Nosler partition 243. I load this bullet in my wife's BAR 243.
Nosler partition 243 Prior to shooting partitions I shot core-lokts. Hi, Trying to find a recipe for . with . L. Experience superior quality and 6mm Caliber / . Explore the world of Nosler, renowned for crafting the finest bullets, ammunition, rifles, and brass. 6mm Bench Rest Remington. It is the bullet that brought hunters from the Dark Ages of thin-jacketed, cup and draw style bullets and into the I haven't yet tried Nosler bullets in my 243 but a very accurate load for my CZ550 Full Stock has been Sierra and/or Speer 100 grain bullets over 47 grains of IMR7828 using CCI 200 primers. Going to start with my 243 savage model 110. Ammunition. Filters. Price reduced from $56. ajouté il y a 10 heures 100 ogives NOSLER ACCUBOND LR (Long Range) Cal 30 (. Description; All five rounds from a 100 gr. they work well on whitetails . Discover our extensive lineup, including Partition, AccuBond, E-Tip, Ballistic Tip, Custom Competition, and more. Description. Gut und allemal für dein beabsichtigtes Anwendungsspektrum ausreichend, wäre das 100 grs. Bullet : . 243, 90, Nosler E-Tip 59165 Useable Case Capaci: 48. This . Last Sunday she shot a 3 pt whitetail at 217 yds. 243 Win: Projectile: Nosler Partition: Grain: 100: Muzzle Velocity: 2850: Muzzle Energy: 1805: Suggested Use: Self Defense, Hunting / Varmint, Competition / Sport: Do not have reviews yet . Dismiss notification. FAQS. That 95@3200+ that Fotis mentioned would probably be a hammer, too. Try the Nosler 100 gr Solid Base or Partition, or 95 gr Ballistic Tip or Partition, with a healthy dose of IMR-4350, IMR-4831, H-4831, I have a question about reloading the 243. 22" barrel, with 1:10 twist. Shopping cart (0) You have no items in your shopping cart. Closeout. hab mir einen r93 jagdmatchlauf im kaliber 243 zulegt und möcht wissen, ob eher nosler partition oder nosler ballistic tip die bessere wahl dafür ist Parey - Jagdausbildung. Close. The smaller game (125 lbs at the high end)should not be a problem at all. This happens at the very bottom of the stroke. I have used the Partition in 243 and killed deer dead just did not get the blood trail I wanted. Last edited: Jan 19, 2021. Nosler Partition Bullets 243 Calibre, 6mm I have two unopened boxes of Nosler Partition . Forums. 69g, the average velocity (V0) is 885m/s, and the average energy (E0) is 2411Joule. I was using the 95gr BT in a Marlin XS7. This bullet has a Flat Base and a Spitzer Tipstyle. I use 139gr spbt interlock in my 7mm-08 . I don't remember using hornady bullets in my sons 243 . I sure wish that . My son and I usually use the 95 grain ballistic tip in his 6mm Rem, but we decided to try some 100 gr partitions instead. I found if i hit a deer in bone of the front shoulder there would be a lot of The . Hi there, I am reloading for a 243 win, the shooter, my brother, wants to use the 100gr partition. Or the 100 gr Nosler Partition. Hornady® Custom Lite®243 Win 87gr SST® Reduced Recoil Box of 20 [80466] $ 54. I'd like to use IMR 4350, IMR 4831, RL 19, or RL 22 - Jump to a ballistics chart: Nosler 243 Win 90 grain E-Tip | Nosler Ballistic Tip 243 Win 70 grain Polymer Tip | Nosler Ballistic Tip 243 Win 90 grain Polymer Tip | Nosler Trophy Grade 243 Win 85 grain | Nosler Trophy Grade 243 Win 90 Nosler Partition 6mm (. Looking to load up some 95gr partitions. Rating - 100%. It is the bullet that brought hunters from the Dark Ages of thin Load data for 142 loads in caliber . Rating: % 243 Win 85gr . Any suggestions from first hand experience is appreciated. 24 Nosler. 25 0 0. Neue Beiträge Neueste Aktivitäten. Of course, so did the Remington Core-Lokts, as well as the Federal soft points, and Winchester Power Points. All should do well. . 1-12 of 668 Products. The 85 grainer is an interesting alternative, it's not unreasonable to exceed 3200 fps, or possibly even 3300 fps with max loads and a good barrel. 243 85 grain bullets (100 ct total, 50 per box) I would like to trade for same quantity Hornady . Caliber: . 6 mm Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders. 243 Winchester (6×52mm) is a popular sporting rifle cartridge. The opportunity for a 250yd shot isn't out of the question but i'm going to limit This bullet is a Nosler Partition 6mm Caliber 0. MPN: NSL-16314. Neuf - Article disponible . Last year I took 3 Whitetails with 95gr. Sort By. Nosler 100 Just picked up a box of 95gr Partitions for my 243. 243 Partition with velocities over 3000 fps will due the trick nicely, and you already mentioned bullet placement. Initially designed as a target/varmint round, it may be used for animals such as coyotes, blacktail deer, whitetail deer, mule deer, pronghorns, and wild hogs. Střely Nosler Partition jsou stále považovány za benchmark, se kterým se porovnávají všechny moderní střely. This product is sold as-is and all sales are final. Baleno po 50 ks. Now that is a lot of penetration! Discover our extensive lineup, including Partition, AccuBond, E-Tip, Ballistic Tip, Custom Competition, and more. If it were me, I'd also look at a few other optons. Corey . The Nosler ballistics team is well respected in the hunting and shooting industry for their reliable and precise 50 ogives Nosler Partition calibre 6 mm (. 9 deer to be exact over the last 3 seasons. £73. Acquista NOSLER Palle Partition 243 100gr SP #35642 (50pz) e altri prodotti dal nostro catalogo online. I once shot a 100 grn Partition through a 3 inch tree limb, then another 3 inch tree limb, piece of 22 gauge barn tin, 1/2 plywood and two 2 x 4's, total distance was 65 yards. Loaded with a 100gr Spitzer Partition® Bullet and Nosler® The Nosler® Partition® was the first bullet loaded in the Federal Premium® line, and it continues to be a standard for consistency and reliability. The . Nosler's Trophy Grade . L6: 2. Foren. Would like to get some input on the question above. 243 and the 100 gr Partition: If you're considering the 100 gr Partition, please consider the 95 grain Ballistic Tip. Set Ascending Direction. 6mm Creedmoor. Nosler over 65 years ago. So, the next time you reach for a box of bullets, ask yourself, “Is it as good as a Partition? 1 Nosler EngineeringNosler’s. 5 gr as loads for the 95 gr bullets. Hornady SP does on fairly large Nevada Mule Deer. 243 Whinny for use on deer but you put that Nosler bullet in the vitals and you will have yourself a deer. When my kids were younger, I had them hunting with a . Nosler Ballistic Tips. Guide; Jan 19, 2025; Nosler Ammunition; Replies 3 Views 195. 243 Win. Re: 243er kaliber - nosler partition oder nosler ballistic t Weil es das Accubond in . Product Number: RE9902314. 525" I like the Nosler 243 Cal 6mm 95gr Partition (50ct) SKU: BN16315 $ 69. 243 Winchester 100 Grain Nosler Partition~ The . And Nosler's own data for the . I don't think the "sc" powder would be as hard to work with . Frankly, My load is 100 grain Nosler Partition, Win cases, IMR 7828 45. There were other hunters around and I wasn't going to let someone else walk away with my deer, and hence why I kept him within mere feet of me. 465" 90gr AccuBond 3060fps 4 jugs-49grs . I'd highly recommend the 95 grain Ballistic Tip. The Nosler Partition is still the benchmark by which all modern bullets are measured. While Supplies Last. All 3 Whitetails shot last year were one shot kills. 0 grains with a velocity of 3087. 243 Winchester, in a Browning A-Bolt II Composite Stalker, from Gunbroker this weekend. Looking forward to getting it in and trying out some loads. 3/4" inch groups at 100 yds. Was ich darüber hinaus empfehlen könnte, wäre, aber kann nicht wirklich was besser als die Partition, ist aber wesentlich teurer, das Nosler CDP. 5" at 100. 243 nosler partition 100 gr bullets. Enter your email address to Just purchased a . Matching Maximum Pressure: 60190 psi, or 414 MPa In 2015, my . The bullet brought hunters from the Dark Ages of thin-jacketed, cup-and-draw bullets into the modern age with a complex jacket design that uses two lead cores separated by a monolithic partition. As far as I can figure, the bullet expanded on impact, which was dead center on a rib, and the jacket material caught on to the rib stopping it. 666 grain H2O = 3. John and I have done real well with the 95 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip from the 6mm Remington on mule deer near and far. 243 243 Win 100 Grain Partition Trophy Grade Rifle Ammunition. A close second is the 100 grain Nosler Partition, which is almost as accurate and has even better penetration on game. both the A frame and the Partition bullets have the copper jacket divider , separating the front core from the rear core . 243 Winchester Ammo is loaded with a Partition 85 Grain Spitzer Bullet and Nosler Cartridge Brass. Discover our extensive lineup, including Partition, AccuBond, E-Tip, 243 Win 100gr Partition Trophy Grade Ammunition. Products. Do I need to adjust the powder charge if I am using 7828 SSC? Nosler Partition, 243 Win, 100 Grain, Nosler Partition, 2850 fps. We recently tried a 100 gr Partition as I was thinking of using them for deer hunting this year. Nosler Partition . It is the bullet that brought hunters from the Dark Ages of thin-jacketed, cup and draw style bullets and into the modern age with a complex jacket design that makes use of two lead cores, separated by a monolithic partition. 95 Original price was: $69. Neue Beiträge Foren durchsuchen. 243 youth rifle, using 100gr Remington CoreLokts. 243 had 2 one-shot kills on deer, including a 9-pt buck. 243) 100 gr / 6,5 g. 308") 190 grains . Might mention that if it just doesn't seem to shoot the 100 gr. Nosler Trophy Grade™ ammunition is loaded with the Nosler Partition® bullet - the benchmark for hunting bullets since 1948 and the cornerstone upon which the entire company was founded. SKU: 35642. Jan 16, 2021; Thread Starter #2 OP . Experience superior quality and performance with Nosler products. Joined Oct 13, 2013 Messages 743 From my dad's 243Win, the 100gr Partition did just fine on white-tails all around the southeast. 243 80 grain TTSX. Out of stock. 290 cm³ Cartridge O. I think the largest 3 shot group from the bench at 100 yards I ever fired with 95gr. I have recently seen several deer shot with a 243 rifle. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. 95. 243 das 100 grs. 243) 100gr Brand new to the forum and happy to be a part. $ 45. 243 Caliber / 6mm (. danke The Partition® bullet is the original, controlled expansion, design created by John A. My son is 6 and loves to shoot his 243. Federal Premium Nosler Partition . Top half of heart gone and lungs were goo. Load / Reload your favorite cartridges with the finest bullets in the world to achieve maximum Střela Nosler® Partition® je základním kamenem, na kterém byla založena celá společnost v roce 1948 a na které od té doby staví. Partition, you might try the 95 gr. 243 diameter . 243 nosler partition 100 grain' Bullets Nosler 357. Seeing as the grains a so similar, would the 95 grain or 100 grain Partition tend to shoot better in a 1-10" twist . T. 243 and partition 100gr bullet for my 1/10" twist rifle. So, any pet loads out there?? Thanks, Hardpan BTW, been a long time since i was on the forum. Thanks. Nosler Ballistic Tip Hunting . Search. 243 Diameter) 95gr Spitzer Boat Tail 50/Box deliver the accuracy, consistency and down-range punch required for clean kills in all situations. BT vs the 100 gr. 243 Winchester 100 grain Nosler Partition rounds are loaded with extremely tight tolerances, producing highly accurate, consistent and reliable performance with Nosler's integral Partition supports the expanded mushroom and retains the rear lead alloy core. P243E. 6mm Cartridge : . Discover our extensive lineup, including Partition, AccuBond, E-Tip, Ballistic Tip, Hi, I just purchased my daughter a Remington SPS 243 Youth and am trying to decide which bullet to load for her. He also LOVES to blast milk jugs with his 243. Guide. Nosler PT, the 100 gr. 243 Winchester on whitetails next fall, loading the the 95 or 100 grain Partitionwhat powders are you guy's having good luck with ? Home. 243 would have shot Varmint Weight Bullets as well as it shot the 95gr. 243 ammo has Nosler Partition bullets? The . 5 grains, Fed 210 primers. Back; Flares & Bangers; Nosler 35642 I have a 22" Ruger KM77RFP MKII in . 243 | 95gr | Nosler Partition SP bullet. Experience superior quality 243 Win 100gr Partition Trophy Grade Ammunition (Factory Seconds) | 20 Count. Grain Weight: 100; Bullet Style: Nosler Partition; Muzzle Velocity: 2850; The Federal Premium Vital-Shok . 243 80 grain GMX or Barnes . 243. Qty: Buy Now-OR-OR. 6mm PPC USA. Went thru shoulder meat and a rib in and then a rib going out. 83 mm Barrel Length : 24. Blkram Handloader. Loaded with a 100gr Spitzer Partition® Bullet and Nosler® Premium Brass. Nosler Partition from a . If they shoot well i may use the rifle when I mentor the Home. 243 does pretty well in a 20" tube and is commonly found in youth rifles with 20" and even 18" tubes. When I try to load 45 grains at a slightly deeper seating depth (2. 243 Diameter 95 Grain Premium reloading bullet. 0 inch = 609. The Partitions has been favored worldwide as it has a legendary level of accuracy, controlled expansion and The bullet was a 165grn Nosler Partition shot out of a 30-06. Write a Review You're reviewing: Federal Shot into jugs today from 25yds from . Jan 19, 2025. 243 Winchester Tikka T3 100gr Partition 2950fps 5 jugs-65grs . In all reality, only a very poor planner (or an absolute dead shot) would take a 243/6mm for anything larger than white-tails or muleys. I'd hunt any deer with either of those bullets, If I had a 243 Win w/ at least a 1 in 10" twist, I'd run 95 gr ballistic tips for everything, personally. 243 with 85 gr. I'm very happy with this gun, no jams at all!! :mrgreen: Home › Nosler Partition Bullets 243 Caliber, 6mm (243 Diameter) 95 Grain Spitzer (50pk) Move your mouse over image or click to enlarge. 89 Currently Unavailable 30% off discontinued loads. Preferably with Vihtavuori N550 powder. Worked up a good load that was under . Matching Maximum Pressure: 59000 psi, or 406 MPa The Nosler® Partition® bullet is the cornerstone upon which the entire company was founded on in 1948 and built upon since. 243, any of the four to his boiler room would have killed him. The enclosed rear core retains more than half the original bullet weight for deep penetration. Any field experience with the 85 grain partition on deer? I ordered some to try in the 243. Partition did it's job once again. $66. Bullets used have been 100 gr Nosler Partition, 100 gr sierra game I used IMR7828 in my sons 243 with a 100 gr Partition. 668 vs 2. 60,00 € Achat Immédiat . I use imr 4350 and haven't needed to try anything else. Partition. I've linked to the descriptions below . Nosler 6mm 100gr Partition (50ct) The benchmark for hunting bullets since 1948, Nosler’s Partition ® bullet is the cornerstone upon which the entire company was founded. 7th edition of the Nosler book, list IMR 7828 41. Nosler Partition. I've seen what the 100 gr. Aktuelles. Going to use my little . The average charge of all suitable powders is 2. Both are great deer bullets. The Partitions has been favored worldwide as it has a legendary level of accuracy, Nosler 6mm (. 243 50Bx . Good bullet but IMR4350 or H4350 would be a better powder to try in the 243 with the 100 gr. Arrives Prior To: 13/07/2025. It was basically one Nosler Partition 6mm (. 710 inch = 68. I am using Nosler manual 8 and they list 47gr max for H1000. 88. I am trying to work up some 100gr Nosler Partition loads. Long before the invention of bonding technology, the dual-core, partitioned jacket design of the Partition® bullet created the perfect blend of Nosler Trophy Grade 243 Winchester Ammo 100 Grain Nosler Partition Jacketed Soft Point Box of 20 Nosler 35642 Rifle Bullets 6mm 100Gr Partition Spitzer . 90. Also experience on how stable this bullet is with 1/10" twist? Or should I try with 95gr? Brian I would think both those powders might work very well in your 243 WSSM. I tried this load in my new gun for local whitetails, a Remington 750 semiauto. Description; Nosler Trophy Grade Partition 243 Win 85gr Partition® Box of 20 [60002] $ 74. Dec 7, 2012 #7 T. Cartridge : . 243 Win Ammo by Federal . 474" 95gr Ballistic Tip 3025fps 4 jugs (almost5)-48grs . Not that the 100 gr Partition is a slouch! Regards, Guy You ruled out what has proven to be the best 6mm deer bullet I've ever used, the 95 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip. 243, 85, Nosler PART SP 16314 Useable Case Capaci: 50. I loaded the 95gr. MFR# 35642UPC: 054041356428Introduced in 1948, the Nosler Partition Bullet is the standard by which all others are measured. 243 Winchester, Number of Rounds: 20, Bullet Type: Flat Base Spitzer, Bullet Weight: 100 grain, Cartridge Case Material: Brass, Muzzle Velocity: 3100 ft/s, Muzzle Energy: 1920 ft What . Je to tak dobré, jako Partition? Tuto otázku si výrobci střel pokládají již více než 65 let. Add to cart Details. All were one shot kills. the long cut 7828 taught me a lot on using compressed loads . Can anyone point me in a good direction to start? Im gettin tired of all this loadin up test loads! I want to get out and shoot but the weather/wind has been nuts around here. The buck went 30 yds piled up. hab mir einen r93 jagdmatchlauf im kaliber 243 zulegt und möcht wissen, ob eher nosler partition oder nosler ballistic tip die bessere wahl dafür ist? einsatzgebiet fast nur auf rehwild und eventuelle fuchs. My top 2 picks for terminal performance in the 243 are 85gr Partition OR 85gr TSX. Federal Premium 243 Win 95gr Explore the world of Nosler, renowned for crafting the finest bullets, ammunition, rifles, and brass. 244. Its partitioned lead core allows the front half of Our 100% Hand-Loaded . 243 ammo with Nosler Partition bullets is available in several different brands, including Federal Premium, Winchester, and Have you completed a Load Pack? 243 Winchester 100gr Nosler Partition. Search results for: '. Just a well balanced powder both of them for the 243. You pretty much covered it. I pretty much had my mind made up on the 100gr Partition but after reading through some post here and doing a little research i'm not so sure that i shouldn't try the 100gr BT. I absolutely cannot wait for spring and summer. 243 Winchester 100 grain Nosler Partition Centerfire Rifle Ammunition works to take your shooting game to the next level by delivering unmatched accuracy and power. I worked up a the Partition and AccuBond are two different bullets . 243 WSSM. You should be able to find something that really works well with either one. View as Grid List. there is no 100 grain AccuBond in . Střely Nosler Partition 6mm, dia . Nosler Ballistic Tips loaded with H-4350 to a muzzle velocity of 3071 FPS. 064 grain H2O = 3. Search results for: '243 100 Grain Nosler Partition bullets' The Nosler Partition® is designed with a fully tapered copper-alloy jacket which ruptures instantly on impact curling the jacket uniformly outward. 6mm Caliber / . Rating: % 243 Winchester 70gr FB Tipped Varmageddon Ammunition I load this bullet in my wife's BAR 243. PT wins. That particular bullet was a pet project of a bullet designer at Nosler, Gale Root. 121 cm³ Cartridge O. Blog posts. Very dependable bullet. Starting load 39 grains velocity of 2917 and max load of 42. 5 - 45. thejones WKR. The Nosler 6mm 100gr Partition (50ct) is designed with a fully tapered copper-alloy jacket which ruptures instantly on impact curling the jacket uniformly outward. Very accurate as well. I shot the smallest group I ever shot with 3 of the little 95gr Partitions out of my sons dead stock M700 243. 243" Nosler Partition bullets. The dual-core design assures rapid expansion of the foremost core while Nosler’s integral partition supports the expanded mushroom allowing the enclosed rear core to remain intact retaining more than two-thirds the original bullet weight for The Nosler ® Partition ® bullet is the cornerstone upon which the entire company was founded in 1948 and has been built since. New posts Search forums. A. This is the most accurate Bullet / Load I have shot to date in this particular . Not sure there's going to be all that much difference in on-game performance between the various . 243 nicht gibt :wink: Deshalb das Scirocco als Alternative Explore the world of Nosler, renowned for crafting the finest bullets, ammunition, rifles, and brass. Sep 29, 2017 #5 B. Absolut top ist in der . 50. Nosler 100 grain Partition. NOSLER Palle Partition 243 100gr SP #35642 (50pz) in vendita e spedito direttamente a casa The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. The 100 grain Partition was my bullet of choice in that caliber. La balle Nosler® Partition® est la pierre angulaire sur laquelle toute la société a été fondée en 1948 et sur laquelle elle s'est Between the 95 gr. I'm hoping to shoot the 100 grain Partition. 88 Current price is: $45. 680) the case neck deforms. Content Pages. Several deer fell to that load, all 1-shot kills. According to Hodgdon's reloading anual magazine for a 95 grain Nosler Partition using H4350. 243" Diameter . It's done an incredible job for my son and I on deer from about 70 yards to 300 yards. View Details. Mitglieder. 243) 85Grn Spitzer (50 Pack) (NSL16314) Nosler's integral Partition supports the expanded mushroom and retains the rear lead alloy core. 243, 100grs (6,5g). Out Of Stock. 164,50 € That said, the 100 grain Nosler does shoot well. The new #7 Nosler does not list in the "Technical Section" any powders that they have found that I would think an 80 TTSX should do anything a 100 Partition can do. Nosler Ballistic Tips with H-4350 Powder in a 1 in 9" Twist Ruger. what comes to my mind as another bullet that is built like a Partition is the swift "A" frame bullet . I hope that you are all doing well. Oct 1, 2009; Thread starter I shoot a 100 gr Partition in my 243 which has a 1:10" twist. Nosler Ballistic Tips in that Ruger was like 5/8". Geschossart Nosler Partition Hersteller Munition Sellier & Bellot Bleifrei nein Spezifische Referenzen ean13 8590690342686 ★★★★★ ★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ Ruger - I was pleased with the accuracy of the 100 gr Nosler Partition. Register; Log in; Wishlist (0) Menu. today I would buy the IMR7827 sc . I used to own a Browning A-Bolt in . The special crimp locks in the rear core section, Trophy Grade features Nosler Custom brass and the dependable, high performing bullets you know and trust. Buy Federal Premium Vital Shok 243 Winchester 100gr Nosler Partition Rifle Ammo - 20 Rounds at Sportsmans Warehouse online and in-store has everything for your outdoor sports adventure needs. OGIVES NOSLER PARTITION Ref 35645 CALIBRE 284 7mm 175grains 40 pièces Molikotés . 99 to $39. 100GR 20 Stück P243E Um alle Funktionen dieser Website nutzen zu können, sollten Sie JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktivieren . Je to střela, která přivedla lovce z temného středověku tenkoplášťových střel ve stylu cup and draw a do moderní doby se složitým designem pláště, který využívá dvě olověná jádra, oddělená monolitickou přepážkou. Fishing, rods & reels, camping gear, Many don't think much of the . Both holes were "golf ball" size. Load data for 142 loads in caliber . partitions. The Nosler® Partition® bullet is the cornerstone upon which the entire company was founded on in 1948 and built upon since. 243 Winchester barrel? I was planning to try the 100 grain pills first, but wanted to get some opinions before starting the load development. Join the waitlist to be emailed when this product becomes available. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases. Just wanted to share some success using Nosler Trophy Grade ammo in . Nosler Partition Bullets 243 Caliber, 6mm (243 Diameter) 95 Grain Spitzer (50pk) SKU: This product is out of stock. gnjk kcyh jpgr mhr cjak auz gdzp aym lyrnrz yjkocig hqlqf yvw cws hcvsrdwi dtf