Michigan court forms. Call him or her soon.
Michigan court forms 5. Probate Court Forms; Michigan Legal Help; Michigan State Bar; Northeast Michigan Community Mental Health; Michigan Dept. 1631, MCL 700. Users acknowledge that when selecting a link to an outside website, they are 19th District Court Address: 16077 Michigan Ave Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a. Warren, MI 48093; 8:30am - 4:30pm; Holiday Schedule; MI 48093 Main: (586) 574-4900 document. 1200 N. 302, MCR 5. MCL 722. Read this article to learn more about how to fill out a blank court form. This gets mailed or faxed directly to MiSDU pdf A-226: Michigan Department of State Refund Request form Download pdf BDVR-162: Out-of-state Resident Application for Duplicate Driver's License or State ID and/or Driver's License Reinstatement Download Object moved to here. Departments & Officials. Users acknowledge that when selecting a link to an outside website, they are These are the official forms approved for use by the State Court Administrative Office. NOTICE OF HEARING. If you need to fill out a blank form, read How to Fill Out, Serve, and File Court Forms. Michigan Statutory Power of Attorney Form ; Statutory Power of Attorney Instructions; Probate Court Forms: In House. A court can reject a form for filing under Michigan Court Rule 8. Probate Forms/Documents: Statutory. This report should be completed annually by the guardian or more often if directed by the court. Big Rapids, Michigan. JUDGE ORI MI-Court address Court telephone no. In the matter of First, middle, and last name JIS Code: IPA Applicants name, address and telephone no. to 4 p. Additional forms are available. 10/24. Browse forms by category, county, or court type, and download or view online. If you haven't registered for a MiChildSupport account, you can do that here. Shermak FOC Director/Circuit Court Referee. In the matter of First, middle, and last name of individual with a developmental disability PCS Code CDP TCS Code RGD Approved, SCAO Form PC 663, Rev. General Civil: MC99: Order Regarding Motion to Set Aside Default: Original +2 Copies: MC01: Summons: Court Brochures and IMPORTANT: If you have affirmative defenses, you must state them now using the last page of this form. 1209. 2104, MCR 5. View and download forms for various legal issues and general court procedure. Online Court Forms. Campus Map. Find out how to log in, get saved answers, and download or print your forms. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING. The Third Judicial Circuit is the largest circuit court in Michigan, with 57 judges and three operating divisions. 409(A) Page 1 of 4 STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE COURT COUNTY ANNUAL REPORT OF GUARDIAN ON the completed report on the ward and all interested persons as required by Michigan Court Rules 5. Court Forms Notice to quit to recover possession of property, landlord-tenant Download Form 16901 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126. Unless stated in court rule or statute, a court is not responsible for making copies of forms for you. Administration; Airport; Howell, MI 48843. Use our Do-It-Yourself Small Claims Suit tool get these forms. See the upper-right corner of the form for copy details. 211 Page 1 of Distribute form to: Court Plaintiff Defendant Friend of the court This order is entered after hearing. m. Form FOC 12, Rev. Oakland County Probate Court has several specially designed forms to conform to its local court rules and procedures. 1092 Newell Street, PO Box 129 White Cloud, MI 49349 M-F 8am-12pm and Pages are perforated for easy removal and copying. 1105(a), MCL 700. 6 %âãÏÓ 555 0 obj >stream hÞì[érÜ6¶~ T~Ùu ;Á¹IªZ›£Ä––43Ž“rQÝì +lRÃE¶ïSÌ#ßs MÉÝj9’Güá²[ œíà p qL(‘” Fã œ0¡c(HÂ4ãPP„ †5špÊ "Â9cP0„㙤1á*† F ¸‚ #– œ j°I ! ]2ID$°F a? * Œ%Ñ fˆÔ1VCm, †S¢˜ jΈ’ ¤8'* `! DS4CR¢ & Ñ Ž ¦D4 ¥\“H€¯Rr E Find helpful links that will allow you to print off forms needed for Circuit Court matters. of Heath & Human Services; Videos Guardian/Conservator Training; Virtual Court Access; Court Search; FAQ's (PDF) Judges; Jury Duty; 26th Circuit Court Motion Day Calendars - 2025 Specify case name and number, court name and address, and date of child. Sign the notice form? YES 3. 16(1). Find and prepare forms for various legal situations in Michigan, such as divorce, custody, eviction, expungement, and more. 310(b) page 1 of 3 1. Form JC 04b, Rev. L. 3402, mcl 700. 9f. 4th copy - Proof of service. PETITION NO. Monday through Friday. All of the other content on Michigan Legal Help is still available. The court MAY enter orders concerning the care, custody, and support of the parties’ child(ren) during the pendency of the divorce proceedings. 5317, MCR 5. The forms are organized by type of proceeding. View a set of forms that can be helpful to those going through a criminal court case with the 86th District Court in Michigan. Lapeer Probate Court staff cannot tell you what to do and forms to use. Aug 11, 2023. 15(1); MCL 552. 409(A) Page 1 of 3 1. General Forms. For videos on how to fill out some of the forms %PDF-1. 3703(4), MCL 700. Main Phone Number: 313-943-2060 Juror Reporting Line: 313-943-2086 . and judge form pc 559, rev. i, name of petitioner This list of forms is designed to give you an overview of probate proceedings and it is for information purposes. If your landlord/landlady takes you to court to evict you, you will have the opportunity to present reasons why you believe you should not be evicted. Michigan State Court Administrative Office Keywords: MC 09, Dismissal; One of a parent’s most important responsibilities is to provide their children’s financial support. 308, Form MC 09, Rev. 1701, MCL 600. Search for a Court Form by form number or name from the SCAO website. The Michigan Supreme Court provides these links solely for user information and convenience, and not as endorsements of the products, services or views expressed. The State Court Administrative Office Has Blank Forms for Some Legal Issues. District Court Forms. The Michigan Supreme Court provides these links solely for user information and convenience, and not as endorsements of the products, services or views expressed. Phone Directory. 5301c, MCL 700. 2103, MCL 700. 7/22. Fill Out the Form. Contact Us. The Filing Fee to petition to modify or terminate each adult guardianship case is $20. The tools housed on MLH-Forms are still working properly. 308, mcr 5. 903(A), MCR 3. Civil Filing Fees; Small Claims Brochure; Criminal Division/Traffic; Jury Duty Informations . 1, MCL 2. Users acknowledge that when selecting a link to an outside website, they are Object moved to here. 1st copy - Other party. K J I H G F E D C Approved, SCAO Original - Court. 3rd copy - Friend of the court. 504 Page 1 of 2 Distribute form to: Court Applicant All appearing parties SRA. An affirmative If the use or misuse of this site by an individual results in any harm to any individual or entity, the user (1) is solely responsible for all resulting damages and (2) will indemnify and hold harmless the Michigan Supreme Court, State Court Administrative Office, all Michigan courts, and all agents and employees of these same organizations. If you are unable to complete service, you must return this original and all copies to the court clerk. or your landlord/landlady may take you to court to evict you. Government Websites by Fill out form DC 84 (Affidavit and Claim, Small Claims) on the website or get a paper copy of the form from the court to fill out. Email: Dearborn. Michigan - Statewide Court Forms. 7 %âãÏÓ 733 0 obj >stream hÞ„“MkÛ@ †ÿÊ “‹W«ý # ¨"PJƒ+(4ô ز )`µ´ÿ¾«è ½ô`¿Þ™wž K;Î%U) ½Ê>©ý^· wúq¸þ,Ñþ\¾. Court Administrator. Please disregard instructions on the forms telling you to bring extra copies. Main, Mt. Distribute form to: Court . To find forms by category, click on the following links to view a complete list of forms in that category: Conservatorship and STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO. MCL 552. All forms must be filed with the Clerks Office located on the: 1st floor of the Jackson County Courthouse 312 S Jackson Street Jackson, MI 49201 If you have any questions regarding any of the forms, please consult an outside legal professional. Plaintiff/Petitioner Click here to access the Michigan Courts web page for state mandated forms. After completing form DC 84, print out the number of copies you need (see Step 3 on pages 3 and 4). gov/ContactUs . Please note some requests have specific motion forms. If you believe you have a good reason why you should not be evicted, you may have a lawyer advise you. Phone: (877) 543-2660 ? Court address Court telephone no. 1. Additional State Court Administrative Office Motion forms can also be accessed through the Michigan State Court's Form Search portal. 6/19 MCR 2. Users acknowledge Access various forms for Michigan courts, including civil, traffic, criminal, and probate cases. Court Probate Court. 2, MCR 3. Filing the Affidavit along with the appropriate filing and service fees on the 2nd Floor Civil Division, 36th District Court 421 Madison, Detroit, Michigan. Civil Forms. Purchasing a Small Claims Affidavit form or downloading the form in its entirety (link to SCAO forms) 2. Parents who pay or receive child support have the right to ask for a review of the support amount. Effective June 1, 2018, public service windows for each court are open as follows to allow court staff to wrap up the day’s business. Categories of available forms include, but are not limited to: civil, criminal, domestic relations, probate, juvenile, landlord/tenant, mental health, Macomb County Circuit Court; Michigan Court of Appeals; Michigan Supreme Court; National Center for State Courts; Oakland County Circuit Court; Business Court Verification and Assignment Form MRJ: Claim of Appeal on Application for Concealed Pistol License (CC 79) Order Following Appeal on Application for Concealed Pistol License (CC 80) %PDF-1. SCAO forms include: SCAO approved Probate Court Estate and Trust forms, SCAO approved Conservatorship and Protected individuals forms, SCAO approved Guardianship forms, and SCAO approved Adoption forms. Phone: 734-240-7000 Circuit Court forms. 1/21 MCL 330. Menu. 4. The friend of the court recommends child support be ordered as follows. 125. I, Detroit, MI 48226 Monday through Friday 8:00 a. 12/22 MCL 330. To access court forms from the state. Below are commonly used SCAO-approved court forms. It is not a substitute for legal advice. 1309, mcl 700. Links to: SCAO approved FORMS; List and explanation of CASE The Michigan Supreme Court provides these links solely for user information and convenience, and not as endorsements of the products, services or views expressed. 3. Contact the friend of the court office and request form FOC 88. 3614, MCR 5. To start a case in Small Claims Court, you must file an Affidavit and Claim in the Small Claims Court. Main Menu. Original - Court 1st copy - Defendant 2nd copy - Defendant 3rd copy - Plaintiff STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDGMENT LANDLORDTENANT CASE NO C C THE COURT FINDS: by hearing default* consent** The court determines a valid waiver of rights exists and the terms of the consent judgment are fair. Contact. Completing the Affidavit (every line and box must be completed) 3. Online Services. The plaintiff has a right to recover The Friend of the Court is the investigative and enforcement arm of the Circuit Court in domestic relation matters MI 48502: Email [email Court Records: Filing a Motion, Complaint, or Other FOC Document? Check out our Forms: Questions about how support is calculated? Michigan Child Support Formula Michigan Child Support Calculator: Want STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE COURT COUNTY ACCOUNT OF FIDUCIARY, SHORT FORM Number Annual Final Interim AMENDED CASE NO. 7/24 MCL 700. 8 a. Filter by legal topic or search keywords to access interactive tools Find links to court forms for various legal issues and general court procedure in Michigan. 308(B)(2)(a) Page 1 of 3 1. Criminal Forms. 5303, MCL If the value of the deceased's estate is more than $24000, please visit Michigan Legal Help or contact an attorney of your choice. • Provide only. 5314, MCL 700. In the matter of First, middle, and last name Last four digits of SSN Approved, SCAO Form PC 625, Rev. You can find your case number on Court Explorer. District: 8:00 am to 4:45 pm Probate: 8:00 am to 4:45 pm The State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) has a webpage with forms used in all courts. 105 and 5. If you are unable to complete service, you must return this original and all copies to The Michigan Supreme Court provides these links solely for user information and convenience, and not as endorsements of the products, services or views expressed. Access a list of civil court forms from the State of Michigan. Applicants attorney, bar no. Distribute form to: Court Plaintiff Defendant Proof of service SRA. Keep the “Court copy” of the notice for yourself? YES If you cannot answer “yes” to all the above steps, you may have problems if you need to file a complaint with the court to evict the tenant. 1f, MCR . the protected PII required for your particular case. Elder Law of Michigan – 866-400-9164; Neighborhood Legal Services Michigan – 313-874-5820; The State Bar of Michigan’s Lawyer Referral & Information Service; Local Administrative Orders. 1631, MCR 5. Probate Court Forms. 6104, MCL 600. Locally created downloadable forms for your information and use. Plaintiff’s Business Court; eFiling; Forms; Virtual Court Information; Criminal. %PDF-1. Forms (586) 574-4900; 8300 Common Rd. Only one copy is needed for filing with the Clerk. State Court Administrative Office Approved Court Forms; Request and Notice for Film and Electronic Media Coverage of Court Proceedings; Instructions for form: Grand Rapids MI 49503 Phone: 616-632-5700 Fax: 616-632-5592 1. 1455, MCL 600. Make a Payment; Dog License Application; FOIA Requests; Make a Payment; Dog License Application; District Court / Forms; Donna Quinlan . Please Submit a Question or call us at 616-846-8141 if you are looking for a specific form that is not available below. MCR . Small Claims filings. Date A copy of this brochure may be obtained at the Mecosta County Courthouse, District Court/Civil Division 400 Elm St. To search for legal information or information on The 36th District Court is the largest district court in the state of Michigan and one of the busiest courts in the United States. Main St. Instead, you must provide it on this form. Follow the instructions on page 6. The back of each two-sided form is printed upside down for “head-to-toe” reading when incorporated into court files. 2022-03 Court Holidays 2023; 2022- 02 Court Hours; 2021-03 Assignment of Cases; 2020-01 Access, Inspection, Reproduction, and Creation of Court Records The Michigan Supreme Court provides these links solely for user information and convenience, and not as endorsements of the products, services or views expressed. Central Assignment Forms. For blank court forms, use this link to the Michigan Courts forms page. Affidavit and Claim, Small Claims (1/24) Case Number PROOF OF SERVICE TO PROCESS SERVER: You must serve the affidavit and claim no later than 7 days before the hearing date and file proof of service with the court clerk. 2nd copy - Moving party. , address, and telephone no. Photographs of Summons, Complaints, or other Court forms as they cannot be properly processed. Young Municipal Center Two Woodward Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48226 Phone: (313) 224-5706 If you’re not using Atticus to get specific forms, deadlines, and timelines for Michigan probate, then try and stay as organized as possible, pay close attention to the dates mentioned in any correspondence you have with the State’s Description; DCH-0839 - Notice of Order of Filiation: Fee Waiver Request: MC 416 Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act Affidavit: CC 320 Domestic Relations Verified Financial Information Form Complaint (form MC01a) Affidavit and Claim, Small Claims (form DC84) Affidavit and Claim, Small Claims with Instructions (form DC84) Demand for Possession (7-Day Notice), Nonpayment of Rent, Landlord-Tenant (form DC100a) Notice to Quit to Recover Possession of Property, Landlord-Tenant (form DC100c) Summons, Landlord-Tenant/Land Contact (form STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE COURT COUNTY TESTIMONY TO IDENTIFY HEIRS CASE NO. These forms are in Adobe PDF format. Searches can also be made from the numerical forms indexes and by category; Recently Revised Court Court address Court telephone no. More people have contact with the district court than any other court. Access online services such as court date reminders, case lookup, payment methods, and virtual courtroom. You may have a blank form that you need to fill out on your own. 12/22 MCL 700. Saginaw Street, Suite 2500, Flint, MI 48502, (fax) 810-257-3244, or via email to [email protected]. If you have any trouble finding what you need and you are not sure if it is included in this outage, you can use LiveHelp to chat with us. STATE OF Form PC 634, Rev. 119(C) if all needed copies are not included with the filing. If you need legal advice and/or help with understanding the forms, you should speak with an attorney. The court staff is not able to provide legal advice. If you do not, the court may prohibit you from raising them later. Date Moving party’s signature. after statutory review. Map If you’re looking for more information about Small Claims Court generally, read the article An Overview of Small Claims Court. I request that the court issue a subpoena that orders the party named on this form to be examined under oath before a judge concerning the money or property of for the following reasons: Learn how to use Michigan Legal Help's DIY tools to fill out court forms for different legal issues. Facebook. 5418, MCR 5. There are a few ways to If you want to use a blank form instead, the State Court Administrative Office has many forms available on its website. Deliver the “Tenant’s copy” of the notice to the tenant? YES 4. Applications may also be emailed to Motion, Affidavit, and/or Order to Show Cause (1/24) Case No. to 5 p. 122 MCL 2. If you do not have the Abode reader, you can download it for free from the Adobe Web Site. 11a, MCL 2. 5th copy - Proof of service. The following document is used to ask the court's permission to modify or close a case. Michigan probate is the formal, court-supervised process of carrying out one's last wishes by validating their last will & testament (if any), resolving any outstanding debts or taxes, and distributing any remaining 1. 1309, MCL 700. The court may dismiss your motion for failure to file the correct form or failure to serve the opposing party and file proof of service. 00. Name of form/document that this MC 97 is being filed with: Instructions:. Phone: 313-943-2150. Approved, SCAO Form MC 416, Rev. Website Use Michigan for one year immediately preceding the filing of the divorce complaint. Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48341. and JUDGE Court address Court telephone no. 6110, Michigan State Court Administrative Office Keywords: MC 11, Subpoena, Order to Appear and/or Produce; mc11. Forms & Applications. ORDER TO DISMISS IT IS ORDERED this case is dismissed. Complete the notice form? YES 2. These ready-to-use forms, approved by Michigan's State Court Administrative Office, include: District Court forms, Circuit Court forms, and Michigan Court forms Rebecca A. 2025 Bail Bondsman Application; 2025 AMS Memo for Bond Application; 2024 Mid Year Approved Surety Bond Companies; 2025 Approved Surety Bond Companies (effective January 1, 2025) 2024 Approved Surety Bond Companies (effective January 1, 2024) CAP Seminars; Court Reporting State Bar of Michigan 306 Townsend St Lansing, MI 48933-2012 (517) 346-6300 (800) 968-1442 FOC FORMS, DOCUMENTS & HANDBOOKS No Extra Copies Needed. Instagram. Ionia, MI 48846. ê Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. More information I want to: Resources; Annual Reports; Bail Bonds 40 N. Find SCAO-approved court forms for various legal matters in Michigan. Forms to Modify or Close an Adult Guardianship. The Third Circuit Court has jurisdiction over Civil, Criminal, and Michigan Supreme Court and State Court Administrator’s Office; Michigan Legal Help; Forms and Documents. 302(B), MCR 5. 1/24 MCL 712A. Many forms can also be submitted electronically by logging in to your MiChildSupport account. Refer to the Michigan Judicial Institute’s Issuing Child Support Order STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE COURT COUNTY PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OF INCAPACITATED INDIVIDUAL CASE NO. Landlord-Tenant Judgment forms. Directory Employees News. 926(A), MCR 3. Get access to free legal information, court forms, and step-by-step instructions. TDD/TTY (313) 965-4158 Fax: (313) 965-3951 Directory Holidays / Court Closures. on stipulation/consent of the parties. Some forms require your Circuit Court case number. Easily find the District Court Civil Form you are looking for! We have forms for motions/notices, general civil issues, landlord/tenant, small claims, and garnishments. Friend of the Court Forms. Location: 100 W. Call him or her soon. Approved, SCAO Form PC 558, Rev. The 19th District Court also hosts a Veterans Treatment Court program. Hearing Dates. 309 Page 1 of 3 1. Please disregard instructions on the forms telling you to obtain a hearing date to fill in on the forms before filing your motion. NOTICE The tools housed on MLH-Forms are still working properly. File the affidavit and claim with the court and make arrangements for service. Michigan Legal Help has tools to fill many kinds of forms but we do not cover all areas. Civil & Criminal Forms. Family Division Forms. In the matter of First, middle, and last name JIS Code: ACC Approved, SCAO Form PC 583, Rev. FOC (if applicable) Defendant/Respondent. 302, mcr 5. 12/22 mcl 700. 7 %âãÏÓ 167 0 obj > endobj 184 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[844B3D4ECEB8AD4FA6C1AF96D28F9369>01EDA0525A25F44F9B57D967C00A4F1D>]/Index[167 28]/Info 166 0 R Welcome to Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan. I, Below are various forms available at the Legal Self-Help Center. Users acknowledge that when selecting a link to an outside website, they are Bay County Court Facility 1230 Washington Avenue, Suite 715 Bay City, Michigan 48708-5737 Voice: (989) 895-4205 state of michigan probate court county petition for probate and/or appointment of personal representative testate intestate case no. Learn more. Juvenile Court Forms. Then the guardian must complete a proof of service (form PC 564) Most State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) forms, including domestic relations, FOC and PPO are available at the Michigan Supreme Courts Website. TO PROCESS SERVER: You must serve copies of the motion, affidavit, and order to show cause and file proof of service with the court clerk. For example, if you are filing a public document that requires you to provide a date of birth to the court, complete only that field on this form. 961 Page 1 of 3 JIS Code: PT STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Amended Supplemental CASE NO. In the matter of First, middle, and last name of decedent PCS Code: TES TCS Code: TEST Approved, SCAO Form PC 565, Rev. 1206, MCL 722. Court Forms on SCAO Website. 1b(), MCL 2. Website Use & Disclaimer Policies. 3311, MCL 700. 3502, mcr 5. 104(C), MCR 5. Please note -- these forms may only be used in Oakland County Probate Court. Clemens, MI 48043. MCL 600. Below is a list of the commonly used Small Claims forms: *Note: some forms require fees and/or have instructions included with them – after opening the form on the bottom left click the Form Instructions for additional information. Application and Order for Eviction. 16901 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126. Two Kinds of DIY Tools: LawHelp STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY CASE NUMBER and JUDGE Form MC 11, Rev. If there is no DIY tool to help you fill forms, the Supreme Court Administrative Office (SCAO) has a large collection of blank court forms. to 4:30 p. What is Probate in Michigan. In the matter of (State the name, county of legal residence, race, sex, and date and place of birth of each child Court Forms Learn More Show More City of Dearborn Dearborn Administrative Center. . Page 1 of 2. Verified Statement (PDF) Application for IV-D Child Support Services (DHS-1201-D; Temporary Coupons (PDF) - used for individuals that need to make a payment on their own and get sent to the MiSDU with their payment Direct Deposit Authorization (PDF) - To have child support deposited into your checking or savings account. FAFSA Form Now A Prompt For Foster Youth Assistance-3-2014: Statistics- Educational Planning Youth County Data July 2013: Student Loan Forms Are Still A Nightmare-3-2014: Third Circuit Court-Legal Updates 2014: DHS Community Presentations 3-27-2014: FD-FOC 4140 Wayne County Make-Up Parenting Time Policy: Business Court Verification and 1305 Coleman A. 3301, MCL 700. Users acknowledge that when selecting a link to an outside website, they are Friend of the Court forms can be submitted via mail to 630 S. Answer, Civil (12/22) Page 2 of __ Case No. custody determination, if one. Court Forms. pdf; mc11; Pontiac, MI 48341 Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm Payment Window: 7:30am - 5:00pm Interactive Voice Response (IVR) 877-543-2660.
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