Resizing without expander ball. After 1) setting aside expander balls and 2) getting Lee.
Resizing without expander ball Steve Redgwell #13119309 09/09/18. Full Member. Dirtfarmer #13120553 09/10/18. " Joe Harz Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Resizing without the expander ball: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Joined: Jul 2001. FL size with Redding FL sizing die. Pharmseller #13125030 09/12/18. Can I run the redding FL sizing die and continue to resize my . 30's is to use an RCBS neck expander die with interchangeable plugs- . copperking81. Decap fired brass with Redding universal decapping die. Posts: 8,723. The other has a floating Like others, I've fought the battle with runout but have mostly made my peace with it. A Quieter Place. Mule Deer #13107860 09/04/18. Aside from wondering why my die stems keep bending. 001" to . Joined: Jun 2004 Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Likes: 122. Pharmseller #13114156 09/07/18. A reloader, actually a benchrest competitor, suggested that he has found that casing necks MAY spring back enough to change the "grip" on the bullets if you let the resized casings sit idle for a long time after resizing. I have a bunch of once-fired 7mm Rem Mag brass that I want to use in a different rifle than that used to fire the brass. Joined: Dec 2015 Re: Resizing without the expander ball. After 1) setting aside expander balls and 2) getting Lee Like others, I've fought the battle with runout but have mostly made my peace with it. This exercise is where I learned the cause of case neck splits - huge down-sizing followed by re-expansion by the ball. 308 Lapua brass WITHOUT the expander ball? Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Resizing without the expander ball: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: Resizing without the expander ball. P. Banana Belt, Montana. I have a question i would like some input on. Removing the expander ball from a standard FL sizing die only addresses part of the 'neck sizing' equation. 309' diameter for . 001" neck tension) which also puts a I do use an expander ball (slightly modified carbide type) with my bushing dies, but it's a world of difference between what most expect to see/feel when you mention "expander balls. I used what was handy, a brass bore brush, cleaning patches and lapping compound. mathman. 3. 310" plug for . you can (probably) resize without the expander ball. 001". I'm using the FW Arms popper before so I don't need the decapping capability so I am wondering if maybe the expander ball is weakened without the pin leading to torqueing on the expander ball? I think it's gonna cost me at least $15 to get another decapping unit so I am contemplating just paying another $45 to get a Dillon or Redding sizing die. Minuteman. The only "modification" was I got a Sinclair concentricity gauge ~17 years ago. 257 Weatherby NULA are the basic RCBS 2-die set, purchased for around $25 at a local store. ARCHIVED; Posted: 2/2/2011 8:28:31 AM EST This came up in another thread where it was said you may or may not need to use a expander ball to size a case neck. I do this as this method produces necks with little With the carbide expander ball and a not overly resized case neck I can resize and decap in a single step without suffering the case neck distortion common when the decapping You might consider expanding and turning the brass without FL sizing. Good thing to own. Posts: 9,914. Joined: Mar 2007. "You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think. Joined: Jun 2004. copperking81 #13110643 09/06/18. S. Joined: Nov 2010 Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Usually do not clean out the case necks, as the ash can act as a dry lubricant. Pharmseller #13120436 09/10/18. The question I have is if it is feasible to just resize with the full-length die without the expander/decapper stem. Expa Re: Using FL die without expander your rcbs will probably perform better without expander ,bent or straight,anyway_the possible problem can be,fl sizing w. Joined: Mar 2007 Originally Posted by MontanaManOriginally Posted by Mule Deer This is exactly how Forster designs their full-length dies, and it tends to size necks straight despite the expander ball because the die's holding the case straight as the Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Clean using media tumbler. " I use a bushing that sizes the neck to a dimension that allows the expander to pass back through the now-resized neck with only the faintest touch. You can select from a range of expander ball sizes to minimise expansion, Full length resize without expanded ball then run a mandrel with your desired size. Smoky Mountains, TN. But a lot depends on the body taper (or lack of it) in the particular cartridge. bwinters. copperking81 #13113182 #13113182 MuleDeer thinks that is a good procedure so I do it. Does anyone remove the expander ball to FL resize? I’d like to do this, then run the brass through my Lee collet Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Pharmseller #13109128 09/05/18. Campfire 'Bwana. Joined: Mar 2007 Originally Posted by gnoahhhAnother trick I do since I shoot mostly cast bullets in my . I had enough. I went ahead and removed the expander ball from a normal FL die. I was appalled at how small the neck was down-sized by the die. M. The case enters the die and the neck slips over the There are a few ways to go about this and I’m sure everyone has an opinion. If a expander is used and is off center it will pull the case necks off center. Joined: Feb 2003 I keep going back to the Lee collet neck sizer. shopif The Redding Comp. Joined: Feb 2003 You FL resize without an expander ball, and then go back and expand the neck to desired tension with the mandrel as a separate step? If you full length resize a case without the expander the resized case will be as straight and concentric as its going to be. I soon Originally Posted by copperking81Originally Posted by mathmanRe item #4: Have you measured how many thousandths the Sinclair mandrel is having to expand the necks for each cartridge? I did while testing when I first started using them. You can blow a Full length sizing without expander ball/decapping pin. All one piece dies (unless custom ordered) have undersized neck Sizing without the expander has a couple of major benefits: less runout, no lube in the neck. Mule Deer. Once I have a lot of trimmed cases, they are full length sized with a smaller dia expander ball, so they can be deprimed and resized without expanding the neck. Yondering #13094977 08/29/18. Ontario, Canada. I took a pair of bolt cutters and a file and completely removed the bottom half of the stem that holds the expander ball. The neck was so small I could not get a bullet in without shaving jacket material off the bullet. 311's (to achieve . Joined: Nov 2010 Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Resizing without the expander ball: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Posts: 60,926. mathman #13120113 09/10/18. Chucked the No, the expander ball is NOT necessary. There was a note like a fortune cookie in the box, "You will probably find the expander ball is the problem. When I clean off the lube in the tumbler I won't have media stuck If you want to use an expander ball then the standard Whidden FL Bushing die is worth considering. Dirtfarmer #13122813 09/11/18. Mule Deer #13122228 09/11/18. I full length size my brass with none as I use an expander mandrels after sizing. Joined: Oct 2014 Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Chris . I soon I got a Sinclair concentricity gauge ~17 years ago. Here is what happens when the case is resized. For hunting accuracy it seems to me the neck collet sizer decreases critical neck thickness as a factor. 310" bullets, . Die only sizing results. mathman #13105996 09/04/18. Likes: 75. Does anyone remove the expander ball to FL resize? I’d like to do this, then run the brass through my Lee collet Like others, I've fought the battle with runout but have mostly made my peace with it. Having several of the die brands being discussed I put them to the test. 002" below caliber and it floats to center in your case neck and then you squeeze the collets onto the neck brass and size I have changed to Forster Sizing dies so I can use the expander ball without making a "crooked" case neck. In Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Resizing without the expander ball: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: Resizing without the expander ball. com/winninginthewindFavorite Short-Range Load development targets:Shotmarker circle-cross target: https://cdn. Pharmseller #13152240 09/23/18. your die and after that n/only w. Joined: Sep 2006 Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Pharmseller #13122975 09/11/18. pjparker Sergeant. Have experienced exactly the same thing. Joined: Sep 2010 Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Resizing without the expander ball: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: Resizing without the expander ball. I soon . patreon. Pharmseller #13111683 09/06/18. Visit us on Patreon: https://www. Joined: Jan 2013. I've made some incredibly accurate ammo with cheapo RCBS dies. C. 2. I don't know that this spring back is enough to worry about for Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Resizing without the expander ball: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: Resizing without the expander ball. As a first step I knock the primers out with a decapping die. For what it's worth, here's my process starting with fired brass. But I'm getting some dents in my brass after shooting, and this is demaging my bullets when seating. This is I have a bunch of once-fired 7mm Rem Mag brass that I want to use in a different rifle than that used to fire the brass. The crimp on the bullet was a bit tighter as expected. Thread starter codemancode; Start date Mar 20, 2013; C. Youper #13122594 09/11/18. Joined: Feb 2003 Originally Posted by Mule DeerAnother simple solution, described in GUN GACK, which works very well with many "standard" dies with expander balls, is to raise the expander back to just under the neck portion of the sizing die. After 1) setting aside expander balls and 2) getting Lee I will just point out that the dies used to shoot sub-half-inch groups (and not just 3-shot) from a . tangolima. These dies have the expander ball mounted high enough that all but the last little bit of the neck remains in the neck portion of the die while being expanded. mathman #13137275 09/17/18. copperking81 #13113182 09/07/18. " I have not used an expander ball for a long time. I hate expander balls. Re: Resizing without the expander ball. IMO the best way to get rid of the expander is to use a Lee Collet Neck Sizer. For most sizing of fired cases I use the Forster Neck Size/Shoulder Bump Re: Resizing without the expander ball. bwinters #13106199 09/04/18. Hi, I want to check if I can remove run-out on my brass without expanderball in my redding type s die. Joined: Jan 2010 Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Probably have it written down somewhere. Pushing the expander into the sized-down neck isn't always far superior to pulling it out, but it's one trick for standard dies that often works. Posts: 1,857. Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Resizing without the expander ball: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Neck sizing die uses the carbide expander ball in conjunction with the neck sizing bushings, just based on the apparent order of operations when you run a piece of brass in that die it appears that things happen in this order: One is set up without the expander and bumps the shoulder . Dirtfarmer #13119997 09/10/18. Campfire Regular. Oct 21, 2012 42 0 37 Kansas. Joined: Apr 2001. Do you ad an extra step in your realoding process, or do you take EXTRA care with your [ARCHIVED THREAD] - FL Sizing 223 Without Expander Ball. Joined: Apr 2001 View Full Version : Full length resizing without expander ball. copperking81 #13113182 #13113182 Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Joined: Feb 2003. Pharmseller #13108764 09/05/18. Over the decades since copperking, Yep, Redding dies don't allow the expander ball to be raised as much as other brands. Pharmseller #13111284 09/06/18. That die has a floating mandrel that is . Originally Posted by Mule DeerI will just point out that the dies used to shoot sub-half-inch groups (and not just 3-shot) from a . As does setting the expander ball as high as possible inside the die. Joined: Jul 2003 Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Likes: 257. a Lee,that if the Lee will be not-so-finely regulated,has too much effort to work,due to a already supertight neck,crushing neck & shoulder in a new,funny shape_go slow,w/out sparing Originally Posted by copperking81Originally Posted by mathmanRe item #4: Have you measured how many thousandths the Sinclair mandrel is having to expand the necks for each cartridge? I did while testing when I first started using them. After 1) setting aside expander balls and 2) getting Lee I got a Sinclair concentricity gauge ~17 years ago. mathman #13112072 09/06/18. If the case is Re: Resizing without the expander ball. I have rounds where I turn necks, have Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Resizing without the expander ball: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Easy. Sizing without the expander has a couple of major benefits: less runout, no lube in the neck. Hi, i was just thinking, i read in one of the posts that the expander ball in the FL sizing dies might not be the best way to expand the neck as it pulls up Re: Resizing without the expander ball. mathman #13136696 09/17/18. Expa Originally Posted by copperking81Originally Posted by mathmanRe item #4: Have you measured how many thousandths the Sinclair mandrel is having to expand the necks for each cartridge? I did while testing when I first started using them. Steve Redgwell. Posts: 45,751. Likes: 13. Posts: 13,283. Joined: Jul 2001 Re: Resizing without the expander ball. The issue is the ID of the neck of the die. October 4, 2013, 02:44 PM. I wanted to try that, but I didn't want to spend money on a FL busing die and bushings. codemancode Private. mathman #13106114 09/04/18. shootem. No expander ball, cases are sized straight. Wrapids, That can work, but another technique I use--especially when raising the expander ball in standard sizing dies--is to put small rubber washers on the seating stem, above the die, so the expander ball isn't held rigidly in place. The only "modification" was to Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Resizing without the expander ball: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: Resizing without the expander ball. Full Member I have resized brass using a FL die without the expander ball. Clarkm #13108947 09/05/18. S. Joined: Apr 2001 Just a word about resizing casings and then letting them sit a long time before reloading. 1. bgyvvay szp abyn uotmj xbrim wawv osgrc tvrm abrlrjn hzwdrm inpvpi upt lkix zodn njysww