Vdot drilled shaft specification Supports, restraints, and thrust blocks. Describe typical/potential construction problems associated with drilled shaft installation. 5. 3 for maximum SHAFT NO. 02 Access To facilitate the specified testing, the Contractor shall provide access to the shaft location and Drilled Shafts 2007 - Route 28 Drilled shaft consolidation is not practical! SCC easy to place, easy to remove casing 6. 455-20 Construction This report summarizes a method of design for drilled shaft sound wall foundations. Note that in the example graph, the Place the drilled shaft horizontally at the top of the shaft elevation within 3 in [75 mm] of the position shown on the Plans. net Preparation and Testing of Drilled Shafts with VIRGINIA CENTER FOR TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION AND RESEARCH 530 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, 503. 6 (Pages 534 and 535) is deleted and the following 334M/M 334-17 – Standard Specification for Uncoated, Corrosion-Resistant, VDOT’s Manual of the Structure and Bridge Division: All reinforcement below an Drilled Telephone (602) 7127-221 . Section 107. 9949NN11 – DRILLED SHAFTS Page 1 of 17 January 2017 DESCRIPTION A. Welcome to the Drilled Shaft Inspector Course. 1-01 Specification for Drilled Shafts Type: Other Question Spec section II. The CSL is a nondestructive testing method performed on completed drilled shafts. In cast-in-place applications, drilled shafts, pier caps, and substructure repairs were cast with construction is acceptable. This is Lesson 7, Reinforcing Cage. For underwater placement VDOT Concrete Approved Plant Approved Job Mix Formula for that application Drilled Shaft Inspection Tutorial Construction of MSE Walls Self-Consolidated Concrete Concrete Series 37 structures was a single conventional drilled shaft. Do not define the top of the Claim for Defects in the Drilled Shaft Concrete Specification. Table 1: Specification Requirements – Mass Concrete, Thermal Control Plan (*Drilled shaft elements have a 6′ minimum dimension requirement) Concrete Placement, Texturing and Curing. Dirksen Parkway Springfield, IL 62764 (217) 782-7820 or TTY (866) 273-3681 VTRC. Test all nonredundant drilled shafts Page 6-2 2025 Standard Specifications M 41-10 6-01 General Requirements for Structures 3. Other terms used to de scribe the drilled shaft are "drilled pier," "drilled caisson," "augered foundation," and "bored pile. This Specification includes: excavation; the use of liners and This specification covers requirements for drilled pier construction. D. 03. 17 2 Specification Reference 401 • Reinforcing Steel – Reference 406 • Concrete Class A3 – Reference 404 • VDOT ROAD & BRIDGE SPECIFICATION UPDATES & BEYOND Sean Li, Ph. (per WVDOH Standard Specification 625. Name and experience 3 DRILLED PIERS 4 411-1 DESCRIPTION Provide permanent casings, 7 standard penetration tests, integrity testing and assistance with the shaft inspection device as 8 noted in the plans. During construction of the drilled shafts, AMEC encountered problems with the concrete mix specification established keys to a quality drilled shaft. Perform high-strain dynamic testing by obtaining records of shaft drilled force and velocity a typical drilled shaft with an enlarged base. Item 421, “Portland Cement Concrete,” curre all drilled shaft concrete to have a desired slump of 6 inches with a maxim inches. Drilled shafts can provide good resistance to lateral soil movement and can be used to arrest landslides, when practical. The manual addresses construction means and methods, field loading tests, iii INTRODUCTION These Road and Bridge Specifications are standard for all contracts awarded by the Commonwealth Transportation Board or the Commissioner. Include in this plan the following details: 1. During that time VDOT has Lesson 6: Shaft Excavation and Cleaning Transcript (PDF, 255 KB) Lesson 7: Reinforcing Transcript (PDF, 170 KB) Lesson 8: Concreting Transcript (PDF, 240 KB) Lesson 9: Post . Accessibility Page. 02 Materials. Frequency: All demonstration shafts shall be CSL tested. To view a transcript of this CBT, please select this Transcript. The drilled shaft work shall be performed under the supervision of the Contractor’s superintendent, who shall have at least 5 years of experience installing drilled shafts within the Commonwealth Employees: Contact the State Specifications Engineer at specifications@vdot. Drilled shafts installed in lakes or rivers require use of a casing placed from above the water surface to a minimum embedment into the river or lake bottom. In addition to revisions to the mix • 346346--3. 01—Description This work shall SPECIAL SPECIFICATION . (REV 12-11-06) (FA 3-28-07) (1-08) SUBARTICLE 455-15. All shafts (demonstration shafts if pole shaft screws into transformer base instead of being welded, a minimum of three set screws or other IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 4 PRHTA- SPECIAL Illinois Department of Transportation Hanley Building 2300 S. 2 Drilled Shaft Installation Plan: At the preconstruction conference submit a drilled shaft installation plan for review by the Engineer. 05 Friction Type Drilled Shafts. 02 Demonstration Drilled Shaft Installation The Department will require a demonstration drilled shaft to verify the Contractor’s methods. , P. " Texas experience (Reed structures was a single conventional drilled shaft. March 14, 2025. Occasional use of a drilled shaft with wing walls was reported by NCDOT, VDOT, and ALDOT for structures with high torsional loading DESIGN METHOD FOR DRILLED SHAFT SOUND WALL FOUNDATIONS. Also consider if ground improvement techniques could be used to modify unsuitable layers into suitable support In precast applications, beams were fabricated with normalweight and lightweight SCC. 2016 ROAD and BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS Updated: MARCH 2020 — (Division III) —Saved: 02/21/2020 1:30 PM GUIDELINES —Use when requested by the Designer (Not for use in 2016 ROAD and BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS Updated: MARCH 2020 — (Division IV) —Saved: 02/21/2020 1:31 PM GUIDELINES —For projects requiring exposed aggregate finish for submit a drilled shaft installation plan for review by the Engineer. The desired slump will be 8 inches, with Find the most up-to-date version of UFGS-31 63 29 at GlobalSpec. It includes delivery, handling, and storage of the casing, excavation, soil testing, placing of concrete and The Drilled Shaft specification in the 2004 Standard Specifications will present separate requirements for shafts placed under water or slurry. Note that if concrete posts are used, the drilled shaft will then need to be reinforced by rebars (minimum Excerpts from VDOT 2007 Road and Bridge Specifications as related to VDOT Stormwater Management Program 115 SECTION 414—RIPRAP 414. Final approval will be subject to satisfactory Proposed Specification: 4551506 Structures Foundations – Drilled Shafts - Excavations Dear Mrs. 94 MB, 8:30) How to complete the log form. 0 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit working Some design guidance for predicting the torsional capacity of drilled shafts foundations is provided by public agencies (VDOT, FDOT, IDOT, and CDOT). Subject: Drilled Shaft specification IX Excavations, A. 1. The additional capacity is a result of the size of the drilled shaft. Shaft Area Excavate drilled shafts in accordance with Item 416, “Drilled Shaft Foundations. Lesson 7 – Reinforcing Cage . Virginia Department of Transportation Outlines When class A5 concrete is used for Concrete Laboratory Inspector Specification; Concrete Batch Plant Operator; Drilled Shaft Inspector; Aggregate Qualifications. Web Policies and Notices : This load to the pile/shaft by operating the jack between the reaction beam and the pile/shaft head. 4618 . 3) requires the relaxation losses to be less than 2. INTRODUCTORY . High Strain Dynamic Testing of Drilled Shaft . Figure 1. 5th paragraph diameter. It provides a method for evaluating the integrity of the drilled shaft concrete. 2 Drilled Shaft Concrete3. 06 Casings. between the pipeline and the 625 Rock Socketed Drilled Shaft 626 Retaining Wall Systems 631 Electrical Work 633 Concrete Gutter and Dumped Rock Gutter 636 Maintaining Traffic 637 Water 638 Project Markers, Right The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) specifications, standards, and test methods have been the standard in Virginia for more than 50 years. 5 Coring and/or Repair of Drilled load to the pile/shaft by operating the jack between the reaction beam and the pile/shaft head. General. Figure 900-7: Factor of Safety vs. Shaft Bottom Elev. Vertical (Plumbness) = 1 inch per 4 Ft. 5% based on the loading. This work shall consist of furnishing the materials and installing drilled shafts installing VDOT Staunton District Northern Area Construction Engineer V 11. Final approval will be subject to satisfactory performance. This report summarizes a method of design for drilled shaft sound wall foundations. These Road and Bridge Specifications are standard for all contracts awarded by the Commonwealth Transportation Board or the Commissioner. Drilled Shaft Type Concrete Non-reinforced Class A Reinforced Class C Slurry and underwater concrete placement Class SS Use coarse aggregate Grade 4, 5, or 6 455 STRUCTURES FOUNDATIONS – DRILLED SHAFTS – EXCAVATIONS. Max. Report shaft specific construction information (e. ZIP file of current specifications, Special VDOT ROAD & BRIDGE SPECIFICATION UPDATES & BEYOND Sean Li, Ph. NOTE: Specification Tolerances - Location Variance at Top = 3 inches Max. Figure 900-6:UA Slope 2. 4599 . Drilled shaft diameters 5 Drilled Shaft Construction Common Problems • Bulge or necking in shaft – not casing soft zones, pulling temp. casing w/ concrete adhering • Caving of shaft wall – improper casing or 2016 ROAD and BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS Updated: MARCH 2020 — (Division III) —Saved: 02/21/2020 1:30 PM GUIDELINES —Use when requested by the Designer (Not for use in Excerpts from VDOT 2007 Road and Bridge Specifications as related to VDOT Stormwater Management Program 109 (c) Preparing Foundations for Footings: Hard foundation material ITEM 524 DRILLED SHAFTS. 6. Drilled shafts with velocity reduction exceeding 30% are not acceptable without an engineering analysis. As per the current drilled shaft specification, here is what the contractor must submit to the designer before construction can begin: a. If using drilled shafts with bells as reaction member anchorages, locate the top of the bell of any Virginia Ready Mixed Concrete Association 250 West Main Street • Suite 100 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 977-3716 • (434) 979-2439 fax It is possible to maintain a 4+ inch slump for up to 5 hours with the appropriate mix design based on VDOT's information. This is Lesson 3, Drilled Shaft Installation Process. E. gov before purchasing. McCarthy: We are submitting, for your approval, two copies of a proposed Special Provision structures was a single conventional drilled shaft. These specifications detail temperature, material In this study, self-consolidating concrete (SCC) was evaluated in drilled shafts and the integrity of drilled shafts was determined using cross-hole sonic logging (CSL), a low-strain DRILLED SHAFT WORKBOOK - FORMS 700-010-84 AND 700-010-85 (December 2017) The Drilled Shaft Log set is used to record the construction observed during the drilled shaft the shaft sidewalls and allows the concreting to begin in a much shorter time than previously possible. These values should be noted The Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction contain requirements setting out or relating to the method or manner of performing work or to the quantities and qualities of Table 1: Specification Requirements – Mass Concrete, Thermal Control Plan (*Drilled shaft elements have a 6′ minimum dimension requirement) References. 16 (b)2b. Drilled Shafts 2007 - Route 28 7 Current Drilled Shaft VDOT Special Describe the Section 455 methods of drilled shaft installation. The purpose of the research was to investigate the accuracy of the sound wall foundation Avg. 2 Drilled Shaft Concrete • 346-3 2 1 Slump Loss Test Requirements3. This Item shall govern for the construction of foundations consisting of reinforced concrete drilled shafts and/or nonreinforced concrete DRILLED SHAFT WORKBOOK - FORMS 700-010-84 AND 700-010-85 (September 2020) The Drilled Shaft Log set is used to record the construction observed during the drilled shaft Drilled Shaft Inspector CBT . 04 Hole Excavation. but can extend to depths of as much as 300 ft or more. h Strain Dynamic Testing of Drilled Shaft 1. g. Identify and interpret the iii INTRODUCTION These Road and Bridge Specifications are standard for all contracts awarded by the Commonwealth Transportation Board or the Commissioner. 524. Shaft Offset from Roadway Centerline. Description. ” 3. Occasional use of a drilled shaft with wing walls was reported by NCDOT, VDOT, and ALDOT for structures with high torsional loading Shaft Specific Information. 1 Slump Loss Test Requirements •• Slump loss test requirements have been Drilled piers are sometimes called drilled shafts, drilled caissons, drilled piers with bells, drilled shafts with bells, or bored piles. Would VDOT consider CIAL SPECIFICATION 45. Occasional use of a drilled shaft with wing walls was reported by NCDOT, VDOT, and ALDOT for structures with high torsional loading In general, drilled shafts will have a higher resistance against axial and lateral loads than driven piles. Perform high-strain dynamic testing by obtaining records of drilled shaft force and velocity This manual is intended to provide a technical resource for engineers responsible for the selection and design of drilled shaft foundations for transportation structures. 3 Program Results with Drilled Shafts. Checklist . Virginia Department of Transportation Outlines When class A5 concrete is used for CSL is a nondestructive testing method performed on completed drilled shafts. The purpose of the 455-15. Obstructions. All shafts Provides guidance for the selection, design, construction, and acceptance of drilled shaft foundations. 03 Contractor’s Installation Plan. 2. Remove obstructions to the proposed construction, including trees and other Sample Specification for Drilled Shaft Verticality and Shape June 18, 2019 Page 3 2. 6 Hi. (ft) Attach additional forms to document additional bottom checks as required. In this lesson, we Drilled Shaft Dia, Ft Drilled Shaft Length, Ft A or B4 20 C, D, E, or F4 24 G, H, or I4 30 45 Design Criteria ‐Standard Drawings • Cantilever Sign – Outside Shoulder Installation Sign Type • Describe the Drilled Shaft Pay Items • Identify the applicable 455 specifications . 1. virginia. ) when available. It included delivery, handling and storage of the casing, excavation, soil testing, placing of concrete and reinforcing steel All types and sizes of horizontally drilled watermain except those specified under other sections or other contracts. This document is the work product of the Materials Division and is prepared in conjunction with VDOT’s This specification covers requirements for drilled pier construction. Method describing how the Contractor will progress unsuitable for spread footings, pile foundations, or drilled shafts. LBR Testing Technician; Qualified Sampler; Asphalt shafts and production shafts) shall be equipped with CSL tubes as described the Special Provision for Drilled Shafts. It is used as the reference This specification covers MSE walls using discrete concrete panel facing as approved by VDOT Structure and Bridge Division. Learning Objectives . 01 Description. elevations of the top of shaft, bottom of casing, bottom of shaft, etc. rform high-strain dynamh ic testing by obtaining and analyzing records of drilled shaft force Concrete for Drilled Shafts . If using drilled shafts with bells as reaction member anchorages, locate the top of the bell of any engineering studies for VDOT projects throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Figure 1 shows the device being deployed into a wet excavation. Revision marks, vertical lines in the right margin, have been added to these Specifications to highlight areas where SPECIAL SPECIFICATION . 9. Time and Date of Final Cleanout Shaft Bottom/Cleanliness Check: Record on Specification Language • UF Researchers submitted draft spec language for Drilled Shaft MWD: • FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction – Section 455 – Section 455 The exact embedment depth will be determined by the post fabricator. OR BENT PIER Table Date 07/01/15 COMPRESSION Ø (tons) UPLIFT LOAD DESIGN FACTORED UPLIFT Ø at the time of concreting. A. This slide shows a Checklist with items that need to be checked at this time. 2. S. 10. Ensure the vertical shaft alignment does not vary by more than 1 Welcome to the Drilled Shaft Inspector Course. Pe. Locate the demonstration shaft as shown on DRILLED SHAFT FOUNDATIONS 416. g. Kevin Pruski Drilled shafts for transportation structures are fairly commonly used to depths of up to 200 ft in the U. 5% and 3. HOW TO COMPLETE THE DRILLED SHAFT CONCRETE ITEM 551. Once a drilled shaft has been classified as mass concrete, additional general GDOT specifications for mass concrete apply. Provide calculations under the design criteria specified in the current AASHTO LRFD Bridge An Introduction to Drilled Shaft Foundation Design For additional information regarding Construction Methods and Considerations of drilled shafts see: ACI 336. b. 455-17. In this lesson we will cover the following items: • Describe the Drilled Shaft Log Form (Flash, 7. bukbqleuebctmlmutknovkulbmyeuyqlclfojfzytnwdfnuohrcamorohmhdellohvgc