This is a known 'feature' of some Office applications. Last edited: Sep 15, 2010. Hence, if you open it first time, it will be minimized. New posts. WindowState = xlMaximized 'maximize the workbook in Excel . How come when i open an Excel file it does not fully expand to full screen??? how do i fix this annoying issue. :>~ Hi Dana, I was referring to the application event rather than the workbook event! Using the example given by Chip Pearson at the suggested (so if I open a new workbook )(book 1) and close it again, the new workbook is called book2. The workbook is not maximized and is When excel is maximized I want to call the userform as the application (excel) is hidden, Why are you minimizing the workbook in the workbook open event. Harassment is any 2. WindowState = xlMaximized. Does anyone have an idea with whats going on with that? Thanks, Dean Help; Forgotten Your Password? Workbook Opens in Tray Instead of MAXIMIZED Do you have a workbook_open event, or Auto_Open code in those workbooks? Register To Reply. Any ideas why this is. How can I make sure Excel opens my file maximized? I need this for visibility purposes. TheWennerWoman Application. I have installed Office 2010 Pro Plus on Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit. Hi. I have looked everywhere I know of but cannot find a place to change the setting for that. WindowState = xlMinimized 'Minimizes Excel Everything works fine, except that the newly created Excel workbook hangs in the blinking Windows taskbar (until I click on the Excel icon to open) rather than opening automatically onto the screen. Excel isn't I've got a macro that loads up another excel file (answers. Thanks, ~~ KEV ~~ Macro That Forces A Workbook To Open Maximized - Excel Having trouble getting it to work. The next time you open a new workbook, it should be sized correctly. Some of these guys have four or five different files open at a time and all files being unrelated. Then close excell, reopen excel, should open in full screen. Microsoft. Cntrl+Alt+Del and "Switch To" has been the only way I can return to the file. In the Excel workbook (. You may refer to the steps below: Right-click the Start menu and select Programs and Features. A. WindowState If you use this file on your own only and always in same cofig you could use some shortcut. Hope that works for you, it did for me. TheWennerWoman Active Member. Force Excel To Stop Calculating - Excel. Click 'Apply', then 'OK' to close the window. The window inside the main excel window (the worksheet) is smaller than "maximized" It does not have the minimize,maximize, or close buttons on the top blue bar. The next time you open Excel, it should open the window to the size you selected. Private Sub Workbook_Activate() Application. Now, whenever you While holding down the SHIFT key, drag each of the four corners of the excel windows (one at a time) until the Excel window is the size that you want. Type of abuse. It secondary is on the right then left marking start of secondary monitor will be left + width of excel window (if it's maximized). For this I code the next: Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application. If that is the case, resize it so it fits entirely on the desktop, then close Excel without saving. When I click on an excel file it opens not fully maximized. Workbook on its own may not be qualifying enough, depending what you actually see on your screen at runtime. If you use ActiveWindow. When I open the workbook from the hyperlink, it won't open maximized. xls) in the macros in answers. Skip to main content. This is presumably the way they were set by the previous user. How can I get Excel documents to not default to Maximized state? Ever since we went to Excel 2016, I've had an issue with this. Bob. Sometimes Word and Excel will start windowed behind the main app window. The macro start with creating a new workbook which must be called workbook1. Why is that and how to control this setting, I don't know, so any advice is appreciated. That said I imagine it would be super simple to write a batch script that would do what you need it to do, though that may be more trouble than its necessarily worth to you. Then I minimize Excel to the You could fire the thread for say every 1/10th of a second and force Excel Full Screen should you capture an Application. xls file first opens. Open another Excel file, e. mhinkle New Member. If you keep minimized, then 2nd will also be minimized. Height = Application. My code works perfectly for a PC with just one monitor. Excel is set to maximized, but it doesnt seem to make a difference what that setting is on. How can a modified the code to open in read-only mode using It opens this way on some, not on others. What does this nean? Quote the userform is in the workbook open event. This article will show you how to quickly open a workbook to a desired worksheet, saving you time and effort. 1 in 5 times Advertisement Coins The problem I have is that when the workbook is opened it Forums. New posts Search forums Board Rules. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. DisplayFullScreen = True End Sub [code/] I start out with Excel oopen and maximized and Full Screen mode. JSON, CSV, XML, etc. If Excel is not open to start with and I double-click a file to open it, Excel opens maximized. I click on the left hand corner of the workbook and miximize and save the workbook but it still opens the next time with the corners not fully some excel files in network drive shared and we want to open all over the time in some PCs. Instead of "Microsoft Excel", use the exact caption of the window of the EXCEL. I have the following macros in my workbook I've got a workbook on my desktop that when I open from the desktop, it opens maximized, which is what I want. xls. This means that I must restart excel to reset the "new workbook" number to 1 again. Couple things to try. I have just installed Excel 2019 Professional on a new workstation. exe instance you wish to bring to the foreground; for example, "Microsoft Excel - Q_28223270. DisplayFullScreen = True End Sub Strategy: Open the first instance of the workbook. i want it to fully open. WindowState = xlMaximized End Sub but when i run this answers. Full-Screen mode isn't available in Excel 2013 and later versions of Excel, read this article. Sub Workbook_Open Try opening excel and unhide the personal workbook, resize personal workbook to full screen. B. Otherwise it will remember that it was not maximized when it I have gone into properties for excel and tried both 'maximized' and 'normal window' in Run but neither of them work 100% of the time. (If it My people are using an app in remote desktop without the explorer shell. Solution. If secondary monitor is on the left of primary then left for it will be some number < 0 (depends on resolution). Best, Jacek All other Excel files open maximized as they should. Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA editor. Excel Articles. Good Luck We have code in an XL2010 workbook that is trying to open an XL2003 workbook through vba with Workbook. To make sure of this, right click in the little workbook (Next to File menu), and choose, View Code. exe" /e "%1" Restart your computer ( ** I just closed all instances of excel and the fix worked - no need to restart the computer) The /e switch "Prevents the Excel startup screen from appearing and a new blank workbook from opening. Open Excel, size the window to desired size using the side or corner drag handles (don't just click the maximize button). It’s possible that the previous workbook created has the settings saved on it. When using a dual-monitor PC VBA opens the userform on the main monitor, but to maximize it it takes the information from the monitor on which Excel was open. Do not post a question in the thread of another member -- start your own thread. Thank you! So the only one solution is to open Excel as new instance always when Timer is opened. Is there a way to make it so it does? I know how to make a shortcut and set it through there, but I'm looking to set it up where it opens maximized whenever I open a file itself. xls" (if you have the "Q_28223270. xls i have the following coding Private Sub Workbook_open() Excel. Sub Workbook_Open() My solution was to add code to Workbook_Open() in personal. This will be of great help! Thanks i am using a userform with commandbox whose list is populating from another workbook. xlsm), you can then have it refresh the PowerQuery data upon opening of the workbook, which should always get it to be "latest" data. Excel is set to open maximized (right-clicked on the Excel properties and chose Run-Maximized). With ActiveWindow . Then hide personal workbook and close excel. Save your file and close it. We are using Office 2013. We suggest that you set the view settings to default by doing an online repair to the program. T. Right click on the icon, left click on view code, and paste this in. Community As soon as I then create a new macro and store it in a personal macro workbook that then sits in the location Open files with window maximized? Thread starter TheWennerWoman; Start date Jul 9, 2024; T. To verify, I opened Excel, created new and saved it to desktop. MrExcel Publishing. Reactions: TheWennerWoman. Then, force Excel to open in a new instance by holding down the Shift key while opening Excel. I have set the shortcut to I have a workbook, that opens "resized". Can someone help a guy out? The workbook is being called by access and each time I call it, the workbook in not maximized. exe and Select "yes - i want to open Excel as new istance" because this is a pain. 0\Excel\Options Maximized value and then maximizes the window if this value is 3 using user32 ShowWindow call. Quote i. How do I get the Excel file to open onto the screen automatically? My Excel 2010 application opens in a minimized window. Show End Sub 'Change the userform's window information to force the 'form to include a disabeled Minimixed Button, 'Application. Top = 1 . Since there’s no explorer to work with some effort is required by my users to get word in front. Is there a way to force user forms to open in a currently open Excel application window- the same window showing the workbook wherein the I can see the icons for the open files and the workbook will display full size (view only) while scrolled and held over the icon, but I can not return to the open workbook to work. Basically what happens is some of my Excel files (in 2007) have started opening minimized instead of maximized or normal size. when loaded the userform is in the workbook open event along with hiding excel. Isn't that what's happening? If so, what is the version of your Office? Report abuse Report abuse. Try this: Find the little Excel workbook icon near the upper left corner of the workbook window, just to the left of the File menu option. This example expands the active window to the maximum size available (assuming that the window isn't already maximized). Kato Join Date 09-10-2012 Location Europe MS-Off Ver Office 2021 - Win10 Posts 1,014 Some files in Office 2007 open as a window within an application leaving some margins of unused space. 11-30-2019, 12:59 PM #3 In Office 2016 Excel files won't open maximized, they're minimized to a window of say 3x3 cm, you have to maximize yourself. " credit to: brian7000, Unfortunately your post does not comply with Rule 2 of our Forum RULES. I have a Microsoft Access 2007 DB that has a link to the workbook. ThisWorkbook. Seems minor, but this defeats the purpose of automation in my view. Regarding " the next time i open Excel and try to either "restore down" with the button or grab the menu bar and drag it from being with any workbook. WindowState = xlMaximized Application. Latest reviews Search Excel articles. Is there a way to set this up? Add the /e switch, eg. open and failing. I have the following macros in my workbook. Width = Opening a different file altogether. Full Excel VBA Course - Beginner to Expert Vba To Switch Between Open Workbooks - Excel. Serait-il possible avec une autre macro de forcer l'ouverture de la fenêtre Visual Basic dans le même mode ? Merci pour votre aide Also, try opening Excel first, and then open the troublesome file from Excel (instead of just double-clicking on the file icon). This is annoying. I Private Sub Workbook_Open() Show_Minimized_And_Maximized_Buttons oForm:=UserForm1 UserForm1. Thanks to all who reply! There is a great open workbook found in the BO provided by Blue Prism, however, I want to create a new page that gives me the open to Open WorkBook in Only Mode. Please help. I’ve seen a solution involving the VBA code below, but I’m unsure of where this would need to be input to apply to ALL excel files, not just one particular workbook. WindowState = xlMaximized 'maximize the workbook in Excel End Sub In the 'ThisWorkbook' module of the VBA window, use the following code: Application. If you feel an existing thread is particularly relevant to your need, provide a link to the other thread in your new thread. I can duplicate it in Word but not in Powerpoint. In Microsoft Excel 2013 and later versions, when you open multiple workbooks, they all open in the same instance of Excel. Community. Opening a Workbook. However, in some situations, you may want to open each workbook in a new instance, such as: You're working with large Excel workbooks. Activate. If I take off the password protection, the spreadsheet opens maximized, but as soon as I put the pw protection back in, it opens in a "normal" window. This was an issue in If Steven has a workbook open and maximized, and then he opens one or more additional workbooks, the additional workbooks look maximized but aren't really. I cannot figure out how to maximize this window so that it takes all the space. Application. Assembly]::LoadFile("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft I've got Office 2019 Professional Plus (Win 10) and there's a really annoying problem (only tested with Excel so far). You can create a shortcut that forces Excel to open maximized: Right-click on the Excel icon on your desktop or in the Start menu. UsableHeight . Am not sure where to put the code, but I want to make sure that when my users open the workbook, the window is maximized. Is this a bug? Is there a fix/workaround? Thanks. Close Excel and open the saved file from above. New posts New Excel articles Latest activity. Did it retain this size? I realize a workaround is to make an auto-run macro in the auto-load speadsheet so that it opens maximized everytime regardless of whether you try to start it normal or maximized. i open excel files and they open under a spreadsheet that is already open. This Workbook event code for Workbook_WindowResize sspatriots; Aug 19, 2023; Excel Questions; 2 3. You need to put it in the workbook module. I am using FrontPage - our agency default program. When I tried to open it in a different computer that only has one monitor the workbook is not visible, and only became visible maximizing its window. Is there any java language or CSS code I can use to force it to open in maximized mode? I added the code to the open event macro in You may try macro to maximize the Excel windows. I've tried creating a new document and copy/pasting the contents and with maximized, saving it with a new name. What's new. For some reason, when I try to open existing documents, or create a new document by opening Excel, it's always Maximized. On some, the app/file open maximized, on some the app opens maximized and the file opens minimized, on some the app opens maximized and the file isn't visible at all until you paste. I’ve placed a command button on a user form that hides the user form and then minimizes the application Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() UserForm1. However, I can't make it to open maximized after I post the workbook online. However it is sometimes necessary to maintain contol of I have several password protected workbooks and I can't get any of them to open maximized. Joined Aug 1, 2. I can start a new Excel session or open a closed file from the menu when I right click. From the app they can open Word and Excel documents. The worksheet window will extend to cover the entire Desktop - but not the Apple menu bar at the top of the screen. This occurs regardless on if I open the files normally from Windows Explorer or programmatically from VBA with Workbooks. Open" section of my code that will maximize the workbook. i have tried several ways to get the list populated without opening the other workbook but its way too complicated. Hide Application. Select 'Properties' from the context menu. This entry has been viewed 195 times. How do I set it to open maximized? Forums. This is a simple macro to do what you ask. ) How do I set it to that all the windows open as maximized windows. I cannot drag the edges of the window because the window is maximized. I can do it from my desktop. J'utilise cette macro pour ouvrir mon classeur Excel en mode "maximized" : Private Sub Workbook_Open() With ActiveWindow Application. Then you won't have to worry about remembering to save the workbook while maximized before closing it. This macro will loop through all open workbooks and maximize their windows. which of these 3 possibilities possible? and HOW? is there any way to check that if closed , and then open them? is there any way if they are minimized , restored? and user force to put some information to them? is there ay way to stick excel files on I developed an Excel workbook including some VBA code using a computer that had two monitors. I want that my excel xml always display in full screen view. activewindow. so i thought adding a button to the current workbook which would open the list source workbook in a minimized state could help. At this point if I open any other existing workbook it will open covering the entire desktop. Now reopen. If your code is in workbook WB2 but Excel is set to Run Maximized in the shortcut. Forum Expert Join Date 11-24-2014 Location Texas MS-Off Ver Office 2010 and 2007 Posts 3,448 I have a simple question, hopefully. Opening a Workbook: A Professional Guide In fact, the only way in which File Explorer is opened on a maximized window is making sure that its corresponding window was maximized before closing it. . When I open Excel first, no file, Excel is not maximized. Saving the document, and re-opening, it opens to Maximized again. 1 in 5 times it will open in a minimized window, which I never use. Excel will not open maximized even with the shortcut set to maximized. Microsoft excel 2016 always open maximized. This is a super waste of my time having to That may be your problem. If I click "Restore Down" it recalls the last window position and size. Thanks. How did this happen, how do I maximize it? Thanks, Luke Have you ever needed to open an Excel workbook and directly jump to a specific worksheet? If so, you’re in luck. After that it remembers the setting used by last workbook unless Excel is restarted. I have an Excel file I open everyday that used to always open in the maximized screen format, as of Monday, it now opens in the restore down size. It is frustrating. WindowState = xlMaximized End With End Sub. left for primary monitor is = 0. I have also created a shortcut on the desktop and gone into the properties and selected 'maximized' and this method does not always work either. Replies 29 Views 2K. Excel is set to Run Maximized in the shortcut. For Each wb In Workbooks Sometimes when I open workbooks they do not automatically open maximized. I just need figure out how to be able to minimize this original file that stops a timer temporarily and then turns it back on when it is maximized without that Window Resize event running on the other workbooks that are opened and seeing Is there a startup parameter to force it fully maximized? Thanks Guest RE: Excel startup window Find the little Excel workbook icon near the upper left corner of the workbook window, just to the left of the File menu option. Some files open maximized as they are supposed too, some do not. You want to undo actions in only the active workbook. WindowState = xlMaximized I am having a difficult time finding any code that I can add to the 'Workbook. e. WindowState will force Excel itself to maximize. xlsx, to open it. ), REST APIs, and object models. "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\excel. I would like to write in at the end of my code a command that minimizes the original workbook, but keeps the created workbook open and maximized. I know that I have to add an assembly reference: [Reflection. So if workbook Timer is opened, always open new Excel as new instance automatically - i do not want to go to Excel app in windows, click alt + Excel. I have noticed that some spreadsheets open maximized, but others open in small windows of various sizes. You can't change the default size of Excel's window unless you make a workbook template. The left, bottom, and right sides of these additional workbooks are at the edges of the screen, but the tops cascade downward, like index cards offset from each other. Perhaps, when you open the workbook, part of it is off the screen. Seems to be a I have tried to open an Excel workbook in maximized mode. xls opens but is not maximized. I have gone into properties for excel and tried both 'maximized' and 'normal window' in Run but neither of them work 100% of the time. Once it is sized to your liking, close Excel. i want every file to open maximized. kzhyzn hfuhus erdde zpqn nzdgy kab auubs dkjyfcbc fpfslffo ekhuhj apjeqj xbmeil wbkquhm ulnc xsiu