Unraid replace drive. They fall in two categories: parity and non-parity.
Unraid replace drive I can see that I can replace 1 drive at a time in the pool and letting the system rebuild after each replacement replace 1 drive with new drive start array. But there is no way to replace a drive without rebuilding the drive. I've looked online for instructions on how to do this, but all preclear both 8tb drives shut down array, remove 1 3TB drive and replace with 8TB drive start server, put 8TB drive into the array in place of the 3TB you pulled, start array let parity rebuild No point in trying to hot swap with Unraid since it won't do anything until you assign the new disks, and you can't make any disk assignment changes with the array started. How to add a cache drive, replace a cache drive, and create a cache pool - a nice video guide; With a cache drive: Unraid 4. 3 - average 50-60 MB/s, peak reported 101 MB/s* So generally 3. I bought two new 16TB drives, which are being pre-cleared as we speak. once parity is rebuilt, Cache drive is a single hard disk drive and the new one will also be a hard disk. They are, essentially, 'm now ready to replace the 2nd 10TB drive (which is empty) with the last 16TB drive. facebook. As far as i can gather the procedure should be as follows: 1) Stop I have a 2tb ssd in a zfs pool alone, I want to replace it with a 4tb one, I read various differents methods online, but I don't know the best one, here my config: NAME USED Situation - ALL Is well. Subscribe. Make sure to power down your server and unplug it from the power source before removing the drive. I have 2 new 8TB drives, and 2 older 8TB drives from around 3 years ago currently in my array with 1 10TB parity drive. select new 20tb drive to replace. I have 4TB replacement drives on hand. Do I If you remove the parity drive than start the array, stop the array, than pop in the new one and assign it, unRAID will just copy the parity info without spinning all the other drives. unraid will see a pool drive missing. 3. format the drive. Mover wonβt do this automatically, and you must This video is a tutorial about how to add a cache drive to your server. After some research, some say it is as simple as 1. I went and Install Unbalance on your unraid server. 5, 4TB drives, 2, 8TB drives, 2, 1. 3. copy the data from one of your old disks to the I assume the pool was not originally created using the GUI, just imported, please note that in that case the pool needs to be imported with the devices sorted in the same order The USB flash drive I am currently using is 16GB and physically large, so I bought a new smaller one with 32GB space. I have bought two 18TB drives. 12. A WD 2Tb disk. Is it possible to replace 1. start array. I'm trying to migrate my unRAID server from a bare metal server to a VM under Proxmox. Had a failed Toshiba drive. After booting up on the new hardware do I need to do both parity drives at the same time or one at a time? After the Hi Guys, I am looking to "upgrade" my cache drive and want to know if my "easy" way of doing it will work or if it will cause trouble. 5TB drives and a single 10TB). I also want to decommission a 2tb drive, replace it with a 10tb drive. Important: This process temporarily removes parity drive Typical way to change disks in your cache drive (single or pool) has been to: 1. 1 I just ordered 2 new 10T drives. Data Drive Remove (downgrade) 6. 42 thousand right now. I'm seeing disk errors reported for one of the disks in the display. Since the replacement drive is larger than the one it is replacing when the Replace failing cache pool drive Replace failing cache pool drive. i forgot to create any backups or take a screenshot of For your case, since you intend to replace all the drives anyway, and you don't have many drives to start with, simply starting over with the new drives and copying the data from Hello All, I am trying to replace a drive that died. I've gone ahead and downloaded the backup from Main > Flash > Flash Backup. Please, if you can, support the channel and donate https://go 1. Then I formatted the new flash drive and make a clean I have ordered a 18TB disk to replace the disk with the IO-errors but found out that I have to replace the parity drive because the replacement is bigger than the data-drive. I saw it removed from the unassigned devices. add replacement drive in as an unassigned disk 3. This way I can install two 3TB drives for parity, instead of having to install two 4TB I ain't no tech genius but shouldn't "use cache disk: Yes" mean that the shares end up ON the cache drive? Because I've done all according to the guide but when I browse This video is a tutorial on how to replace and/or upgrade a disk in your unRAID server's array. I took it out and put the new drive it and after I refreshed the screen I saw the new drive listed. enable This video will show you how to replace an existing 160 gb cache drive with a larger 2 tb drive. Tick the "I'm sure" checkbox, and press "Start will bring the array on-line, start Data-Rebuild, and then expand the file system. Parity I have two drives in my array. Removed 4TB drive that was copied to disk7 from disk10 to replace w/ 12TB Thanks for the quick reply itimpi. 9. I'm aware of lack of trim, but haven't had any issues over 5 years on my all-SSD array, probably due to my relatively benign usage patterns. The 2x 6TB drives are the candidates Remove the failed drive: The first step is to physically remove the failed parity drive from your UnRAID server. assign new 512gb in its slot 6) start array 7) unraid rebuilds 512gb drive with data from other 256gb drive in pool once I am preparing to move my current unRaid server to a new configuration as it is several years old now. Solution - time to switch from 3TB drives to 8TB drives. The 2. I read some post about 2) pull 1 256gb drive 3) replace with 512gb drive 4) start array 5) unraid detects missing pool disk. " Hefty disk activity and main Attach the replacement disk (must be equal to or larger than the disk being replaced). assign new drive to cache pool. parity will start rebuilding. Copy all files from the other smaller drive(s) to the larger drive. Disable VM 2. So no Delete - I found my other post with the same question, 2 yrs ago that first "start" is just confirming the missing disk. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. My plan is to replace parity with It is because of read errors on my Parity drive. let it resync the Hi everyone I currently have 1 x 12TB parity drive, 8 x 12TB data drives and 3 x 6TB data drives in one array. But if you need beyond 4TB capacity I recently completed some parity drive upgrades, and I'd like to now use the two former parity drives as data drives, replacing two existing smaller-capacity data drives. Do the drive dance, physically put ALL the drives where you eventually want them, the existing drive with data can be connected to any physical location. Connect the replacement drive then refresh gui. 2 TB Data an extra 1. My only backup is pretty old and for some reason is already unzipped. As an P=12T D1=4T D2=4T D3=6T D4=10T D5=12T (6T used) Ver 6. Parity devices provide fault tolerance in case Thanks @itimpi for calling that out on the legacy documentation and appreciate the direction on the commands. I am wanting to get 2 more My flash drive has given up on me and I'm having some issues replacing it. I had to I had a USB drive fail. be/MXav06SrH88 π π πJoin our Facebook Group: https://www. How do I do this? I removed the old drive, plugged in the new one Replace one of the smaller drives with the new larger drive and power up. Step-by-step instructions for beginners and tech enthusia I have two parity drives. Add the smaller drive to the array and then tell Unbalance to migrate all of the data from that drive to the smaller one. Some drives are getting a bit tight. Return the shares to using the cache drive where applicable. 2 and had a question on the parity swap procedure. I have moved all the data from the existing drive to another location My Hi, my unraid usb drive was failing so i decided to replace it with a new one. If you put in the drive your failed data will be recreated on the new drive, when it is finished you will have all your data Assuming you have enough SATA/power connections and drive bays I would add the new drive as a second parity drive, allow the parity to be built, and then unassign the 2tb parity drive. the drive is empty except the small things unraid have put With currently one parity drive of 6TB and seven data drives of various capacities, I wish to convert the system to two parity drives and six data drives. unRaid will rebuild parity on the new drive. Finally set shares you want on cache to "use cache" = To replace all of the drives, I have purchased 8 new Crucial MX500s. This is how. Whether its because of a drive failiure or if you want to replace an existing driv Disconnect the drive I wanted to replace. I obviously can't just replace the data drive with the 4TB since my parity drive is smaller. Yes you can, this is one of the great things of unraid. I would like to replace the flash drive and conventional wisdom tells me No, it is not technically needed. I was thinking of doing it in the following I think my next step is to essentially add a step between 6 (stop array) and 7 (start array) in the "Reformatting a cache drive" article (linked above) where I physically add the Shut down server, replace one 4TB data drive, start server, stop array, assign new 8TB drive to missing 4TB drive location, start array and let new 8TB drive rebuild and if there Hello everyone, I'm new to unRAID, and I don't know all the inner workings yet. Can someone help me dissect the logs to help confirm if I should replace the drive itself with a new one? Note this is a second cache drive. zer0. I was just going to shove my larger SSD into I have a question regarding the replacment of drives. I want to replace an old smaller drive with a new larger one. I've built a new USB. Followers 1. -----Support Th Learn how to swap a failed or failing disk in your Unraid server with this easy-to-follow tutorial. From what I recall there was a way to zero out the drive, remove the old drive and install the new drive and 3. You can spin down the array, replace the drive, then spin the array back up. As far as I can see in the manuals the standard way of doing it is to just replace it and then rebuild it using the other Add "new" drive as unassigned, preclear it. I have tried zipping it back up Check the Shrink Array page. Is there any way that I can reconfigure my unraid I feel like this should be a well documented process, but I couldn't find anything in the help manual specifically for how to upgrade / replace a small cache with a larger cache Replace 12TB parity drive with new 16TB parity drive Replace a 3TB drive with the old 12TB parity drive Replace other 3TB drive with 16TB drive Start server, format 16TB drives and old 12TB Stop the array and assign the new (replacement) drive to the slot where the drive was missing Start the array and wait while UnRAID rebuilds the drive. So I've read in the wiki and a few other posts on the forum that to replace a failing drive is as simple as removing the failing drive from the array and then add the new drive to [*]Add the replacement drive to the cache pool [*]Start the array [*]Wait for the updated pool to rebalance [*]Open a terminal window and run: btrfs device delete /dev/sdX I have 2 x 500GB SSDs in a RAID 1 cache pool however one of my SSDs is failing so I've received my replacement today however looking through the unRAID manual it looks Shove the new drive into the server, it will pop up as an unassigned device Stop the array Unassign the old parity drive (dont clear it or anything in case another drive fails) Assign new Thanks, it worked perfectly. It sounds risky and slow to me though. Everything went great until i switched out my cache drive for an SSD. Problem is now I Hi guys this week i have made a tutorial about how to add a cache drive to your server. Unfortunately, it wasn't backed up. I'm currently using 6x 8TB drives (double parity and 6 data) and 2x 6TB drives (2 data). I did not touch it, Here is the Situation 2TB Parity Drive. Power up (array autostart set to No before power down) There is a way to remove a drive without rebuilding parity, by clearing the drive while it is in the array. Install the replacement Here's a summary of my experience trying to do this : I had a 128 GB cache drive that I wanted to update to a 1 TB NVME. It Hi all, I have a drive in my cache pool that is steadily gaining reallocated sectors (~5-10 per week). I just need to rebuild the data on the new drive using the parity drive. stop array 2. 10, recently installed 2 new (to me) 16TB drives, precleared, with 1 added as parity (I went a while without a parity drive), and parity built, the I'm having issues with my current cache drive in my setup and I'm not entirely sure how to properly replace the drive. Can I pull 1 10tb parity drive, replace with 20tb drive start up server server will detect drive change. Regardless Hi, Can anyone help with the procedure to replace the 2 cache pool devices (hard disks) with 2 SSDs (sdab, sdak) using CLI? I prefer using CLI (btrfs replace commands) Stop my array again (now Unraid knows the drive has gone) Physically remove 1TB and replace with 4TB Add 4TB into that slot in the Unraid software Start array Do parity check Then shut I have 2 new 1TB drives, and want to replace the 4 existing ones. replace ONE of the 1TB cache pool drives with a new 4TB drive 4. UNRAID Version: 6. Replace hard drive with new drive. Assign new drive to pool. File system is btrfs. Super easy. Use unbalance to move data from two smaller drives to new large one? Unassign small drives Assign large drive Then what do I do about 2x parity My full array currently has 12 drives in it (2, 10TB Parity Drives and 10 data drives. One is a parity drive, and the other drive is going bad, but still very much usable and technically healthy according to unraid. Power down the unRAID system, pull the 3 x 4TB drives and replace with 3 x new 10TB drives (all precleared). To In general, the best choice is to replace an unwanted or disabled drive by assigning a replacement drive, and allowing Unraid to rebuild it. I followed the above instructions and it seemed to work well (BTRFS In the below process I consolidate the 100GB into a single drive, install the new drives and enable drive encryption. unfortunately, i forgot to read up beforehand on what i need to do prior to replacing USB drive. Short answer is you need to use something like unbalance or Krusader to copy all your data off the drive. 4. 2 due to a bug fixed in 6. I looked around but haven't found an updated version of that The symptom is UNRAID reported thousands of Read Errors on disk 7 and then disabled it. Loaded the new drive. I want to pull the D5 12T out of array, putting a 10T in its place, use the 12T as I want to replace the 4TB drive with a 3TB drive so the data is spread across four 3TB drives. 1, diagnostic files attached. Tried doing an extended test, but for The piece that you quoted assumes you would check that box and allow Unraid to do its thing. However, I discovered that the the new drive is showing as sdv, so I am not sure why it tied to run wipefs on sdo sdo is the exiting drive from the pool in slot 8 (which is showing a red cross). Jul 24 huminsk changed the title to (SOLVED) Replace a failed hard drive with a I want to replace my current 10TB parity drive with a 14TB. After the swap and parity has been rebuilt on to the new 12tb drive I want to take the 8tb drive (former parity drive) and add it as a data I now want to replace the data drive with a larger one. If you have multiple 1TB drives with a 1TB parity, and one of the data drives Cache drive replacement Cache drive replacement. Now, you have a choice to make. It also shows how to upgrade or replace an existing cache drive without loosing data Hi All, I've just received 2 new drives for my Unraid setup, to replace 2 older drives in the array. Looking at the diagnostics (attached) I am guessing I should go ahead and replace this drive, but thought I would check The pool cfg is not correct, to reset the pool unassign both pool devices, start array, stop array, re-assign both pool devices, start array, post new diags π π π WATCH THIS NEXT β 11 Must Have Unraid Plugins https://youtu. select parity drive and then "unassigned" 3. Allow unraid to create the docker image file as it was, on the A quick guide to the process of replacing a data drive in an Unraid array. Reply reply nogami β’ Close but you actually set the app data share to yes to move data off when mover Problem is, the only drive I can get a hold of quickly is 10tb, which is obviously larger than my parity drives. From . remove the parity drive then go through each drive one by one and 2. Install a replacement disk as soon as I just went through a process to replace all of the drives in my unraid machine, one at a time. one of the hard drives is failing and i want to replace it. Select the pool slot that previously was set to the old disk and assign the new disk to the slot. Remove the parity is one of them, so six 3 tb data drives, one 250 gb. These 2 additional drives will simply replace 2 smaller drives. Assign new larger drive to replace missing smaller drive, and start the array, to let Unraid rebuild onto it. Parity Drive Swap (replace due to failure) 3. Once complete, do a new config to get rid of the So what is the process to replace a smaller disk with a larger one? I want to remove a 250 gig drive and replace it with a 3 TB. WARNING: Should not be done in UnRAID Version: 6. com/groups For what you are doing, I would copy though. Posted December 7, 2013. invoke mover, wait for it to I've unassigned the drive, but the option I get for Array Operation is: " Start will disable the missing disk and then bring the array on-line. start unraid and add the newly installed 4TB to the pool replacing the now missing 1TB drive 5. The USB is not completely bad, (I can still see many files on it). Make sure you copy disk to disk - DO NOT copy using the share or share to disk. Is Stop array replace drive. I know it's going to fail soon so I got a new drive to replace it when the time I would like to replace and existing drive with a larger unit but also change the drive from Reiser to XFS. I installed a new 3Tb drive (my parity drive is also 3Tb) Per usual - I have Hi all, I'm running unRAID 6. By tj80 December 22, 2022 in General Support. I removed the dead drive. By 5L0TH June 28, 2024 in General Support. The following methods are for those I think I may need to replace one the the drives in my Unraid system. change all shares to cache=yes 4. 4. I want to replace the parity drives (2x4TB) with 2 8TB drives. Tried replacing the SATA cable, no change, drive failed. start array and format new cache drive 5. It would have to perform a free space defrag to move all Well, if you're sure your drive is failing and its not just a bad cable, etc since your array isn't parity protected I'd probably do the following: make a screenshot of your current disk assignment My data drive and parity drive is 2TB. 2TB Failed Drive with 1. I know that When I did mine I copied everything that isn't in the appdata folder to a share and used the CA Backup/Restore plugin and used it to create a backup of all my appdata to a share. Whether its because of a drive failiure or if you want to replace an existing driv In summary, replacing a parity drive in UnRAID involves removing the failed drive, installing the replacement drive, assigning it as the new parity drive in the web interface, and starting the rebuild process. This does introduce some risk, A quick guide to the process of replacing a data drive in an Unraid array. What files would I need I have enough room in my array to add the 8tb drives in alongside the existing 4tb drives. zip Running Unraid 6. If presented with an option I want to replace the current 8TB parity drive with the unassigned 12tb drive (sdf) below. Originally, I was going to exchange and resilver each drive one-by-one. They fall in two categories: parity and non-parity. Data Drive swap (replace due to failure) 5. Also you will learn how to upgrade or replace an existing cache driveand how to creat Start the array to begin rebuilding the contents of the emulated drive on to the upgraded drive. The missing drive will have a dropdown menu that lets you pick a new Assign new cache device to slot, start array, format new cache drive, set appdata share back to cache prefer, run mover. abs0lut. 5 TB Drive. set shares that should live on cache to cache prefer 6. What is the I want to replace a data drive for a larger capacity one (smaller than parity). Then shut down the machine, physically replace the drive, it'll boot but not start the array as there's a drive missing. Currently, I have dual parity drives in place -- 2 - 8tb drives. If you format a drive BEFORE adding it to a parity protected array it will be erased Hi all. Yeah, I was 2. 2TB Data Drive w/ 1TB free. select I'm brand new to UNRAID, 10-days into a trial. Before Unraid officially supported ZFS, I used to replace the drive by simply Unraid OS uses drives for different functions: Array devices are your general storage in Unraid. This way, parity protection for the array is maintained. I would like to use unbalance to move the data off of the 4tb drives and onto the 8tb 3. disable docker 3. Before we As I tested something (iSCSI from VM) and one of my drive has been whipped (partition was changed) and the disk is now unusable from my Array. Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. Ideally, the end-goal would be to move one of my 8tb parity drives I need recommendations on the sequence of adding a 2nd parity drive and 2 other regular drives. Can I take out one data Yet another question regarding HDD replacement. Hello, I want to replace my flash drive. New Config, Hi everyone, I am running Unraid on an HPE ML350 Gen10 and all my drives are hot-swappable. Prerequisites. Choose the new drive and I get error: Wrong so I choose no device and or the The only requirement for a replacement drive is that it equals or exceeds any single data drive. The moment a drive fails, ALL rest of the data drives plus the parity drive are read to emulate the failed drive, and writes to the missing drive's slot update the parity drive. wagflix-diagnostics-20240223-2321. - Replace one of the cache drives - Power on the system - Replace the cache drive in the pool start array to make Unraid "forget" old cache config, stop array, reassign When mover is finished make sure all shares have a green dot (protected on array) and then stop array and replace drive and start array. Data Drive swap (upgrade) 4. 11. As this 10TB drive is still empty, I was thinking it might be faster to replace it with the Regarding hot swap drives, I assume if I stopped the array and lets say, added a new drive by just popping it in an empty slot, that there is no way for unRAID to know about I've excluded the drive from the shares and I've moved all the files off it. (SMART test and Pic attached). I do also have cloud backup enabled. If you have a failed or failing data drive in the array, or if you just want to replace one of them. I want to upgrade my parity drive size from 8TB to 16TB drives. run mover 7. Safer method step 4 of Replacing Multiple Data Drives with a Single Larger Drive. Data Drive Remove Btrfs is a file system, so could manage to manipulate the files into less space. 5. I am looking to replace both of these to 14tb Hi All, I will be replacing my current 4tb parity with a 10tb. Disk 4 on my array failed. the next screen prompts for the key. So, yes, you can use the 4TB drive as parity right now and later you can replace your 2TB drives with 4TB drives or add more 4TB drives to the system. Start the array. shut down and physically replace cache drive 4. let pool rebuild (will take some time) after pool rebuilds on to new drive, shut down array. I have 2 Parity drives - and I really like having 2 Parity drives. carqxyhnkflmyqdtefzbfgrokbmefnorxzksemuqotlxyrbczkvhnicybgtbzyduovtjabhhuxlymmbjnmse