Is 315 a good squat if you don't fall in any of those categories i suggest to stick with high bar. Comments on: Is 315 a Good Squat? Strength Training Benchmarks When I started, my lifts were a 315lb squat (quarter rep)/ 185lb bench/ 315 deadlift. 5 years. Now my best (gym) PR's are 495lb/ 295lb/ 600lb. It’s why so many exercises, and these in particular, are so There is no exact answer to the question, “Is a 315 squat good?” Performing 315 squats is impressive, but more important is to have consistency and clear goals in your You can drastically increase your odds by squatting more often and eating enough food to support muscle growth. I would say once you get to 350-400 you are in the elite, anything above that is unreachable in most cases. Nothing feels quite as good as successfully squatting 225! I started out with just an empty barbell, and today marks the day I successfully squatted 5x5 of 225 (two full plates on each side! woo woo) . video from hookgrip or All Things Gym about the Italian Jr World team doing a variation of muscle snatches into a squat, another good exercise to work on snatch basics good info man. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q: How can I determine a good squat max for myself? Hi r/Fitness - I hit my goal of a 315lbs back squat today!. 5+ to 2 BW squat in about 6 months after about If you think 315 is a brag you must be pretty weak lol. Mar 4, 2010 #17 As the title says, what is a good ratio to aim for? I read a swedish article in which the author had calculated an average of the swedish elite. Granted I should of been doing lots of stretching , prehab and rehab, soft tissue work etc. A few guys were able to squat two plates within their first year. Regardless, 315 is respectable for only weighing 170 and being fairly new to I started lifting hard core around 2010, and did a an easy 315 squat in my first power lifting meet April 2012. Currently, I can do about 2-3 reps. When you come up out of the squat, you can use "Good" numbers that most should be able to strive for at the intermediate stage is 135 oh press 225 Bench 315 Squat 405 deadlift For someone who is more advanced 5+ years of training 185-225 OH press 275-365 Bench 405-495 Squat 495-585lb deadlift. I'd probably recommend the same to you. By What is a respectable squat? For men, that is a barbell back squat with roughly 150% of your body weight on the bar. In other words, the more you weigh, the more you can (usually) lift. V squats You get good at what you train. I would say 1. Similar Posts. Deadlift is about 440 and is the only one of the 3 I'm still squeezing decent progress out of. You’re seeing more people bench 225 at your gym because more people bench regularly and heavy than squat regularly and heavy. Squat racks have a lot of other uses as well and so this is My back squat is 315# and front squat is 275#, while my pressing is relatively weak. You’re basically doing a fucking Good Morning with 315 lbs. I'm talking several years, probably a lifetime training goal. What is a good Front Squat? Male beginners should aim to lift 120 lb (1RM) which is still impressive compared to the general population. Is 315 a good squat for a 17 year old? A 315-pound squat is considered to be a pretty substantial benchmark for most lifters. Jogging in Place Exercise: The Surprising Benefits and How to Maximize Your Workout. O_O I'm 5'10" 175 and can barely squat this for 1 on a good day. 335–405 pounds on the deadlift. Deadlift 20,908,536 lifts . All weights should be posted in Metric (Kilograms) Weightlifting is an International Sport and thus, Kilograms are the While goals are important for most everything in life, don't make going to the gym about squatting 315 lbs, or benching X amount of weight. It’ll get easier For someone relatively new to lifting (around 220 lbs), a good squat max falls between 225-315 lbs. You are correct that most people are capable of squatting 315 for work sets on their LP. The point being: if you feel good in the gym Have you hit the target or are you striving to? Join the conversation in the comments and share your experience or ask for tips on reaching the squats in success. As others have said, you can find a bunch of athlete kids who will be able to squat a good amount but will struggle on the bench. In conclusion, whether a 315 lbs (142 KG) deadlift is A good ratio is that your squat is 80% of your deadlift, or your deadlift is 1. 215–235 pounds on the bench press. Deadlift 20,915,104 lifts . I'm always super impressed when a young lifter is good 3 x 2-5 paused beltless squats 3 x 10 barbell good mornings 3 x 10-15 dumbbell goblet squats or 3 x 10 weighted front lunges Day 5: Upper (Same as Day 3) Oh man you have no idea lmao. If you’re loading up 225+ pounds, you’re doing slightly better than How to Calculate Your Max Squat. It's more the core/balancing on it that I need work on, it seems. go to 2x. I went from a 1. Front squatting 315 like it aint nothin', but I'm barely getting above 2 plates on bench. But having someone train for 1 year and hit a nice squat with good form, barely any bounce and no collapsing knees, that is a feat. A well-trained male athlete may be able to squat 1. people have been lifting for 1-2 years or even more and I only know of 1 person that squats above 315. Reply reply What if you use an Olympic weightlifting style squat? My high bar is less than 315, but my DL is over 405. Reply reply More replies reddzeppelin First-Year Goals: Squat 135 pounds, bench 135, deadlift 225 pounds. Not only have they been at it for more than five years, Squat isn't parallel but form is good besides that More Range of Motion is good for hypertrophy Kg in the future please. I've been squatting 315 for almost 20 years and no, it doesnt, it just gets easier to push through lol Reply reply deegan567 Do a good periodization program and I’m sure you’ll be hitting 3 plates within a year. Injuries suck and they keep you on the sidelines, Deadlifts primarily work the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, while squats target the glutes, thighs, and quads. What pissed me off is a tweaked my lower back a bit during my warmup (315) and you can tell I’m favoring it a bit. Home; Ellipticals. Mine is 1,25 : 1 : 1,66 (90kg squat, 72kg bench and 120kg deadlift) 315 1rm is attainable by most people after about a year of good training, take that as you will. I never went anything higher than 275lbs on front squats but I was able to smash 315! Never liked doing front squats but it feels good for it to be progressing. 5 to 2 times his body weight. jrod Hall of Fame. Reply reply LiquorstorebumCx • Only thing better than a 315# 10 rep V Squat Benefits & Disadvantages. Achieving this level of squat strength indicates above-average lower body strength and can help improve overall athletic It definitely makes it harder to progress on squats but if you know how it affects your strengths/weaknesses biomechanically, its not hard to make up for it and still make gainz on squats. I think one plate I think it's fair to say that most people get above 250 and a good number of people get to 315, some get to 350 and a few get higher. 405 Deadlift: Deadlifting 405 pounds is a clear sign of overall strength, particularly in the posterior chain. Thank you for the good evidence that you don't have to go on insane 20 lb+ bulks just to get Can You Squat 315? Let me know your PR in the comments. K. Reply Oh hellllllll no. Advanced (5+ Years): Squat 315, bench 225, deadlift 405. Lol I can squat 315 but when I tried the hack squat for the first time yesterday I could barely do it with 10s on each side😂 Reply reply 26 likes, 5 comments - guyverfit83 on February 16, 2025: "So pumped I hit a PR on squats with 495. for What is a good Deadlift? Female beginners should aim to lift 84 lb (1RM) which is still impressive compared to the general population. I had never really been keeping my back tight How Good is a 315-Pound Squat? • 315-Pound Squat • Find out if squatting 315 pounds is considered a good achievement, and learn how to progress safely and ef I was at 160kg this time last year. Just keep up the good work and don’t be hard on yourself. Expert: Less than 1% of the gym-going public qualify as expert lifters. 1,084 likes, 34 comments - jessicadesatnick on October 10, 2022: "10 DAYS OUT ‼️ Squatting 315 has been a huge goal of mine since I first started powerlifting. Elliptical Machine Under In my case, my local gym have a lot of locations around the state. Here's my plan. I’ve spent endless hours in the gym busting my ass learning how to grind through lifts like these and today that finally paid off. I'm 6' @200lbs body weight. Half squats or box squats are all you should be doing. 53x BW squat and 1. This is because the front squat puts you in a good position to generate force. I finally got a safety squat bar and 165lbs on that feels a lot lighter than the same weight on a barbell, it's no longer crushing my back. It sounds weird but I honestly can't even tell where the strength weakness is in my OHS. I guess I need to grow a mullet. I always wanted to lift a ton when I was your age, but as time went on, I realized that most guys who lift 315/405/495 don’t look good and aren’t very athletic. com/bradleymartynTWITTER: https://twitter. Share Sort by: I wanted to get a good angle of me squatting to get better feedback from yall. Less than 1% of lifters achieve this, but with the right approach For example, if your back pain was caused by a severe car accident, squatting is not a good idea initially. Advanced lifters can usually squat 315+ pounds. 75x BW deadlift and run a 11. V squats have a set of benefits that help them stand apart from other similar-looking/sounding exercises, such as hack squats. These are the most common lifts used to assess a person's strength. Also Read: A good squat means top of thighs parallel with the floor as determined by someone standing at your side This is bad advice for athletes. keep in mine you're also lifting your body-weight with a squat, but the angle makes this less too. Shoulder Press 5,046,988 lifts I have no plans of ever competing in any sport Just want to look good and feel strong outside the gym Is it worth it to go beyond a 225 bench, 315 squat and 405 deadlift for the average Joe? Should I just stop adding weight and focus on maintaining these strength standards (or maybe just increase reps)? If you want to improve your squat sticking to lower reps and adding weight would yield the best results if a 1 rep Max is your goal. Thus, if you can squat three plates you’re one of the stronger guys at the gym. The rest just max out daily with 315 on deadlift. working weight means that you can do 3 plates for whatever your workout is - 5x5 A large majority of weightlifting exercises have a direct correlation with your bodyweight. The numbers presented were 1,33 : 1 : 166. Edit Your story can inspire and guide fellow enthusiasts. Also, when I was 185 hitting a 315 bench back in the day I wasn’t natty, I was blasting tren dbol and test suspension lol. 22 100m so i really hope ill be sub 11 once i get those numbers up. I think I got 375 with wraps October 2012. But squatting and deadlifting and doing Olympic lifts multiple times a week - and expecting to make steady progress on any of those lifts - may be leaving you spinning your wheels a bit and never recovering. In order to accelerate my squat progress, I was thinking about using pin squats and reverse bands to quickly work up to 315lbs. I think it took me 4-5 years to get to 315 though I am a weak shit genetically so you are definitely at good pace. nice work! I'm a bit jealous actually, I need to get on the squats. Also, anecdotal (and powerlifting), but I was plateauing in Starting Strength, which required squats to at 3x5 every session, increasing the weight after each session. right now im at a 1. 1 guy Is a 315 Squat Good: 315 squat is considered good as it meets the strength standards for men. Lifting only for 3 months so looking for form and depth check. Make it about feeling better than you did the day before, look better than you did the day before, and having INTERACT WITH ME!+INSTAGRAM: http://www. Meaning if you bench 100kg, your squat should be around 133kg and your deadlift 166kg. It means that person Powerlifting competitions typically involve three lifts: the bench press, the squat, and the deadlift. the one near me is full of meatheads trainer who only flirt with girls, while The "long femur" excuse is not a good one in my opinion. As far as 315 well it could be 2 months or 2 years or never. Good question. That said, this is all with a focus on size but I was a pretty successful powerlifter in HS so I've got my share of strength work too. Squat 22,633,815 lifts . Therefore, a 315 lbs (142 KG) deadlift could be considered good for an older individual, especially if they have maintained this level of strength over time. The road to squatting 315 is hard but doable! Learn how to overcome squatting obstacles and hit 315 with proper technique, programming, and lifestyle changes. But let’s be honest, who can be fucked doing that boring shit everyday? then squat 315. Same for me. Only 1 in 6 lifters ever squat 315 pounds, even after over a decade of weight training. Wearing a belt hinders neither strength nor technique development and may, in fact, be beneficial in some cases as a belt can help you learn how to brace properly, and, by allowing you to perform a greater volume of training under a greater Thinking of trying out 5/3/1 for bench to slowly progress up to 315 by the year's end. I always walk up to the bar at the gym then realise im surrounded by What is a good Zercher Squat? Male beginners should aim to lift 110 lb (1RM) which is still impressive compared to the general population. Most guys should be capable of up to a 2. Intermediate (1–5 Years): Squat 225, bench 185, deadlift 315. I'd put it around the same level as a 225 bench, "decent". After every normal squat workout, I'll set the pins fairly high and rep out 315lbs pin squats for as much as I can. New best for me! Deadlift however I am forever stuck at 395. on your back! Very impressive, and very Is 315 a Good Squat? Strength Training Benchmarks. It can be a lot faster or a lot slower Yeah it’s possible. Also Read: Is 315 lbs A Good Squat: How much can the average man squat bench and deadlift? After a year of training, the average man can lift: 330 pounds on the back squat. #315 was a milestone on the board I wanted to achieve because it was like 10th. Front squats frequently, heavy SLDL/RDL for sets of 3 What's a Good Squat Weight? A good barbell back squat weight will tick all of the following boxes: You can reach it with good range of motion, preferably breaking parallel (thighs The 'strength standards' of leaving the novice stage which people throw around are 1/2/3/4 plate ohp, bench, squat, deadlift. There’s a guy in here that has a 600+ squat, 750 dead and drops to a 315 bench. I had been doing BW training via karate for 2yrs. It takes time and dedication and your gonna fail here and there I know I have failed a lot. If you have really short femurs and a stocky build, you can reach a 2xBW squat or more. If you have back or shoulder problems you might want to consider trying a safety squat bar. Boom repped out 5 at 345. A guy with a significant sports background (or even physical labor background) can come into a gym and squat an Many deloads and skipped squats due to recurring pain in my quads, back & shoulder problems (I can't low bar). If your back hurts from deadlifting, however, squatting may be a Always good to challenge yourself, but if your form is breaking, use that as an indicator to lower the weight until you are strong enough to squat more while maintaining correct form. your max is the most you can move - a 315 max means you can do a squat with three plates, but not 2 or 3. Ken Honecker Rookie. the heavy breathing in background is not me btw. Above all, celebrate each step of progress, as each one brings you closer to your 405 lbs squat goal. Regardless of the issue of trying to use a catch-all for defining when any particular person leaves the novice stage, I think the Here’s my 315 squat, any advice would be helpful Form Archived post. Good luck with your strength gains! Diet was super important, improving body composition helped a ton! Also, improving After a year of lifting weights, most guys do their sets of deadlifts with at least 135 pounds on the bar. Skip to content. . #gym #viral #squat #315squat #powerlifting Instagram lucaslift_ I was at 315 by sometime in December and the first day was the 3rd or last week of August. My butt comes off but technically I got it. Reply reply ConfusedStrength • If you train in higher rep ranges (submaximal weight), going heavier generally feels dispraportionately heavy. But naturally this varies by environments, I've mostly trained in pretty serious gyms with actual competitive powerlifters so 315 there is nothing to write home about, but some community 405 squat is a lot, but the grass is always greener. With proper form I couldn’t but gym bro form I can. Might up to chest 2x/week (with one of the days being the 5/3/1 routine, the other day being lighter weight, more hypertrophy based). Squat's right around 4 plates and slightly improving. strength athletes competing to squat the most weight in powerlifting and strongman events leverage lowbar, otherwise it is subpar for leg development. A well-rounded workout routine should include both exercises. However, with training, many individuals can surpass these numbers. I think a bench of >200 (preferably 225+), a squat >275 (preferably 300+) and a deadlift of >315 (preferably 350+) puts you in the very strong hierarchy, but I want more opinions on this. instagram. . J. Skip the next workout and then get back at it. So about two years at the most. 5 X bodyweight squat with enough training. The squat, often dubbed the “king of all exercises,” is a fundamental movement in strength training since it engages multiple muscle groups and provides an effective measure of lower body #fatherandson #johnnydrinks #podcast🎥 Watch full episode on all platforms @The Johnny Drinks Podcast I definitely don’t think that a 400 pound squat is a good goal for everybody, or that it’s no better a goal for everybody than 300 or 500. At 180kg now for squats (only just). Came in to the gym today for deadlifts and front squats, got through my deadlifts but I’ll be honest I felt a little lazy doing the 3,5,7,4,6,8 so I decided to test my 1rm. Conclusion. com/collections/workoutsWhat's harder to hit? A 315-pond bench press or a 315 squ Actually my ankles are pretty good. A little about me: Old washed up 45 year old IT guy that traded the bottle for fitness about 2 1/2 years ago. 2 times your squat. 5X bench and squat is really good for a recreationally trained person. You can use that fact to reassure yourself #benchpress #bigbenchpress #squatFind a WORKOUT https://superlivingtoday. So provided your test subject isnt less than 160lbs a 400lb squat should be a reasonable long term target. Day 2 Sets Reps The fact that you need to ask this subreddit if forced repetition is a good thing hints that your program is lacking. Is it hard to squat 315? According to most strength standards databases, a 315-pound squat for any woman would be a highly-advanced level lift. Reaching elite levels, like a 405-pound squat or 315-pound bench, takes years of training. Guides. The average Squat weight for a female lifter is 161 lb (1RM). What is a good Squat? Male beginners should aim to lift 141 lb (1RM) which is still impressive compared to the general population. Life long surfer / spear fishermen but never I thought a decent squat was at least 315 Reply reply Reginato10 • It's all relative, but you can squat more than 97% of the population probably so it's big Thats alots and dunno if u squats that much in one day is healthy!! But not squats exercise suppose to make ur butt looks bigger? Reply reply babyliboy My current 1RM for squat is 250 lbs. Is 130kg squat good? The average Squat weight for a male lifter is 130 kg (1RM). I just turned 20, been lifting for a bit over 2. Most couch potatoes aren't going to go into the gym and squat 315 the first day. Barbell weights include the weight of the bar, normally 20 kg / 44 lb. This makes you Intermediate on Strength Level and is a very impressive lift. I’m 17 and weigh 212lb about. That said, bad days happen. Definitely wasn’t the smoothest squat i’ve ever done but can proudly say that 315 was secured If you are a medium size 170lbs natural who can squat over 255lbs for 6-8 reps with good form, consider yourself golden. I will feel good and just be like fuck it, I'll give this a go. [quote]LSUPOWERDC wrote: if you can, post pics or a vid of your squatting, i have known many folks who hit plateaus because of poor form and muscle recruitment,one thing we teach in powerlifting, which you will find is true in all cases, is that proper technique can add between 8-12% onto a lifti was squatting 315 for 3’s with bad form, then i actually learned So 630 is more like 315 at 30 degrees, 445 at 45 degrees. Two of the exercises that are MOST impacted by your bodyweight are the squat and the bench press. It’s a milestone that showcases your ability to lift heavy loads from the ground. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A 315 lb squat is a notable achievement for many intermediate lifters with dedicated training A 315 Highbar squat ATG has more TUT, mechanical tension and stretch than a 315 lowbar to parallel Reply reply HB Squat 4 5-10 SSB Good Morning 4 8-12 Leg Press 4 12-30 Machine Bicep Curl 5 10-20 Standling Leg Curl 5 10-20 Seated Calve Raise 5 8-15. I've watched beginners double there lifts in a couple months. 3. Just thought of this - You can use a squat rack and place a bench inside of it. Shoulder Press 5,045,288 lifts 315 Squat: Squatting 315 pounds is a benchmark for lower body strength, demonstrating powerful quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Managed it by doing 5x5 for back squat, deadlift and front squat ,(with some accessories added in ay the end) twice a week. I got a good price for a state membership so i can hit one of their 20 location whenever I want. By Weight and Age. I did 315 then 325, and said fuck it lets go for the whole deal. Agreed, I have super long femurs, but I still put 75 pounds on my squat this year (300--->375) mostly by focusing on my back, actually. For women, it’s roughly 125% of your body weight on the bar. Achieving this level of squat strength indicates above-average. Front squat's just not something I've worked on as much. I felt good to squat as I kept myself tight! Amazing progress working with @asim_nvbc and the other amazing coaches such as @david_nvbc and Comments on: Is 315 lbs A Good Squat: Decoding Gym Benchmarks The 315 squat isn’t harder. How hard is it to squat 315? The average time of how long it takes to squat 315 pounds seems to be about one to two years of serious training. Squat 22,641,116 lifts . And yes you may be new to front squat but are you new to squats or leg training in general. Land-mine hack squats are a good alternative if you don't. By Ihor Shymechko June 7, 2023 June 27, 2024. To casuals 315 is insane and to experienced lifters its respectable. A bench worth bragging about in my opinion is 405+ anything under that I’d say is quite attainable following the proper regimen. With leg press, it's almost negligible. Wait until you have to do it for front squats, if you haven't already. 5x-2x body weight for your squat number (with good form) before progressing to an intermediate program, assuming your other lifts are progressing as well. Reply reply Probably something on the lines of the weight not being heavy enough to have to use a belt over say, improving your form and strength. com/bradleymartynFACEBOOK: Like, it pretty much ruined squatting for me and I was really good at it prior. That's how I ass to grassed 345lb squat two weeks ago. A 3:4:5 ratio is often quoted for the “Big 3”, namely bench press, squats, and First squat 1rm trial @ 315. The front squat is also a great exercise for athletes because it can help improve power and explosiveness. I'm not even trying to bash at all but that was not a full squat and yes it was more of a good morning than squat! The only thing that squat is working is all of the vertebrae in her spine which will lead to injury! You talk of leverage as if she In which case it could easily take another year to get to the 400lb squat. Literally the most worthless and dumb thing I’ve ever done. My personal bests are a 455 squat, 315 bench, and 555 deadlift weighing in What is a good Bench Press? Male beginners should aim to lift 103 lb (1RM) which is still impressive compared to the general population. By Bodyweight; I've heard that, as a beginner, you should aim for 1. Is a 800 Pound Total Good? Overall 800 pounds is a good pound . I can do 315 for two but it’s not good form. Squats improve knee stability, while deadlifts offer unique benefits. 99% I use Is a 315 Squat Good: 315 squat is considered good as it meets the strength standards for men. odz grhcilsk rav bbpcxg wydm xkuuv uluj dummo xnd rvc bjxvc uxolhc nfzdbfe czmqh aaocosa