Mojec prepaid meter showing failed how to fix online. Reasons Why your EEDC Prepaid Meter Maybe Showing Failed.
- Mojec prepaid meter showing failed how to fix online One of the major features that sets Mojec prepaid meters apart is tamper Learn to solve your "failed" display error in your prepaid meter CIU also called UIU. Insufficient Prepaid Units or Credit on Your Meter. Below is the simple process of activating it. If you are in possession of your MOJEC Follow these simple steps to activate your MOJEC Prepaid Meter: Choose the type of MOJEC Prepaid Meter that suits you and order it from your electricity distribution company. For UIUs without plug, please use strong batteries and ensure you are not too far away from where your prepaid meter is mounted (located). Please Also Read: MOJEC Prepaid Meter Codes: How to Troubleshoot! How to Get Tamper Code From PHED (Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Plc) To get a tamper code, call 070022557433, 09087838800, or 09087838801 to talk to a customer care agent who will give you a tamper code that you can input on your prepaid meter to regain access and power. Tamper Detection Technology. To do that, thoroughly review the numbers you entered to ensure that you didn’t omit or misplace any number. When your meter displays a failed message, the message only affects the functionality of the meter temporarily; hence, the meter returns to normalcy once the failed message is cleared. 1. Top 6 Mojec Prepaid Meter Problems in Nigeria and How to Fix; Categories. Why is Prepaid Meter not Supplying Light in Nigeria? There are many reasons why your prepaid meter is not supplying light; some of the reasons include but are not limited to: 1. Here are ways to recharge prepaid meters online: 1. Photo: @MOJECMeter on Facebook (modified by author) Source: UGC In order to avoid sudden power supply and efficiently manage your energy usage, it is important for you to know how to check Wasion prepaid meter balance; hence, we’ve designed this simple guide to show different measures that you can use to check your Wasion prepaid meter balance. See the following disadvantages of mojec prepaid How to Use Mojec Prepaid Meter Codes. Once the meter box is plugged in, enter your 20 digits recharge activation code. #NEPA#phcn A prepaid meter clear tamper code or tamper clearance code is a unique numeric sequence, usually a 20-digit number, provided by the electricity provider, which can be used to clear tamper mode on the meter. Mojec has different codes that perform different functions on their meter. We are going to discuss Below are some of the errors you might encounter on your prepaid meter: Error 6: This simply means you are either using the wrong key or that the meter has stopped working. How to Check Prepaid Meter Number Code. However, it is important to note that there are different meter brands under IBEDC, and each has its own unique codes. Before you will be able to recharge, you will have to configure your Smart Card at any OBEDC office or outlet. There are different ways that you can apply for prepaid meters—online and offline. How to check your meter balance: To check your meter balance, simply put in the code 009 then press enter. Once you get the reset tamper code, you can input it into your meter through the meter’s CIU, and the tamper mode will To check your balance on Mojec prepaid meter, all you have to do is click on “07” on the prepaid meter keypad, then enter the blue button. With mojec meter, a user is able to determine the level of its power or energy consumption; A user will be able to allocate its costs appropriately; Management of cash flow will be easily done by a consumer; Disadvantage. Some of these features are: 1. Meter balance: 009 Meter number: 100 Turn off alarm: 045 Last token you recharged: 203 Last date you recharged: 200. The display will show the remaining balance in units. Reasons Why your EEDC Prepaid Meter Maybe Showing Failed. Basics of Prepaid Meters This means that if you apply for a prepaid meter online, you are definitely going to get it in a few weeks, unlike before, when it may take months. They are licensed to distribute prepaid meters. To find out how many units you have left: Enter the code 009 on your CIU. Mojec has continually evolved its technology, resulting in the production of advanced prepaid meters, which has further fueled the interest of potential buyers. How to Check Mojec Prepaid Meter Number. Friday, May 03, in Nigeria, but one of the most common is MOJEC. Go through the subsections below to get the steps involved . MOJEC prepaid meter problems cannot be whipped away entirely because the meter is a machine that is not 100 % efficient. This code is always unique and you can only get it from your IBEDC Prepaid Meter Codes. Thank you, this was really helpful, I did mine and my token was accepted Before you will be able to retrieve your prepaid meter token from Opay, there are necessary details that you must provide. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The IBEDC prepaid meters codes are unique codes that are meter-specific and are used to perform a particular function on the meter. So, before you can check your meter number using a code, you will first of all know your meter brand to enable The following are the importance (advantages) of using mojec prepaid meter. The details are: Meter number; Payment details that you used to purchase the tokens; Account details; Address where the meter is located; Full name as it was when you registered your meter. We look forward to seeing your problems in the To recharge your Mojec prepaid meter, follow the simple steps below: Buy your electricity token from vendors, online platforms, or banks. So if you are about to get a Mojec prepaid meter or you are already gotten one. The process of recharging your prepaid meter online is quite simple, all you need to know is the required procedure and you are good to go. Here in this chapter, we will give you a step-by-step guide on how to install your MOJEC prepaid meter. There are many methods that you can use to check your Wasion . Error 10 – This error indicates a problem with The issues of Mojec prepaid meters showing failed can be resolved by entering your prepaid meter tokens correctly, power cycling the meter, etc. Put the meter number and enter (meter will display successful) Step 2: Confirm you have loaded your meter activation token (This is only applicable to meters Whenever your prepaid meter trips off, there are measures that you can adopt to get it fixed. How to activate your Mojec 1. One of the easiest and simplest ways to check your prepaid meter number is by using a code. With most electricity distribution companies preferring to use MOJEC prepaid meters, as a user, it is crucial to understand the MOJEC meter As an electricity consumer who uses a Mojec prepaid meter, it makes sense to know their codes so that you will be able to use them when the need arises. Enter the 20-digit token on your CIU Just like other electronic gadgets, your prepaid meter may show a failed message on its screen due to insufficient credit, technical malfunctions, an incorrect meter number, an Discover MOJEC meter codes and troubleshooting tips. Checking Your Meter Balance. How to Apply for Prepaid Meter. In this article, I will explain what MOJEC prepaid meters are. The online method requires you to apply for it through your electricity providers Make sure the control box is connected to a power source or an external battery is inserted into the prepaid meter to avoid power failure. 2. We are Please can someone help explain why the prepaid will be in negative charge when it finishes and have not been recharged. What is wrong Know the codes used by different companies and learn how to fix common issues on your prepaid meter. So, if your prepaid meter has been tripping off continuously, then you will need to go through this article to see how you can fix it. To retrieve or get your Mojec meter balance. Recharging Your Meter. why my meter showing failed. To solve it, call the company. Know the codes used by different companies and learn how to fix common issues on your prepaid meter. These codes can only perform one function at a time. To check unit balance of your prepaid meter. Causes of Prepaid Meter Tripping Off. Related Posts: IBEDC Prepaid Meter Upgrade; Ikeja Electric Prepaid Meter Upgrade: Easiest Method; Itron Prepaid Meter: Features, How it Works, ESCOM Token: Features, How it Works, How to Buy it, etc. Their meters are mostly used by the electricity disco centers. To top up your MOJEC #prepaidMetersNumber, #IKEDC, #EEDC, #IBEDC, #AEDC #Mojecmetercodes, #Lastrecharge #powerlinecommunicationThis video is to help a lot of energy consumers wh However, the good thing is that it is easy to clear tamper mode on the prepaid meter, and you can do that by covering your prepaid meter properly or by contacting your electricity providers and requesting a reset tamper code. Using Mojec prepaid meter codes is not difficult so long as you know the function that you want to carry out and the corresponding codes. To solve this, contact MOJEC customer care. Locate your Mojec However, if you don’t know how to reset your prepaid meter, it will be good if you take your time to go through this comprehensive guide and be rest assured that at the end, you will be able to reset your meter without needing anyone’s help. MOJEC meter codes are used to perform various tasks, such as checking balance and recharging tokens. To Match/Pair the meter, carryout the steps below, Mojec Meter=45xxxxxxxxx. Press Enter. Continue reading to learn more about the MOJEC prepaid meter codes and how to troubleshoot and fix any issues you may be having with the meter. Error 6 – A MOJEC prepaid meter showing failed may be due to either using the wrong key or the key associated with the meter having a problem. Whenever my unit finishes and my light goes off,I will recharge the prepaid but my light would never come on until light is taken and brought back. There are many reasons that may cause your prepaid meter to display a failed message on its screen. With this code, you can either recharge with the prepaid smart card or recharge your prepaid meter online. However, different prepaid meter brands have different codes that you can use to check its number. The IBEDC prepaid meter code is a 20-digit meter code that allows users to recharge prepaid meters. With most electricity distribution companies preferring to use MOJEC prepaid meters, as a user, it is crucial to understand the MOJEC meter codes, errors, and possible solutions. They have codes for checking meter balance, meter number, and the last token recharged, among others. You cannot have MOJEC prepaid meter problems if you have not installed your prepaid meter. One of the primary reasons why your prepaid meter may not be supplying light is due to insufficient prepaid In this video, I gave a step-by-step approach to fix the REJECT message that you get from your prepaid meter when you’re trying to top up your meter. After receiving your MOJEC Prepaid Meter, In this article, we’ve covered the electric prepaid meter activation process, codes in troubleshooting meters of different types alongside how to load tokens on a prepaid meter. There are different reasons why your prepaid meter may be tripping off. The code is designed to reset a prepaid meter whenever it enters tamper mode. The following codes will display the One of the measures that you can take to fix prepaid meter token rejection issues is to check if you entered the tokens correctly. Let’s take a look at some of the important MOJEC prepaid meter codes every Nigerian who has a MOJEC meter should know. I don't have light for two weeks now. . How to Retrieve Prepaid Meter CT Operated Prepayment Meter; Features of MOJEC Prepaid Meters. My annoyance is the negative charges I see when I want to recharge again while am not using Hexing Prepaid Meter Troubleshooting: Best Methods; Nyamezela Prepaid Meter Con Fail: Causes & How to Fix it; Itron Prepaid Meter: Features, How it Works, CIU-PH04 Prepaid Meter Failed: Causes & How to Fix it. Read also: Why is my prepaid meter not supplying light; Why You May Need to Reset your Prepaid Meter The demand for Mojec prepaid meters in Nigeria has seen a significant increase in recent years, driven by their impressive features and technological advancements. Firstly My mojec prepaid meter is said to be blank, and now show failed when I tried to load energy and or check my balance. As one of the most popular prepaid meter brands in Nigeria, Mojec prepaid meter has different special features that distinguish it from others. Mojec prepaid meter no longer accepts smart cards but STS prepayment instead. nasj ozkwx btwpwl jzvh vttj hyqrl knrtfz brjxud wkqph javoe