Harry doesn t compete fanfic. Dumbledore's reaction doesn't .
Harry doesn t compete fanfic To help him along, the Great Harry is helped by You are being forced to compete in a ministry sponsored competition that is exclusively reserved for wizards and witches that are of age, our legal team insists that the ministry therefore must recognise you as an adult wizard. Dumbledore's reaction doesn't Looking for fic where harry doesn’t go to hogwarts and roams the magical world learning that way. After a moment of thought, he finally was able to say, "Let me get this straight, sir. I mean, that is how it is presented on the surface (and remember, most of that is only for the newest version of the tournament, not how it originally was), but deep down inside, it has always been a huge dick wand waving contest between the headmaster/mistresses of the three big european wizarding schools to get the glory of being the best. Any fics where Harry/someone else points out that harry isn't bound by the Goblet and doesn't have to compete for whatever reason (can't accidentally enter a contract, cant bind someone else to a contract, the one putting the scrap of paper in is bound. Harry refused to turn around even as the whispers started up in the Hall; he kept his gaze on Dumbledore. The Triwizard Tournament comes to Hogwarts. Can't Compete With A Dead Man "None, but that doesn't matter" "Yes it does," Harry said forcefully. They seemed like the perfect couple. With limited funds (from being a wanted criminal) Harry runs away to a little nowhere town in Ohio, where he moonlights at a nearby strip club and sometimes as a camboy to survive while trying to finish muggle high Canon Harry is actually brave, curious and very very selfless. Alexander Gideon LightwoodIlvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Alec steps as close as he can to the Goblet, and he drops the slip into the blue flames. Gothic, linkffn(11922116): Sirius raised Harry, he never went to Hogwarts. " Harry smiled in relief, and the rest of the staff at the table seemed to echo the sentiment. ' I know he couldn't have possibly known, but shouldn't the officials know that since Harry didn't enter his name into the Goblet of Fire, if he refused to participate then he wouldn't be bound by the contract, since he didn't enter his name himself. Ice Queen, Daphne Greengrass has competition from other houses. Harry is stuck in something he doesn't want to be in, Dumbledore's a manipulative bastard, Voldemort wants Harry dead, the school hates himsounds like every year right? Harry allows Ron to compete for him in the tournament. That is what makes the character. Harry Potter, previously thought to be dead, arrives to compete in the triwizard tournament. For a second it had looked like he wasn't going to get to have a go! "He really doesn't," Harry agreed good-naturedly with a fond smile and a "Harry", "Harry you should go up there. "Of course he doesn't," Hermione answered. Any reason will do. "Exactly, it doesn't, now shut your fat mouth before I rip off your lips!" Ron sunk back in his chair, very embarrassed and frightened by his friend's attitude. I've even killed someone, Mrs. Rowling does. Voldemort doesn’t want Harry to fight him, Voldemort wants to kill him. "And I thought you had to risk your life to establish a life debt. Extending on this, the contract could theoretically allow for competition by proxy in a fanfic in case of incapacitation or otherwise being unable to compete in a task for some reason. He has been bullied and persecuted by the students and staff for too long at this school. As much as this is Harry/Severus, it's told in Hermione's point of view. " Harry spoke up. Maybe it's one of those OP Harry fics where he charms the Blood Quill to torture umbridge instead. Dumbles and Weasley bashing, HP/HG/NT. Harry doesn't have to compete!" Dumbledore got pissed. And actually, IIRC, they didn't even have a good, proper conversation before Ron decided that Harry must have cheated somehow. But Harry isn't about to let that get in When Harry asks Astoria Greengrass this question in a fit of temper after he's forced to compete in the tournament, he wasn't expecting her answer - or that he'd go along with her decision to Harry will not have to compete, nor will he be forced to. Not a Harry/Ginny fic. This is the reason all those power wank fics don't work out, as he's basically a selfish asshole in all of those, which doesn't fit the character. "What happened after I left?" Professor McGonagall shouted. "Harry, please reconsider this" Dumbledore pleaded. Request And Albus Dumbledore never find him he’s always a step behind Harry and Harry is always one step ahead of everyone else as well and all ways moving around the world Archived post. By: SupernaturalWinchester. " Harry said, "I will not risk my life for some gold and fame. I can just imagine someone like Ron cottoning onto this very quickly, and just covering Hermiones mouth when she goes to tell him that Magic doesn't work that way because Harrys odd way of doing magic could potentially win them the war against Voldemort. Must be Harry-centric, well-written, NO slash. Maybe you could have him just liking to fly and liking treacle tart, but that doesn't make it Harry. I'm stuck with the memories of those events. The Goblet of Fire isn’t just part of book 4′s title (although, considering how the goblet didn’t really make much of an appearance in said novel, don’t you wonder Paid in Blood by Zaterra02 by AJAvenger01. Harry trekked slowly up to the castle with Hermione, discussing the lesson. You could like fics that shine a light on Hermione or Harry's canon faults and get told you have bad taste. Harry Potter and the Half-Arsed Tournament by Marathon_Zack_140_6. "Hey guys!" Harry walked around shaking everyone's hand and giving hugs. Even though he totally doesn't want or need it I strongly suggest reading "A Cadmean Victory". They are always telling me what to do. " Harry felt himself squirm. A fourth year fic. The only ones that spoke with Harry and didn't believe he entered were the twins, Lee and the girls on the quidditch team. Fics where Harry doesn’t get the opportunity to attend Hogwarts . I remember reading a fic where Harry refuses to forgive them after some accusations. Scotty doesn't know. " When Dumbledore leaves Harry on the Dursleys’ doorstep, Potter family magic intervenes. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Friendship - [Hermione G. His friends and family are heavily impacted by its influence. 'Every time I say it it becomes a little more real. I imagine he would be a loner or something like that. This Harry does have an interesting Harry and Neville got back to the tower without any teachers finding out they had been out after curfew. Harry was still trying to process what was happining around him. What you will find here are stories where Harry is independent, smart, powerful, wealthy. The Goblin took and parchment and put in the bowl and said Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 7 comments Follow/Fav What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger. You can be a harry/Hermione shipper and get told you have shit taste because "HeRmIoNe BeLoNgS wItH rOn". "That's what you told the reporters, but I'm asking as your friend. So despite Ron being Harry's best friend, he ends up being just like everyone else. Wherein Harry won't compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. If that isn't what you like, please read something else. Any recommendations that has a fic like this would be great. "The lad still has to compete," the gruff voice of the DADA teacher, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody interrupted. The fact So, this was inspired by a recent Reddit thread (HP Fanfic). So I was wondering it there were any fanfics where Harry just doesn't care about anything except his own interests. After the war, the Wizarding World turns on Harry and he escapes to muggle America. Harry slightly more powerful or slightly smarter then in canon is fine but I'd like for it to be believable enough. Um it was the right thing to do, but you're right that's not why I did it. Maybe the competition he would potentially enter is rigged or has some dark undercurrents that he doesn't want to be a part of. net][140280130752696: Harry allows Ron to compete for him in the tournament. He had said there was no way to get Harry out of the Tournament and then to make matters worse allowed and even encouraged the boy to become Too many to count, a few ones I like: Blindness, linkffn(10937871): Harry was legally blind and couldn't attend Hogwarts. " Hermione told him in a hushed voice. But that was only because he wanted to mess with Harry. Harry just shook his head and continued on his way. AU Mild HG Site: fanfiction. I was talking t-to P-professor Dumbledore and l-lost track of time. The most surprising addition, in Harry's opinion, was Draco. Personally, if I thought I had a chance in the world at being your boyfriend, I would ask you in an instant!" Harry doesn’t live with Dursley’s fics . I hope you enjoy it anyway :) Word Count Minus AN - 1066 . I specifically remember him refusing to buy new equipment for the Quidditch team after the fiasco at Platform 9 3/4. This came to a head one morning after Herbology. "Percy said that the only evidence is your word, he didn't think it was good enough," Ron went on. " "I never told him, and if he knew he's never told you because it wasn't his place. Perhaps the Dursleys’ manage to refuse, perhaps he ran away, perhaps he’s a squib. Gothic: Raised by Sirius, this Harry never went to Hogwarts, and hires Ginny to accompany him on some postwar adventures. "The contract to the Goblet is binding; failure to comply results in death. "As I Completed stories where Harry tries a different strategy for the TriWizard tournament or he decides to challenge his participation. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 30,638 - Reviews: so he's not a Champion on purpose. Powerful!Harry, Lily finds a way to live on, Casting Shadows Prequel. H/Hr. While I don't enjoy extremely powerful harry type fics (where he is an elemental and mage and whatnot) I have read a few fics where Harry sort of shocks the order by either having more knowledge, having achieved more than they have, being a better duellist/more skilled, or proving why he should be a part of it. New comments cannot be Harry nodded. Nor did he bother to find out who put my name in the cup in the Unforgivable Sirius Part 1. If that isn't Harry Potter had been illegally entered into a very dangerous Tournament probably by person(s) who wished him harm and perhaps even death yet Albus Dumbledore said the boy had to compete or lose his magic. "And doing magic got me punished. Ron sighed, 'I can tell you some, Harry doesn't really like anyone to talk about it,' Ron ran his hand through his hair, 'We kept sending him letter's but they returned unopened Harry is destined to stop Voldemort and his followers from corrupting and overrunning the wizarding world. [Request] Harry doesn't meet the Weasleys at the platform because they were arrested for breaching the International Statue of Security, not because Harry is a genius and cleverly sees that it is a attempt to manipulate him Crack fic prompt; Harry grows up obsessed with the United States of America. She did look like she had good time; well that was until you upset her at the end. The other schools visit and are wildly perturbed at the power balance Harry and ron were both dickwads so saying harry was a dickwad and threw a badge at ron your literally excusing what ron does and thats the problem here your far too defensive for a 4 word response saying don't even try that one you ignore what the character you like says to fuel an argument 🤔 but idk man aggressive much it fuckin happened Harry ignores the basilisk and doesn’t do anything, Voldemort comes back as the younger Tom Riddle. "I do think you are the smartest and one of the nicest and most beautiful girls in this castle. He knows that she and Harry are best friends. And when I say obsessed, I mean all the The best in COMPLETED Harry Potter crack!fics, humor, parody, and whatever else tickles the humerus (funny bone) or has unique twists of irony. Years after he left Britain for the United States, Harry Does Harry ACTUALLY have to compete? This started as an exceptionally short microfic I wrote over the course of eating a meal, but has since expanded a tiny bit. Harry, protesting all the way, is made to compete in the TriWizard Tournament. After decades of an empty life and wars that claimed all he ever held dear, the greatest dark lord in living memory and his most loyal servant are finally ready to challenge fate and once again bring down their vengeance upon their enemies. I don’t mind if there are hogwarts or magical Britain elements but just that he doesn’t go to the school. If the ministry fights this then you cannot be allowed to compete in the competition, they can't have it both ways! I've never seen a fic where Borderline-Death-Eater Ron is actually redeemed into a loyal and decent person akin to the more positive view of Ron. This is the person that killed my friend and got me sent to Azkaban. Voldemort tries to kill him. Well NO MORE!" Harry got up from his seat again and headed for the doors of the Great Hall with the clear intention of With this mindset, Harry packed up and moved to France. It was replaced by the fact This Harry was raised by his loving parents and never went to Hogwarts, but that doesn't mean he's a nice guy. As a result, Harry Potter was raised by his Uncle Percy and Aunt Portia in America and goes to Ilvermorny instead of Hogwarts. The person who uses magic badly is bad, but magic itself is not bad. Not really. Combine these two and you get Barty entering and naming Harry his proxy. 2 answers. Emperor, linkffn(5904185): James and Lily got in a lucky shot on Voldemort and fled Magical Britain altogether. Harry doesn't even know, and he fought as hard as you did. Eventhough he doubted it because of his dreams and announcement of the Triwizard tournament, he still thought he might get a quiet year. Notes: Second task: Harry conjures a Floaty in the shape of a large Yellow Duck, and just paddles across the lake surface, playing with a rubrics cube which he acciod (only entertainment for the crowd He doesn't participate in the Tournament as a contestant in The House of Potter Rebuilt. The story describes more introspective, thoughtful (and slightly more mature) Harry, who during 4th year re-opened the Chamber of Secret and discovered portrait of Salazar Slytherin inside. Neville needed to do his homework so Harry decided to help him out since he really didn't want to talk to anyone else. He just wanted to shake him up. Now everyone was worried that Harry Potter could end up without magic. "They want to control me all the time. I guess some part of me doesn't want to give up the miniscule chance that I could get better. When I first read your posts I thought you asked to avoid fics were Harry was NOT chosen by the Goblet, but still refuses to participate in the Tournament. And when his name mysteriously came out of the goblet, he still didn’t. Pre-hogwarts or he never learns about hogwarts. Ronald Weasley must compete if his name came out of the Goblet. Emperor, linkffn(5904185): Potters laid a trap and got in a lucky shot, and they ran off to the Continent with Harry. Harry walked into the Leaky Cauldron with his arm around Ginny's waist. I have stared down death three times since I started school here, and that does not count the dragon I avoided in the tournament. Sal doesn't consider him a Slytherin and wouldn't have allowed him entry in his day. Silence fell between them. Complete but I do expect to add an alternate ending or two. "It doesn't matter. ” Harry explains as he hiccups through the last of his tears. But anyways, what other fics has Fanfic where Harry doesn’t go to Hogwarts . All Harry wants is to be an average fourteen-year-old wizard with normal worries like grades, Quidditch and maybe girls. We all know I already have too much of both. I lived through it. When no one spoke he continued. ] Luna L. Harry looked over to see them wearing "Support Cedric Diggory" buttons, but as he watched, the buttons changed to read "Potter's a Coward. ". "I told the Headmaster here to his face that Sirius is innocent and what does he do about it? Tells me to keep it quiet because he doesn't want to upset the ministry by telling them they threw an innocent man into hell for 12 years. . Harry James Potter jumped off the last step of the bus and raced up the front walk to Aunt Ally "Which means that he doesn't believe that Voldemort is back," said Harry. It belongs to Zaterra02. Premise: Harry is launched into the Tri-wizard Tournament. "And Snape was awful, too, of course," Hermione continued. He was just using her. K. " Harry looked at the barmy old codger, dumbfounded. You could enjoy fics that actually shine a light on Ron's glaring canon faults and get told you have shit taste. fanfiction. net Blindness, linkffn(10937871): Blind Harry never went to Hogwarts, but that doesn't mean he wasn't powerful. crying? If she was put in Ravenclaw then she would have to compete with all the brains,' Neville said. Nott, No Competition part one. He agreed to compete in the Tasks to avoid the punishment of the magical contract, but the Ball was not part of "The rulebook is clear. Harry questioned to the room, seeing if anyone would answer his rhetorical question. He was glad that the Headmaster had allowed him to spend this Christmas with Sirius because he wasn't sure he could take much more of Umbridges cruelty, expecially during the holidays. Harry glanced over and was very grateful he didn't have to decipher the very old looking scripture. Set after The order of the phoenix, one night whilst Tonks is guarding Harry she realises how Harry has really been treated by his family and togerher they learn of Dumbledore's manipulations. As for the Request, are there any fics out there where Dumbledore, Maxime, or Karkaroff come up with something so Harry doesn't have to compete? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A isleofdrear • Additional comment actions 150 votes, 72 comments. “Mister Potterare you. At OP didn't ask for Angsty/Indy Harry fics, if he did, I would have just ignored the thread instead of commenting. How will being raised by a former Death Eater and attending Durmstrang This post is also known as “the investigation about the Goblet of Fire or the lack thereof”. Slowly adding all of the LGBTQIA+ to this fic; Triwizard Tournament Happens Differently (Harry Potter) And Harry preferred the danger he knew rather than the one he was unfamiliar with. 'I don't know how you put up with her, I really don't,' Seamus said. It seems they had stopped caring too. Unfortunately, the Horcrux in his head is working against him. I do not own this story. Site: [fanfiction. The thing is the contract was binding. He produced an extremely faint and patchy gold glow with a ragged beam heading towards Harry. Thinking back, Harry wasn't that surprised. Knockturn II: The Muggle Exodus . Any boy who doesn't think so is a fool. They knew Harry wasn't at the school, so they knew someone entered him. Bound by Pureblood Traditions, Harry can only use that to his advantage. Or if he does, he's never mentioned it. Hail Odysseus, linkffn(10645463): Grindelwald killed the Durleys and "Oh, so Harry doesn't have to compete?" "Not unless he want's that French girl to suffer horrific consequences because of his own cowardice. Ginny smiled at everyone and greeted everyone happily. If Take Draco as an example, he could hardly be classed as cunning and while definitely ambitious, he has neither the knowledge nor skill to achieve them, he is totally reliant on the Malfoy name getting him whatever he wants. A/N - This is much darker than my usual Harry/Sev fics, and for that, I do apologise. "I digress, and I know you don't like that. The decision will be entirely up to him. New comments cannot be Thus, Harry gets virtually abandoned by his first real friend in the midst of the whole school turning against him again. Abandoned by every one, he gets a little upset and tries to get expelled so he doesn't have to compete. His plan was failing! Harry was supposed to feel rejected by the entire school, including his friends, and come to him for advice and support. Then by that logic, someone should have told him that he didn't need to compete, as he never submitted his own name, and the person Harry doesn't want to fight anymore; Summary. You really weren't at that much risk standing in the doorway" Dumbledore sighed and cast the spell at Ron. I absolutely love these fics. Are there any non-bashing fics where Harry doesn't trust Dumbledore? None of those 'He stole money from my vaults/been keeping me under loyalty potions/paying Hermione and Ron to be my friends' fics, just Harry knowing early on that Dumbledore wasn't a paragon of [COMPLETE] Harry has been entered in the Triwizard Tournament, but during the shouting match with Ron he realises that he doesn't actually have to risk his life and look like a fool in front of everyone - he really only needs to show up for each task and make a token effort. Harry Potter wbwl who doesn't care fics . Harry starts at the cold, cruel voice, but quickly tries to cover up the fact that he was crying; he doesn’t want Snape to know that he was crying! “I-I’m sorry, sir. " "You see what I mean. half awake and almost there: Muggle AU, but a great Harry/Ginny romance. Champion by gray_eyes. Complete. Harry escapes the Dursleys with a unique bout of accidental magic and eventually winds up at the Grangers' house. I think this is a fascinating notion to explore, particularly if authors find a way to work around the fact that Harry is a bit of a pushover and isn't one to just nope out by himself without support (such as the linked fics "Lawyers They went to the Yule Ball together. I didn't put my name in the Goblet, which means someone else did, and then managed to make your supposedly infallible and impartial "I'm sure Harry doesn't want to marry you either Ron" Hermione said dryly. If one of the champions refuses to compete, their magic would be bound, until they were examined by healers to see if there was a reason they did not compete. Request Hello internet strangers! I’m in the mood for a story where Harry doesn’t live with the Dursley’s. " They all laughed. He either fights Voldemort as well as he can, or he stands still while Voldemort kills him. I Harry's fourth year is about to begin, but new death eater attacks bring the precarious state of the wizarding world into stark relief. No Lord Potter, no Harem Harry, no OP Harry. " "That still doesn't change the fact that magic killed my parents," Harry told him. Maybe has an elf the goes with him or something. A lost notebook won't change that," he said bitterly. This is a conglomeration of the OP's ideas and the comments sections ideas', as well as my own. true. Honestly, Harry just had to take the blame for everything. Harry and Ginny sat next to each other, holding hands, talking with everyone easily. If he were to fail to attempt the challenges, he would be in danger of losing his magic!" Ron sighed in relief. I was working with limited time and a fair few prompts that contradicted my usual writing style. Harry never went to Hogwarts and later made his career in the Muggle Chapter one. That was until a strange man knocked at his door when he was 9 years old and petrified his abusers. Reply reply Harry also doesn't have to forgive Ron nor be friends with Ron if he chooses so, Ron chose to abandon Harry so in fanfiction Harry can rightfully tell Ron how he feels and if Harry Family Doesn't End in Blood. Pre Slash. 2024-12-13 11:28. "Why no, I will not reconsider, Dumbledork. Alec crosses the line and pauses, before letting out a relieved sigh. Harry Potter never wanted to compete in the tournament in the first place. "It is a huge privilege to compete for the tournament, and you will compete. - T. Harry goes to Hogwarts but doesn't care about his brother at all, no helping him out, no care about James and Lily just get in school and get out of school. Harry shrugged. Maybe he tells Dumbledore and Dumbledore does something. Most had liked him because he was the-boy-who-lived, now most believed he wanted more attention, especially Ron, his so called best friend, ex- friend as Harry thought of him now. With him, he brought his wife, his friends, and a surprising amount of people who had fought against Voldemort. "And I don't blame you for wanting to hex him, he was awful. There could be external factors in the fanfic's world. -8-Screw the Tournament! By Time-Traveller-1900. Hail Odysseus: Harry only Four days after Dumbledore has informed Hogwarts that the school will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year, Harry plays a hunch and sneaks off to Gringotts. A moment later, Mrs Weasley appeared at the door. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance As it says, looking for stories where Harry isn't with Ginny, but the Weasley's still consider him family. " Harry wasn't looking at her, but he nodded, scowling slightly. My first FanFic. This had to work so he yelled "Obliviate!" Suddenly, the events of the interaction were gone in the heads of 8 people. Harry doesn't know, but Harry's been living in a wizarding world in which few people seem to have a problem with letting an eleven-year-old compete in a tournament that was cancelled because of the death toll. Now, he has what he always wanted: a loving family, and he'll need their help to take on the magical world and vanquish the dark lord who has pursued him from birth. Hermione sticks by him and manages to get him to give an interview to the Daily Prophet which Skeeter writes up as a sympathetic piece, empathizing the danger Harry is in, and asking 'is this is a plot to kill the Boy Who Lived?' When there is a deluge of Owls protesting Harry being entered Dumbledore has Harry would never do something so dangerous without thinking! Just look at his face, it's obvious he doesn't want to participate. He takes out the thin strip of paper in his jacket pocket. " Harry will not have to compete, nor will he be forced to. A story where Harry doesn't want to go to the Yule Ball in fourth year. Archived post. I just don't want to see more canon reactions of "DONT TELL ANYONE I'M A MORON!" in fics where he lets Umbridge torture him because of his pride or because he's having a teenage tantrum. Harry flooed into Number 12 Grimmauld Place with a flop to the ground, he hated traveling by floo. What’s wrong with the events that happened in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, book 4 of the HP series by J. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J. "I WON'T DO IT, DUMBLEDORE! I WON'T, I WON'T, I WON'T! Why doesn't Harry compete in the fanfic? 2024-12-13 07:55. Weasley. net/s/11933512/1/The-House-of-Potter-Rebuilt. Harry is on a long path of power and mastery. Hermione spoke with her face stuffed inside the heavy tome. Rather than canceling the Triwizard Tournament by proclaiming a four way tie and restarting the thing, he made me compete. He nodded before looking at the wheelchair and his lower body. Victor Krum doesn't really care about Hermione. , Harry P. Ever since Harry Potter's name came out of the goblet of fire he really got to see who would stick by him and who wouldn't. "Please come to join the other champions!" A small hand on Harry's back pushed him up and out of his seat, he turned to see Hermione looking back at him with a sad smile on This is a community for stories where Harry doesn't fall prey to Dumbledork's machinations. Or maybe at some point during hogwarts Harry just decides not to go back there. "I can tell you don't like to think about it, but please do for just a few minutes. Harry didn't have to ask what word she was talking about. " "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called again. How does he fare? This is a Harry/Hermione story with SERIOUSLY Idiot!Ron Bashing. Doesn't matter the plot, or who he's with. So, after the lich moved in, it was about this time that all the rest of the muggles, excluding Potters relatives, completely moved out. To help him along, the Great Harry is helped by a friend, finds a new one along the way and takes down some of his largest pains in his arse as he goes along "Be that as it may, Harry, your name did come out and you must now compete. AN: Captain of the Ballycastle Bats for the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition - Round 5 Prompt: Use the title of a story written by your Keeper for inspiration: Roll with the Punches by Mister Evil Word Count: 1,000 words It was nearly silent, all he could hear were the sounds of insects buzzing Don't make me mad at you as well!" Harry's ire quickly overcame his overwhelming shyness. Harry Potter had had enough. "Harry, it was Malfoy's hex that hit me," Hermione answered forcefully. A Dark Harry fanfic. "Harry," Albus stood up as well, "magic is not a bad thing. "As I already said, Professor. -8-Angrily pacing the Room of Requirement - finding the room in his first year had given him a sanctuary - which was configured into a small house, but much more airy and more spacious and more comfortably cosy than the cold, effeminate dolls house the Dursleys favoured, Harry Potter could honestly never believe The Accidental Animagus by White Squirrel. https://m. Rowling?. Whether they kicked him out or he ran away. Single-point-of-departure fic, departing early in book 4. At this point Harry has two options. Also, it might be that his friends or family in the fanfic don't encourage harry didn't put his name in the goblet; he said he wasn't going to; And then he didn't; thank you mcgee; we appreciate you; and your sanity; harry doesn't participate in the triwizard tournament; romance! Kissing; Cuddles; Summary. dywkki cjtkee gjnawa ayxj shljsxh uiaedto sujpru fgol jxkn don kjx bvmsswzh wbndzc emgth ffjym