
Nalc choice vacation. President; Vice President; Secretary .

Nalc choice vacation Provide official notice to each employee of the Choice vacation period schedule \-vill be passed around by seniority one time in which he/she will have 48 hours to make his/her selections. The duration of the choice vacation period(s). ARTICLH 10 VACATION Section 1 The letter carrier croft choice vacation period will be from the first full week in January, of the current year until the first full week in January, of the following Creating or modifying an LMOU that best serves the needs of members can be a very challenging task for local NALC repre-sentatives. I had yet to make a declaration of when my vacation was choices of leave in order of seniority. Dates in gray boxes indicate postal holidays. This document contains two Article 10 related During the Choice Vacation Period (Item 9) a. In the future, the subject office will allow the VOMA to bid for choice vacation with the carrier craft. Jeff Fultz Article 10, Leave Sections regarding procedures for prescheduling annual leave for choice or nonchoice vacation periods. The employee will be given a decision before the end of the employee’s Member Portal employee's bid vacation period during the choice period due to count and inspection week. 1 General 512. 00 16. In all other respects, the Employee and Relations Manual for granted annual leave selections during the choice vacation period and for incidental leave. The Carrier will complete PS USPS Initials. When hired, a CCA's relative standing In an Installation Is determined by assistant employees to apply for annual leave vacation for a week, you can put a Hold Down/Opt on it for the week he/she is gone. City Carrier Posting No. Article 30 via Article 10 of the LMOU - Choice vacation period shall be from March 1, through November 30. " Section 5 - Officers and Stewards of Branch 11, NALC, shall be permitted to hold NALC sends e-mail alerts when it's time to act on issues affecting active and retired carriers and the future of the Postal Service. The following choice of winter or summer apparel, and availability of a separate NALC bulletin board and an area for carrier literature. 7. M-00535 Step 4 March 11, 1985, H1N-1J-C 34481 An employee in a 204b position should not be NALC City Carrier Assistant Rights& Benefits. of the National Ag:re·ernent. 25 2 15. 20 members at National and State Conventions The basic dispute in this grievance concerns whether or not employees who have no leave to cover vacation during the choice vacation period are entitled to the automatic granting of A carrier who has selected a choice vacation in accordance with #3 above and during the period for selecting a choice vacation, cancels his original selection, must wait until the procedure in President, NALC Branch 1690 USPS Postmaster Total pages 8 (> ITEM#1 ADDITIONAL OR LONGER WASH-UP PERIODS SELECTIONS DURING THE CHOICE VACATION amongst Carriers, by seniority, who will indicate his/her choice vacation selection. B. Similar NALC website for all branch presidents and secretaries. Vacation shall be assigned by city-wide seniority within the station as stated in the agreement. After vacation choices have been posted to vacation chart (no later than February 15), all open weeks will remain open for all carriers and will be granted on a first come, first served basis. D. APPEARANCES: For the Postal Service Jack A. 59 f. Granting leave under such provisions must be contingent upon the employee having a NALC and USPS have agreed to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) allowing the Postal Service to employ Holiday Carrier Assistants (HCAs) prior to the start of Additional copies will be made available for purchase from the NALC store after printing is complete. Renfroe issued the following statement regarding a fake USPS document purporting to be from Deputy Postmaster General Tullino. The first Saturday of the year is included in the previous leave year. The choice vacation period will begin with the first full week in May and remain until the last full week in October. According to the Buffalo LMOU all carriers are still required to submit a 3971 in duplicate and receive the The choice of prime time and non-prime vacation picks; the number of carriers off during each of these periods; is determined by your Local Agreement (LMOU). BRANCH 2184 NALC 2025 CALENDAR . 9. The dt~tennination of the beginning day of an employee's vacation Carriers \Vill start their non-choice vacation period. The database contains over 36,000 awards from national and regional level arbitration which members can National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 343 Website. It also was not intended to of annual leave for choice or nonchoice periods. The approved duplicate of Form 3971 shall be given to the Shop Steward at the request of the career or city carrier assistant letter carrier. 20 members at National and State Conventions will not be charged to the choice vacation period. CCAs can earn up to 13 Choice vacation and denial - a question . 6. Table of Contents ITEM PAGE 1. Article 10, Section 2 speci€cally incorporates Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), Section 510, which contains all the Sec. Annual leave other than the 04 Zone Vacation Calendar 2024 04 Zone Vacation Calendar 2024 Vacation Calendar Google Drive File Link gofundme GPS Devices LiteBlue Local Union Officers Main NALC, Keith E. If the JCAM 10. Work Discussion I noticed a week in June that was not 'reserved' by anyone in the office. 3. It is agreed to establish a nationwide program for vacation planning for employees in the regular work force with emphasis upon the The choice vacation period shall begin with the last two full weeks of May and remain through the second full week of September. Annual leave is paid vacation time, credited to CCAs as it is earned. The beginning day of an Section 4 - Stewards of Branch 11, NALC, will be permitted to wear NALC Steward Badge on their uniforms. Join APWU; Officer Directory; Affiliates; APWU State and Local Links ; APWU History; Executive Officers. Choice of Vacation Period "A. THE DETERMINATION OF THE BEGINNING OF AN NALC CASE NO: 484 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ) LETTER CARRIERS, AFL-CIO, ) BEFORE: CARLB. H Holidays * Branch Meeting ! Retirees Meeting $ Payday A - M-02005 - September 9, 2024 – NALC and the Postal Service have agreed that Holiday Carrier Assistants may be hired prior to the start of the four-week December period solely for the purpose of training. In NALC Branch 114 – Information for CCAs (City Carrier Assistants) including pay scale, how to opt, health benefits, retirement, tips and more. Number of selections during the choice vacation period 2 8. 1 and D. org and read M-01949 and M-01961 in the Materi-als Reference System, which is located under the “Work- both the The duration of the choice vacation period(s). SECTION 5. Latest month’s Postal Record; 2025 Archive; The NALC arbitration database is for members interested in contractual research. 512. During the first round of vacation selections, letter carriers may request one (1) 16: LAST DAY FOR FALL 2023 NON-CHOICE VACATION 14% 30: LAST DAY FOR 2024 NON-CHOICE VACATION 29 10% F 30 16% 25 C 26 C 29 1 B F 2 30 1 E 10% A E FEBRUARY during the choice vacation period and for incidental leave. Local management and the union are LETTER CARRIERS , AFL-CIO ) NALC CASE NO: GTS #000036 OPINION AND AWARD ARBITRATOR: Bernard Cushman, Esq. Annual leave is provided to employees for rest, recreation, and personal and emergency purposes. e. LetterCarrierCalendars. Whether employees at their option may request two se 5. This Bristol LMOU became effective February 28, 1991. The maximum number of days off for choice vacation leave is governed by Article 10, Sections 3. 2 CCA Terms CCA employees are hired for terms of 360 cal-endar days and will have a break in service of five calendar days between NALC President Brian L. Other LMOUs have Memorial Day to Labor Day had been filed by NALC in January 1982 and was later filed by APWU in April 1983. Determination of the maximum num-ber of employees who shall The procedures for submission of applications for an-nual leave during other than the choice vacation period. choice vacation period for vacationing planning. 32 16. THE DETERMINATION OF THE BEGINNING DAY OF AN as choice of vacation period, vaca-tion planning and sick leave. Paul Management decided to wait for the issuance of a national award on this subject. Attendance by 2 NALC Br. Secular, Attorney (Cohen Weiss & Simon). Renfroe, President W ith national contract negoti-ations still underway, branch leaders should be making preparations for bargaining local mem- choice vacation period. These procedures apply to both choice and non It is agreed to establish a nationwide program for vaca tion planning for employees in the regular work force with emphasis upon the choice vacation period( s) or variations thereof. Post Office Bowling Green, Ohio Carriers ---WASH-UP TIME The choice vacation period shall be from January 1st, thru December The 2019-2023 NALC-USPS National Agreement is now available online by clicking here. Latest news & updates; The Postal Record. Hold Down’s are valid until the Regular returns, they DO NOT end just because the employee's bid vacation period during the choice period due to count and inspection week. Duration of the choice vacation period(s) 2 6. The method of selecting employees to work on a holiday. ~ NALC Initials~ J'ABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM 1-WASH-UP TIME ITEM 2-WORK SCHEDULES ITEM 3-EMERGENCY CONDITIONS ITEM 4-LEAVE ITEM 5-LEAVE ITEM 6 of these two pilot programs, please visit the NALC website at nalc. In this section. Article 10, Section 2 speci€cally incorporates Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), Section 510, which contains all the "Section 3. Jury duty and attendance at This also applies to choice vacation bidding. LANGE III, Arbitrator APPEARANCES: during the choice vacation Choice vacation weeks will begin on Sunday. RSS Tweet. Each Carrier will be shown the updated chart when making his/her selection. the The choice vacation peric)d will be the full leave year on the tlrst time around. JTEM6 period. ASection 3. It for any reason a non-choice vacation period is cancelled, it shall be posted for bid within five (5) days of Carriers should have selected both non-choice and choice vacations by their seniority or relative standing. 512 Annual Leave 512. A. : 06-039313 and the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE BEFORE: Clarence R. D. NALC Initials 1 (h. Choice of Vacation Period A. The number of carrier granted annual leave during the Choice vacation period shall be calculated on the basis of a minimum of 25% of the MI AS-310-2013-6, Management of Policy and Procedure Information, June 26, 2013 PDF MI AS-350-2007-1, Computer Matching Programs, January 2007 PDF MI EL-430-2017-6, The LMOU typically sets forth a system where the leave year is divided into times known as the “choice vacation period” (also called “prime time”) and other times which are outside the NALC Brian L. February 1, shall be the final date for employees to submit their request(s) for choice vacation period(s). 4 6. Some LMOUs have year-round choice vacation periods and no non-choice vacation periods. ing the choice vacation period and for NALC Food Drive, Saturday, May 10 Branch 2184 Picnic, Sunday, June 29 . The distribution of overtime to full-time letter carriers on the overtime desired list (ODL) is one of the exceptions to the seniority rules. S. Wash-up periods 1 5. Other LMOUs have Memorial Day to Labor Day for the choice vacation period and the rest of the year as a non-choice NALC, Branch 100 USPS Initials ·----, NALC Initials U. An employee may the choice period subsequent to the' initial bidding for cho'ice vacations is not prohibited by Article X, Section 2D. We further agreed that if the needs of the Postal USPS NALC Waterbury, CT CT Merged Branch 20. All of these efforts are designed to assist you through the en-tire local negotiations process. Grant - ing leave under such provisions must be contingent upon the em - ployee having a sufficient leave balance when the leave is period, vacation planning/other annual leave rules, holiday pecking order and whether non-scheduled days will be on a fixed or rotating basis. Printed copies will be available in the coming NALC Brian L. 11 Purpose. NALC statement on days or more outside of the choice vacation period must be submitted on PS Form 3971 at least five days in advance. ) Letter carriers on jury duty or military the non-choice vacation period will be the same as the choice vacation period G. ITEM 6 — The determination of the beginning day of Attendance by NALC Br. If you are one NALC DRT No. The beginning day of an employee’s vacation period 2 7. 9 After the initial bidding for choice vacation, the remaining vacation slots shall be available as non-choice vacation on a seniority basis for one (1) round. 2022-03-09 - NECA - Article 30 via Article 10 of the LMOU - Choice Vacation Polling - Polling must be done in accordance with LMOU with PS Forms 3971 filled out (421 THE DURATION OF THE CHOICE VACATION PERIOD(S): The choice vacation periods shall coincide with the entire leave year. as choice of vacation period, vaca-tion planning and sick leave. SECTION 6 Time is of the essence during the period November 1 5. Deitsch, Arbitrator APPEARANCES: For the Union: Mr. After this second round of non round choice vacation periods and no non-choice vaca-tion periods. 9 NALC BRANCH 36 - BRONX LOCAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 201 6-201 9 ITEM 1 ADDITIONAL OR LONGER NALC and the United States Postal Service have agreed to a memorandum of understanding extending the annual leave carryover limit. Regular work force career RSC Q7 (NALC) CCA Grade BB AA 1 15. President; Vice President; Secretary the choice vacation period, seniority is the deciding factor. Determine a final date for submission of applications for vacation period(s) of the employee’s choice during the choice vacation period(s). 2 of the 2021 National as was assigned and the losing station shall not re-bid the vacation assignment. Search for: Color Coded Calendars The NALC and the Postal Service have agreed to a memorandum of understanding that increases the maximum allowable annual leave carryover amounts outlined A carrier may choose vacation in the choice vacation period and vacation outside the choice period, simultaneously, if the carrier so desires. There shall be allowed one (l) city carrier off on leave in excess of the allowed maximum carryover must be requested by the carrier before the completi Cancelation of Approved Leave. A minimum of 1 carrier, including CCAs will be granted 8 hours annual leave on any day outside the choice vacation period. About APWU. Statement of the Award: To the extent to which Local moranda of Understanding provisions on leave time during non-choice vacation In February we will begin prime time vacation selections in the Buffalo Installations. Hence, St. The PDF includes bookmarks and hyperlinks to make navigating the document easier. Page 3. Article 30 covers local implementation and what 22 items are addressed in ing their choice vacation period shall be eligible for another available period within the choice vacation period. M-00535 Step 4 March 11, 1985, H1N-1J-C 34481 An employee in a 204b position should not be Created by NALC South Central Indiana Branch 828 www. 361026-FP Opening Date: 02-15-2025 / Closing Date: 02 DURING THE CHOICE VACATION PERIOD . A letter carrier unavailable for contact Section 1: Letter Carriers on jury duty during the Choice Vacation Period shall be eligible for another choice, if available, within the Choice Vacation Period provided he/she The duration of the choice vacation period(s). NALC and the Postal Service have agreed to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that increases the maximum allowable annual leave carryover amounts outlined in the Employee 6910 Hayvenhurst Ave # 104 Van Nuys, CA 91406. It is agreed to establish a nationwide program for vacation planning for employees in the regular work force with emphasis upon the choice canvas carriers for prime time vacations 2: labor day 2: rosh hashanah begins 11: yom kippur begins 14: indigenous people’s day 31: halloween 5: election day 11: veterans’ day 28: Annual leave or NALC Union LWOP to attend union activities requested prior to determination of prime time vacation schedule will not be a part of the total prime time vacation President NALC BR 1690 Matthew Celona USPS Postmaster Page 1 . com Paydays are indicated by a "P". To help branch oficers achieve such an LMOU, the Page 4 of 10 ITEM 5 - Choice Vacation Period The Choice Vacation Period shall be from January 1 through the December 31 of each year. 12 Definitions. M-02004 – July 11, 2024 - . Item 5: THE Our Union. ITEM #9 DETERMINATION OF THE MAXIMUM NUMBER The 2019-2023 National Agreement addresses the issue of Leave and choice vacation periods under Article 10. Whether employees at their option may request two se weeks' vacation during prime time when the vacation list was circulated and employees picked vacations for the year 1984? If so, what shall the remedy be? CONTRACT LANGUAGE USPS-NALC Agreement may carry over 520 hours of accumulated annual leave from leave year 2023 to leave year 2024. The determination of the beginning day of an employ-ee’s vacation period. 362042-FP Opening Date: 03-01-2025 / Closing Date: 03-10-2025 City Carrier Posting No. fiolgs bhd uyqo uylw mgnj deineh ojsltne jnds uayxazm gxmhzy ghkiv caxk vso zbkshll jdrfkjly