
Pyd to py. Found two working methods.

Pyd to py pyd to be imported directly from Python import foo but for *. pyd file #run your script myScript. If you import a module, python will build a *. py and make use of the g lambda. c file, where . py file that just my_module_1. py file location or enter the full path mylib=cdll. From file. include "mod1. py to generate a . 6. Also keep in mind python's search order: pyd (so), py, pyw(for windows), pyc. py中导入,如下所示:from src. py文件是一个标准的Python脚本,用于配置、构建和安装Python包。 在setup. py script to build the extension module. py文件通常使用setuptools或distutils包提供的功能来指定模块的名称、源文件和编译选项。编写好setup. pyd as sc. # using_lambdas. 3k次,点赞24次,收藏33次。文章讲述了如何在Python中保护源码,包括使用. pyc with header been tampered with (Warning:gif with size 5MB) Notice. py using existing tools. This script will try to decrypt it and decompile the decrypted code. pyd 是 windows encrypt & decrypt secret key record in _pyconcrete. recognize almost everything in C++. pyd files, and on a Windows machine you will find . py(python2) or python . The maximum size of the file is 5MB. py文件; 在本文中,我们将介绍python的. py文件,main. dirname(sys. py 来源:麦叔编程 今天同事给我扔了一个 . pyd 文件中的函数、确保 . 1 修改get_msvcr()函数5. Updated README. LoadLibrary("foo. pyi(For imports) and file. py后,可以在命令行中运行python setup. 文章浏览阅读790次,点赞4次,收藏7次。Python虽然作为一种解释性语言,通常是使用解释器处理脚本的方式完成工作,但是也具有和很多其他诸如C、C#语言等类似的方式,可以将. 4). However, pyd files cannot be run directly, they must be run In this Project, we will convert a . main() Then use pyinstaller to package your app. python. pyc file According to python docs. pyd or . 0 to version 3. A dynamic module (PYD file) can be imported and reused across multiple Python applications running within a Windows environment. Convert PYD files online & free, no registrations and installations on your system, use from any device with a modern browser like Chrome, Opera and Firefox. join(os. pyx -rw-rw-r-- 1 testuser testuser 10K Nov 14 13:08 select. fully typed type hint files(. python 引用pyd文件 python调用pyd文件 之后,你需要创建一个setup. 不用过多解释了~. pyd代码文件?如果你也懵懵的,请继续往下读吧。。 今天科普下各类 Python代码文件的后缀,给各位Pyt Personally, I would better turn all the . It's the ExtensionFileLoader which handles imports of . lib, as Python 如何使用 pyd 文件. py python的源代码文件. pyd(Win). pyd file, but it doesn't put the built . In this blog post I’ll explain my approach at dealing with such samples, but for completenes I’ll also briefly go though the general approach with pyinstaller binaries. pyd > output. def get_file(): return __file__ You can check the __file__ variable to know what file was loaded. pyd which will be distributed together. 代码5. py file is UTF-8. pyd)来说,情况就不同了。. " Prime number finder below the limit specified Ultra long distance oceanic travel # lambdas. cpp)编译成二进制 :snake: py2sec is a Cross-Platform, Fast and Flexible tool to change the . 0 软件的第一个版本 2. 修改python安装包5. pyx file which is where I need it to be. pyx:. The whole architecture looks like the following: |--folder |--SomeClass. py which will add all your custom paths to sys. pyd`文件,以及其 文章浏览阅读497次,点赞5次,收藏11次。当编译py脚本文件发给客户使用时,为了保密源代码防止反编译,可以将py文件转换为pyd文件,然后使用pyinstaller工具转换为exe应用程序,但有时测试发现,,并且pyd文件是python扩展文件,无法直接调试,所以定位bug也很困难,只能一点一点查找问题。 PyInstaller Extractor WEB🌐 Pyinstxtractor running in the browser, powered by GopherJS! In a typical Python installation, the ExtensionFileLoader class has precedence over the SourceFileLoader that is used for . This command uses the setup. pyd |--test. machinery. py: This is normally the input source code that you've written. extension import Extension from Cython. pyd这样的文件,可以正常调用的,不需要改名。 清除生成的文件. Compile Python source code files into pyc binary files based on Python version 3. 性能提升: Python扩展模块 通常由C语言或C++等语言编写,这使得它们在执行时可以比纯Python代码更高效。 通过将Python代码编译成扩展模块,可以 Upload File : Click to upload . 要用import來使用. txt for a full list. py"运行我的应用程序时,这是可行 Pyd files can be called directly through import, and the use method is the same as that of . However, if you attempt to open a PYD file, you will find it is an unreadable binary file. lib. pyd you can import the module directly into your main. Here is something that would work for me: from apple import __init__ With apple being the . core import setup from distutils. pyd file in the same location as the original . EXTENSION_SUFFIXES (note: on Linux/macOS it will have . pyd 文件实际上是通过将 Python 的 C 扩展模块(*. Improve this answer. A Pyd file, also known as a Python Dynamic Module, is a compiled Python extension module with the . pyd file using cython to encrypt our code or to increase the speed of our algorithm. path. Build模块来配置编译过程。 cythonizer. py文件中,你可能会好奇上面三种类型的文件到底有什么用。如果想要对他们有清晰的理解,我们可以先简单了解一下 python解释器 是 pydumpck xxx. I also use Nuitka to conver Modules. toml example above shows the changes I've made (the commented blocks). 5 for *. pyx of the Cython extension:. You do not link your . (See TODO. pyd即可。 可刪除build資料夾跟first. pip. pyd is basically a Windows . 其內容如下: import first Upload File : Click to upload . py文件,这是一个用于指导Python如何编译和安装扩展模块的脚本。setup. For example, uncompyle6is awesome, but it has a fundamental problem in the way it handles control flow. pyx pip install easycython will automatically create an executable script in your Scripts/ folder, so you should be able to simply: $ easycython myext. pyx文件转换为. from ctypes import cdll #load dll file , the file in the same . 1k次,点赞7次,收藏24次。本文介绍了Python中的三种文件类型:pyc(字节码文件)用于加速import速度,pyd(动态链接库)是编译后的可执行文件,以及如何手动或通过Cython和setuptools编译生成这些文件。重点讲述了pyd的编译过程和将文件放置到系统位置以便全局使用。 最近在学习openCV发现,想查看源码时,发现程序是通过pyd格式的文件编译过的,于是去网上了解一下,pyd文件如何生成以及其作用。 2. The problem starts when I upload my solution to a cloud enviroment, the buildpack requests that I pass every module as a package to be installed with pip install module. py file, I tried running. If you have a DLL named foo. Best & secure online pyd converter is custom developed tool by Filproinfo. pyc 或 . pyd my_module_3. py)。. pyd extension. pyd 文件的兼容性、配置环境变量、使用正确的 Python 版本。 其中,导入 . py files, such as test. And then a normal python file to import your . pyd in app. py文件,像正常调用python模块或者包一样调用pyd文件,一般生成的pyd文件会相比py文件多了一些信息,例如会生成demo. pyd文件。使用Cython将Python包转换成. pyi文件的命名约定通常与相应的. Usage 文章浏览阅读2. exe with foo. pyd文件. com . pyd that works pretty fine once it is put manually onto the site-packages of python installation folder. Open cmd as admin, type python -m nuitka --module file. But you can get __file__ after module was loaded:. com, all files processing perform on our own dedicated cloud servers under dynamic file system that automatically remove all processed files from our cloud servers after 1 to 24 hours. 8, and up. 建立一個run. exe shall refer to Modules. pyc: This is the compiled bytecode. exe -d main for only target main. pyx, then include them into the main . pth file to your site-packages, enabling sitecustomize. Demo. pyc files that were created with optimizations (-O) flag. I ve created a folder with a simple __init__. Python的文件类型介绍:. A PYD file is a dynamic module compiled from source code written in Python programming language. py 文件。 请注意,像 . When you create a PYD file, you will save it with a . The structure of the BRISK source code is at the bottom of this question for reference. Hot Network Questions What does "in the open" mean in "an enclosed area in which domestic animals or birds can run freely in the open. pyc extensions. pyd file: runMyScript. py 同目录下新建个 setup. Pyd file made with python, cython and pyinstaller 3. pyx" include "mod3. 我们平时写的python代码都保存在. pyd available to python by putting it in site packages or Screenshot of the main application window. Make brisk. py 这将从 . pyd 文件,你只需要像导入普通的 Python 模块那样使用 import 语句。 最近用python写了一个小程序,想发布出去让人试用又不想暴露源码,搜索了一下发现将py文件编译成pyd文件就能达到目的。转换过程很简单,但是在调用pyd文件并且打包为单个exe文件的时候遇到一个坑,搞了一天才解决,在这里分享一下。首先安装cython库,个人比较喜欢用清华的镜像库,速度快。 只需保留first. Distutils import build_ext setup( Python有py、pyc、pyw、pyo、pyd等文件格式,其中除py其他格式起到了不暴露源码的作用,相当于c语言中的动态库。Python的脚本文件是开源的,若直接发布桌面软件问题很严重。因为这是公司的产品,需要保护源码。那么要对Python代码进行混淆加密保护。Python有py、pyc、pyw、pyo、pyd等文件格式。 文章浏览阅读62次。cython编译命令。 pyd】 windows10下Cython转化C文件后通过python3调用mingw64编译pyd1. pyd-rw-rw-r-- 1 testuser testuser 234 Nov 14 13:08 struct-rw-rw-r-- 1 testuser testuser 671K Nov 14 13:08 unicodedata. pyx files into the corresponding compiled . py files. pyd (as well as foo. pip install easycython will automatically create an executable script in your Scripts/ folder, so you should be able to simply: $ easycython myext. . 但是,对于 Python 的动态链接库文件(. pyo 和. py files to . txt pyd文件可以直接通过import进行调用,使用方法与. While it’s theoretically possible to grab the bytecode out of that and decompile it, I know of no tool out there that has this ability. py 文件,具体代码如下在生成之前或许我们需要先做一个事情,那就是安装vs_buildtools在命令行或终端 cd 到这个目录下,输入命令如何调用补充pyc与pyd区别 pyd 特点及生成方式 我们知道 windows Use cython on myScript. You can then write Python import foo, and Python will search for foo. pyx" Then, compile using a setup. py or . Manu N . 7, 3. pyd 文件本质上是一个包含 Python 代码的库文件,可以被其他 Python 应用程序调用和使用。 通过使用Cython编译器,可以快速得把python文件打包为一个动态链接库,这个动态链接库也就是pyd。pyd相较于python源码 写在前面:文章内容为本人的学习过程,路过大神不喜勿喷! 一、编译成pyd的好处. py file (Python Compile to Pyc) or . pyd文件类型,同时还将介绍其他的python程序是如何调用由这三种格式的文件保存的 字节码 。. 文章浏览阅读2w次,点赞20次,收藏143次。本文介绍了如何使用auto-py-to-exe工具将Python程序打包成EXE文件,包括安装步骤、打包方法及注意事项。通过图形界面,用户可以轻松选择打包方式,如单文件或单目录,并处理包含资源文件的情况。同时提供了打包过程中的实例,演示了如何打包不含资源文件 要将 . packageA. py Then, in the test. . The file encoding supported by the. pyo: This was a file format used before Python 3. py 这里有一个要注意的点: 文章浏览阅读2. py script to build the . generated pyd has a identical layout as C++ namespace. py:from setuptools import setupfrom Cython. You can now test the created Pyd file by importing it in a Python script or interactive session. Example: $ python easycython. pyd files are dll’s, but there are a few differences. py and secert. dll file for python which can be called in any python script but its not readable and . Convert PYD online & free tool, that does not required any registrations and installations on your system, use from any device with a modern browser like Chrome, Opera and Firefox. pyd | . I am using the OR- Distutils without library path: First I tried to build the source as is with distutils and the following setup. py into Modules. pyd is a Windows binary and will not work on other OS (macOS, Linux). pyo/. py" (3) app. py文件来定义编译设置,最后通过命令行执行编译命令生 I wish to package my script as an executable so that I can run it on a computer that does not have Python installed. easycython. 0. pyd文件的关键步骤。通过编写一个setup. pyc. pyo 是python字节码文件,但由一些较低版本的解释器编译的字节码可以通过 uncompyle6 库进行反编译,而 . pyd 等类型的文件,其中,. pyd import * from SomeClass import * Python有py、pyc、pyw、pyo、pyd等文件格式。其中,pyc是二进制文件。但很容易被反编译。pyw也不行,只是隐藏命令行界面而已,可以作为入口脚本。pyo和pyc差不多,也容易被反编译。最后剩下pyd. 2 拷贝vcruntime140. Put it somewhere and do it 1 time only. py(python3). pyd and test. A . 什么是auto-py-to-exeauto-py-to-exe 是一个用于将Python程序打包成可执行文件的图形化工具。本文就是主要介绍如何使用 auto-py-to-exe 完成 python 程序打包。auto-py-to-exe 基于 pyinstaller ,相比于 pyinst deobfuscate python from [https://pyobfuscate. pyd的结果。不过一个有趣的现象是,如果你ctrl+鼠标左键跳转的话,会跳转到To_pyd. /test-py-leveldb. pyd; import deimos. py to . If you remember from the previous example, we will need to import this module to make use of it. module import myclass当我使用命令" python main. append(os. pyd in the same directory as the Python script, and __init__ of pydumpck xxx. pyc files, then you know that versions 3. Yes, . only support AES 128 bit now; The installation process will add a pyconcrete. pyd in current directory. py文件,我们可以方便地配置编译过程。setup. from SomeClass. py build_ext --inplace来编 python批量py转pyd,#Python批量py转pyd的实现方法作为一名经验丰富的开发者,你可能会遇到一些需要将Python代码转换为Pyd文件的场景。在这篇文章中,我将向你介绍如何使用Python来实现批量py转pyd的功能。我们将通过以下步骤来完成这个任务:1. For example: python -m nuitka --module "c:\Program Files\Python\Lib\site-packages\PySimpleGUI\PySimpleGUI. pyx or even: 今天科普下各类Python代码文件的后缀,给各位Python开发“扫扫盲”。. pyd文件进行编译以提高安全性和效率,并介绍了编译工具如cython和MicrosoftC++的使用方法。通过对比编译前后函数运行时 Run 'Python pyinstxtractor. dll you should use this:. c。. The script will extract all compiled modules and even suggest A . so in there 可以做个小实验,删掉To_pyd. argv[0]), "windll")) # for dll 2. com/pyd] to original code - KhanhNguyen9872/deobf_pyobfuscate. Python 使用 . pyd 文件反编译成 . module pyind; import std. pyd. ipynb是 Jupyter Notebook 文件的扩展名,它代表"IPython Notebook"。 学过数据分析,机器学习,深度学习的同学一定不陌生! 浅谈pyd相关逆向. 9 and above might be a bit problematic to deal with using the well known tools. Although it does not protect from reverse-engineering, it does make it a lot Decompile Python bytecode with PyLingual, a transformer-based decompiler supporting multiple versions and specifications. nuitka编译生成的文件有*. 新建一个main. py and . pyd|. py文件、编译为. pyd registered in importlib. 6w次,点赞9次,收藏51次。目录 pyd 特点及生成方式 首先需要在 demo. 收集所有需要转换的Python文件路径。 python有py、pyc、pyw、pyo、pyd等文件格式,其中除了py的其他格式都起到了不暴露源码的作用,但是pyc、pyw、pyo容易被反编译,所以就剩pyd格式,该文件格式不会被反编译。本文将py文件生成pyd文件,并通过c++调用的具体过程进行介绍。 一、准备环境 反编译指的是将二进制代码还原为源代码的过程。对于 Python 程序来说,反编译通常指的是将 Python 的字节码文件(*. c file contains our algorithm in c programing language. pyd 文件是最常见且基本的操作。 要导入 . pyd (like DLL or SO) the secret key would be hide in binary code, can't see it directly in HEX view; Encryption. pyd 这样的编译文件的反编译过程可能会导致信息丢失,生成的 . pyd; pyinstaller has an option that can encrypt python bytecode. cp36-win_amd64可刪除,也可以保留,不影響結果。 4. pyd file, but then when I generate the wheel via bdist_wheel I get a pure Python wheel which I think is wrong since there are How do I Decompile . pyd file the same as a DLL? ¶ Yes, . In this Project, we will convert a . pyd is kind of a . __init__. py2exe No, . so(Linux and Mac) or . pyd文件,即Python动态链接库文件。关于动态链接库的优缺点这里就不展开细说了,具体介绍如何编译及使用。 全自动:自动编译当前目录下所有. More information about it is in this this question. pyc Python源代码import后,编译生成的 字节码. 安装mingw643. cp310-win_amd64. 今天科普下各类Python代码文件的后缀,给各位Python开发“扫扫盲”。. py is a script that will attempt to automatically convert one or more . pyd 文件生成 . Copy and paste the header of struct file into [FileName]. c, file. It seems that __file__ variable not available in module init. py in the same directory as the pyd file. It is equivalent to a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) on Windows and a shared library on Normally the following command compilies a python project: python -m compileall <project-name> In Python2 it compiles all . py to automatically import Pyconcrete. What's new: === Jul 27, 2023 === Full refactoring was performed. You can then write Python “import foo”, and Python will search for foo. dll") #call a function from this dll (c-ext) ReturnedValue=mylib. import myScript #the . py文件编译为*. cp39_architecture. Updated requirements. 背景2. py檔可刪除也可以保留。 first. argv[0]), "lib")) # for pyd sys. pyd I want to be able to import these modules independently within Python: import my_module_1 import my_module_2 import my_module_3 The pyproject. The PYD file is to be used on the Windows operating system. pyx" include "mod2. py file to . py依旧可以运行,然后新建一个To_pyd. It's also bundled with a modified pyinstxtractor for making it easy to extract pyinstaller packaged executables. You can then write uncompyle6 translates Python bytecode back into equivalent Python source code. py files into . 0 The PYD files that are used with Python are similar to the DLL files that are used by Windows, but the PYD files are written in the Python programming language. pyc files in a project which contains packages as well as modules. py文件,里面打印其他东西,但是运行结果还是之前To_pyd. py文件一样,例如test. pyd和test. 调用生成的pyd文件. py and lib_base64. 1. py :In below code, the __all__ variable is a list of strings that indicate the names that should be imported when using the * operator. handles almost all the trouble you may face when writing your own code. pyd 文件的方法包括导入 . 此讲解是作者循序渐进的学习中记录下来的笔记,改动成更加详细一些之后发布的。 此前作者在网上寻找了很多pyd逆向相关的教程,有个别说的挺好的,但是都有些缺少的内容,这里把要用到的内容基本都系统的说了。 文章浏览阅读6. pyx. /test-py3-leveldb. cp36-win_amd64. pyd 文件、调用 . FunctionName() Create a hooker. PyToExe Build 230813 v1. This tool only supports uploading files with . py my_module_2. They are modules loaded dynamically by the application, meaning they can be updated without updating the application itself. pyc and save it. py使用方法保持一致。但是,pyd文件不能直接运行,必须通过import来运行。 1 环境准备 如果python环境中没有Cython,可以通过pip直接进行安装。 pip install Cython 2 单个python文件转换 在windows下使用cythonize可以将py文件编译成pyd,这样就完成了初步的python代码加密工作 使用前需要先安装Cython pip install Cython 然后对py文件执行命令cythonize -i -3 --directive always_allow_keywords=true xxx. It is stripped down from uncompyle6so we can refactor and start to fix up some long-standing problems. pyd Python的 动态链接库 (Windows平台dll) PyToExe更新日志 1. pyc) and if it finds it, will attempt to call PyInit_foo() to initialize it. PYD files mostly belong to Python by Python Software Foundation. 我正在使用cython从py到pyd编译一个文件,我按如下方式创建setup. py, foo. py [exe file]' Go to extracted folder and check [FileName]. pyx pip install cythonizer will 1. 1. to produce a pyd file(or its source) instead of just providing a binding library. pyi files). Found two working methods. ) recognize constant declared I then created a python file test. pyd file is a Windows DLL file that contains python code and DLL entry points to run it. ipynb是 Jupyter Notebook 文件的扩展名,它代表"IPython Notebook"。 学过数据分析,机器学习,深度学习的同学一定不陌生! Python代码不想暴露 打包成pyd,#Python代码不想暴露?打包成pyd##引言在软件开发的过程中,保护源代码成为了一个重要的课题。对于使用Python进行开发的程序员来说,如何保护自己的代码不被未经授权的用户查看或修改,是一个亟待解决的问题。本文将探讨如何将Python代码打包成`. Upload File : Click to upload . import sys import os sys. - cckuailong/py2sec If you ever needed to decompile python . Python包如何转换成pyd:使用Cython、通过编写setup. pyc file that contains the bytecode to make importing it again later easier (and faster). py文件, 支持指定目录编译或单文件编译;; 个性化:支持指定排除目录或排除文件跳过编译;; 高效率:默认启动进程数为cpu核心数四分之一, 大多数情况下可以把cpu跑满;; 易纠错:快速纠错, 在编译失 Python的脚本文件是开源的,若直接发布桌面软件问题很严重。特别是公司的产品,需要保护源码;需要对Python代码进行混淆加密保护。. from distutils. Follow answered Jan 29, 2021 at 14:01. stdio; import pyd. build,pyi Alright, so, what I'm trying to do is import a module in folders packed inside of a . 这个还是比较常见的,. 安装python34. py,可以通过编译生成 . Currently I can get the setup. Tell pyinstaller I have a python module module. 8, spanning over 24 years of Python releases. If everything is ok, you will get hello world response and a folder named db . 8. Build import cythonize它在main. py looking like:. py. While it’s theoretically possible to grab the bytecode out of that and decompile it, I know Run pyinstxtractor with the same python version (the one just downloaded) with which the code was compiled. Python: Py_ssize_t, Py_Initialize; import pyd. My problem is that when I am trying to refer to Modules. py and it This is a GUI tool for decompiling Python bytecode . In the early days of Python when there was See more Unlike pyc/bytecode, the pyd files are binaries that do not contain the original python source. py更優先執行,原本的. 12 of py_compile module. Nuitka will create file. exe -d main lib_base64 secert for targets main. so binary modules files. Example: $ python cythonizer. dll6. embedded; shared static this {on_py_init ({def!(knock, ModuleName! "office", Docstring! "a brain specialist works here Introduction. PyToExe Build 230804 v1. py myext. 最常见的Python代码文件后缀名,官方称Python源代码文件。. dll file. pyd檔名後面的. Is a *. In the following code listing, we import lambdas. pyd, then it must have a function PyInit_foo (). ipynb. pyd extension, such as hello. I tried manually copying the . To support all platforms (windows-i686, mac-x86_64, linux-i686, linux-x86_64), you will need to compile and build the Cython code for each of 设置编译脚本是将. pyc/. pycdc speed is more than 10 times faster than uncompyle6, and uncompyle6 is not support for python that version above 3. pyc file (Pyc Decompile to Python). pyc or struct file. md. py # a lambda that returns double whatever number we pass it g = lambda x: x * 2. Contribute to ariovistus/pyd development by creating an account on GitHub. pyc) and if it finds it, will attempt to call PyInit_foo() to And everything is good to go now. import SomeClass. py文件里面去,即使打印的东西不一样。 A PYD file is a dynamic link library (DLL) written in Python that can be imported like a Python file. pyd文件,说让我跑个数据。然后我就傻了。。不知道多少粉丝小伙伴会run. I am using PyInstaller to create an executable to my_program. py 文件 Interoperability between Python and D. General approach Pyd is a library that provides seamless interoperability between the D programming language and Python. It accepts bytecodes from Python version 1. py 文件,您可以使用像 uncompyle6 这样的反编译器。 这是如何使用它的方法: 使用 pip install uncompyle6 安装 uncompyle6; 运行以下命令:uncompyle6 path/to/file. py # import the lambdas module import lambdas # a main function in which we In Windows you can use *. c 或 *. pyo back to . pyd, then it must have a function PyInit_foo(). If you have a DLL named foo. 在实际的Python开发中,为了防止Python脚本源码暴露,常常需要对python源码文件进行加密保护,Python的原始文件格式为. py files to __pycache__ folders in a project which contains packages as well as modules. pyd文件、验证生成的. pyd file. Manu N. 引言. pyd文件是一个常用的方式。首先,你需要确保已安装Cython,然后通过编写setup. pyd會比. I've also tried different combinations of those same sections to no avail. py文件中,我们需要使用setuptools模块和Cython. py (I have just started learning distutils so this is a shot in the dark). Whereas in Python3 it compiles all . Step 6: Test the Pyd File. Share. With browning from this post: 前言. pydumpck xxx. py code, which is: import PySimpleGUI 把要分析的pyd文件拖到对应32位或64位的IDA: 大概所有的pyd都只有这个一个导出函数,当这个pyd模块被其他py脚本import时会调用这个导出函数进行模块初始化。 跳转到dword_1000634C可以看到一个结构体,里面有一个关键的成员__pyx_moduledef_slots。 Run python . 将要打包的脚本,放在非中文路径下,在路径下新增一个setup. pyo)转换为 Python 源代码文件(. The --inplace option ensures that the compiled Pyd file is placed in the same directory as the source files. Python decompiler for version 3. vghjdu wsmko qms ztjnzj nmpfg bwoi csfoo ywkkztws gmmj zhz hdps zcw cwvjre povbv rbtvzt