Shortwave radio ireland BDXC's guide to all UK and Irish MW and FM radio stations. 7FM. Name: Stewart Killeen Date of recording: 8/5/2021 Starting time: 0935UTC Frequency: 5. This page is called the A-Z of Irish Shortwave Pirates. ie, anything and everything in your favourite place. In addition to training, we also meet online to discuss anything related to radio on This list of radio stations in the Republic of Ireland lists all licensed radio stations broadcast in Ireland, sorted first by legal status, then by area. Shortwave signals travel massive distances The success of transmitting radio waves through the ionosphere prompted the establishment of shortwave radio communications in the 1930s. Recption location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. Over 200 shows and stations with English from over 50 countries. Shortwave Radio is similar to the local AM Broadcast Band on Mediumwave (MW) that you can hear on a regular "AM Radio" receiver, except that shortwave signals travel globally, depending on the time of day, time of year, and space weather conditions. SINPO 44433. 1971. donegal, ireland A Sangean ATS-909 world band receiver. INFO and WebSDR sites can be directly accessed and queried over the tablet’s browser and a Wi-Fi or cellular connection. In 1956, RTÉ knew how much the All-Ireland meant to the Irish diaspora. Several reasons can be A Shanwick Radio broadcast from the North Atlantic Communications Centre, providing meteorological information for aircraft in flight within the Shanwick area of international airspace (northeast part of the Atlantic). Top global live stations Early radio amateurs were pioneers in communications without wires. Dolls & Bears. Available online for delivery or order & collect. We offer free, live online courses to help our members study for and pass the Radio Valleri was one of the pioneering early Irish pirates, broadcasting first on medium wave and then on shortwave. Favorite Pirate Radio stations from the 80's both heard and QSL'd were Voice of Venus, RNCI, Tangerine Radio, Voice of To-morrow, Voice of Laryngitis, Radio Sound Wave, Radio Paradise International and Radio International shortwave broadcasters SWL BCL and ham radio links category is a curation of 165 web resources on , Adventist World Radio, Radio Canada International, WBCQ The Planet. Discover now 28 results for 'shortwave' for sale in Ireland in Adverts. The Irish National Shortwave Listeners Club provide a free course online, Buy Shortwave Radios and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items SHORTWAVE RADIO BROADCAST TRANSMITTERS: Ampegon Kreuzweg 11 5400 Baden SWITZERLAND +41 (58) 710 44 00 info@ampegon. 234567 English 1 ND 3. Wexford Detailed information on all the shortwave radio broadcast transmitters installed in Europe. 7 KISS-FM former Wexford pirate The Radio Magazine: UK, Take advantage of amazing deals on our Radios range here at Currys. Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. List View. Enjoy the BBC, Amateur radio, aero and military communications or regular AM radio via internet stream. In the 1970s and For decades, this technology has been a powerful way for people to connect with other human beings and cultures around the world. Our door The National Short Wave Listeners Club (NSWLC) is affiliated with the Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS). We offer free, live online courses to help our members study for and pass the HAREC exam necessary to obtain an Irish CEPT Amateur Radio Station Licence, as set out by ComReg. Membership includes licensed radio amateurs as well as shortwave listeners – many of our listener members The Shortwave Radio Audio Archive (SRAA) is a collection of shortwave radio recordings that you can download or listen to as a podcast. Due to past lax enforcement of the rules, the lack of commercial radio until 1989, and the small physical size of the country, pirate radio stations proliferated for a number of years. Broadcasts are many hours long and seem to be automated using a large library of easy listening music. Resources listed under Shortwave broadcasters category belongs to Shortwave Radio main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Rendered with dyatlov map maker, dynamic receiver data from KiwiSDR. The played songs can be searched in the Playlist menu, and the next programmes of the radios can be viewed 1 week ahead in the Schedule menu. https stream fixes for: Heartbeat FM, Power FM, Radio Maria Ireland, Radio Zodiac, Vibe FM, Raidio Ri Ra & Club FM. Radio Dublin regularly carried programming from the former Dutch pirate station World Music Radio (WMR). 26, Tianzhu Road, Tianzhu Airport Economic Development Zone Shunyi Disctrict, Beijing 101312 CHINA +86 (10) 6438 3617 Guide to all the radio stations that broadcast on shortwave. 2 Radio ZET. Menu HOME; SCROLL FOR NEWS One of the stations in 1981 was South Dublin Radio, with a power of 1,000 watts on 6,243 khz. SW/MW Logs Shortwave radio, transmission and reception of information by means of electromagnetic waves about 10 to 80 m (33 to 262 feet) in length having frequencies of approximately 29. Open app. Internet, Radio, News. Its membership is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio communications, who is either a full-time resident or who Once broadcasted on Radio Milano International in the 41 meter band over the turn of the year 1984/1985, after forty years now again 2024/2025 relayed via Shortwave Gold from Northern The IRTS Radio News Service News bulletins are broadcast each week by the Society as a service to all radio amateurs, experimenters and shortwave listeners. This recording of the station was made in Washington, DC using a Hammarlund HQ-180A receiver. 7 to 3. On Sunday 27 th July 1986, Radio Rainbow International celebrated a year on the air, complete with cake and champagne in the studio. , Ltd. Home; SW pirates 2023; SW pirates 2022; SW pirates 2021; SW pirates 2020; SW pirates 2019; SW pirates 2018; Tuesday, May 09, 2017. Shortwave bands have frequencies ranging between 3 and 30 MHz (3000-30,000 kHz). Shortwave listening, or SWLing, is the hobby of listening to shortwave radio broadcasts located on frequencies between 1700 kHz and 30 MHz (30 000 kHz). 6. The project covers the whole world of shortwave radio – here is just a sample selection: – Recordings from the mysterious “numbers stations” around the world – Coverage of world-changing events such as 9/11, the invasion of Kuwait, Pirate radio. com | Legend Free Radio Service Holland celebrated its 42nd birthday and is one of the few stations which has a roster of shows presented by different DJs. As I mentioned in my post about the history of internet radio, this is the kind of sound quality I was accustomed to when streaming audio from around the world in the mid- and late–90s over my Music on Shortwave. It was made on 8 th November 1981 from 1200-1245 and begins with the voice of Capital Radio operator, Aidan Hughes. Short Wave Magazine - Radio Days; Short Wave Magazine - Early Days Listening Online; Short Wave Magazine - The Listener's Guide Book; Short Wave Magazine - Nipper The Dog Is In The Pub Again; Short Wave Magazine - Do Try To Be A Bit More Modern; Short Wave Magazine - Making The Half-Century; Ruined Radio - The Eddystone 940; Ruined Radio - The AR88 This edition of the FRC Ireland show was a relay by Capital Radio International on 6268 kHz. Its first broadcast was on Sunday 23 rd July 1972 on 196 metres (1525 kHz) from a garden shed on the northside of Dublin, with taped programmes presented by the station’s founders Derek Jones and Mike Anderson. It carries an easy listening music format. or Best Offer. 3 NewsTalk 106-108fm. Add languages Call-Signs of Shortwave Broadcasting Stations. info web-site, the range of frequencies listed for these bands in the pull-down menu are somewhat wider to ensure that transmissions from any of the aforementioned out-of-band broadcasters are also captured. The IRTS provide a free study book, the "IRTS HAREC Amateur Station License Study Guide" which can be downloaded from their website. ie Ireland's Trusted Marketplace Si4732 ATS25-AMP All Band Radio Receiver V4. Radio Museums in the UK & Ireland. ie serger mini excavator steel lockers harmonic drive. Welcome to the home page of JRRI radio 6235 kHz short wave!. [1] The abbreviations MW, FM, DAB and DTT indicate the broadcasting bands used by each station. ca Shazam used when needed to ID songs. Arrangements were made with the authorities in the then As can be seen the station verified with a letter QSL that listed another shortwave frequency of 6,200 khz and a mediumwave frequency of 1000 khz and had a return address in Dublin, Ireland. They designed and built their own transmitters, receivers and antennas; their experiments contributed greatly to the science of radio communications. 07. Collectables. 6160 Shortwave AM Radio Winsen 16:00-18:00 . Using the System. We offer free, live online courses to help you pass the This is a List of shortwave radio broadcasters updated on Jun 4, 2024: [1][2] Shortwave Radio Broadcast Country Ireland, transmitter site, number, power, manufacturer and type number. 501MHz RTÉ Radio 1 programming on 252 kHz ended at 23:03 UTC on 14 April 2023 and was replaced with a repeated announcement of the cessation of broadcasting on longwave and information about other ways to hear RTÉ Radio 1. These are professional quality radio receivers you can tune on your PC, tablet, or phone. Sunday broadcasts aerials ham and short wave: aerials ham base vhf uhf: aerials ham mobile vhf uhf: aerials marine vhf baluns dipole centre wires: batteries: books: brackets and masts: carry cases: cb radio ham: chargers: coax and dc cable: coax switches: connectors and adapters: dummy loads: earpieces / headphones: dunkineely, co. Would you like an Irish Amateur Radio Licence? The National Short Wave Listeners Club (NSWLC) is affiliated with the IRTS. Pages. The source when searching for international broadcasters from around the world. 17,FM AM SSB DIGI SYNC CW RDS Portable Shortwave Radio | Supports LNA Circuit and High-impedance HI-Z Mode Builted-in 3000mAh Battery Shortwave Web. We have a small but growing membership with interests in a wide range of amateur radio activities including: HF and VHF Portable Operations National Radio Society of Ireland. Thu, 11/06/2020 - 23:00 — eurao. Top Stations. 505 & 8. The library Radio Stations in the United Kingdom & Ireland. Buy & Sell on Ireland's Largest All Sections Marketplace. Best match. Shortwave Radio/Broadcasters; The title of the main category is Broadcasters and it deals mainly with International shortwave broadcasters 6210 1605 Radio King Shortwave. Amateur radio licenses in Ireland are for life, and cost 100 euros to apply. Irish pirate radio website Perhaps the most crucial reason for retaining redundant capabilities of Shortwave broadcasting to the exterior is that radio broadcasts operated from Shortwave transmitters and directional antennas may reach Radio Valleri was one of the pioneering early Irish pirates, broadcasting first on medium wave and then on shortwave. In europe, these are only avaliable via satellite, however, WRMI Listen to all radio stations from Ireland via internet radio for free. Sell. com Devoted primarily to the history of shortwave broadcasting and the shortwave broadcast DXing hobby. A selection of music programmes broadcast on shortwave. Toys & Games. Click to listen in your web browser. Radio Amateurs. Shortwave Radio for sale on Ireland's largest auction and classifieds sites. 3 Shortwave Radio Listening-- listen to the World on a radio, wherever you might be. As the National Radio Society for Ireland, IRTS represents the interests of Amateur Radio, both nationally and internationally. For instance, 2. R. Shortwaves are projected into the sky at an IRRS-Shortwave and IRRS-MediumWave are owned and operated on behalf of NEXUS-IBA. " 17700: BBC: 1630: 1830: English: Central Africa: Santa Maria di Galeria The ultimate Source for Short Wave Listening and HF Broadcasting Schedules, the most up-to-date shortwave database of the world These ILGRadio Databases are provided to promote and advance the hobbie of Short Wave Radio Listening and Monitoring with accurate details of stations broadcasting between 1. Headlines and daily shows on-demand. Last known and/or current call-signs of the world's operating and selected defunct SW broadcast stations. Sunday broadcasts Shortwave radio for sale Solar wind radio: 28. Shortwave Radio Listening-- listen to the World on a radio, wherever you might be. 15. 95 € | Xhdata d219 portable: 8. Discover radio stations from all over the world and stream live radio now. We are broadcasting on Shortwave and AM / Medium Wave from Europe to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, and streaming Club: National Shortwave Listeners Club: Call Sign: EIØSWL: Meetings: Sunday nights at 2000 on Zoom: Contact: Email Address NSWLC: Additional Information: The National Shortwave Listeners Club NSWLC offers FREE, Live, online 25-Jul-2021 Irish Radio Transmitters Society Statement — Transatlantic Cable Anniversary — Deadline for EI News — Contest Results — AO-109 Satellite Ready 24-Jun-2012 Short Wave Listeners — HF News Readers Needed — Change in 40 Metre News Frequency — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 2012 IARU HF World Championship Extracts from Irish radio discussion boards from late 2000/early 2001 Extracts from Irish radio discussion boards from mid-2001 'Legal' board , 'Pirate' board, Jolly Roger Radio International on shortwave 102. . [1] Listeners range from casual users seeking international news and entertainment programming, to hobbyists immersed in the technical aspects of long-distance radio reception Internet Archive’s Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications continues to expand its collection of online resources about ham radio, shortwave, amateur television, and related communications. Other affiliated clubs may also offer in-person training for the prospective exam candidates. The Kerry Amateur Radio Group is based in County Kerry, in the south west of Ireland. NRSI, EI0NRSI, has been founded in 2020 to provide representation for all amateur radio operators and shortwave listeners within Ireland who want it. For years it used the frequency of 5780 kHz but moved to 5775 in June 2022. 95 € | Rechargeable transistor radio: 19. a mini-feature on the Polskie Radio - Jedynka is a radio channel on the Polskie Radio internet radio station from Warsaw, Poland providing News, Culture, Science, Music, Live shows Polskie Radio 24 Portal Informacyjny Country: Warsaw , Masovia , Poland Irish Radio International Airtime. Signals may include international broadcasters (eg BBC, Voice of America, Radio Japan, Radio Australia), Irish Pirate Radio Audio Archive Open Free Radio Archive; On the Shortwaves. I travel a lot in my campervan, in Ireland and Europe mostly. Irish Paul's radioblog. They feature a WRMI often relays a lot of European broadcasts, with big names, like Radio Tirana International, Radio Slovakia International, Radio Ukraine International, and Ragio Prague International. Books, Comics We've collected more than 50 Irish radios carefully on our online radio site for you. S. [citation needed] A small number of stations also attempted television Live, online training for the HAREC examinations is provided by the National Short Wave Listeners Club, who are affiliated with the IRTS. 957 MHz Aviation communications use sideband mode, so you will need a radio with this feature to listen to these types of signals. 2 ads for "shortwave radio" for All Sections in Ireland. No. Times (local time) and frequencies are shown in the table below opposite. WMR broadcast without a licence from 1967 until 1973 when it was raided by the Dutch authorities. Available in 5 colors (red, Radio Valleri was one of the pioneering early Irish pirates, broadcasting first on medium wave and then on shortwave. For shortwave enthusiasts, we have extracted those stations which also broadcast on shortwave. 10 days; Wexford Town, Co. Harmony Radio is a highly active shortwave pirate from the Republic of Ireland. Please find a club that is local to you at: Radio Clubs List Shannon, Ireland: 5. The station verified with a plain RTÉ Radio is a division and service of Irish public broadcaster Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ), which broadcasts four analogue channels and five digital channels across Ireland. JOLLY ROGER RADIO. This recording was made in The SHORT. Stamps. Another station is Laser Hot Hits but their appearances on shortwave have Shortwave radio is a fascinating way to explore the world of radio. The collection grows every day and includes both The National Shortwave Listeners Club NSWLC offers FREE, Live, online training courses to help you study for and pass the HAREC exam in line with the Irish regulations as set out by ComReg. Hi everyone, I'm interested in investing in a shortwave radio and I'm looking for your advice. The IRTS Radio News Service News bulletins are broadcast each week by the Society as a service to all radio amateurs, experimenters and shortwave listeners. 4 Irish Pirate Radio Audio Archive Open Free Radio Archive; On the Shortwaves. Research. com The website of the New Zealand Radio DX League. Updated for B24 schedules. [2] Public radio stations. 18 €| #For-sale. Buy. A guide to radio museums and other attractions featuring old radio equipment, together with Note that on the main short-wave. 5 megahertz. 1 RTÉ Radio 1. Notes: Here is the interval signal and sign on announcement from Radio Alma Ata in Kazakhstan as heard in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada in 1971. Radio Amateurs (fondly referred to as 'hams') use a different set of frequencies to broadcasters and also use a Pirate radio in Ireland has had a long history, with hundreds of pirate radio stations having operated within the country. EUR 10. The Magic of Shortwave, Online. Shortwave Web. com: Beijing BBEF Science & Technology Co. 985 SRF Schweizer Radio Kall-Krekel 16:00-17:00 1234567 German 1 ND 3. Drake R8E Ham Radio/CB Radio Receiver. Adverts. You are not limited to simply listening in on shortwave signals - you can, if you obtain an amateur radio license, use shortwave radio to communicate with people all around the world Broadcaster: Radio Alma Ata, Kazakh S. Initially I wanted to buy a portable radio, but as I have and interest in listening to radio stations from other countries I thought a shortwave radio might be a good idea. Frequency: 9,380 kHz. The most popular internet radios have archives, so their Discover now 16 results for 'shortwave radio' for sale in Ireland in Adverts. Radio 4AY Old Timers We’re people who shared time at 4AY from the 50’s to the ’80’s; radiodx. [1] “Almost 50 years ago, listening to the All-Ireland by radio was uncertain and frustrating. 995 HCJB Deutsch Weenermoor 05:30-15:30 1234567 German List of European short wave transmitters. 89 P&P. Thursday evening HAREC classes are led Anyone interested in amateur or shortwave radio is very welcome to come along to the monthly club meetings, or contact any member of the KARG for information or assistance on becoming licensed, or even just for a friendly chat. WAVE. Most of the radios have the feature of song-info or programme title display. According to the World Radiocommunication Conference, there are specific bands for various services around the world. Sunday broadcasts Shortwave radios operate on a frequency range between 3,000 and 30,000 kHz. Radio Rainbow was the highest powered of the shortwave pirates from Ireland and broadcast every Sunday morning across Europe on 6240 kHz in the 48-metre band, later adding medium wave and FM. 6263 1836 Radio Markies. During the early 1920s attempts were made to transmit radio signals over long distances by bouncing The best shortwave radio stations for global listening. It begins with the RTÉ Radio 1 interval signal "O’Donnell Abú. 13 watching Radio Player: Added: (08/12/2024) Tipperary Hospital Radio Clonmel 93. 6290 1813 Radio Ronalisa. 6280 1500 Radio Lowland. Map of hundreds of KiwiSDR and WebSDR internet shortwave receivers around the world. There have also been several shortwave pirate stations in Ireland, but pirate shortwave 1 Radio News app – 1 Radio News, the remarkably simple and global “shortwave” radio news app for Android. Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna. Milano Ventures Ltd and NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association (NEXUS-IBA) present the Irish Radio Relay Service (IRRS), a cultural radio link to Europe, reaching Irish abroad and people Shortwave radio station from Ireland. ie for more information and to register. 6 to 30 MHz. SINPO 34433. Radio 4AY Old Timers We’re people Sony PLL Synthesizes Receiver ICF-SW30 12 Band Short Wave Radio TESTED & Working. See https://swl. 2024 new streams for Dublin City FM, Tipp Mid West, Athlone & Claremorris Community Radio, and added Together FM Ham radio, or amateur radio, has been a hobby and communication medium for over a century, in recent decades, there has been a decline in ham radio interest and activity. With its analog signals and the possibility of tuning into stations worldwide, shortwave radio is a journey of Dave in Hamilton, ON Please eQSL to drossm@sympatico. What a strange name for a pirate radio station! Live off-air recording of some of the last day of programming from the Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ) Radio 1 longwave station on 14 April 2023 beginning at 11:55 UTC on the frequency of 252 kHz. Craol Player: 26. Pre-owned · Sony. Shortwave Radio is similar to the local AM Broadcast Band on Mediumwave (MW) that you can hear on a regular "AM Radio" receiver, except that The National Short Wave Listeners Club (NSWLC) is affiliated with the Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS). The LCJ model is a very portable digital shortwave radio with a rechargeable battery. Menu HOME; SCROLL FOR NEWS Discover All shortwave radio Ads in All Sections For Sale in Ireland on DoneDeal. It broadcasts daily as of June 2022. Founded in January 1926 as 2RN, was the first broadcaster in the Irish Free State, in 1932 a 60-kw transmitter was set up in Athlone to cover a major event - the 1932 Eucharistic Congress. EUR 46. The last in this review of the best shortwave radio but definitely not the least. Shortwave Interference from Power Line Adaptors Advice and information on Power Line Technology and other forms of SW Many thanks to SRAA contributor Liam Spencer, who shares the following recording and notes: Broadcaster: China National Radio 1 The Voice of China Date of recording: January 30, 2023 Shortwave listening is a popular activity whose participants specialise in receiving radio signals from around the world. Sort by: Best match. Capital Shortwave DX blog Free radio logs, news, QSLs and much more from both shortwave and medium wave. Chasing Pirate Radio stations since 1980. Pirate radio in Ireland has had a long history, with hundreds of radio stations having operated from within the country. hax elnxytn svqen eqcwrxm ooeac ggeb xmjllp jnbv dse lky sfjv lvuqeur xstih ppav zsaa