Shelby county electrical code. Office of Construction Code Enforcement.
Shelby county electrical code Residential Code 4. Sec. How far does my structure need to be from my property lines? The table below includes the setback requirements for accessory structures in the most common zoning districts. ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - Memphis Tennessee Code Enforcement 1225 Vollintine Avenue, Memphis, TN. The department keeps record of all approved permits and inspections, which can provide pertinent information to current and future Memphis/Shelby County Div of Planning & Development - Trade License Issuance/Renewal. 1123 County Services Dr. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2021. 2 Appointment. 7 AS FOLLOWS: 109. settings. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that Shelby County Code section 6, article II, currently encoded at § 644, is hereby amended to reflect these amendments, - as set International Electrical Code – Whenever the word “International Electrical Code” is used in this code herein adopted, it shall mean the 2020 Edition of the Code Summary; Life Safety plan; Scope of work; Plumbing designs; Gas designs; Mechanical designs; Electrical designs stamped by an electrical engineer licensed in the State of Alabama. 2024 International Fire Code Construction Industry Craft Training Fee: Pursuant to State of Alabama Act 2015-308, a fee of one dollar for every one thousand dollars of construction authorized shall apply to any non-residential building permit. 1 in the MSC Building Code. Judge Executive . International Existing Building Code. Refer to sizing a panelboards and load centers and sizing the right capacity of a subpanel. Judge Executive; Deputy Judge Executive; Fiscal Court . Roiwin Assistant County Attorney JOINT ORDINANCE NO. Building Inspections The electrical panel must have a sufficient ampere rating to handle the total load of the electrical system. International Electrical Code – Whenever the word “International Electrical Code” is used in The 2014 edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) and those local amendments attached to Joint Ord. 419, § (d Building permits may be issued to the property and building owners when so allowed by the Memphis and Shelby County technical codes boards and State of Tennessee Contractors’ License Laws. 80 an hour. The 2014 edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) is hereby adopted by reference as if set out in its the 2008 National Electric Code, shall be known as the 2012Memphis and Shelby County Joint Electrical Code, part of the 201 Joint Technical 2 Code for Memphis and Shelby Effective January 1, 2019, Memphis and Shelby County Office of Construction Code Enforcement will implement the following codes along with local amendments: 2015 Edition International If seeking a building permit in the City of Memphis or unincorporated Shelby County, an applicant should first determine whether the use is allowed by looking at Article 2, Districts and Uses as set forth in the Unified Development Code Electrical code adopted by reference. Pelham, AL 35124-6128 Map. Summit Hill Dr. No. - In addition to the inspections specified above the Building amendments thereto and will be known as the 2012 Memphis and Shelby County Building Code (MSCBC) International Electrical Code, Code . gov. 502-633-0692 . § 6-44. 2 AS FOLLOWS: 103. ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - We supply more than 400,000 customers in the City of Memphis and Shelby County area with electricity, natural gas, and water. Separate permits are required for building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, sprinklers, underground fire service The adoption of the 2021 edition of the ICC International Existing Building Code, Appendices, and local amendments attached thereto, shall be implemented known as the 2021 Memphis and Shelby County Existing Building Code, and shall be implemented through their inclusion in the appropriate section of the Memphis and Shelby County Building Code joint ordinance amending the joint electrical code of memphis and shelby county so as to adopt the 2020 edition of the national electrical code with local amendments and setting applicable fees for permits and inspections. Sort by: relevance - date. 2. Adopted by: Memphis City Council – Ordinance #5484 (12/18/12) Shelby County Commission – Ordinance # 419 (09/10/12) - 2 - Chapter 1 – General . Electrical or Specialist Contractor- The term Electrical or Specialist Contractor as used in the CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. 528 JOINT ORDINANCE MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY ELECTRIC CODE § 6-74. The Shelby County Building Inspector is responsible for the following within the county: Commercial and Residential Building Permit Issuance. Master welders must be 24 years old and have worked as journeyman electricians for at least four years. § 6-42. Permit Fees . § 6-9. brooks, jr. CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. - Local amendments. Local amendments. - MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY BUILDING CODES ARTICLE II. The Electrical Code Board oversees the licensure regulations in Shelby County. Main St. The average residential electric bill in Shelby County, TN is $138. The Memphis and Shelby County Building Code Board is responsible for: Acting as advisers to the administrator, building official, or chief inspectors Considering suggested changes in the Standard Codes, National Electrical Code, and other proposed changes in the Joint Technical Codes ; County Members Are: David Grant Julie Furr . BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS: Article I. Memphis, TN. Plumbing Code 7. com. The 2014 Edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) is hereby adopted by reference as if set out in its entirety herein, A JOINT ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY BUILDING CODE SO AS TO ADOPT THE 2021 EDITION OF THE ICC INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE AND LOCAL AMENDMENTS. International Electrical Code – Whenever the word “International Electrical Code” is used in this code herein adopted, it shall mean the 2008 Edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC) with Local Amendments and will be known as the Joint Electrical Code (JEC Your Nashville electrical license will need a renewal on March 31 of each year. Its functions are to: Act as advisors to the administrator ; Consider suggested changes in the Standard Codes, National Electrical Code, and other proposed changes in the Joint Technical Codes NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE That the 20, 18 Memphis and Shelby County Electrical Code is repealed in its entirety on the effective date of this ordinance. UTILITIES MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY ELECTRIC CODE. See Section 103. Regulation of buildings, plumbing, sewerage, electrical wiring. MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY BUILDING CODES § 6-41. Effective date. (Supp. Shelby County Code Enforcement 6465 Mullins Station Road, Memphis, TN Enforces construction, building, demolition, electrical, and licensing codes, and can be contacted to report unsafe housing conditions or inoperable vehicles. AMEND SECTION 109. 00. Shelby County City of Memphis. ; Circuit breakers must be rated correctly for the circuits they protect. Bartlett, TN Electricity Overview. and Shelby County Technical Codes and Fees 1. Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. 6-74. Ordinance consistent with health rules. Vocational Instructor - Electrical - Hardeman County Correctional Facility. , commissioner david bradford and commissioner brandon morrison. Project Plan Review. aspx Once logged in In accordance with the Building Codes, construction work should remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved. al Code (NEC Shelby County Electrical Permit 419 Washington Street Shelbyville, KY 40065 . 6465 Mullins Station Road Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 222-8300. The Plumbing Code Board is a joint commission consisting of member from Shelby County and the City of Memphis. These include the: Memphis Light, Gas, and Water Division (MLGW) 220 S. Sign up for our newsletter, Watts Up in Energy, to receive updates on the latest energy news. Functions & Authority The Memphis and Shelby County Building Code Board is responsible for: Acting as advisers to the administrator, building official, or chief inspectors BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That Chapter 6, Article VI, Section of the Shelby County Code of Ordinances, currently encoded at §§ 6185, et seq. 502-647-0449 Fax . Current Codes Fee Schedules; For additional assistance with the online application process, please contact the Develop901 Office at (901) 636-7384. 400+ jobs. 00 AND A SURCHARGE OF $1. are also adopted and together these provisions and the 2014 NEC shall become the 2018 Memphis and Shelby County Electrical MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY ELECTRIC CODE § 6-73. ***CALL BEFORE YOU DIG- #811*** IT’STHELAW! Effective January 1, 2019, Memphis and Shelby County Office of Construction Code Enforcement will implement the following codes along with local amendments: 2015 Edition International Building Code with Local Amendments 2014 Edition National Electric Code Shelby County 2012 Joint Electrical Code . - MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY ELECTRIC CODE. All work must be inspected as prescribed by law. Electrical Code 6. § 6-73. CoreCivic. §§ 6-11 . § 6-8. Electrical Permit Issuance. The adoption of the 2021 edition of the ICC International Existing Building Code, Appendices, and local amendments attached thereto, shall be implemented known as the 2021 Memphis and Shelby County Existing Building Code, and shall be implemented through their inclusion in the appropriate section of the Memphis and Shelby County Building Code CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. County Administration Building 160 N Main Street Memphis, TN 38103 Phone: 901-222-2300 CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Knoxville, TN 37902 Ph: (865) 632-2101; Demographics; Code Enforcement Daily Permit Reports: NOTICE: After date 10/05/2020 you will find reports located here: https://aca-prod. Click here to hide the map. Other remedies. Energy Conservation Code 5. Mechanical Code 8. Updated code year of National Electrical Code October 1, 2013 Front cover Updated revision date December 2, 2013 Memphis/Shelby County Contractor/ Trades Examinations Memphis/Shelby County Code Department 6465 Mullin Station Road Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 222-8300 Shelby County Code Enforcement 6465 Mullins Station Road, Memphis, TN Enforces construction, building, demolition, electrical, and licensing codes, and can be contacted to report unsafe housing conditions or inoperable vehicles. - MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY BUILDING CODES; Collapse ARTICLE III. Res / Comm: ELECTRICAL PERMIT # Job Address: City: Type of Construction: the National Electric Code and County Ordinances. - MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY ELECTRIC CODE ARTICLE III. , is- amended to . ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - Shelby County Electrical suppliers Duke Energy and Rush-Shelby Energy prefer that the meter base be located 6 ft 6 inches from the final grade to the center of the meter socket. The Town of Collierville will be enforcing the 2018 International Codes and the 2017 National Electrical Code with local amendments. Electrical load calculation; Short-circuit study; Utilization equipment and panelboard schedules CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Journeyman electricians in Shelby County must be at least 20 years old and have lots of experience. International Code Council Electric Code with certain local amendments thereto, now collectively known as the 2012 Joint Electrical Code of Memphis and Shelby County; and WHEREAS, The International Code Council will no longer update its edition of an model electrical code, The Shelby County Code of Ordinances (see below) contains the laws of Shelby County and are applicable in the unincorporated areas of Shelby County. (Code 1992, § 6-52; Joint Ord. AMEND SECTION 103. ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - Expand ARTICLE II. develop901. Electricity MLGW is supplied with electricity by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), a federal agency that sells electricity on a nonprofit basis to its 159 distributors. Amend Section R101. sponsored by chairman willie f. 6465 Mullins Station Road - Memphis, Tennessee 38134 . accela. View a listing of all of Shelby The 2014 edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) is further amended by adoption of the local amendments attached to Joint Ord. . 1. For additional assistance with the online application process, please contact the Develop901 Office at (901) 636-7384. ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - Be advised Memphis and Shelby County Office of Construction Code Enforcement currently enforces the 2021 edition of the INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) with local amendments. If you are not a State of Tennessee or Shelby The Shelby County Electrical Code Board, for example, grants journeyman and master electrician licenses in Shelby County, Tennessee. Author: Vasco A. 7 Other Inspections. The 2014 Edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) is hereby adopted by reference as if set out in its entirety herein, a copy of said code being on file in the Office of Council Records of the Memphis City Council. Section 101 Item #: 37 Moved by: BRADFORD Prepared by: Bobb Decker Shelby Co. This development code is designed and enacted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of Memphis and Shelby County by lessening or preventing congestion in the public streets; securing safety from fire and other dangers; Electrical jobs in Shelby County, TN. ; Overcurrent protection (circuit breakers) must be sized according to the load • Electrical • Energy Conservation Land Use & Development Services / Zoning Enforcement: Permitting, inspections, and enforcement of the Unified Development Code • Land use entitlements SHELBY COUNTY Code Enforcement FUNCTIONS IN MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY. Joint ordinance amending the Joint Electrical Code of Memphis and Shelby County so as to adopt the 2020 Edition of the National Electrical Code with local amendments and setting applicable fees for permits and inspections. 19. 566, enacted January 13, 2025. 297 The Mechanical / Gas Code Board is a joint board consisting of members from both the City of Memphis and Shelby County. Title: Currently, there are two companies that offer utility services to Shelby County residents. aspx Once logged United States Code » Shelby County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 6. (Code 1992, § 6-51; Joint Ord. 23-05-“O” ADOPTED: Agreement with the Illinois Department of Agriculture, the National Electrical Code as adopted by the State of Illinois, The National Electrical Safety Code, Illinois Commerce Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, EPA Expand ARTICLE II. Typically responds within 1 day. 495. ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - Enforces Memphis/Shelby County building and safety code regulations (excluding Bartlett and Collierville). The 2014 edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) is hereby adopted by reference as if set out in its entirety herein, a copy of said code being on file in the county commission minutes office. The 2014 edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) is further amended by adoption of the local amendments attached to Joint Ord. ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. The department reviews plans, issues permits and conducts inspection of new building components, as well as inspecting plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems. The provisions of the 2020 Edition of the National Electric Code, and local amendments thereto, The board of county commissioners may provide a means whereby and because of the density of population they may create, provide and establish rules and regulations governing the construction of all buildings, plumbing, sewerage and electrical wiring placed in or on any building or the premises thereof, outside the corporate limits of any city or town situated therein, and all County Electrical, Memphis and Shelby County Fuel Gas, Memphis and Shelby County Mechanical and Memphis and Shelby County Plumbing Codes, which are to be known collectively as Memphis and Shelby County 2021 Technical Codes. Interactive Map. Memphis, TN 38103 Ph: (901) 544-MLGW (6549) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 400 W. 297, § 2, 6-6-2005; Joint Ord. make such changes as necessary to reflect the adoption of this code, in accordance Memphis and Shelby County Electrical, Memphis and Shelby County Fuel Gas, Memphis and Shelby County A JOINT ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY BUILDING CODE SO AS TO ADOPT THE 2021 EDITION OF THE ICC INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND LOCAL AMENDMENTS, INCLUDING CERTAIN APPENDICES 101. SPONSORED BY COMMISSIONER EDMUND FORD, JR. 6-75. Violations. § 6-10. Sign installers, demolition and house moving contractors are also Vasco A. Address. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED That the 20, 20 Edition of theNational Electric. ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - A JOINT ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY BUILDING CODE SO AS TO ADOPT THE 2015 EDITION OF THE ICC INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND LOCAL AMENDMENTS, INCLUDING CERTAIN APPENDICES IN THE ICC BUILDING CODE AND AS LOCALLY DRAFTED 101. 901. ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - The adoption of the 2021 edition of the ICC International Existing Building Code, Appendices, and local amendments attached thereto, shall be implemented known as the 2021 Memphis and Shelby County Existing Building Code, and shall be implemented through their inclusion in the appropriate section of the Memphis and Shelby County Building Code A JOINT ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE SO AS TO ADOPT THE 2015 EDITION OF THE ICC INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE AND LOCAL AMENDMENTS TO REPLACE AN OUTDATED Existing Building, Memphis and Shelby County Electrical, Memphis and Shelby County Fuel Gas, Memphis and CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Latest version. Reserved. 245, 8-21-2001; Joint Ord. 495, including certain amendments to the provision of the NEC and locally drafted Appendix A—Electrical Permit and Inspection Fees, as herein set forth in exhibit A, are also adopted and together these provisions and the 2014 NEC shall become the 2018 Memphis Five members (plus one alternate) appointed by the Shelby County mayor and confirmed by the Shelby County Commission; Vacancies There are no vacancies on this board at this time. Login The mission of the Memphis and Shelby County Division of Planning and Development is to develop and administer plans, programs, and services that result in thriving, livable neighborhoods, connected communities, enhanced human potential, and safe and efficient buildings. 6-73. County Administration Building 160 N Main Street Memphis, TN 38103 Phone: 901-222-2300 NOTICE. CONSTRUCTION CODE ENFORCEMENT . Fuel Gas Code • Proposed to be effective December 31, 2018 subject to approval of both Memphis City Council and Shelby County Commission. They will issue 8 electrical license types for you to legally perform electrical work in the county: from the Code Official of Memphis & Shelby County. 00 FOR Posted 4:04:49 PM. Shelby County, 38134, 38002, 38125, 38111, 38116, 38127, 38118, 38018 and 22 other zip code(s). Building Code 2. Local Amendments . 335, § 1, 8-13-2007; Joint Ord. TO BE RETAINED BY CODE ENFORCEMENT WILL BE $70. gov 2019 NEW FEE SCHEDULE BUILDING SECTION FEES COMMERCIAL FEES ****ALL FEES BELOW DO NOT INCLUDE AN ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE OF $4. Existing Building Code 3. § 6-7. Smith, Jr. - Toggle navigation Shelby County Kentucky. Municipalities exempt from rules. CODE of SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Codified through Ordinance No. IN GENERAL § 6-6. § 6-48. § 6-46. 4. install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be performed, shall first make Memphis and Shelby County. 50 per month. International Energy Conservation Code. gov ordinance by the board of county commissioners of shelby county, tennessee, to amend chapter 16, article ii, section 16- 28, of the code of ordinances of shelby county, tennessee, to set the annual emission fee from non-motor vehicle sources for emissions released in calendar year 2023 and to adjust title v permit fees beginning in 2025 adopted, it shall mean the City of Memphis and County of Shelby, Tennessee. 8 Electrical. § 6-43. STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER RIGHTS-OF-WAY: Chapter 40. AKA: (International Code Council) and NEC (National Electrical Council). com/SHELBYCO/Default. About The PositionThe Internal Support Services Department at the Community Health Agency has anSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. International Residential Code. New Codes Effective January 1, 2022 This development code is enacted pursuant to Title 13 of the Tennessee Code. Ph: (205) 620-6650 Fax: (205) 620-6655. Building Official Reviewed by: Robert B. Incorporated by reference. 3. TAXATION: Chapter 42. The provisions of the 2020 Edition of the The local amendments, including certain amendments to the provision of the NEC and locally drafted Appendix A - Electrical Permit and Inspection Fees, as set forth in Exhibit A [on file with the city] are also adopted and together these provisions and the 2014 NEC shall become the 2018 Memphis and Shelby County Electrical Code. Issues building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, boiler, and elevator Shelby County will issue one permit for your project which will include the structural, electrical, gas, mechanical, and plumbing installation or any combination applicable to your specific project. 7. Office of Construction Code Enforcement. Electrical Section- Whenever the term ³Electrical Section ´ is used in the Electrical code herein adopted, it shall mean the Electrical Section of The City of Bartlett Code Enforcement. Memphis and Shelby County. Adopted. ) modified; Expand PART I - CHARTER PART I - CHARTER; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 4 - A JOINT ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE SO AS TO ADOPT THE 2021 EDITION OF THE ICC INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE AND LOCAL AMENDMENTS TO REPLACE AN OUTDATED MECHANICAL CODE AND SETTING APPLICABLE FEES FOR PERMITS AND Memphis and Shelby County (a) No ordinance for the grant of a franchise for an electric distribution system or a natural or artificial gas distribution system as set forth in section 8-271 shall be granted except under such terms and conditions as shall preserve the financial integrity of the Memphis light, gas and water division and the amount of payments in lieu of taxes received by the county from the Memphis SHELBY COUNTY, ILLINOIS AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE OF SHELBY COUNTY, ILLINOIS 2023 No. O Knowledge of industrial and electrical codes and standards. MLGW is TVA's largest distributor, purchasing CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. § 6-47. 222-8300 – website: www. 529: 11- 1-2021 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Mechanical Code so as to adopt the 2021 Edition of CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Its responsibilities include: Acting as advisers to the administrator, building official, or chief inspectors Considering suggested changes in the Standard Codes and National Electrical Code , as well as proposed changes in the B, including certain amendments to the NEC and locally drafted Appendix A—Electrical Permit and Inspection Fees, as herein set forth in exhibit A hereto, are also adopted and together these provisions and the 2020 NEC shall be known as the 2021 The Shelby County Building Inspector Department is established to protect the public health and safety of the citizens of Shelby County by ensuring that all new buildings comply with the Indiana State Building Code. § 6-45. - BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That Chapter 6, Article II of the Shelby County Code of Ordinances is amended to make such changes as necessary to implement the update of this code, in accordance with the changes shown in (Electrical Power and Lighting System). Issues building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, boiler, and elevator Shelby County Electrical Permit 419 Washington Street Shelbyville, KY 40065 502-633-0692 502-633-7623 Fax ELECTRICAL PERMIT # _____ Res / Comm: _____ the National Electric Code and County Ordinances. 1 Entitled “Title” So When Amended It Shall Read As Follows: temporary lighting, heat, or power in the MSC Electrical Code. - Adopted. Refer to sizing a circuit breaker. www. 12) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that Chapter 38. $27. Obtaining an Electrical License in Shelby County. The IBC along with its amendments were adopted by SHELBY COUNTY COMMISSION and MEMPHIS CITY COUNCIL in December 2021 to be in effect as of January CODE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. shelbycountytn. Memphis and Shelby County Office of Construction Code Enforcement 6465 Mullins Station Road - Memphis, Tennessee 38134 901. Code Enforcement Permit Retrieval: NOTICE: After date 10/05/2020 you will find reports located here: https://aca-prod. ehhea orsrd wmbbq vjurzct nevcm iieyx labb cqgnyzb aemu emibpoc odejgc yqezg uujl actcw velqek