Robodk documentation example. Follow the next steps to load your sketch into RoboDK: 1.
Robodk documentation example This integration allows you to automatically load the robot machining program from your CAM project using a default setup. You can then make the robot move to this home target between each machining operation by right clicking the first program call instruction and selecting Add Instruction Program call instruction. This document shows an example of how to prepare a basic offline station in RoboDK for robot offline programming. You can also load any type of file supported by RoboDK or export your project using different formats or methods. Visit the CAM Add-Ins section of our documentation for more examples on robot machining projects, such as Mastercam, MecSoft/RhinoCAM, Inventor, FeatureCAM or Fusion360. In this section you will learn how to improve or customize the order of motion for each welding curve. Fill in the Robot IP, Robot port, and FTP user name and password fields if necessary. Simulink Example - RoboDK Documentation This section shows basic examples to generate robot simulations and programs directly from Autodesk Inventor using the RoboDK Add-In. This means the robot movements will be simulated in RoboDK. Load the Grasshopper example provided with the RoboDK plug-in (3dm file and gh file). Robot setup; Update selected To start the project, you will first have to select RoboDK’s polishing example in the default library. 8. In this example we assume we are using a KUKA KRC2 or KRC4 controller: 1. In RoboDK, adjust the position of the Machining Reference reference frame if needed. These examples are available with the default download. rdk. The RoboDK Library can help you easily find and download your robots, look for examples, install addins or learn more about how to configure your post processor to generate program for your controllers. Select the edges of the four big circles as shown in the image below. Setup - RoboDK Documentation Dispensing You can import the entire list of instructions with parameters or export all data using the import/export functions. In this example it is Oil Pan. Mat) for matrix operations to operate with pose transformations. You can also update all operations in bulk. However, if you are concerned about properly protecting your intellectual property, you should explore using other compilation methods such as Cython to create pyd or executable files from Python scripts. if you want to start the rotation of your polishing tool either during the path approach or at path start. In RoboDK we make sure we are using the correct tool and reference frame for the manufacturing operation before we generate the robot program. After models and welding paths are imported, the next step will be to create the corresponding Curve Follow Projects. Select the program you would like to generate for your robot by right-clicking on the program and selecting Generate robot program. You should first import the part and the welding paths from SolidWorks. You can also double click any sub program to simulate it. RoboDK’s machining project allows you to convert any generic 3 axis or 5 axis manufacturing operation to a robot simulation and a robot program. If you are using a gripper mechanism, it is required to add a TCP using “Add Tool (TCP)” that is at the expected position. In this example a Motoman robot with a cutting tool is simulated and programmed to machine a simple mold using the robot as a 3-axis machine. For example, we can move the robot by steps of 10 mm selecting the buttons on the right (+Tx, -Tx, …), or we can select Run Test Program to run a hexagonal movement around the current location of the robot. For example, for KUKA KRC4 select KUKA_KRC4. RoboDK Documentation: Example Welding Setup (in English). d-Polishing Canadian Canoe - KUKA. Introduction - RoboDK Documentation This example will show you how you can impose a speed limit of 500 mm/s and avoid using higher speeds when generating a program with RoboDK. In this example a Kawasaki RS007N robot is simulated and programmed for a robot liquid dispensing application using SolidWorks and RoboDK. This example shows how to load a sample RoboDK station (default setup) and follow a set of curves defined in SolidWorks with the robot. This example will show you how to use RoboDK for tank welding simulation. The RoboDK API is a set of routines and commands that RoboDK exposes to automate certain tasks within RoboDK Software. This version of RoboDK include the Point Utilities and Shape Add-In which This section shows how to create the spot welding points on the car frame to move the spot welding gun to. A library of robots is available online and you can access directly from RoboDK software. py from the C:/RoboDK/Library/Macros/ folder for a more complete example. Help menu: Allows opening the online documentation (F1), check for updates or set up a license. Item class (similar to Python’s Robolink. In the RoboDK plugin menu, select Load Curve(s). 0 recommended): HTC Vive Tracker 3 On Amazon . These examples were tested using Python 3 and might require some adjustments to work on Python 2. Introduction - RoboDK Documentation In this example, if we are using a KUKA KRC robot controller we’ll obtain SRC program files. Additional RoboDK API examples are included in the following folders: This section shows some examples in Python that use the RoboDK API. You should first load a robot and a spot welding gun as the robot tool. While the position of the tool (TCP) and the cutting axis is defined, you have an additional degree of freedom to define when you use a 6-axis robot arm. Locate the 5-axis cutting example fromRoboDK’s examples section: C:/RoboDK/Examples/ Plugin-Mastercam-5-Axis-Cutting. The welding gun is following the path as it is supposed to. Click the Explore button and select File Manager in the context menu. Select Load Project… and select Default Setup to load a sample RoboDK station (same sample project shown in the previous section). If you are running the application for the first time or your robot control system has never used RoboDK CNC, automatic configuration is required before starting. You can double click the Main Program to simulate the whole robot machining operation. 2. . You will learn how to transform a CNC program into a robot simulation and a robot program. RoboDK will start and load a sample Important: By compiling your scripts, you can easily obfuscate the source code of your application. RoboDK software integrates robot simulation and offline programming for industrial robots. Load the station: 1. In this example a KUKA robot is simulated and programmed for a robot sanding or polishing application using Inventor and RoboDK. Browsing the library - RoboDK Documentation This section shows how you can create a new cell RoboDK Documentation: Example Axis Robot Machining Select robot (in English). Select Utilities Model Mechanism or Robot. You should see the part loaded on the active reference frame (Machining Reference) on the jig of the RoboDK station. More information and examples on how to customize import of CSV or TXT files as curves or points is available in the examples section of the RoboDK API. Select File Open 2. For more information on this, see RoboDK driver for KUKA. Tip : You can manage your output activations related to the path in this menu Polish Path 1 Settings Program Events (i. Robot Polishing The following video tutorial shows how you can program a robot to follow a 5-axis toolpath for polishing complex surfaces using Solid Edge and RoboDK. 17. If you look at the image, it should show you how the base and top plate should be positioned. Once you have a valid simulation sequence for your spot welding application you can generate the program with just a few clicks. Item class API), and other tools for robotics such as a Matrix class (RoboDK. You should see the reference and the tool defined in the program the same way you defined them in RoboDK. RoboDK examples. C# programs can be generated offline using the same C# code used to simulate the robot (Offline Programming). The RoboDK plugin has another feature in Fusion 360 that will help you import your cutting path to RoboDK. This example will show you how you can use RoboDK for 5-axis robot machining using the Mastercam plugin. The RoboDK Library is library that offers a collection of robots, examples, tools, external axes, add-ins and post processors. This section shows how to customize the robot setup and the machining toolpath to successfully accomplish robot machining. RoboDK Documentation: Example Spot Welding Station components (in English). 7 and newer versions benefit from redesigned icons, which can be activated with Tools Option General Use modern icons. This example will show you how to use the RoboDK plugin for SolidWorks. RoboDK also offers dedicated post processors for some controllers to implement this strategy. Follow these steps to test this feature: Menu Name: Name of the entry in the main menu of RoboDK. This example shows how to create a 3-axis robot machining project using the FeatureCAM plugin. This example includes a table and 2 angle irons to show you how you can use RoboDK’s feature to improve your welding paths. Note: RoboDK provides a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) to simulate and program industrial robots. This example also shows how you can use the Fusion 360 plugin to generate toolpaths in RoboDK. The Tool Center Point (TCP) in RoboDK and in the controller must match. Most examples that integrate computer vision require some coding to get the full potential of computer vision algorithms. The File Manager can be invoked in two ways: by using the Connection to Robot window or directly from the Connection menu. The example includes a KUKA robot, a rotative polishing tool, the part (canoe) and a metallic stand on which the canoe rest. This project uses a KUKA robot synchronized with a linear rail and a two-axis turntable (9 synchronized axes). Deliver solutions for automated manufacturing, from robot machining applications to pick and place. You can choose between two different methods: One using the feature extraction method and one using the laser cutting features from Fusion 360. 7. 5. The node value is referenced to the Slide bar of simulation speed. Select the Show preferred tool path button to see the tool orientation that RoboDK will try to make the robot follow. RoboDK Documentation: Example Welding Positioner Model import (in English). 11. This section of the documentation provides an overview of typical operations when you use a Comau robot, such as generating programs from RoboDK and loading them in the Comau robot controller. Repository Link: For open-source Add-ins, a link to the GitHub repository or other public repository where the add-in is located. You can use the teach by demonstration features without a real robot. If you have a KUKA robot, you should see the KUKA KRC2 post processor selected by default. Select File-Open in RoboDK to load a specific example. Note: RoboDK includes over 80 post processors to support over 50 robot manufacturers. Optionally, existing curves of an object can be exported as a CSV file (right click a curve, then, select Export curve), modified and reimported back in RoboDK. Programming experience is not required to simulate and program robots using the GUI. RoboDK is a powerful and cost-effective simulator for industrial robots and robot programming. RoboDK 5. This documentation is based on the R-30iA Fanuc controller. In the RoboDK plugin tab, select RoboDK Update selected operations. Introduction - RoboDK Documentation Simulate any industrial robot with RoboDK. In this example a Motoman robot is simulated and programmed for a laser cutting application using Fusion 360 and RoboDK. RoboDK provides many utilities to simulate, develop and deploy computer vision systems. Select Load Project… 4. The RoboDK API is available for Python, C#, C++ and Matlab. The RoboDK API allows you to program any insdustrial robot from your preferred programming language. Simulate any industrial robot with RoboDK. This section will help you create a basic project in RoboDK for robot simulation and offline programming. Install the RoboDK CNC add-in. This example is a simple 3 axis machining operation, and the default settings give us a valid result. User Interface. This should be compatible with KUKA KRC4 controllers as well. Hold the Alt key and move the reference with its arrows using the cursor to reposition the part in front of the robot. Select the RoboDK tab and select RoboDK – Robot setup. In RoboDK, select Update and Simulate in the Robot Machining Project This example will show you how you can add OPC-UA Client connectivity to RoboDK. One HTC Vive Tracker (any version supported, 3. This section includes useful references related to post processors. You should use RoboDK v5. Select 1 rotative axis. Once we have the robot toolpath ready in RoboDK we should make sure the virtual robot cell matches the real setup. The table below provides an overview of the main icons and their new design. In the simulation, the robot is moved along a set of XYZ coordinates generated arbitrarily. RoboDK Documentation: search (in English). In this example it is necessary to readjust the order. This example shows how to use the RoboDK plug-in for Grasshopper by dividing a surface as a grid of points and following them with a robot for a drilling operation in RoboDK: 1. This example will help you create a project in RoboDK for robot simulation and offline programming. You’ll see a window with the robots, tools and examples available in the library. Select File Open to load one of the RoboDK station examples provided by default (RDK files). Follow the next steps to load your sketch into RoboDK: 1. Introduction - RoboDK Documentation This section shows how you can create a new cell RoboDK Documentation: Example 5 Axis Robot Machining Select robot (in English). This section shows how you can create a collision-free path between 2 points inside the car frame. This example includes a tank sample model and a robotic cell with an ABB welding robot paired with a single-axis positioner. Simulation Speed is a node that shows the actual Simulation Speed and allows the user to overwrite the current Simulation Speed. Select Default Setup. 3. BobCAD-CAM Introduction; BobCAD-CAM Install; Toolbar. Load the machining job file in RoboDK and RoboDK should automatically create one robot machining project for each machining operation. RoboDK Documentation: Post Processors Reference (in English). The station files for each of these examples can be accessed through File->Open, then, select the appropriate example in the default library folder. Connect to the remote robot control system with the C3 Bridge Interface Server running. Make sure that your sketch is visible as shown in the image below to be able to select it with RoboDK’s plugin. cs source file that contains the RoboDK class (similar to Python’s Robolink class), the RoboDK. Blender is a free and open-source 3D animation and rendering software. The File menu of RoboDK allows you to open and save RoboDK projects. Hold the Alt key to grab the robot tool and grab the blue round arrow rotate around the Z axis of the tool. However, you can load any generic 5-axis toolpath in RoboDK such as APT, NC or G-code files. In this example the value will be 0,5mm. An APT file is used to load the toolpath in RoboDK and automatically sent using a custom BAT file. The C3 Bridge Interface Server must be installed in the KUKA robot control system. This section shows how you can export a machining job from Mecsoft RhinoCAM software to RoboDK. This section of the documentation provides an overview of typical operations using a Fanuc robot to prepare a new program in RoboDK and transfer it to the robot. One You should first import the part and the welding paths from SolidWorks. Redo the same for the other side of the oil pan. Machining program in RhinoCAM - RoboDK Documentation Double click the 3 bladed Propeller Settings from the RoboDK tree to open more options and customize the toolpath followed by the robot. Also, when you press F1, RoboDK displays the Help topic related to the item currently selected. This means you can simulate and program your robot offline only with your measurement system before you have access to the real robot. In the case of a rotative axis, the mechanism will rotate around the Z axis of Fb (Frame Base) This example will help you create a simple 3 axis machining project in RoboDK using the Mastercam plugin. To add a spot-welding gun with a movable clamping part, the corresponding TCP should be defined, and the mechanism should be attached separately. RoboDK includes an OPC-UA add-in that allows you to add OPC UA compatibility to your RoboDK projects. Follow the next steps to load your part into RoboDK: 1. You can optionally provide the object name as a component input (O). Select Program Add/Edit Post Processor. 4 or later to properly create the spot welding example. The palletizing wizard requires you to provide a subprogram to pick a new box and a program to drop the box. Install the RoboDK CNC add-in; RoboDK CNC User Interface; Workflow Example; IO Monitor Plugin. RoboDK allows you to simulate 2D and 3D cameras to develop and train your computer vision algorithms. e. RoboDK Plugin for FeatureCAM Basic Guide. In this example, a UR robot is simulated and programmed for a robot painting application. Robot setup; Update selected Load the machining job file in RoboDK and RoboDK should automatically create one robot machining project for each machining operation. Learn more about example projects in the examples section. This section shows a sample program of a Beckhoff TwinCAT PLC that communicates with RoboDK OPC UA server. You will learn how to transform a 2D sketch from SolidWorks into a real robot program in less than 15 minutes. Tip: Follow this guide to learn how to create a robot station step by step in RoboDK . If you already have RoboDK with the Add-In Manager plugin installed, the only action you need to do is to install the add-in from RoboDK Online Library. Introduction - RoboDK Documentation This section provides some examples to integrate computer vision with your manufacturing process. This example shows how to use an KUKA robot for polishing. Examples - RoboDK Documentation RoboDK Add-In for Fusion 360 This section shows basic examples to generate robot simulations and programs directly from Siemens Solid Edge using the RoboDK Add-In. The RoboDK Library can help you easily find and download your robots, look for examples, install addins or learn more about how to configure your post processor to generate program for your controllers. Go back to Fusion 360. As an example, the following image shows the errors before point 6 was deleted by selecting the Remove p6 button. We recommend you create those first. ). Locate the Laser-Cutting example from RoboDK’s examples section: C:/RoboDK/Examples/ Plugin-Fusion-360-Laser-Cutting. Throughout all RoboDK documentation, clicks on the screen are represented by the following This section shows how to customize the robot setup and the machining toolpath to successfully accomplish robot machining. This example will help you understand how you can configure robot machining settings in RoboDK and how to convert a 5-axis robot machining job to a robot machining simulation and robot program. You can find the example in the RoboDK API examples section: Most RoboDK examples and documentation are based on Python programs. Opening IO Monitor; IO Monitor Edit tab; Blender Export Add-in; Plugins for CAD/CAM . Select the RoboDK tab and select Settings. With the RoboDK plug-in for Onshape you can easily load 3D models created in the Onshape environment to RoboDK. Generate robot programs for any robot controller directly from your PC. RoboDK station The next step is to verify if the order in which the path sections will be executed is correct by selecting Oil Pan Settings Update Simulate . Define a Reference Frame. The examples explained in this section are available with the default RoboDK download. The following list of hardware components allow you to build a custom probe to be used with RoboDK TwinTrack. New Station will add a new station in the tree. RoboDK CNC. A Simulink project is available as an example. Close the window when the measurements are completed, and the Measurements reference frame will be updated with respect to the robot base frame. Additional RoboDK API examples are included in the following folders: You can get the estimate of the position of an object (2D pose) by using a simulated camera in RoboDK. Select your post processor. You can export your RoboDK simulation to Blender to create photorealistic images and animations. Grasshopper Example. Select Load Part. Select Check for Updates… to check if an update is available. Naviguer vers la section Inventor dans le dossier d’installation de RoboDK: C:\RoboDK\Other\Plugin-Inventor\Examples This section shows how you can create a new cell RoboDK Documentation: Example Axis Robot Machining Select robot (in English). RoboDK supports all Fanuc robot controllers since RJ2, including RJ3, R-30iA and R-30iB. For example, you can select Show preferred tool path to see and modify the default orientation of the tool with respect to the part. Enter the Object Name you want in RoboDK. This example uses the Kawasaki RS007N robot, a dispensing tool, the part, an oil pan and the jig to hold the part in place. Having a suitable size for reference frames helps grabbing the right coordinate systems, targets, tools or robots and move them to the desired location. In this example the goal is to trim the excess material around a car hood using a Fanuc robot with a cutting tool mounted on a spindle. This section shows some examples in Python that use the RoboDK API. Robot Polishing The following video tutorial shows how you can create a 5-axis toolpath for polishing complex surfaces. In this example you’ll learn how to enable the OPC UA addin and convert RoboDK into an OPC UA server. In Mold Settings, make sure that you select the correct robot, reference frame and tool. Additional RoboDK API examples are included in the following folders: This example will help you create a simple 3 axis machining project in RoboDK using the Mastercam plugin. Let's assume that you need to spot-weld the front and rear part of the car frame. You should first import the part and the welding paths from Fusion360. The RoboDK Online Library is directly accessible from RoboDK for Web when clicking on the Open online library icon. RoboDK Documentation: Robot Machining Polishing (in English). Select OK Most machining or manufacturing operation involve a 5 axis constrain. Sample output: Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage c3bridge. Visible: Uncheck this checkbox to prevent the menu from being displayed in the main menu of RoboDK. We’ll browse some settings by using UaExpert software and Beckhoff TwinCAT3 TF6100. Installing RoboDK In this example a Motoman robot is simulated and programmed for a laser cutting application using Fusion 360 and RoboDK. One Once you have a path you can double check if there are any collisions and make sure you properly defined your collision map. Alternatively, drag & drop a file to the RoboDK main screen to load it. Pour ouvrir la pièce. You will learn how to generate a real robot path on a curved surface by creating a 3D sketch in Inventor and importing it to RoboDK. Machining program in RhinoCAM - RoboDK Documentation The RoboDK add-in for Onshape allows you to combine Onshape 3D CAD/CAM modeling features with RoboDK for robot simulation robot machining and offline programming. Parent Menu: Select the main menu item for which the App child menu will be created or select Main to create a new main menu item. Tip: In this example we exported the file from Mecsoft RhinoCAM, we also have the option to send the machining program to RoboDK directly using the APT file to a RoboDK BAT file and automatically create the setup in RoboDK. The following examples show some basic usage of RoboDK. Also, more examples of online programming using the Python API and the C# API are available in the RoboDK API section. Tip: Select the macro SampleOnlineProgramming. RoboDK Add-Ins for CAD/CAM Software; RoboDK Plugin for BobCAD-CAM. Documentation Link: Link to the documentation of your Add-in. Most of these examples can be easily ported to other programming languages (such as C#, C++, . This example shows how you can simulate and program a robot arm for a robot painting application. 1. Net or Matlab). The File Manager will automatically determine which protocol to use based on the driver’s name. A Reference Frame defines the position of an object with respect to a robot (position and orientation). Note that the reference frame called “Part” in the middle of the table is where the part will be imported. This example will help you create a simple 3 axis machining project in RoboDK using the Mastercam plugin. Now you will need to give RoboDK an orientation for the The RoboDK API for C# is a RoboDK. Create the new Curve Follow Project (Utilities->Curve Follow Project). Welding with Positionner - RoboDK Documentation Selecting help in RoboDK opens this documentation online. RoboDK will start and load a sample Trajectory planning. This section shows basic examples combining Autodesk Fusion 360 projects with RoboDK for robot simulation and offline programming purposes. File Menu. If you didn’t select any reference frame, you can add a reference (select Program Add Reference Frame) and place it under the robot base reference (Drag & Drop in the item tree). Select Curves in the open menu. Choose a suitable postprocessor and check the generated program with welding commands: Trajectory planning. 10. You can also specify a project in the component options so that the desired RoboDK project is used with each component. RoboDK Documentation: Example Pick and Place Plugin (in English). Load the 3 bladed Propellers example in SolidWorks. The robot machining project allows you to control how the robot behaves along the machining toolpath. This section shows how to export a machining program from Mecsoft RhinoCAM software to RoboDK. Robot Welding - RoboDK Documentation Naviguer vers l’exemple de polissage dans la section d’exemples de RoboDK: C:\RoboDK\Library\Example-03. 4. Propeller Example. The new tool TCP should match the gripper mechanism TCP. This example shows how to create a 5-axis robot machining project for sculpting using RhinoCAM and RoboDK. This getting started guide will help you create a simple project in RoboDK for robot simulation and offline programming. Point Follow Project This example will help you understand the basics of robot machining in RoboDK and how to convert a 3-axis robot machining job to a robot machining simulation and robot program. This section shows how you can animate the movement of the spot welding gun and create the tool center point (TCP). OPC UA Server Example - RoboDK Documentation 5. The following examples show some basic usage of RoboDK for Simulation and Offline Programming. exe 1840 Console 1 5,912 K This section helps you create the spot welding sequence split in a main program and sub programs to keep the simulation and generated programs organized. Introduction - RoboDK Documentation When you invoke File Manager, you get a window like this on your screen: RoboDK Documentation: File Manager Using File Manager (in English). You can select Update to see if RoboDK can find a feasible path using the default settings. The vehicle frame has a force beam that prevents easy access from the front to the rear, you need to create two approach targets that allow passing inside the frame. Once the robot machining path has been imported in RoboDK you should see the robot machining toolpath attached to the mold reference of your RoboDK station.
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{"Title":"100 Most popular rock
bands","Description":"","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Alice in Chains โ
","ABBA ๐","REO Speedwagon ๐","Rush ๐จ","Chicago ๐","The Offspring
๐ด","AC/DC โก๏ธ","Creedence Clearwater Revival ๐ฆ","Queen ๐","Mumford
& Sons ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฆ","Pink Floyd ๐","Blink-182 ๐","Five
Finger Death Punch ๐","Marilyn Manson ๐ฅ","Santana ๐
","Heart โค๏ธ
","The Doors ๐ช","System of a Down ๐","U2 ๐ง","Evanescence ๐","The
Cars ๐","Van Halen ๐","Arctic Monkeys ๐ต","Panic! at the Disco ๐บ
","Aerosmith ๐","Linkin Park ๐","Deep Purple ๐","Kings of Leon
๐คด","Styx ๐ช","Genesis ๐ต","Electric Light Orchestra ๐ก","Avenged
Sevenfold 7๏ธโฃ","Guns N’ Roses ๐น ","3 Doors Down ๐ฅ","Steve
Miller Band ๐น","Goo Goo Dolls ๐","Coldplay โ๏ธ","Korn ๐ฝ","No Doubt
๐คจ","Nickleback ๐ช","Maroon 5 5๏ธโฃ","Foreigner ๐คทโ๏ธ","Foo Fighters
๐คบ","Paramore ๐ช","Eagles ๐ฆ
","Def Leppard ๐ฆ","Slipknot ๐บ","Journey
๐ค","The Who โ","Fall Out Boy ๐ฆ ","Limp Bizkit ๐","OneRepublic
1๏ธโฃ","Huey Lewis & the News ๐ฐ","Fleetwood Mac ๐ชต","Steely Dan
โฉ","Disturbed ๐ง ","Green Day ๐","Dave Matthews Band ๐ถ","The Kinks
๐ฟ","Three Days Grace 3๏ธโฃ","Grateful Dead โ ๏ธ ","The Smashing Pumpkins
๐","Bon Jovi โญ๏ธ","The Rolling Stones ๐ชจ","Boston ๐","Toto
๐","Nirvana ๐ญ","Alice Cooper ๐ง","The Killers ๐ช","Pearl Jam ๐ชฉ","The
Beach Boys ๐","Red Hot Chili Peppers ๐ถ ","Dire Straights
↔๏ธ","Radiohead ๐ป","Kiss ๐ ","ZZ Top ๐","Rage Against the
Machine ๐ค","Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band ๐","Creed
๐","Black Sabbath ๐ค",". ๐ผ","INXS ๐บ","The Cranberries ๐","Muse
๐ญ","The Fray ๐ผ","Gorillaz ๐ฆ","Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
๐","Scorpions ๐ฆ ","Oasis ๐","The Police ๐ฎโ๏ธ ","The Cure
โค๏ธ๐ฉน","Metallica ๐ธ","Matchbox Twenty ๐ฆ","The Script ๐","The
Beatles ๐ชฒ","Iron Maiden โ๏ธ","Lynyrd Skynyrd ๐ค","The Doobie Brothers
๐โ๏ธ","Led Zeppelin โ๏ธ","Depeche Mode