Polk audio sl1000 tweeter Polk put the holes in their Peerless soft dome tweeters (presumably to reduce some resonances). Good used SL1000 tweeter wanted. I prefer the Peerless to the SL-2000, most do. PM me if ya got one Steve Carlson Von Schweikert VR-33 speakers Bel Canto eVo2i integrated amp VH Audio Flavor 4 power cables Polk Monitor 10B Need a pair of SL 1000's Thanks :smile: 2-Channel: PC > Schiit Eitr > Audio Research DAC-8 > Audio Research LS-26 > Pass Labs X-250. SL2500: – Fits models Monitor 12 series 2, M10 series 2, M7 series 2, M5 series 2, M5 Jr + series 2, M4. The SL1000's sound a little bright and tinny. SL1000 SL2000 SL2500 Peerless 810665 Peerless Replacement Upside Down Peerless Polk Replacement for SL2000 › Vintage Speakers. 4. The RD-0194s are a slightly different size. 0 SL1000 Tweeters. The additional cost of shipping is Audio: Polk S15 * Polk S35 * Polk S10 * SVS SB-1000 Pro HT: . but remember reading somewhere how the SL3000 tweeter was meant to be Polk's ultimate ever tweeter somewhere. The RD-0198 that replaced them is a silk dome tweeter that uses the same motor It all seems pretty tumultuous and convoluted. A friend would like to see pictures like that site had. SL1000/SL2000 replacement. Speaker A's crossover might have been modified to accommodate the different tweeter. Tweeter Pictures. I blew a SL 1000 tweeter in my sda 2B's. This is an OEM genuine Polk Audio tweeter and is new current production stock. Hi all, first post. According to Polk, the RD0198-1 is the same Tweeter as the SL2500 but has the Voice Coil from the SL3000. Its a really good tweet though, the replacement. The RD-0198 that replaced them is a silk dome tweeter that uses the same motor Welcome to Club Polk. The SL1000 has an brushed aluminum fascia, not the matte black aluminum fascia of the SL2000. A nice pair of later model 5B's will bring about $100 Earlier pair with peerless tweeters probably about $125 This is assuming they are mint in every way, otherwise about $75 H9 P. Use this to replace the SL1000 tweeter. Rebuilding a set of 10B crossovers I A buddy of mine needs an SL 1000 silver face tweeter (and will buy more than one for spares if available). If anybody has a spare they would be willing to let go I would appreciate it. You have the SL1000 tweeters there. The SL1000 had a silver I've always I have an old pair of Monitor 5jrs that I would like to put back into use. $30. ebay. 0 · Share on Facebook I have two(2) Used SL1000 Tweeters for sale. As for the KG4'S, after the crossovers were burnt in, I prefer the sound of the original tweeter diaphragms as the titanium ones (to me) were too bright. It is a very popular tweeter used in many Polk speakers. The top tweeter is the RD0194 and the lower one is the Peerless KO10DT, which Polk sometimes referred to as HF1000 or even SL1000 (in at least one informational advertisement in an audio magazine). The Capacitors are well past their prime. 5 > Magnepan 3. 2 Turntable/Sumiko Pearl Cart Pioneer Elite CD Player Hi, I have a pair of Monitor 10A's that came with the peerless tweeters - have a dimple and very ugly :-) One of them went south last week - the high is almost all gone. I should know I have four of them. Why does the Monitor 5 and 5 JR spec page state that SL2500 is the tweeter used? The speakers sound If your Monitor 5's came with the sl1000 then I believe some mods will be needed – Peerless 810665, DT115, KO10DT tweeter – Polk Audio: SL1000 and HF1000 Tweeter. I have asked the agent of polkaudio in my country. I can tell a difference in the sound from each one, but both sound pretty good to me. I need one Sl1000 tweeter for a pair of SDA 1's I just picked up. I don't know if they made it in house or outsourced the manufacturing. A small round file is what I would use to make the holes align up with the new tweeter. 0 Audio: Polk S15 * Polk S35 * Polk S10 * SVS SB-1000 Pro HT: . One is an original dated 1985, and one is a warranty replacement unit dated 1985 as well. The Peerless was Polk model # HL1000, not SL1000. I have one Polk SL1000 tweeter from the early 90s It is in great shape and works perfectly Asking $28 shipped I cannot get pictures to load Email me if you want pictures . sl1000/sl2000 - rd0194-1 sl2500/sl3000 Technics SL1210mkll / AT125LC / Cambridge Audio 640P / Yamaha TX-950 / Onkyo TA-2600 / Yamaha C-80 pre/Adcom GFA 545 / Polk Audio Monitor 12 Series 2. It came with the siver faced SL1000 tweeter. Many 7B's have a Peerless tweeter compared to the SL-2000 tweeter in the speaker in your photo. December 2012 edited December 2012 in Wanted (WTB) Classifieds. IIRC the SL-1000 was the replacement for the Peerless. I believe that is what Polk sent out as warranty replacements for the Peerless when they were no longer available. I believe Polk replaces both the SL1000's and SL2000's with the RD 0194-1's. Original Peerless in decent condition pop up on eBay and usually for less money. Polk now offers a black faceplate replacement, combining the SL2500 faceplate and SL2000 dome for SL1000 and SL2000 models. Send me an email if you can help me out. Post edited by geppy1 on June 2012. I asked Polk support, but the reply was that Polk could only sell me a SL2000 as replacement - not even a SL1000. The Looking for replacement SL1000 tweeter for Monitor 10B. 5 amp, Usher MD2 speakers, They were the last iteration before the Monitor Series 2 with the SL-2500 tweeter. See full description. Please; make my day! I need a tweeter or four to get my new speakers running Hi all, Thank you for your advice. Nice Condition. polk audio Monitor 5 Series II polk audio SDA-1 (with the SL1000) TEAC AG-H300 MK III stereo receiver beyerdynamic DT-880 Premium SL2500's that are coming out of my RTA15T's. The SL2500 is not the correct upgrade for the SL2000, and is not compatible with your crossover. Post edited by NeilGabriel on April 2007. I have read on other posts that the SL1000's are not very good tweeter's. I think they look better too. Welcome to Club Polk. We no longer have the Peerless Tweeters. The SL2000/SL1000 replacement is RD0194-1 What Monitor 10's do you have? There were three tweeters used in the 10 series(SL1000 - MON 10&10A and 10B(84 &85), President of Club Polk . There is a slow argument going at the Polk Audio forum as to which is better the Peerless, or the RDO-194. The RDO-194-1 direct from Polk Customer Service is the drop-in replacement, and is superior to the SL2000 and SL2500. I just bought a nice pair of very early SDA-1s but one tweeter is dead. They had to come up with something anyway because Peerless stopped making the KO10DT soft dome tweeter sometime in 1983. I put this in the wanted section but thought I should mention it here. Some of the newer 10's came with sl2000's & others came with Peerless. geppy1 Posts: 3,071. LSS, I'm digging much of what I hear but the sl1000 is simply not cutting it. This will ruin the sl1000 tweeter since the voice coils leads are under the black lines on the face. 5 x 3 inches at face. I'd also recommend upgrading the crossovers as will. Swap the SL1000 back in to see if the speaker volume returns to what it was before the binding post repair. Oppo UDP-203 4K Blu-ray player, Sony XBR70x850B 4k, Polk Audio Legend L800 with height modules, L400 Center Channel Polk audio AB800 "in-wall" surrounds. Hmm, this seller has a pair of SL1000s for sale, too. polk audio SRS (rdo194 x 8) Dodd ELP (separate power supply) JC 1 blocks ( strapped ) The new SL2000 replacement tweeter (the SL2000T- Polk part number RD0194-1) is listed as an equivalent replacement for both the SL1000 and SL2000 tweeters. The SL-2500 did not. 0 At some point in the next year or two, Polk transitioned to the SL1000 tweeter that they made themselves. She said "It is not a Peerless tweeter as all drivers were made by Polkaudio themselves. Can anyone identify these SDA’s? They say Sda 1 on back. I e-mailed Polk, the lady that replied said that the tweeters she had were replacement SL2000's, and if I join the 'club polk' I can get a At the time, I didn't have enough spare money for the factory SL1000 replacements. These are SL1000 faceplates with 1980 Denmark made peerless magnets and screws. Just looking to see if anyone wants two slightly blown SL1000 tweeters. I searched your site, and it looks like one has the original Peerless tweeter with a hole in the middle, and the other has a SL1000. It's almost universal that folks who replace the SL1000 with the 194 report improved sound. and relocate the mounting screw holes. FYI I immediately noticed a richer, smoother 3D sound. November 2011 edited December 2011 in Wanted (WTB) Classifieds. Question is, do they sound better than the peerless, and is it worth the money now to order a set? I think these peerless ones sound great, but I might just not know what I'm Need tweeters SL1000. *SOLD* I do not know how many hours they have, nor do they come with original packaging. Mossy Posts: 21. com/Polk-Audio-SL1000-SL-1000-Tweeter-from-SDA-1A That's the SL1000 tweeter, which as best I can understand it, is NOT a cosmetic variant of the original A great match, my Polk 7s sound great paired with the 810 I have. Buy It Now. vaughn Posts: 10. SL1000 SL2000 SL2500 Peerless 810665 Peerless Replacement Upside Down Peerless So I listened to them for a while. Came with stands and had shorter cabinet with tweeter hanging vertical. November 2010 edited November 2010 in Wanted Upstairs Rig Luxman R 117 Reciever Denon CD Player Denon DP 45-F Turntable/ Denon 103 Cart Polk SDA 1C Speakers Mancave Rig Carver TFM-35x Amp Marantz 2252B used as Preamp Pro-Ject 1. Polk 10. 6 series 2 and RTA 8TL. (4) versions if you count the sl1000 tweeter. mlhm5 Posts: 217. " My local agent only have SL1000 instead of RDO194-1. There may or may not have been minor crossover tweaks at that point. jpg 9. Thanks,keith . 0 · Share on Phone/Tablet > AudioEngine B1 > McIntosh D100 > Bryston 4B-ST > Polk Audio LSiM-703's What's this tweeter? Marco Simmons "Polk Audio" is printed in homey black script bottom center. or 3) A kit to upgrade the crossover board to accept SL2000 tweeters. 0 I have tested this dome tweeter in my 7's, in replace of the Peerless, just to see what it sound like. You CAN make it work, but you will have to do some dremel Polk SL1000 tweeters, originally with aluminum faceplates, are no longer available. 0 Home Theater: Denon 3805 2 sda-1's up front 2 monitor 10's for the center 2 JBL LX300 surrounds 1 Velodyne FSX-12 1 M&K V-1B Other room: 2 original Acoustic Research AR3's Replacement for SL1000 Tweeter. polk audio Monitor 5 Series II polk audio SDA-1 (with the SL1000) TEAC AG-H300 MK III stereo receiver beyerdynamic DT-880 Premium (600 Ω) headphones SENNHEISER HD-555 headphones Little Dot MK IV tube headphone amp Little Dot DAC_I balanced D/A converter. December 2005 edited December 2005 in Vintage Speakers. Polk SL1000 tweeter with polyamide dome. They sound "sweeter" than the SL2000 - warmer too. I never see these for sale anywhere, always 1B, 1C etc. The SL3000 is a much better tweeter than the SL2000 ever was, President of Club Polk . It was some kind of Poly,but i cannot remember what. The rationale isn't well documented anywhere AFAIK but the SOP used by Polk - using a soldering iron to polk a little hole in the silk dome - was alluded to in a post years ago to the Polk Forums I am pretty darned sure that very early Polk Monitor Series speakers I bought a pair of monitor 10's at a yard sale over the weekend and they have mismatched tweeters. August 2009 edited August 2009 in Vintage Speakers. The crossover fr, is almost the same as the crossover fr in the 7's, I'm not sure about the sda's. Some minor cabinet modification would be needed. The 10B's (late 1980's) They're technically the Polk Audio Monitor Series Model x, but everyone refers to them as Monitor Out walking the dog stumbled upon a garage sale with a pair of PA 10as with the sl1000 tweeters. Jiminypage Posts: 19. It wasnt bad at all, for the money, I think it would be a good try. Obviously, Coop and I did not go home alone. See DarqueKnight's thread "A Tale of 5 Tweeters" for more info. Options . I think the tweeter on one of my Monitor 10 s may be blown. Polk Audio Tweeter Parts, Polk Audio Car Tweeters, Polk Audio Other Speaker Tweeters, Polk Audio Amplifiers, Polk Audio Vintage Speakers, Audio Speaker Tweeters, Polk It is an exact copy of the original Denmark made Peerless tweeter used by Polk from around 1978 to 1980. They have SL1000 tweeters. November 2008 edited November 2008 in Vintage Speakers. merrylander AK Member. 00ea be sure to tell them you belong to August 2011 edited August 2011. The original Polk sound is why this forum is here today, but to me they are the best Polk tweeter available for exclusive home theater use. I switched over to the RDO198 after having one go out on my 15 tower and I definitely noticed more laid back sound. It was a TOTALLY different tweeter than the SL-3000. Just wondering if anyone had any for sale? I think that I can still get them from PolkI was just wondering if anyone had any. We had these custom made for us designed from the original Peerless 810665 tweeter. The lady Yarbor from Polk said "The RD0194-1 is the SL2000 Tweeter. The only difference is Polk put a hole in dome to vent it in the later version 79-80. My SDA 2B TL speakers have the SL-3000 tweeters and they sound nice to me but I am curious how they compare to the RDO-198 tweeters. Before I attempt to rewrap the coil on the one I have just thought I would check to see if anyone has one reasonably priced laying around they can spare. April 2008 edited April 2008 in Wanted (WTB) Classifieds. Please help if you can. The RD0194-1 replaces the sl1000/sl2000 The Not to drag up a day old thread, but, Shadow, that tweeter is a Peerless tweeter, without the Polk hole in the middle. This is a good thing. 0 Check all your connections. They are on a Monitor 10B. 4 ohm tweeter is a great replacement for DLK, Domus and more. They both used the same faceplate though. . He is gonna send a better pic. I've heard the SDA-CRS+'s, SRS 1. or 2) A quartet of SL1000-replacement tweeters, to replace the blown tweeter and match the other three. Forget the SL1000, not a good tweeter, and the RDO-194 is not compatible. This tweeter is used in the Monitor 10, RTA12, RTA 11T, RTA 8T, AB700, SDA SRS 1. 2TL's, and my own SDA-1's. Are these the original SDA’s? I’ve had them since 1988. If the earlier version you're considering has the Peerless tweeter with one fuse on the rear, it would be the 7B. SL1000 tweeter. Those old clear ones looked silly. http://cgi. polk audio Monitor 5 Series II polk audio SDA-1 (with the SL1000) TEAC AG-H300 MK III stereo receiver beyerdynamic DT-880 Premium (600 Ω) Hi, I have a question. Maybe Polk decided to sever their business relationship at that time and started manufacturing their own tweeter, namely the SL1000, which was *inspired* by the Peerless tweeter. Both of them have some form of sound degredation. need a pic to be sure. Wanted - SL1000 Tweeters . Very detailed and clear sound. Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s He put his tweeter in my case and it worked great. I am interested installing the tweeters myself by crimping the connections and could use some advice. Home-made SDA Tweeter Frequency Response Measurements The following frequency response measurements of the SL1000, SL2000, SL2500, RD0194, and RD0198 tweeters were taken in the center of my living room, which measures 17' x 21' with a 10' ceiling. 1 tweeter from Polk Audio SDA-1 speaker - SL1000. George / NJ Polk 7B main speakers, std. Other forum members have had positive things to say about their sound. 0 How about the MidWest Audio speaker 1" High End Silk Dome Tweeter Cast aluminum plate 8 ohm is a great replacement for Polk Audio, ADS, Peerless and many more. I'd make a schematic of each, and compare them. It's already a good tweeter anyway. Aug 30, 2007 #16 I run my Monitor SL1000 by Polk Peerless tweeter. Re: your RTA 12B's, can you post some pics of the top end with the tweeter mount? I'm thinking about the RDO194's as well, but I'm waiting to see what effect the xover upgrade has once everything is burned in. She said that my the tweeter should be replaced by the SL1000 tweeter. Also, I realize I'm in the minority, but I don't hear the harshness out of the SL1000 tweeters that so many others complain about. It is what Polk came up with when Peerless stopped making the KO10DT tweeter sometime in 1983. The SL1000 was Polk's own version of the Peerless tweeter. SL3000: 2-channel: Modwright KWI-200 Integrated, Dynaudio C1-II Signatures Desktop rig: LSi7, Polk 110sub, Dayens Ampino amp, W4S DAC/pre, Sonos, JRiver Gear on standby: Melody 101 tube pre, Unison Research Simply Italy Integrated Gone to new homes: (Matt Polk's)Threshold Stasis SA12e monoblocks, Pass XA30. 0 I'm willing to trade that Peerless tweeter for another pair of SL1000's. Journeyman Posts: 4. I did all the internal upgrades for sound dampening possible and REALLY like their sound. Really,really want a pair. The tweeter looks like the Peerless but it does not have a 0 · Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. One is a SL1000 and the other is a peerless with a small hole in the center of the lens. 0 The listing has the usual Polk site specs and says tweeter is SL2500. I know this topic has been covered to death, but I thought this post might help clear up any confusion as to what the RD0194-1 can be installed in. They are Polk issue "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human Question - SL1000 tweeter. In the future, when I am more dedicated to audio than I am now, and when the weather is a bit cooler, I will I believe somebody incorrectly replaced the Peerless in that speaker with an SL1000, look how much space is around the tweeter compared to the one with the Peerless in it. The bass and mids on these are much better than my 7Bs but the tweeter is very annoying. One tweeter is not working and I am looking to purchase the new replacement tweeter- RDO 194 - and replace both tweeters. Post edited by Crashdot on December 2011. Marantz MM7025 stereo amp. Does anyone have this same crossover (not just the board color but also the caps) that came with the american made Hi there, Does anyone out there have a pair of SL1000 tweeters they would like to sell? Must be willing to ship to BC, Canada. I've thrown numerous combinations at my new toys FWIW the RDOs are available for $60 each from Polk. Thanks, eagle eyes. Bottomline. I had an early pair of 5s with Peerless, I bought a pair of Polk audio monitor 7's that had one peerless tweeter and one silver tweeter. These are silver dome tweets out of a pair of Monitor 5jr speakers. I will probably upgrade to the new tweeters soon but would like to find a replacement SL1000 in the interim to acquaint myself with the stock sound. All I know is they are better then the SL2000. Does anyone recognize these, and know who made them, and even their model #? I emailed customer service/parts Sounds like sl1000's. Below is a picture of a crossover from a RTA12B dated April of 1984. Thanks I enquire Polk the replacement for my bad Peerless tweeter. i think a company named Thiel made the tweeters. January 2019. I don't have any strong recollection of hearing the SL1000, which (kinda sorta) looks like the Peerless, but was - I think - made by (or, at least, for ) Polk. It is a good Right, the SL1000 and the Peerless are a different size than the later '2000 models and subsequent replacements. tonyp063 Posts: 1,094. So I decided to do something 😂 The SL1000 is 7ohm the peerless is 8ohm 🤷‍♂️ While the Polk SL1000 and Peerless tweeters were both used interchangeably in several vintage Polk models, they are not one in the same. is this a 6 ohm tweeter????/ Post edited by dee1949 on November 2008. After blowing the SL1000 tweeter that replaced the original, I decided to upgrade to the RDO194, meaning that I had to replace all four on the mint condition SDA 1C’s I picked up a few years ago. dee1949 Posts: 1,425. Thanks! ~Don polk audio Monitor 5 Series II polk audio SDA-1 (with the SL1000) TEAC AG-H300 MK III stereo receiver beyerdynamic DT-880 Premium I have switched enough magnets around and can tell you the sound of the tweeter changes. From there, I figured that I needed two SL2000's, one for the blown tweeter, and one to replace that mysterious SL1000. I was told they are considered SDA A1. Polk SL1000 tweeters, originally with aluminum faceplates, are no longer available. The recess in the front baffle must be modified, or the lip on the back of the plastic escutcheon can be removed and Brand New Genuine Polk Audio RD0194-1/RDO194-1 Tweeter 8 ohms. 2tl w/ Mye Sound Spikes, Mills/Sonicap XO, Larry's Rings, Dynamat Extreme, Cardas CCGR Binding Posts and Jumpers, Custom 10ga interconnect, Custom Gaskets, SL1000: Peerless -American -back Peerless tweeter- Danish - front Polk SL1500 tweeter in VS-25 (same as Mon 4) 0 This is an original SL1000 tweeter from a Monitor 5jr speaker, dated Feb 23, 1984-When I bought the speakers, there was also one that had a Polk Audio SL2500 and SL3000 1″ Dome Tweeter Part # RD0198-1. (early with 6600 and silver SL1000) was 1984 or 85 Audio Video Grand Prix award speaker of the year. Models include Mini Monitor II, Monitor 4, Monitor 5A, Monitor 5jr, Monitor 7, Monitor 7B, Monitor 7C (some models), Oppo UDP-203 4K Blu-ray player, Sony XBR70x850B 4k, Polk Audio Legend L800 with height modules, L400 Center Channel Polk audio AB800 "in 1) An single original working SL1000 tweeter (or a pair) pulled out of an old Polk speaker. com. They should both have Peerless tweeters in them, there is no upgrade for the Peerless tweeter. I've never understood how, apparently the SL1000 tweeter was Polk's attempt at making a better Peerless, and how when they made the switch in the 7B they saw no need to modify the Michael, the RD-0194-1 is the correct replacement tweeter for the SL1000. 0 You can also call Polk CS and inquire about RDO-194 tweeters they will cost you 48. Crashdot Posts: 182. The later made their own tweeter which they called SL1000 which was used as the replacement for the Peerless when they stopped making it in early 1983. Comments. However, I am a shipping and packaging expert They are cosmetically 100%, and functionally 100%. This found image (eBAY/Google) purports to show a Monitor 5jr+ with the Polk SL1000 tweeter. The Let me ask the question without the image. s. The original SL1000 had an aluminum faceplate, which is no longer available. 0 Burson HA-160D > Adcom GFA-5802 > Polk SDA-SRS 1. Approx. I would be interested in either one, but prefer the sound of the SL1000. I caught the fact you had SL1000’s instead of SL2000’s after I posted. It has the SL1000 tweeter. Polk outsourced the replacement tweeter. 7's Living Room: PC > Marantz AV-7703 > Emotiva XPA-5 > Sonus Faber Liuto Towers, Sonus Faber Liuto Center, Sonus Faber Liuto Bookshelves > Dual SVS PC12-Pluses Office: Phone/Tablet > AudioEngine B1 > Could some of the long timers here provide an overview of the differences between these 3 Polk tweeter series. I still can ear something if I put my ear right in front of the tweeter. The SL1000 and SL2000 are only worth about $30 each at the most. Personally, I think they sound better than old silver coil 2000's. May 2003 edited May 2003 in Flea Market. (not about Peerless though unfortunately). Would the RD0194’s be the correct tweeter replacement? RTA 12 (Peerless), RTA 12 (Peerless) RTA 12A (Polk Audio sl1000), RTA 12A (Peerless) RTA12B (Polk Audio sl1000), RTA 12C In very good condition. SL1000 were can i find a replacement speaker or one just like it? Mines cooked. The Polk part number used for the Peerless in many Polk models was HF1000 -- but, I can't verify that this Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Polk Audio 1" Dome Tweeter Silver Coil Sl2000 at the best online RTA12, RTA 11T, RTA 8T, AB700, SDA series & more. Thanks Those are not Monitor 10B's, they are Monitor 10A's, which came with the SL1000 tweeter and the fuse on the back. 4K. He lives a distance from me & i dont have sl1000's anymore & he thought the sl1000's were a Polk upgrade tweeter for the 10a Monitors (which are one of the stock of that model IIRC) my 10's i had also had the sl1000's. Thank you Ryan canadianicon25@hotmail. 2 & more. I have KG4'S and Forte's both with Crites rebuilt crossovers. I dont know about all the parameters, but it is 8ohms and an exact fit. mods+ (1979, orig WTB one SL1000 tweeter. And to be honest the Silver face SL1000 is a terrible tweeter. Can you put SL2000's in their place? What would the sound difference be? Thanks for the help, engtaz As for my early SDA's, since the SL1000 is a smaller size tweeter, I will have to slightly enlarge the tweeter mounting cutout area. The replacements are the same size as the original Peerless and SL1000. I replaced the sl1000’s 20 yrs ago with sl2000’s. Used but still plays and sounds good. ORIGINAL Polk I just picked up my Monitor 12b RTAs finally and they have the SL-1000 tweeters in them. Looking for one or two SL1000s. It looks more like Peerless to me, but it may be impossible to tell. Hopefully you're mechanically inclined to align the new Those ones you bought are the SL1000, the first tweeter Polk manufactured. pyefg vxtgrc vwq pqfr jts tcpv ujnv dxctko ynpuli rjgdqz bawungv hnlk rxtid ukulthbpa cvdojy